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PewDiePie defends Polish politician who believes women are less intelligent than men

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Then the title should be changed to "PDP brings up wrong statistics when discussing women's wages and rights" Him bringing up crappy statistics doesn't make him automatically say "I agree with this politician" in fact it completely contradicts his later statement where he is trying to be positive to women. This is more about being factual than about how great of a person he is, yet once again I'm seen as a harsh defender.

This is a flawed way of taking things. This leads to "I'll never believe a word this guy says even if he learns from his mistakes and grows as a person later on in life."

Ok why do you want people to like this guy so much? Why must we accept his apology just because he gave one on that other topic? Why do you think just because he was sincere and attempting to be positive means what he said should not be scrutinized or that his thoughts somehow cannot be misogynistic? That's not how that works at all. There are a lot of shitty people with good intentions in their minds, but that say sexist things. By the way I watched the video and my opinion hasn't changed. He thinks women should stop complaining when it comes down to it, he thinks them complaining about their condition is the opposite of "strong" he said as much. He's an out of touch wealthy man telling women how it is. He shouldn't.
You know what I agree with you. I often do. But christ, the way you post and the way you just keep throwing punches at each and everyone makes me less and less inclined to side with you every time. It's like, do you want to get people to see that you are right and hopefully down the line not have millions and millions of people agreeinn with pewdiepie, or do you just want to be angry and spit fire? And no, it's not just this post and it's not just you. It's the way a lot of the progressive left express themselves here at gaf.
How is that gaf post going to convince 56 million people that pdp is wrong exactly?


Unconfirmed Member
He does defend the man though, by agreeing with his statements and pulling out false, sexist data and then condescending remarks.

This might be a good argument if he showed any remorse for his past actions and ever offered apologies.

No, he doesn't. He uses sarcasm and then tells women to not let guys like this politician influence their future and that they are better/stronger than him.

Also, he has apologized for past remarks, however they weren't accepted by people. That doesn't automatically invalidate the fact that he did apologize. So, like I said last time we had a thread on him, how/in what way should he apologize so that it's actually accepted?

Ok why do you want people to like this guy so much? Why must we accept his apology just because he gave one on that other topic? Why do you think just because he was sincere and attempting to be positive means what he said should not be scrutinized or that his thoughts somehow cannot be misogynistic? That's not how that works at all. There are a lot of shitty people with good intentions in their minds, but that say sexist things. By the way I watched the video and my opinion hasn't changed. He thinks women should stop complaining when it comes down to it, he thinks them complaining about their condition is the opposite of "strong" he said as much. He's an out of touch wealthy man telling women how it is. He shouldn't.

I don't care if you love him or hate him, I just want people to stop contradicting themselves and also stop spinning positive messages into negative ones. You ask the man for an apology last time. He gave one, everyone here deems it as not good enough. When I ask 'so what can be good enough' some people here say he should cancel his accounts, end himself, or more(which are all unreasonable or simply unrealistic). Also, if we are at a point where we are scrutinizing a guy attempting to be positive, don't you see the issue in that? I am acknowledging your points, but are you looking at things from another perspective yourself?
Soon Pewdiepie will come out in full Nazi regalia and start talking, in a very serious voice with sincere facial expressions, about why we should exterminate the Jews, bros, and encourage his young fans to attack their minority classmates and the elderly with improvised weapons.

And he'll still have a defense force.
How is that gaf post going to convince 56 million people that pdp is wrong exactly?

The video only got 3 million views and less than 300k likes, so I think bandying about his subscriber number when I know people IRL who are subscribed to PDP and don't give a crap about his videos when he isn't playing a dumb game is kinda silly IMO.

I was subscribed to H3H3 long after I stopped watching, for example.

You know what I agree with you. I often do. But christ, the way you post and the way you just keep throwing punches at each and everyone makes me less and less inclined to side with you every time. It's like, do you want to get people to see that you are right and hopefully down the line not have millions and millions of people agreeinn with pewdiepie, or do you just want to be angry and spit fire? And no, it's not just this post and it's not just you. It's the way a lot of the progressive left express themselves here at gaf.

I don't really have a response at the moment, but I just want to acknowledge your post.
No, he doesn't. He uses sarcasm and then tells women to not let guys like this politician influence their future and that they are better/stronger than him.

Also, he has apologized for past remarks, however they weren't accepted by people. That doesn't automatically invalidate the fact that he did apologize. So, like I said last time we had a thread on him, how/in what way should he apologize so that it's actually accepted?
I mean no he really didn't. But to start he could apologize for any of this;
Including but not limited to: flirting with a neo-nazi, posting bs about cnn, defending trump, using retarded as a slur, retweeting a sexist harassing shitbag who made fun of sjws. I don't know, where's his apologies for any of that in the last few days?


No, he doesn't. He uses sarcasm and then tells women to not let guys like this politician influence their future and that they are better/stronger than him.

Also, he has apologized for past remarks, however they weren't accepted by people. That doesn't automatically invalidate the fact that he did apologize. So, like I said last time we had a thread on him, how/in what way should he apologize so that it's actually accepted?

Apologies do not have to be accepted. Let me ask you. If I walked up and slapped you in the face, but then I apologized, and I was really sincere about it. Would you accept it? Why would you? Maybe I just wanted to slap you in the face and get away with it.

Apologizing does not absolve people of anything. You know why most people apologize right? Not because they are sorry, they are sorry though about the consequences they face. And guess what, a person like PewDiePie that spends his career in front of a camera is really good at coming across as sincere when he maybe isn't. And judging by the fact that here we are again in another controversy, I feel confident he wasn't sincere. No doubt he'll issue another apology at some point that you'll expect people to accept.
That doesn't automatically invalidate the fact that he did apologize.

No, but the fact that he hasn't changed at all invalidates the apology.

Regardless, I don't have to "accept" an apology for someone being a neo-Nazi. That is too reprehensible for mere words to fix. A turnabout requires action at that point.

L Thammy

A: *bigotry*
C: what the fuck A, that's horrible
B: listen I see what you're saying but do you have to be so rude about it
No, he doesn't. He uses sarcasm and then tells women to not let guys like this politician influence their future and that they are better/stronger than him.

Also, he has apologized for past remarks, however they weren't accepted by people. That doesn't automatically invalidate the fact that he did apologize. So, like I said last time we had a thread on him, how/in what way should he apologize so that it's actually accepted?
Are you talking here about the "apology" in which he still blamed The Wall Street Journal for his own idiotic actions? No, that was not an apology and should not be accepted. He literally threw up his middle finger in his apology. And since then he has continued with this stuff.

Please link me to his apology that you are talking about.
Are you talking here about the "apology" in which he still blamed The Wall Street Journal for his own idiotic actions? No, that was not an apology and should not be accepted. He literally threw up his middle finger in his apology. And since then he has continued with this stuff.

Please link me to his apology that you are talking about.

Yep. It wasn't an apology. Dumb shit doubled down.


A: *bigotry*
C: what the fuck A, that's horrible
B: listen I see what you're saying but do you have to be so rude about it
Rather this:

A: *bigotry*
B: ...
c: Fuck A and fuck all captial letters. All capital letters suck and should die
B: I agree A sucks ass but come on
c: Lol #notallcapitalletters huh
B: Thats not why that hashtag was startes being used by the left. It's a way to say the focus of the debate should not be moved over to men, it's not a catch-it-all term to be used as an excuse to always blame everyone even similar to a certain group or individual.
c: *memes*
I think Pewdiepie just primes kids to vote for people like Trump.

He's got a cult of personality and celebrity.

He says awful right wing things.

Whenever he's called on those things, it's never his fault. It's the media, which is unfair and out to get him, that's at fault.

He's "Trump 4 Kids!"
Rather this:

A: *bigotry*
B: ...
c: Fuck A and fuck all captial letters. All capital letters suck and should die
B: I agree A sucks ass but come on
c: Lol #notallcapitalletters huh
B: Thats not why that hashtag was startes being used by the left. It's a way to say the focus of the debate should not be moved over to men, it's not a catch-it-all term to be used as an excuse to always blame everyone even similar to a certain group or individual.
c: *memes*

I agree. Some people are missing the point here and it feeds into what the "other side" is selling. Self-reflection shouldn't be that hard.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Rather this:

A: *bigotry*
B: ...
c: Fuck A and fuck all captial letters. All capital letters suck and should die
B: I agree A sucks ass but come on
c: Lol #notallcapitalletters huh
B: Thats not why that hashtag was startes being used by the left. It's a way to say the focus of the debate should not be moved over to men, it's not a catch-it-all term to be used as an excuse to always blame everyone even similar to a certain group or individual.
c: *memes*
This hasn't been said anywhere near enough anywhere for your post to be valid.
Then the title should be changed to "PDP brings up wrong statistics when discussing women's wages and rights" Him bringing up crappy statistics doesn't make him automatically say "I agree with this politician"

He flat out says that he doesn't know if women are dumber than men as if there's still more research to be done. He flat out says that it might be true.


No, he doesn't. He uses sarcasm and then tells women to not let guys like this politician influence their future and that they are better/stronger than him.

Also, he has apologized for past remarks, however they weren't accepted by people. That doesn't automatically invalidate the fact that he did apologize. So, like I said last time we had a thread on him, how/in what way should he apologize so that it's actually accepted?

I don't care if you love him or hate him, I just want people to stop contradicting themselves and also stop spinning positive messages into negative ones. You ask the man for an apology last time. He gave one, everyone here deems it as not good enough. When I ask 'so what can be good enough' some people here say he should cancel his accounts, end himself, or more(which are all unreasonable or simply unrealistic). Also, if we are at a point where we are scrutinizing a guy attempting to be positive, don't you see the issue in that? I am acknowledging your points, but are you looking at things from another perspective yourself?

Ok fine. People can certainly be hypocritical and if they were, then you have a point regarding them, but not this topic I don't think, unless it's the same posters as before.

But again you seem to refuse to acknowledge that just because somebody has good intentions does not mean their message has to be a positive or harmless one. I really don't care if PDP was trying to be positive here if his message was shit. It also doesn't matter if he was sincere. I can really be sincere if I say women are inferior to men and tell women just to stay at home in the kitchen where they will be safe and provided for, and my intentions can honestly be that I think that is what's best for them.

I know that's an extreme but it's to the point. Pat PDP on the back if you think you need to, but he's wrong when he says women and not less privileged.


Name examples then.
First off I havent got time for that, got 2 kids running around here. Second, why do I have to do that for you, do I owe you or something? My post was a reply to one post like that (of course I exagerated and joked a bit, exactly like the post I qouted). Thirdly, my opinion was about how -I- feel like that. And I know a lot of people feel the same (many feel it much more than me). If I feel it is like that, then I feel it is like that. And that feeling i what it's all about. If you feel you and people with similar opinions dont post in such a way, well darn then there's nothing to be done, cause I still feel like thats the case, over and over.
This just goes to show the fragility of understanding within a friendship group, friends are willing to understand each other, while outsiders pick and choose in order to be offended. There's no love there, only opportunistic rage.

YouTube audiences are really just larger versions of a close knit group.
PDP is a neo-nazi. I know he probably dresses up as a Nazi and has plenty of Nazi memorabilia. Why are people defending this man? You are just as bad as him by defending him.


First off I havent got time for that, got 2 kids running around here. Second, why do I have to do that for you, do I owe you or something? My post was a reply to one post like that (of course I exagerated and joked a bit, exactly like the post I qouted). Thirdly, my opinion was about how -I- feel like that. And I know a lot of people feel the same (many feel it much more than me). If I feel it is like that, then I feel it is like that. And that feeling i what it's all about. If you feel you and people with similar opinions dont post in such a way, well darn then there's nothing to be done, cause I still feel like thats the case, over and over.

If you aren't interested in discussion, but rather asserting your feelings as objective reality and then refusing to discuss them, please exit the thread.
This just goes to show the fragility of understanding within a friendship group, friends are willing to understand each other, while outsiders pick and choose in order to be offended. There's no love there, only opportunistic rage.

YouTube audiences are really just larger versions of a close knit group.

And some people are willing to bend over backwards to make excuses for the racist, sexist, or otherwise stupid shit their friends say.


If you aren't interested in discussion, but rather asserting your feelings as objective reality and then refusing to discuss them, please exit the thread.
Well my feelings are obviously my feelings, those aren't up for debate. I'd love a discussion about how the feelings (even strong ones) about a video like this can be expressed in a better way. That sounds like a discussion worth having, no?
If PDP was sincere in his apology for the nazi stuff, why did he start selling t-shirts where he mimics Hitler in June?


Rather this:

A: *bigotry*
B: ...
c: Fuck A and fuck all captial letters. All capital letters suck and should die
B: I agree A sucks ass but come on
c: Lol #notallcapitalletters huh
B: Thats not why that hashtag was startes being used by the left. It's a way to say the focus of the debate should not be moved over to men, it's not a catch-it-all term to be used as an excuse to always blame everyone even similar to a certain group or individual.
c: *memes*

First they came for the loli vidya games, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a pedophile.

Then they came for the youtube gamers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a youtuber.

Then they tried to stop alt-righters from speaking at universities, and I did not speak out—
Because I was afraid of being ostracized by society just for nobly defending free speech

Then they came to kill all men—and there was no one left to speak for me D:


First off I havent got time for that, got 2 kids running around here. Second, why do I have to do that for you, do I owe you or something? My post was a reply to one post like that (of course I exagerated and joked a bit, exactly like the post I qouted). Thirdly, my opinion was about how -I- feel like that. And I know a lot of people feel the same (many feel it much more than me). If I feel it is like that, then I feel it is like that. And that feeling i what it's all about. If you feel you and people with similar opinions dont post in such a way, well darn then there's nothing to be done, cause I still feel like thats the case, over and over.

and yet you had time for this paragraph

? wyd ?


If PDP was sincere in his apology for the nazi stuff, why did he start selling t-shirts where he mimics Hitler in June?


First they came for the loli vidya games, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a pedophile.

Then they came for the youtube gamers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a youtuber.

Then they tried to stop alt-righters from speaking at universities, and I did not speak out—
Because I was afraid of being ostracized by society just for nobly defending free speech

Then they came to kill all men—and there was no one left to speak for me D:
That is not a bad reply. You have a very good point. I did speak up though, but point still holds.

Still though, whats the goal? Even if you aren't morally off, why use a language that alienates instead of gets people to agree? Isn't the goal to get things to be better? And I know shitbags like ppd dont do that, but you're much better than ppd of course.
and yet you had time for this paragraph

? wyd ?
You think writing that takes even remotely the same time as digging up posts by going through threads?


So many within the first 250 posts who clearly didn't watch the video. Pew is just defending the guy because Pierce is being even worse.
That is not a bad reply. You have a very good point. I did speak up though, but point still holds.

Still though, whats the goal? Even if you aren't morally off, why use a language that alienates instead of gets people to agree? Isn't the goal to get things to be better? And I know shitbags like ppd dont do that, but you're much better than ppd of course.

I don't really think that is so common though. Even someone as hated by the alt-right as Anita Sarkeesian goes out of her way to use diplomatic language ("you can criticize something even if you love it") yet she is still hated.

Furthermore, a lot of people on the alt-right (and even American traditional right) are not arguing in good faith. At some point, they are no longer worth the time to be taken seriously. Certain behaviours and arguments are only worthy of disdain


Unconfirmed Member
You think writing that takes even remotely the same time as digging up posts by going through threads?

Well, the guy got banned but I don't understand this argument.

How difficult is it to scroll through quickly and quote someone if offensive individuals are that common? And if such posters are in a minority which is only case where excavating the appropriate proof will be a chore, I'd contend using it to attack entire PDP detractors here are misguided.

L Thammy

So many within the first 250 posts who clearly didn't watch the video. Pew is just defending the guy because Pierce is being even worse.

When I think someone's an asshole, I might paraphrase their points to emphasize what I think is horrible about them. I don't state points in support of some other asshole without any irony.

Like, I don't even know how that's supposed to work as an attack. It would be like if I invited Milo to a debate, then dropped my pants, laid on my back on the table, pulled my penis towards me, and then pissed all over myself. Milo might be vicariously humiliated, but this is the most obtuse and inefficient way of taking the piss out of him.
If PDP was sincere in his apology for the nazi stuff, why did he start selling t-shirts where he mimics Hitler in June?

I didn't see this one before. Dude is really going off the deep end, isn't he.

And this is one of the reasons why stuff like "Hitler did nothing wrong" is now seen as a "meme" or whatever they call it. Good influence on the kids right here.

But of course he is a nice guy. I mean, he talks like a black man so he can't be racist or something. This is his featured post on twitter right now.


So many within the first 250 posts who clearly didn't watch the video. Pew is just defending the guy because Pierce is being even worse.
So the argument here is: two guys are assholes. Let's defend one!

Why...? Why does he feel the need to defend this person in the first place.


So the healthy way is for women to just accept what others might tell them about how inferior they are?

This is the problem right here.

You're assuming that a person lacking privilege is a person demonstrably being inferior to another who has privilege. For what reason I have no idea, other than either A.) a really grave misunderstanding of what privilege actually is, or B.) a deliberate interpretation of the struggles associated with being a minority as them having an "inferior" experience to people who don't share minority status in that particular area which, I mean, yeah, it sucks being a woman compared to a man in most macro and micro-societal instances, but this isn't the most charitable reading of that life experience, at all.

Regardless, it is foolhardy to tell minorities that they should expect the same exact social and cultural reinforcement as people who don't hold minority status in a particular area; specifically in this case, it would be foolhardy to pretend like women should be told to practically expect equal pay for equal work because acting like reality isn't what it is somehow means they're not "being strong" and are thus "inferior." Women aren't inferior to men, but they regularly are treated as such, which are two different things.


I didn't see this one before. Dude is really going off the deep end, isn't he.

Honestly, it's really sad how he's incapable of letting it go. He's been in meltdown mode ever since the WSJ article dropped.

I give it only a year before PewDiePie is found in the park, naked, fighting a swan.
I didn't see this one before. Dude is really going off the deep end, isn't he.

And this is one of the reasons why stuff like "Hitler did nothing wrong" is now seen as a "meme" or whatever they call it. Good influence on the kids right here.

But of course he is a nice guy. I mean, he talks like a black man so he can't be racist or something. This is his featured post on twitter right now.


So the argument here is: two guys are assholes. Let's defend one!

Why...? Why does he feel the need to defend this person in the first place.
I just don't understand what his end game is with this picture.

He has an outspoken dislike of over-pc culture so he posts that?

At face value it's ridiculous and stupid as a defence and it's more likely to wind people up but for what reason?

'that will show those intolerant left, me posting a disingenuous image using transparent attempts to protect myself from accusations of racism'

Its like a gay person in denial who is trying to prove they are straight by having sex with someone of the same sex.


This entire thread is confusing to me, right down to the title.

OP even bolded the words PDP said sarcastically right before these words he said sincerely were unbolded:

Unless I am missing something here he is being encouraging and is sad at how this Polish politician(and others) views women. Either I am missing some huge context that makes the above quote invalid, or OP just trolled a bunch of people by typing the thread title as what it currently is and bolding very specific text to make PDP seem like the bad guy in this situation.
I've read your posts in this thread and it just seems like you're struggling (or refusing) to understand the significance of:

What happened to ‘I am a woman hear me roar?’ It’s become ‘I am a woman, I earn less than men'"

L Thammy

I just don't understand what his end game is with this picture.

He has an outspoken dislike of over-pc culture so he posts that?

At face value it's ridiculous and stupid as a defence and it's more likely to wind people up but for what reason?

'that will show those intolerant left, me posting a disingenuous image using transparent attempts to protect myself from accusations of racism'

Its like a gay person in denial who is trying to prove they are straight by having sex with someone of the same sex.

If he made this, he's not trying to achieve anything. He's referencing or ripping off an old joke image.

(For the sake of completeness: I'm pretty sure the last two lines were added later, there a bunch of versions of this.)
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