There’s things in the pipeline at Microsoft, not everything is going to be released quickly. Games take time. People are living in the now while Microsoft sees it as a long term game. Remember people’s reactions before the Switch reveal and announcement with the toxicity at the Nintendo conference. People hated the Wii U, that failure ultimately became the greatest learning for the company, same with Xbox. Every company has mistakes, even Nintendo as they pretty much created the Playstation for going with Phillips. Xbox failed with the Xbox One, but hey they are subtely going into the direction they wanted players anyways, an all digital future, nothing is owned. Same with Nintendo, sure they sell physical copies to reach that other market, but fundamentally all companies will tend towards an all digital future. People doubt Microsoft now are similar to those that doubted Heath Ledger until he proved others wrong. It’s too early to dismiss Microsoft, they haven’t shown their full hand yet.