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PewDiePie defends Polish politician who believes women are less intelligent than men

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L Thammy

Let me put it this way. Someone has put a giant wall in the middle of the road you take to work, and it's harder to get to your destination. It is physically impossible for you to tear it down by yourself. The best way to reach your destination is to acknowledge the wall, and while you look for detours, tell people about the problem so that they can pull it down. These are not mutually exclusive; you can do both.

The solution is not to pretend the wall does not exist and run into it. It is not to run into the wall harder. If someone tells you that's the solution, either they're trying to injure you or they are a complete fucking idiot.
This entire thread is confusing to me, right down to the title.

OP even bolded the words PDP said sarcastically right before these words he said sincerely were unbolded:

Unless I am missing something here he is being encouraging and is sad at how this Polish politician(and others) views women. Either I am missing some huge context that makes the above quote invalid, or OP just trolled a bunch of people by typing the thread title as what it currently is and bolding very specific text to make PDP seem like the bad guy in this situation.

These are not encouraging words. He's being really condescending. It basically amounts to "stop whining, and just accept the structures working against you. That's what being a strong woman means. Roar my lionesses!"
Privilege is something the larger society grants. So yes, it is what it is. Being in denial about it would end any kind of feminist movements full stop. It's not about being strong, independent, or intelligent, it's about pushing back against social constructs working against you. Women certainly do fail because of those constructs, they fail to earn as high pay as men or get that job they really wanted. It has nothing to do with how hard they did or didn't work when privilege comes into play. The message should be excelling despite that.

A grown woman, sure. A young blossoming girI? I guess all I can say is tread lightly with that kind of rhetoric.
So telling a young impressionable girl that might follow PDP that she is less privileged in a society that renders her inferior, and that no matter how hard she tries her life may still suck is what you recommend? lol. You're removing her agency completely.

Err, no? This isn't some two way street where it's one thing or the other. But you can't have true empowerment or encouragement without making the inherent flaws in the system be clear.

Like, women are definitely underprivileged and in a society where they are considered in many ways inferior. It's very important that people, even young people, understand this, becomes knowledge of a situation is an impetus for change.

True empowerment is giving them the knowledge, skills, and ability to change the negatives of life, and they can't do that if they don't understand that they ARE in an unfair societal position. That's not "removing agency", it's giving the reality of a situation rather than a straight up lie. The first step to fixing a problem is acknowledging there is one, and if the future of society isn't taught there is one, and today's society is slow to deal with it, how can things change?

Telling young (preteen to teen) people that girls aren't underprivileged is inherently harmful to their futures, because young people are so impressionable.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Sup bros I'm just here to tell you why feminism is bad, women are dumb and white men are the superior physical and intellectual race.

Err, no? This isn't some two way street where it's one thing or the other. But you can't have true empowerment or encouragement without making the inherent flaws in the system be clear.

Like, women are definitely underprivileged and in a society where they are considered in many ways inferior. It's very important that people, even young people, understand this, becomes knowledge of a situation is an impetus for change.

True empowerment is giving them the knowledge, skills, and ability to change the negatives of life, and they can't do that if they don't understand that they ARE in an unfair societal position. That's not "removing agency", it's giving the reality of a situation rather than a straight up lie. The first step to fixing a problem is acknowledging there is one, and if the future of society isn't taught there is one, and today's society is slow to deal with it, how can things change?

Telling young (preteen to teen) people that girls aren't underprivileged is inherently harmful to their futures, because young people are so impressionable.

We agree to disagree. I have a black son and I don't intend to plant seeds that grow to tell him how much his agency is removed thanks to the invisible white hand holding him down. I guess different strategies for different folks.
A grown woman, sure. A young blossoming girI? I guess all I can say is tread lightly with that kind of rhetoric.

Young black, LGBTQ individuals, and women shouldn't be kept in the dark that society is constructed in a way to disenfranchise and deter them and that they should push back against that.


Guys, I guess we will just disagree on this one. I feel like this no matter how this guy could have worded things he'd still be looked upon negatively and that just strikes me as odd.

People engaged you in good faith and you went and did this.

Fucking lol.


Unconfirmed Member
Did you actually read the quote?

Verbatim, he says women have gone from "I am woman, hear me roar" to "I am woman, I earn less than men".

He quite literally says women have gone from self confidence to complaining.

Unless you have another way of interpreting the sentence "I am woman, I earn less than men"?

Here's the key difference, I watched the quote. Watching someone talk adds more to it, you get to see their facial expressions, emotional state and hear the inflections in their voice. He was sad/disappointed about "I am woman, I earn less than men" not implying that they went to complaining. This is what I mean, what are you even talking about Garrett Hawke? How did you get him meaning they are complaining from that? and why? If this guy said the perfect quote I feel like some here would be jumping through hoops to make it seem negative and that just doesn't add up to me.

People engaged you in good faith and you went and did this.

Fucking lol.

What did I actually do? I didn't insult anyone, and like I said before PDP isn't flawless, he makes mistakes. I am not defending this man to death but I'm just calling out what doesn't make sense to me.
Guys, I guess we will just disagree on this one. I feel like this no matter how this guy could have worded things he'd still be looked upon negatively and that just strikes me as odd.

It is the responsibility of the person making the argument to do so coherently.

It's true that in terms of debate etiquette, you should provide your opponent with the most charitable interpretation of their discussion. However, it is not unreasonable to forfeit this if someone has shown a failure to act in good faith. If someone has a history of promoting fascism, I'm not going to waste my time doing mental gymnastics to help their argument.
We agree to disagree. I have a black son and I don't intend to plant seeds that grow to tell him how much his agency is removed thanks to the invisible white hand holding him down. I guess different strategies for different folks.

It'd possible to be confident & determined and acknowledge that there are actively harmful forces outside of your control at the same time. Literally some of the most influential activists of all time were these exact kinds of people. The point is to include that things don't have to remain the way they are.
We agree to disagree. I have a black son and I don't intend to plant seeds that grow to tell him how much his agency is removed thanks to the invisible white hand holding him down. I guess different strategies for different folks.
I mean perhaps but I also don't think you'd lecture him to stop complaining about police brutality because that's whiny and defend someone who said he was less intelligent because of his skin color.
Here's the key difference, I watched the quote. Watching someone talk adds more to it, you get to see their facial expressions, emotional state and hear the inflections in their voice. He was sad/disappointed about "I am woman, I earn less than men" not implying that they went to complaining. This is what I mean, what are you even talking about Garrett Hawke? How did you get him meaning they are complaining from that? and why? If this guy said the perfect quote I feel like some here would be jumping through hoops to make it seem negative and that just doesn't add up to me.
Lol okay. That's enough of that.
People engaged you in good faith and you went and did this.

Fucking lol.

I'm not being dismissive. I just think we look at the situation fundamentally different. I respect everyone's opinion, with the one poster saying my earlier post was creepy notwithstanding.
Here's the key difference, I watched the quote. Watching someone talk adds more to it, you get to see their facial expressions, emotional state and hear the inflections in their voice. He was sad/disappointed about "I am woman, I earn less than men" not implying that they went to complaining. This is what I mean, what are you even talking about Garrett Hawke? How did you get him meaning they are complaining from that? and why? If this guy said the perfect quote I feel like some here would be jumping through hoops to make it seem negative and that just doesn't add up to me.

Yes, just like he was "very sad" after Disney canceled his show because he thought dressing up like Hitler and taunting jews was funny.
Here's the key difference, I watched the quote. Watching someone talk adds more to it, you get to see their facial expressions, emotional state and hear the inflections in their voice. He was sad/disappointed about "I am woman, I earn less than men" not implying that they went to complaining. This is what I mean, what are you even talking about Garrett Hawke? How did you get him meaning they are complaining from that? and why? If this guy said the perfect quote I feel like some here would be jumping through hoops to make it seem negative and that just doesn't add up to me.
If you need to jump through all these hoops and make all these excuses for someone about this argument, then maybe the blame is on him for making a bad argument - or at least in a bad way - and not the people that do not want to analyze his facial expressions to somehow figure out if he intends his words in a different way.

Why do we keep making excuses for these people? They say their words, they are responsible for it. Why do people always want to defend them and make excuses as if the rest of the world is somehow misinterpreting their arguments. And not once, but multiple times.


Does that line up word for word with what you just said? If the answer is yes then there is a pretty big issue here.

So the healthy way is for women to just accept what others might tell them about how inferior they are? That is not a positive mindset, that is a defeatist one. Also as I said earlier the last quote where he goes from 'I am woman hear me roar' to 'I am woman I earn less than men' is his sadness/disgust at the current state of events. Text doesn't convey emotional context well enough.

Guys, I guess we will just disagree on this one. I feel like this no matter how this guy could have worded things he'd still be looked upon negatively and that just strikes me as odd.

I've been a defender of the man until his most recent "foot in his mouth" events. What you're saying is just simply not true. I've never been a hater. But if you want to choose to believe that it's not his words but because people are jealous or whatever, well you can certainly do that, but it's not true at least on my part.


What did I actually do? I didn't insult anyone, and like I said before PDP isn't flawless, he makes mistakes. I am not defending this man to death but I'm just calling out what doesn't make sense to me.

Uh huh. That's why you said that pdp was "slandered" after his last bit of bullshit. You're actively going out of your way to defend him.

"His body language made it sarcastic!"

Come on son
What did I actually do? I didn't insult anyone, and like I said before PDP isn't flawless, he makes mistakes. I am not defending this man to death but I'm just calling out what doesn't make sense to me.

Afaik in the last thread about him, even with the weakass apology, I remember seeing you defending him pretty hard.
A grown woman, sure. A young blossoming girI? I guess all I can say is tread lightly with that kind of rhetoric.

I see what you're saying, but you have to remember that it was PDP who brought up the notion in the first place whilst referring to a far-right politician.

So, it really is PDP who's failed your desire to shelter your kid from certain adult realities.

On top of that PDP's interpretation of those adult realities are highly dubious.

L Thammy

You know, for a guy whose incredibly successful career consists almost entirely of public speaking, it's kind of impressive that he's able to word this positive message so poorly that people thought it was something else.


I honestly don't know why but he has been sticking his nose into controversial topics lately and coming out on the other end slandered from media as the asshole and villain, when in the context of his words and video it's almost completely different. This is the third time this has happened and the third time I'm confused because what people are saying about him and the actual content in his video just doesn't add up.

As I said, baiting the internet to lose it's shit is childs play, hence why many (including PDP) do it. That says more about your intentions as a person than it does the anger/name-calling and so on that will come your way. Decent people do not need to try and make money based upon social-manipulation of others for exploitative gain. Sure, it's true people go from 1 to over 9,000 within 20 seconds online, but it's the way it's always been. Possibly nowadays with more online than ever, it's seen more often. Social scientists could say only being plugged into the internet is actually a really limiting way for one to handle/learn how to socialise productively. As I doubt most who start getting aggressive, shouting and literally calling everyone Nazis on Twitter/forums over the smallest differences behave this way when out and about and socialising in a day to day life scenario. Same goes for the cretins who threaten/pile on and abuse people online on Twitter/in video games/etc. The stereotypical example here of someone online being a bully/in everyone's face/constantly shouting, but offline they are shy/anxious/quiet/etc. From the day the internet has existed, it has required great personal restraint/learning/understanding and watching out for the unscrupulous online who aim to exploit you emotionally. This is not a both sides argument, but a comment on how people on average tend to behave online versus offline. It was interesting seeing Laci Green brought up earlier, as while I do not really care for whatever she wants to do with her life, I did just recently listen to a 2 hour interview with her and as expected even if she's going down an objectively dubious path now, the way in which the internet/some of her friends responded to her was no better than the trolls who've made her life hell for years. Hostility on a level which is genuinely aggressive, hurtful and unproductive. Challenging/debating someone isn't the same as threatening their existence and comparing them to the worst humans to walk the earth. Because someone may need a dressing down/criticised or challenged doesn't mean you should lose control of your argument against them and turn to insane levels of hyperbole.

That being said, as I also said, PDP is doing this on purpose not to prove some grand social experiment, but to court controversy to then play a victim. It's basic psychological manipulation of a fanbase to use them as pawns. From the tone of the video down to acting as if he's contributing in a civilised way understandably draws criticism, because he's not. So many people on YT think they're behaving like adults talking about complex and contested points in life where the videos, titles and overall content is brain-numbing in nature. Sit down and have a long-form unscripted interview if you want to show yourself coming from a place of genuine interest in discussing politics/social complexities in life. A click bait title and a 10-minute video done in true YT fashion is probably going to be little more than intellectual erosion/sanity afflicting. This is damaging to audience members, especially children. If you want to do dumb comedy for children to laugh at, do it, but when you tackle serious things do not do it in the same way if you want to be respected. PDP has built his millions off of children, he does have a responsibility to remember that.

Look at PDP's video title, and also ask yourself why he picked the most controversial interview that could be found online, rather than any respected scientist listed here for example ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_differences_in_intelligence I mean, if someone really wanted to explore a topic like this with integrity, honesty and an interest in the pursuit of knowledge/understanding, they can.

PDP is probably a relatively smart man, regardless of one's internet persona, you do not manage to truly climb to such heights of wealth/popularity without having some marbles. Hence, he also knows how to manipulate an audience and court controversy in ways which benefit him, and him only. However, being rich/famous/having some wits about you isn't a free pass to avoid criticism. It may be the case many avatars online behave stupidly in return and call you for to be silenced/attacked/hurt/out of a job/homeless and whatever else, but welcome to the internet. As I said previously, PDP is not proving anything new. People can act in ways online they never would offline, it's the way it is. He himself ironically probably engaged in doing just that ~ Acting online in ways he possibly doesn't offline. You play that game though and you'll see the results of people who can only fairly criticise and comment about you by the ways you behave online. How is it the fault of the viewer that they do not know you personally? Your parents/partner can come out and say you're the sweetest family man ever, but if you act like an edge-lord online, persona or not, you're going to get judged for doing that. Probably more so if it's suspected you might be a decent person but are actively choosing to bait people, manipulate, deceive and exploit for financial gain. No one likes anyone who behaves in those ways, especially if they know better and they're choosing to. Have some self-respect for yourself.


Unconfirmed Member
Uh huh. That's why you said that pdp was "slandered" after his last bit of bullshit. You're actively going out of your way to defend him.

"His body language made it sarcastic!"

Come on son

How does it benefit me to lie about my stance on this? Also how does it benefit me to defend this man to death? Notice I didn't bring up anything about his Nazi issue because he took a big loss on that one, I'm addressing everything afterwards. If you read this article and what the OP bolded, and then look at his video, from a third party standpoint you'd realize this stuff doesn't add up. What you should say 'come on son' about is people reading an article or even just a few quotes from it about an actual video and not reading the full article and watching the actual video to back up their claims. People here wouldn't do this on other, more sensitive topics, and yet the entire first few pages of this thread are people just reading a bolded quote and calling him an asshole. I read through the whole thing, then watched the video. You can't see how I can't come out of this situation confused on people's reactions?

What sucks, to me, the most is that no matter what I type, in your eyes(and others here I'm sure) I will be seen as a hardcore defender of this guy when ultimately I'm trying to get to the bottom of things.

Afaik in the last thread about him, even with the weakass apology, I remember seeing you defending him pretty hard.

I saw people getting mad at the guy and still disrespecting him for apologizing(whether sincere or not) and I asked them verbatim "how can a person apologize good enough so that it can be accepted." I received half decent answers but nothing really concrete. I knew he had messed up with the original intent, that's why I didn't defend him on that. You can go back and find my quotes if needed.

L Thammy

What sucks the most is that no matter what I type, in your eyes(and others here I'm sure) I will be seen as a hardcore defender of this guy when ultimately I'm trying to get to the bottom of things.

I personally think that what sucks the most is PewDiePie saying what he did while having a platform of millions, including kids - and I can only assume he's going to get more brazen in the future at this rate.

Why is this about you, now?
How does it benefit me to lie about my stance on this? Also how does it benefit me to defend this man to death? Notice I didn't bring up anything about his Nazi issue because he took a big loss on that one, I'm addressing everything afterwards. If you read this article and what the OP bolded, and then look at his video, from a third party standpoint you'd realize this stuff doesn't add up. What you should say 'come on son' about is people reading an article or even just a few quotes from it about an actual video and not reading the full article and watching the actual video to back up their claims. People here wouldn't do this on other, more sensitive topics, and yet the entire first few pages of this thread are people just reading a bolded quote and calling him an asshole. I read through the whole thing, then watched the video. You can't see how I can't come out of this situation confused on people's reactions?

What sucks the most is that no matter what I type, in your eyes(and others here I'm sure) I will be seen as a hardcore defender of this guy when ultimately I'm trying to get to the bottom of things.
What are you trying to get to the bottom of though? PewDiePie made a video. It makes him look like an ass. Which has happened before, so it fits a pattern of him acting like an ass. Case closed. There is no hidden layer here to uncover.

If someone is acting like an ass multiple times, then at that point he is just that. There is only so many times you can use the excuse that he didn't mean it or it was misinterpreted. The guy makes his living from videos, yet when he tackles controversial subjects, suddenly he loses all knowledge about how to make an argument on video?


Unconfirmed Member
I personally think that what sucks the most is PewDiePie saying what he did while having a platform of millions, including kids - and I can only assume he's going to get more brazen in the future at this rate.

Why is this about you, now?

It's not. I'll add "to me" or "in my opinion" so that your issue with my post is resolved.

What are you trying to get to the bottom of though? PewDiePie made a video. It makes him look like an ass. Which has happened before, so it fits a pattern of him acting like an ass. Case closed. There is no hidden layer here to uncover.

If someone is acting like an ass multiple times, then at that point he is just that. There is only so many times you can use the excuse that he didn't mean it or it was misinterpreted. The guy makes his living from videos, yet when he tackles controversial subjects, suddenly he loses all knowledge about how to make an argument on video?

Just read the last page.

Dude Abides

This dude should stick to shouting at video games. That's what his audience of ten year olds wants, not his deep thoughts on gender equality.
This dude should stick to shouting at video games. That's what his audience of ten year olds wants, not his deep thoughts on gender equality.

"YouTube Videogameman offers social commentary on womens / minority / political issues" is a headline I'm getting increasingly tired of hearing about.
oh wow he figured it all out, in "the study" they didnt even look at other factors! hes so smart!~
He is! And he so showed those SJWs again! What does that stand for again, PewDiePie?


S tupid
J asshole

Ah, right. But I probably just didn't see your facial expressions when retweeting that, making you a nice guy.

Unbelievable that people keep making excuses for this dude. Sad thing is, some kids will take it the way you posted, but be actual serious about it.

Just read the last page.
I did, but I still don't really get your point, outside of you thinking PewDiePie somehow gets misunderstood every time he makes a video about a controversial subject.

L Thammy

Yeah, he's escalating and it's worrisome.

Am I remembering wrong, or didn't he say that he was going to be more true to his feelings from now on (something to that effect) after the whole Nazi jokes debacle? If so, maybe this is part of the result.
Here's the key difference, I watched the quote. Watching someone talk adds more to it, you get to see their facial expressions, emotional state and hear the inflections in their voice. He was sad/disappointed about "I am woman, I earn less than men" not implying that they went to complaining.

I watched the video too. And he does not come across well. He says "I am woman, I earn less than men" in a very whiny mocking tone, as if he's imitating his idea of a whiny woman. And throughout his the video, the times where he argued against the politician he uses a very sarcastic, exaggerated tone of voice. Enough to cover his ass and be able to say that his words were arguing against the politician if someone questions him. But his sarcasm shines through. The exaggerated voice he uses when actually criticizing the politician implies that outrage against the statements is overblown. "Rabid SJW" and so on. The only times he sounds sincere in the video is when he goes "well, actually..." in defense of the politician


Neo Member
Unless you have another way of interpreting the sentence "I am woman, I earn less than men"?
He's doing the whole "people are claiming victimhood to appear virtuous" or some madness like that. Its a trope going about where right-wing eejits are saying people want to appear as victims because they'll get more empathy or higher social status (and not because they are actually victims).


Unconfirmed Member
I did, but I still don't really get your point, outside of you thinking PewDiePie somehow gets misunderstood every time he makes a video about a controversial subject.

Once again I didn't say every time. I don't defend the Nazi one. This one however, if you look at all of the facts, is an odd one. The title of this very thread doesn't even line up with the article and video. Any other thread people would call it clickbait, but because this guy's name is in it, it's acceptable.
Once again I didn't say every time. I don't defend the Nazi one. This one however, if you look at all of the facts, is an odd one. The title of this very thread doesn't even line up with the article and video. Any other thread people would call it clickbait, but because this guy's name is in it, it's acceptable.
The title does line up. He starts saying how awful he is and then goes in to "BUT ACTUALLY IF YOU LOOK AT THE STATISTICS OF WHICH I DIDN'T EVEN LOOK UP" territory

Why is your persecution complex for him so strong instead of just admitting he may not be that great of a person


Okay, now that I actually watched the video I can have my actual opinion on this

Wowza, it's even worse than it's written down. I mean, I get it: The guy is trying to explain why the wage gap exists. But he also does not gives the impression of being a man that cares about woman a lot. And PewdiePie presents that final quote in the worst possible way

Considering this I am surprised how this thread turned out to be. Actually, I shouldn't.
Once again I didn't say every time. I don't defend the Nazi one. This one however, if you look at all of the facts, is an odd one. The title of this very thread doesn't even line up with the article and video. Any other thread people would call it clickbait, but because this guy's name is in it, it's acceptable.
But then you are ignoring his history of questionable material already. You can't just ignore that and see this as a separate thing. It fits a pattern. Together with his tweets, the people he engages with and his other videos.

Sure, you can maybe make excuses for all those separate things. But when those things happen multiple times, it is clear that we can no longer just see this as him being misunderstood or wording his argument in a confusing way.
Of course it's relevant. The most successful entertainers in today's world can only be white, I don't get what does your plight has to do with what I said?

Because race is completely 100% irrelevant to the topic at hand and bringing it up weakens the argument.

Only if you have the most reductive, rudimentary understanding of the concept of "free speech." Which, yes, these Nazi trolls do. Doesn't mean the rest of us have to play on their turf.

A culture of harassment and violence does not, believe it or not, foster "free expression".

"The rest of us"? Who are the rest of us? Like the thousands who visit NeoGAF and the smaller number of that who gives a fuck about any of this? These people get supported by the millions it seems. If this is an us vs. them scenario, the public is leaning towards them. So yeah, do empower the one common narrative they all have in common, that will work out nicely.


My hypothesis of what happened. WSJ makes the article about PDP, this surrounds him with a lot of right leaning people defending him, in this case Sargon, who PDP links to in one of the WSJ video. He thinks these people are smart and his friends so he starts listening to them, they fill his ears up and eventually stuff they say fills up his ears, pushing him further to the right. He is currently in a echo chamber where anything someone says to him that goes against him can be labeled as fake news and SJW PC BS reinforcing his posistion.
PDP just needs to go on a livestream with Destiny and he might go full JonTron.

Or he could have been like this from the get go and the WSJ stuff just made him more vocal.
Once again I didn't say every time. I don't defend the Nazi one. This one however, if you look at all of the facts, is an odd one. The title of this very thread doesn't even line up with the article and video. Any other thread people would call it clickbait, but because this guy's name is in it, it's acceptable.


'Yeah, that time he made anti-semetic jokes was really bad, but THIS TIME I PROMISE he's shitting all over women from a place of sincere academic interest.'

No thanks.


Unconfirmed Member
The title does line up. He starts saying how awful he is and then goes in to "BUT ACTUALLY IF YOU LOOK AT THE STATISTICS OF WHICH I DIDN'T EVEN LOOK UP" territory

Why is your persecution complex for him so strong instead of just admitting he may not be that great of a person

Then the title should be changed to "PDP brings up wrong statistics when discussing women's wages and rights" Him bringing up crappy statistics doesn't make him automatically say "I agree with this politician" in fact it completely contradicts his later statement where he is trying to be positive to women. This is more about being factual than about how great of a person he is, yet once again I'm seen as a harsh defender.

But then you are ignoring his history of questionable material already. You can't just ignore that and see this as a separate thing. It fits a pattern. Together with his tweets, the people he engages with and his other videos.

Sure, you can maybe make excuses for all those separate things. But when those things happen multiple times, it is clear that we can no longer just see this as him being misunderstood or wording his argument in a confusing way.

This is a flawed way of taking things. This leads to "I'll never believe a word this guy says even if he learns from his mistakes and grows as a person later on in life."
But then you are ignoring his history of questionable material already. You can't just ignore that and see this as a separate thing. It fits a pattern. Together with his tweets, the people he engages with and his other videos.

Sure, you can maybe make excuses for all those separate things. But when those things happen multiple times, it is clear that we can no longer just see this as him being misunderstood or wording his argument in a confusing way.
Also yeah, context of character matters

These are in the last few days, no apologies for any of them since. He is not a good person.







Can we make a freaking community thread for PewDiePie's controversies? The anti-semitic thread lasted so long, and I don't see this one going away any time soon. And you know he's going to keep on doing this stupid edgy bullshit, since it gets him so much publicity.

Also, I haven't officially chimed in on this controversy yet, but just so there's no confusion about which side I'm on when suggesting to move this thread: yes, PewDiePie is sexist for making this video.



He's an ignorant white guy on YouTube, i.e. the kind that likes to pretend their an expert on stuff when they're just a dumb comedian who never stops shutting the fuck up about women and minorities because it gets other white guys to watch their stupid fucking channel and then they all jerk each other off.
You know what I agree with you. I often do. But christ, the way you post and the way you just keep throwing punches at each and everyone makes me less and less inclined to side with you every time. It's like, do you want to get people to see that you are right and hopefully down the line not have millions and millions of people agreeinn with pewdiepie, or do you just want to be angry and spit fire? And no, it's not just this post and it's not just you. It's the way a lot of the progressive left express themselves here at gaf.
Then the title should be changed to "PDP brings up wrong statistics when discussing women's wages and rights" Him bringing up crappy statistics doesn't make him automatically say "I agree with this politician" in fact it completely contradicts his later statement where he is trying to be positive to women. This is more about being factual than about how great of a person he is, yet once again I'm seen as a harsh defender.

This is a flawed way of taking things. This leads to "I'll never believe a word this guy says even if he learns from his mistakes and grows as a person later on in life."
He does defend the man though, by agreeing with his statements and pulling out false, sexist data and then condescending remarks.

This might be a good argument if he showed any remorse for his past actions and ever offered apologies.
This is a flawed way of taking things. This leads to "I'll never believe a word this guy says even if he learns from his mistakes and grows as a person later on in life."
Please show me where he learned from his mistakes and how he has grown as a person since the nazi controversy?

Because as far as I can see, he hasn't. So it still fits the pattern. Until he breaks with that, I am going to hold those things against him.

I am not going to give someone the benefit of the doubt if they are still going on with their bullshit. I have seen no admission of guilt, no apologies, no press release that says he did wrong.
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