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PewDiePie defends Polish politician who believes women are less intelligent than men

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Unconfirmed Member
It absolutely does make sense: immigrants arent the problem to these people, it's non-European immigrants that they despise.

Theres something important to note here: male IQ varies far more than female IQ, the bell-curve is much more spread out, so there are more men at the extreme end of the spectrum. Thus the average man and woman don't actually differ from each other significantly in terms of IQ.
American SATs are a good demonstrator of this:

Note that more men do worse than women and more men do better than women, which essentially balances the average.
That's not what your graphic shows. It shows fewer men in the low grades, more men in the high grades.

What you describe would look something like this:
He is a nice guy who maybe we disagree with, but doesn’t seem to hold any offensive opinions or viewpoints. That had a pretty damn shitty life that makes him inclined to try and be friendly to everyone and hates conflict.

There is nothing to hate there.
He's admitted that he sticks in the middle lane because otherwise his revenue could be in trouble and Youtube is his only source of income.


Not at all implying I can explain the greater details of what fields different gendered people go into or what their decisionmaking process is, but this study is pretty narrow. Not only is the study limited to a very narrow group (30 - 39 year olds), but it doesn't specify the specific educations chosen. You can have a higher level of education than someone else, but if it's in a field where there's not a lot of jobs or perhaps where they look more for experience than academic prowess, then it might not matter at all. Like I said, I'm not so much trying to enter the complex debate of the career choices women make as much as I'm trying to point out that you can't really extrapolate a whole lot from this study other than the fact that 30 - 39 year old women are good at getting educated.


That's not what your graphic shows. It shows fewer men in the low grades, more men in the high grades.

What you describe would look something like this:

huh, that's interesting, is this scientifically accepted on a broad level? never heard of that


Unconfirmed Member
huh, that's interesting, is this scientifically accepted on a broad level? never heard of that
I just found a random graphic online, because that post didn't make sense. I think that is generally accepted sience, but don't use that graphic as evidence please lol
Piers Morgan seems like a real shitbag.

I don't follow peewds, but Im siding with him here.

Studies shows men have higher IQ than women, nothing controversial here. Science.

Women choose less well payed jobs than men, studies shows this too. In Sweden, where I live, the education is payed by the state (us taxpayers). And to be honest there's no real hindrance for women to seek and study the same thing as men. BUT THEY DON'T!

Is it the womens fault for this? Or who do we blame? Biology? Nurture? Pewdiepie? Capitalism? Socialism? Feminists? Alt-right?

Hopefully with DNA-modifying we can erase all the biologic difference between men and women and become one.

but to answer your question we should blame the society that crams ideas about what women should and shouldn't do down everyone's throats from the moment they pop out the womb


Unconfirmed Member
This entire thread is confusing to me, right down to the title.

OP even bolded the words PDP said sarcastically right before these words he said sincerely were unbolded:

He concluded: ”If you're a female watching this, I want you to know that you are not what the media or politicians or people on Twitter try to tell you... or even what I am [trying to tell you]. You're not weak, you are not less privileged, you are strong. I think it's a real unhealthy way of looking at things. What happened to ‘I am a woman hear me roar?' It's become ‘I am a woman, I earn less than men'"

Unless I am missing something here he is being encouraging and is sad at how this Polish politician(and others) views women. Either I am missing some huge context that makes the above quote invalid, or OP just trolled a bunch of people by typing the thread title as what it currently is and bolding very specific text to make PDP seem like the bad guy in this situation.
i don't hate boogie, but i do see him as the face of so many centrists/liberal "allies"/etc. every stance - from a legitimate minority struggle across generations, to an asshole YT dedicated to white privilege on display - is treated equally, and surely the truth lies somewhere between these crazy stances. it's a happy face to the death of context & critical thinking, much less empathy.
He is absolutely not a nice guy and is largely an opportunist piece of shit who makes videos about his garbage views because he knows it will get him money which is all he cares about. He's a dirty little worm who helps in spreading hate and intolerance wherever he can understand the guise of being "a nice guy'. Fuck that asshole.


This entire thread is confusing to me, right down to the title.

OP even bolded the words PDP said sarcastically right before these words he said sincerely were unbolded:

Unless I am missing something here he is being encouraging and is sad at how this Polish politician(and others) views women. Either I am missing some huge context that makes the above quote invalid, or OP just trolled a bunch of people by typing the thread title as what it currently is and bolding very specific text to make PDP seem like the bad guy in this situation.

It comes across as him saying that women are the reason the wage gap exists. "If you worked harder/really fought then everyone would be equal. Stop acting like the victim."


Unconfirmed Member
thank u, white cis straight rich dude

Take a second to step back from gender/race labels here. The unfortunate fact is that regardless of what he is, there are teenagers and kids(girls and boys alike) who look up to this guy and learn from him. If he is saying what you quoted and trying to be encouraging to his female audience then isn't that a good thing?

It comes across as him saying that women are the reason the wage gap exists. "If you worked harder/really fought then everyone would be equal. Stop acting like the victim."

Once again, that's not what I'm getting out of this(And I'm not sure if people are spinning his words to make it seem like a negative). He is saying that women are stronger and better than this and they shouldn't have to put up with this kind of crap, which to that I agree.
Take a second to step back from gender/race labels here. The unfortunate fact is that regardless of what he is, there are teenagers and kids(girls and boys alike) who look up to this guy and learn from him. If he is saying what you quoted and trying to be encouraging to his female audience then isn't that a good thing?
It is a very unfortunate fact. But it isn't encouraging at all to tell women that they are actually treated like equals when they are not, in the same way it isn't helpful to tell a trans person that they are equal and just need to act like it while in many states they can still be fired for being trans.

Women are less privileged and hold a hell of a lot less power over society than men, those facts are indisputable. Look at the amount of female world leaders, look at the amount of women on Forbes lists, look at how women taking over a male-dominated field causes the pay to drop, then tell me that women don't have less privilege than men.


I gotta agree with PewdiePie for once. The wage gap is completely bullshit. That study that sparked the whole thing was so skewed that if you look at it, it makes no sense. They took the wage of every women doing ANY job and compared it to men doing ANY job. That's like comparing the CEO of a company to the office worker and saying there's a wage gap. Not taking into account that more women are stay at home moms and that there are many hard labor jobs that are simply dominated by men because most women don't or can't put up with those jobs. There simply is a major physical difference between women and men that gives men an advantage when it comes to strength and hard labor.

But saying women are less intelligent that's completely bullshit and I wish PewdiePie made a distinction there.


Unconfirmed Member
It is a very unfortunate fact. But it isn't encouraging at all to tell women that they are actually treated like equals when they are not, in the same way it isn't helpful to tell a trans person that they are equal and just need to act like it while in many states they can still be fired for being trans.

This feels like semantics when the overall message is supposed to be positive. What could he have worded better? And why put this on him?
This feels like semantics when the overall message is supposed to be positive. What could he have worded better? And why put this on him?
It's not semantics at all, and he could've worded it better by not saying that women aren't less privileged than men from his incredibly privileged point of view.

Why is he even making a video explaining a random far right polish politicians' sexist remarks anyway?


This feels like semantics when the overall message is supposed to be positive. What could he have worded better? And why put this on him?

he could encourage them to fight for equality instead of accepting it, and that includes the wage gap he called a myth
Is there any reason why he did it now ? The whole affair with the politician being grilled for his stupidity happened few months ago.

And for context JKM used to be ultra libertarian but he moved full alt-right in the last elections with rumors circulating that his party is receiving Russian funds.
Is there any reason why he did it now ? The whole affair with the politician being grilled for his stupidity happened few months ago.

And for context JKM used to be ultra libertarian but he moved full alt-right in the last elections with rumors circulating that his party is receiving Russian funds.


He's an ignorant white guy on YouTube, i.e. the kind that likes to pretend their an expert on stuff when they're just a dumb comedian who never stops shutting the fuck up about women and minorities because it gets other white guys to watch their stupid fucking channel and then they all jerk each other off.


This entire thread is confusing to me, right down to the title.

OP even bolded the words PDP said sarcastically right before these words he said sincerely were unbolded:

Unless I am missing something here he is being encouraging and is sad at how this Polish politician(and others) views women. Either I am missing some huge context that makes the above quote invalid, or OP just trolled a bunch of people by typing the thread title as what it currently is and bolding very specific text to make PDP seem like the bad guy in this situation.

"You are not less privileged".

Maybe it is different where the politician is from, but in America it is certainly not the case. "You're equal, get over it" is how I interpret what you quoted and I think any woman should. It's a tired argument, the same thing that racists use to defend their point about how Blacks need to just shut up already because racism is over and it's THEM that is the problem.
Piers Morgan seems like a real shitbag.

I don't follow peewds, but Im siding with him here.

Studies shows men have higher IQ than women, nothing controversial here. Science.

Women choose less well payed jobs than men, studies shows this too. In Sweden, where I live, the education is payed by the state (us taxpayers). And to be honest there's no real hindrance for women to seek and study the same thing as men. BUT THEY DON'T!

Is it the womens fault for this? Or who do we blame? Biology? Nurture? Pewdiepie? Capitalism? Socialism? Feminists? Alt-right?

Hopefully with DNA-modifying we can erase all the biologic difference between men and women and become one.
I think nurture, or male-dominant culture itself is definitely worth pointing the finger at, and it's a much better cause than putting one's arms up and proclaiming nothing can be done because science. Most studies I read seem to indicate that intellectually led fields don't show any variation in performance differences between men and women, and that there being a smaller percentage of women in such fields is more a result of culture itself designating certain roles to gender than any natural inclination. So I feel that's where we best put our efforts, stop designating certain social roles to gender and start marketing an even playing field for future generations, and if we reach a point where we are on an equal playing field and there are still statistical differences in participation between genders, then that's when we start looking at possible natural inclinations. But until then, I say we focus on the male dominated culture that we still very much inhabit.


huh, that's interesting, is this scientifically accepted on a broad level? never heard of that

Distributions of chess ratings show something similar. The debate is whether the shift is rooted in social factors or a true difference between genders. There are many academic studies with conclusions on both sides.

In any case these distribution shifts are so slight that they really only are evident at the highest level of outliers.

L Thammy

This feels like semantics when the overall message is supposed to be positive. What could he have worded better? And why put this on him?

Whether it's meant to be positive or not, "you're obviously not trying hard enough so stop complaining" is a pretty ghastly message. That's not semantics, that's the core idea that he was trying to get across.


I really can't defend him anymore. I have been an apologist for his recent shenanigans but if he keep doing this, then there is a pattern forming and he isn't as good guy I thought he was.

I enjoyed his stuff in the past, but bye now idiot
This sort of behavior, encouraging / threatening / suggesting violence based on physical appearance, is reprehensible and hurts the very side you would seek to defend.

Police beat up black people because of their physical appearance. We shouldn't be like that, no matter how unfair and fucked up the world is.

Please don't ever compare pew pew die to my people under any circumstances. Thanks fam.


Unconfirmed Member
It's not semantics at all, and he could've worded it better by not saying that women aren't less privileged than men from his incredibly privileged point of view.

Why is he even making a video explaining a random far right polish politicians' sexist remarks anyway?

I honestly don't know why but he has been sticking his nose into controversial topics lately and coming out on the other end slandered from media as the asshole and villain, when in the context of his words and video it's almost completely different. This is the third time this has happened and the third time I'm confused because what people are saying about him and the actual content in his video just doesn't add up.

He could have worded it better yes, but you are basically saying a person who is trying to say a positive message is invalidated because he just so happens to be in a privileged position and it doesn't align with the correct message one should have said. You have to see how this seems a little nitpicky in a way?

he could encourage them to fight for equality instead of accepting it, and that includes the wage gap he called a myth

He could have added this onto his statement as well, but once again does this invalidate his original message of positivity? If anything I felt he held back some words possibly because he knew they'd be spun into a negative somehow.

It's like I'm seeing these statements like this:

"Hey, have a good day man and spend your money well"

"You didn't say have a great day and you didn't say how to spend your money in the correct manner, fuck you"

and I'm sitting here on the sidelines thinking 'wtf?'

"You are not less privileged".

Maybe it is different where the politician is from, but in America it is certainly not the case. "You're equal, get over it" is how I interpret what you quoted and I think any woman should. It's a tired argument, the same thing that racists use to defend their point about how Blacks need to just shut up already because racism is over and it's THEM that is the problem.

But why interpret things this way when that is literally not what he said?
I really can't defend him anymore. I have been an apologist for his recent shenanigans but if he keep doing this, then there is a pattern forming and he isn't as good guy I thought he was.

I enjoyed his stuff in the past, but bye now idiot
This unfortunately seems to be the path for many of these people. When called out on something, instead of listening to why people are upset they just double down and end up descending further into the behaviour that got them in trouble in the first place.
It's like I'm seeing these statements like this:

"Hey, have a good day man and spend your money well"

"You didn't say have a great day and you didn't say how to spend your money in the correct manner, fuck you"

and I'm sitting here on the sidelines thinking 'wtf?'
Because his statement wasn't positive. It was "stop complaining you are already equal so just work harder," which is a lie.


He could have added this onto his statement as well, but once again does this invalidate his original message of positivity? If anything I felt he held back some words possibly because he knew they'd be spun into a negative somehow.

It's like I'm seeing these statements like this:

"Hey, have a good day man and spend your money well"

"You didn't say have a great day and you didn't say how to spend your money in the correct manner, fuck you"

and I'm sitting here on the sidelines thinking 'wtf?'

I think it's not a positive message at all, what he is basically saying is shut up and just try to feel good about yourself


Unconfirmed Member
Because his statement wasn't positive. It was "stop complaining you are already equal so just work harder," which is a lie.

I think it's not a positive message at all, what he is basically saying is shut up and just try to feel good about yourself

But that literally did not come out of his mouth. And why would it? This is where the disconnect is between us. Why are people interpreting what he is saying this way?
But that literally did not come out of his mouth. And why would it? This is where the disconnect is between us. Why are people interpreting what he is saying this way?
“If you’re a female watching this, I want you to know that you are not what the media or politicians or people on Twitter try to tell you… or even what I am [trying to tell you]. You’re not weak, you are not less privileged, you are strong. I think it’s a real unhealthy way of looking at things. What happened to ‘I am a woman hear me roar?’ It’s become ‘I am a woman, I earn less than men.'”
Are you saying he didn't say this?

L Thammy

But that literally did not come out of his mouth. And why would it? This is where the disconnect is between us. Why are people interpreting what he is saying this way?

"you are not less privileged, you are strong. I think it's a real unhealthy way of looking at things. What happened to ‘I am a woman hear me roar?' It's become ‘I am a woman, I earn less than men'"

This is what he said. This is not encouragement, as much as he's trying to frame it as such. He's saying that women don't actually have barriers and aren't trying hard enough.
He outright said that women are not less privileged while admonishing them of complaining about the problems they face. This is not ambiguous.


I honestly don't know why but he has been sticking his nose into controversial topics lately and coming out on the other end slandered from media as the asshole and villain, when in the context of his words and video it's almost completely different. This is the third time this has happened and the third time I'm confused because what people are saying about him and the actual content in his video just doesn't add up.

He could have worded it better yes, but you are basically saying a person who is trying to say a positive message is invalidated because he just so happens to be in a privileged position and it doesn't align with the correct message one should have said. You have to see how this seems a little nitpicky in a way?

He could have added this onto his statement as well, but once again does this invalidate his original message of positivity? If anything I felt he held back some words possibly because he knew they'd be spun into a negative somehow.

It's like I'm seeing these statements like this:

"Hey, have a good day man and spend your money well"

"You didn't say have a great day and you didn't say how to spend your money in the correct manner, fuck you"

and I'm sitting here on the sidelines thinking 'wtf?'

But why interpret things this way when that is literally not what he said?

I mean that's literally what he said. Also your argument that just because somebody is trying to give a positive message means we shouldn't fault them, is a flawed one. I'm sure the people that tell women to find a rich husband and stay at home raising some kids instead of pursuing college or their dreams have the best intentions too. A "positive" message can certainly be a harmful one especially to impressionable children.
"you are not less privileged, you are strong. I think it’s a real unhealthy way of looking at things. What happened to ‘I am a woman hear me roar?’ It’s become ‘I am a woman, I earn less than men'"

This is what he said. This is not encouragement, as much as he's trying to frame it as such. He's saying that women don't actually have barriers and aren't trying hard enough.
He outright said that women are not less privileged while accusing them of complaining about the problems they face. This is not ambiguous.

So telling a young impressionable girl that might follow PDP that she is less privileged in a society that renders her inferior, and that no matter how hard she tries her life may still suck is what you recommend? lol. You're removing her agency completely.
I gotta agree with PewdiePie for once. The wage gap is completely bullshit. That study that sparked the whole thing was so skewed that if you look at it, it makes no sense. They took the wage of every women doing ANY job and compared it to men doing ANY job. That's like comparing the CEO of a company to the office worker and saying there's a wage gap. Not taking into account that more women are stay at home moms and that there are many hard labor jobs that are simply dominated by men because most women don't or can't put up with those jobs. There simply is a major physical difference between women and men that gives men an advantage when it comes to strength and hard labor.

But saying women are less intelligent that's completely bullshit and I wish PewdiePie made a distinction there.
Physically demanding jobs mostly don't pay that well though. If that is an argument, then it would actually lower the average income of men.

And no, the wage gap is not completely bullshit. Even if this study is flawed, others point to it definitely existing.

I honestly don't know why but he has been sticking his nose into controversial topics lately and coming out on the other end slandered from media as the asshole and villain, when in the context of his words and video it's almost completely different. This is the third time this has happened and the third time I'm confused because what people are saying about him and the actual content in his video just doesn't add up.

He could have worded it better yes, but you are basically saying a person who is trying to say a positive message is invalidated because he just so happens to be in a privileged position and it doesn't align with the correct message one should have said. You have to see how this seems a little nitpicky in a way?
Then maybe if he wants to tackle controversial subjects, he should do so in a manner that his words are not constantly twisted. Also, criticism on someone is not slander. And if he doesn't want to look like the asshole and villain... maybe he needs to start explaining his points better. Or you know... he is actually an asshole.

L Thammy

So telling a young impressionable girl that might follow PDP that she is less privileged in a society that renders her inferior, and that no matter how hard she tries her life may still suck is what you recommend? lol. You're removing her agency completely.

No? Why are you putting words in my mouth? Acknowledging a barrier is the first step towards tearing it down, not pretending it doesn't exist. Telling people to stop complaining and to work harder instead only serves to make their struggles less visible. They're probably already working hard regardless of what useless feel good advice you want to give them.
But that literally did not come out of his mouth. And why would it? This is where the disconnect is between us. Why are people interpreting what he is saying this way?
Are you being purposefully obtuse?
So telling a young impressionable girl that might follow PDP that she is less privileged in a society that renders her inferior, and that no matter how hard she tries her life may still suck is what you recommend? lol. You're removing her agency completely.
Telling her her problems are a myth and to stop trying to fix them bc that's whining is attempting to remove her agency more than anything a reasonable person would say. I'm not sure how you got the other stuff from that.


Unconfirmed Member
Are you saying he didn't say this?

Does that line up word for word with what you just said? If the answer is yes then there is a pretty big issue here.

"you are not less privileged, you are strong. I think it’s a real unhealthy way of looking at things. What happened to ‘I am a woman hear me roar?’ It’s become ‘I am a woman, I earn less than men'"

This is what he said. This is not encouragement, as much as he's trying to frame it as such. He's saying that women don't actually have barriers and aren't trying hard enough.
He outright said that women are not less privileged while accusing them of complaining about the problems they face. This is not ambiguous.

So the healthy way is for women to just accept what others might tell them about how inferior they are? That is not a positive mindset, that is a defeatist one. Also as I said earlier the last quote where he goes from 'I am woman hear me roar' to 'I am woman I earn less than men' is his sadness/disgust at the current state of events. Text doesn't convey emotional context well enough.

Guys, I guess we will just disagree on this one. I feel like this no matter how this guy could have worded things he'd still be looked upon negatively and that just strikes me as odd.


So telling a young impressionable girl that might follow PDP that she is less privileged in a society that renders her inferior, and that no matter how hard she tries her life may still suck is what you recommend? lol. You're removing her agency completely.

Privilege is something the larger society grants. So yes, it is what it is. Being in denial about it would end any kind of feminist movements full stop. It's not about being strong, independent, or intelligent, it's about pushing back against social constructs working against you. Women certainly do fail because of those constructs, they fail to earn as high pay as men or get that job they really wanted. It has nothing to do with how hard they did or didn't work when privilege comes into play. The message should be excelling despite that.
No? Why are you putting words in my mouth? Acknowledging a barrier is the first step towards tearing it down, not pretending it doesn't exist.

Sure. But you have to be careful what seeds you plant in a young impressionable mind. Unattended consequences, even from a place with good intentions.
"you are not less privileged, you are strong. I think it’s a real unhealthy way of looking at things. What happened to ‘I am a woman hear me roar?’ It’s become ‘I am a woman, I earn less than men'"

This is what he said. This is not encouragement, as much as he's trying to frame it as such. He's saying that women don't actually have barriers and aren't trying hard enough.
He outright said that women are not less privileged while admonishing them of complaining about the problems they face. This is not ambiguous.

Exactly. People are fighting for equality and the "hear me roar" is all of that including taking about wage gaps. It's coming off as "stop complaining".
Guys, I guess we will just disagree on this one. I feel like this no matter how this guy could have worded things he'd still be looked upon negatively and that just strikes me as odd.
If you can't word your argument in a way that will not be looked upon negatively, then your argument sucks.
Does that line up word for word with what you just said? If the answer is yes then there is a pretty big issue here.

So the healthy way is for women to just accept what others might tell them about how inferior they are? That is not a positive mindset, that is a defeatist one. Also as I said earlier the last quote where he goes from 'I am woman hear me roar' to 'I am woman I earn less than men' is his sadness/disgust at the current state of events. Text doesn't convey emotional context well enough.

Guys, I guess we will just disagree on this one. I feel like this no matter how this guy could have worded things he'd still be looked upon negatively and that just strikes me as odd.
Did you actually read the quote?

Verbatim, he says women have gone from "I am woman, hear me roar" to "I am woman, I earn less than men".

He quite literally says women have gone from self confidence to complaining.

Unless you have another way of interpreting the sentence "I am woman, I earn less than men"?
I honestly don't know why but he has been sticking his nose into controversial topics lately and coming out on the other end slandered from media as the asshole and villain, when in the context of his words and video it's almost completely different.

He wasn't slandered after his Nazi joke and he's not being slandered now. He says dumb bullshit (either as an edgy joke or something related to a topic he knows jack about), gets called out for it, and then whines about how the media isn't reporting every little positive thing he does.
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