Then the title should be changed to "PDP brings up wrong statistics when discussing women's wages and rights" Him bringing up crappy statistics doesn't make him automatically say "I agree with this politician" in fact it completely contradicts his later statement where he is trying to be positive to women. This is more about being factual than about how great of a person he is, yet once again I'm seen as a harsh defender.
This is a flawed way of taking things. This leads to "I'll never believe a word this guy says even if he learns from his mistakes and grows as a person later on in life."
Ok why do you want people to like this guy so much? Why must we accept his apology just because he gave one on that other topic? Why do you think just because he was sincere and attempting to be positive means what he said should not be scrutinized or that his thoughts somehow cannot be misogynistic? That's not how that works at all. There are a lot of shitty people with good intentions in their minds, but that say sexist things. By the way I watched the video and my opinion hasn't changed. He thinks women should stop complaining when it comes down to it, he thinks them complaining about their condition is the opposite of "strong" he said as much. He's an out of touch wealthy man telling women how it is. He shouldn't.