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Phil Spencer may 2022 "we are in a disaster situation" "a gap of almost 16 months with no exclusives" "Our next big game launch is Redfall"


Gold Member
Sarah Bond (She/Her) lol

That’s a spicy email and shows they were sweating behind the scenes while also being very aware of their public perception. There’s no excuse for their half-assed delivery this gen when it comes to the lack of first party content.


advanced basic bitch
Yep, i'm clearly an M fanboy because i think that none of the bigs are angels or because the treat of buying sony or N was so absurd that only moro...naive people could take it seriously for even a split second.

And yes, why would you even talk about that when you are not even remotely as rich to actually do that? They other things to think about that can be actually done.
One company is worse than the others. Just because all big corps are evil doesn't mean some aren't worse than others. If you can't see that then you're being willfully ignorant. Only MS wants to consolidate the industry. MS is making the big push into cloud and subs. If that's what you want, then you're good to go. Some of us still want choice.
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You think that the other 2 bigs are honest and pure because you don't read their private emails?


Difference is pretty obvious: they do their goddamn jobs.

Shit, Phil has defined for himself his own job, and he still can't do it! Xbox has no identity outside of Phil Spencer and his Gamepass baby. He just talks and talks and gets nowhere.

What's Sony gonna be under Jim Ryan? Same thing they were before: A blockbuster games publisher with market leading hardware that makes a shitload of money. The highest quality, most-polished titles. A marriage with Japanese publishers. Prestige and volume.

What's Nintendo under its current leadership? Same thing as before. The creative beating heart of the industry, magic on a screen, a kid's first video games.

What's Xbox under Phil Spencer? Two failed generations of acquisitions and mediocre output combined with infinite interviews about dishonest vision statements.

He's not just a corporate goon. He's a whiny salesman and a charlatan who is famous only for never shutting his mouth. People shit on Jim Ryan because he isn't fun enough. No one even brings up Doug Bowser. Phil wins awards for his nonstop bullshitting.

Scoreboard, Phil. Scoreboard.
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Phil is a meme at this point.

Well he has been for years. But apparently the American people like him?Thats by far their biggest Market. Xbox will never get big anywhere else with him but atleast he keeps his audience.
What stands out to me about this email is the studios Microsoft acquired appear to be lying to Phil. When he states that he needs a realistic timeline of RELEASES, it just reveals that once the cash cow Microsoft acquired those studios they got comfortable and lazy. It seems they stated their games would be ready at XX date, only to push it back at the last moment.
I think there is a deeper issue here that just shows Phil really isn't in charge of the studios they acquired, which is why they end up with Redfall being their major release for a long while. Phil taking the proper steps to fix it is also masking his lack of control/involvement in Microsoft's game release portfolio.
This is not how I felt about it, but close to it. A few month ago I was looking at a video of Klobrille I think? and something in that video surprised me. He showed a quote from Max booty(Matt Booty, but the typo is too funny to not keep it) where he said that he was always asked about more funding when he was touring the Xbox studios. I think that Xbox management is undersized for their job and that they do not have the manpower to adequately manage all the new studios that they got in the last few years. I often read on Neogaf that they were too controling in the 360 days and that they had overcorrected since. But I also think that they have a lot of work to do to get to the level of Sony and Nintendo first party studios. Their hands off management is weird in the sense that it does not stop them from making big changes in scope like making a game change their target hardware and give them 1 year more to crunch but no end goal beyond that. Like EA mismanagement of Anthem . EA was IMHO either way too permissive or too strict giving orders like making flying mandatory or suddenly giving them a hard time limit after years of leniency. The studios are also at fault but the boss( EA and Microsoft) are the ones in charge and so the ones responsible for me.
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Gold Member
One company is worse than the others. Just because all big corps are evil doesn't mean some aren't worse than others. If you can't see that then you're being willfully ignorant. Only MS wants to consolidate the industry. MS is making the big push into cloud and subs. If that's what you want, then you're good to go. Some of us still want choice.
Difference is pretty obvious: they do their goddamn jobs.

Shit, Phil has defined for himself his own job, and he still can't do it! Xbox has no identity outside of Phil Spencer and his Gamepass baby. He just talks and talks and gets nowhere.

What's Sony gonna be under Jim Ryan? Same thing they were before: A blockbuster games publisher with market leading hardware that makes a shitload of money. The highest quality, most-polished titles. A marriage with Japanese publishers. Prestige and volume.

What's Nintendo under its current leadership? Same thing as before. The creative beating heart of the industry, magic on a screen, a kid's first video games.

What's Xbox under Phil Spencer? Two failed generations of acquisitions and mediocre output combined with infinite interviews about dishonest vision statements.

He's not just a corporate goon. He's a whiny salesman and a charlatan who is famous only for never shutting his mouth. People shit on Jim Ryan because he isn't fun enough. No one even brings up Doug Bowser. Phil wins awards for his nonstop bullshitting.

Scoreboard, Phil. Scoreboard.
I know they are the worse company in terms of games releases, i literally said that jimbo is lucky to work for sony and not for microlol, i can't ge more clear than that.

I was not defending their output.

I'm just not naive enough to think that phil is this vile monster while the other companies are saints, people already forgot the plus price upgrade with nothing in return or the we believe in generations or the many bullshits and trickery jimbo has done but everyone remember phil doing his pr work like EVERYONE does.


And that is better for me as a final client becaaaaause?

I'm not a 14 years old guillable teenager that believes whatever pr talk phil spew off so in my eyes, both jimbo and phil are basically the same, jimbo just has the luck to work for sony and not microlol.

It's not, and that's the point because you're a rational consumer who will simply buy whichever products you think you'll like rather than simp over an executive of a multi-trillion dollar corporation and let that sway (or even determine) your decisions.

It's a tough day for the 14 year old, let me say that much.


advanced basic bitch
It's user pref, Only been a thing the past few years from what I've seen at where I work. It's a bit odd tbh.
It's not mandatory where I work. I work for a big "progressive" company too. It's odd for sure but as long as it's not mandated, I don't care.


My company implemented this initiative shortly after the covid. It's encouraged, although not mandatory, to have your preferred pronouns in your email signature. I refuse to do that and so do all the people in my department.
You must work Sales.


Gold Member
How can someone who is promoted to head of xbox, have to 'learn' about supplying games to customers. Surely, positions this high are taken by someone who is competent in the ways of the job they are applying for. It really does show how thick some of these higher ups are at fucking over their company and the myriad of staff below them.
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I know they are the worse company in terms of games releases, i literally said that jimbo is lucky to work for sony and not for microlol, i can't ge more clear than that.

I was not defending their output.

I'm just not naive enough to think that phil is this vile monster while the other companies are saints, people already forgot the plus price upgrade with nothing in return or the we believe in generations or the many bullshits and trickery jimbo has done but everyone remember phil doing his pr work like EVERYONE does.

We got the mails and documents from Microsoft/Xbox.
It's right there.

Unless you can provide the same documents about Jim Ryan or any other Sony/Nintendo exec, you just sound salty.


Gold Member

We got the mails and documents from Microsoft/Xbox.
It's right there.

Unless you can provide the same documents about Jim Ryan or any other Sony/Nintendo exec, you just sound salty.
Do i have to provide emails for the recent plus price upgrade or the we believe in generations trickery or when they showed gt7 as a ps5 only game just to become crossgen later or when a journalists asked if gow ragnarock was crossgen and instead of being open and pro-gamers like you people think they are he was more vague than a politician?

Sorry, my head is not stuck inside jimbo's ass so i remember things that people forget.

Topher Topher see? Today i'm a M salty fanboy :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
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advanced basic bitch
Do i have to provide emails for the recent plus price upgrade or the we believe in generations trickery or when they showed gt7 as a ps5 only game just to become crossgen later or when a journalists asked if gow ragnarock was crossgen and instead of being open and pro-gamers like you people think they are he was more vague than a politician?

Sorry, my head is not stuck inside jimbo's ass so i remember things that people forget.

Topher Topher see? Today i'm a M salty fanboy :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
Show me where Sony is trying to consolidate the business. Where are the emails saying they want to want acquire Nintendo? You're conveniently dodging that.
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Gold Member
Show me where Sony is trying to consolidate the business. Where are the emails saying they want to want acquire Nintendo? You're conveniently dodging that.
Again, i don't give a fuck about that because i don't condemn intentions when these intentions are impossible to realize.

We can shat on them all we want but their plan was never realistic to begin with so we are literally condemning an idea.

Jimbo making so many crossgen games on my new shiny ps5 touch me as a final user more than phil planet domination plans, it is not hard to understand.
You people just want ammo for console wars, i give 2 fucks about console war.
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Do i have to provide emails for the recent plus price upgrade or the we believe in generations trickery or when they showed gt7 as a ps5 only game just to become crossgen later or when a journalists asked if gow ragnarock was crossgen and instead of being open and pro-gamers like you people think they are he was more vague than a politician?

Sorry, my head is not stuck inside jimbo's ass so i remember things that people forget.
I couldn't give 2 shits about Jim Ryan.

You just seem to have your veins popping from your head as a result of current events.


advanced basic bitch
Again, i don't give a fuck about that because i don't condemn intentions when these intentions are impossible to realize.

We can shat on them all we want but their plan was never realistic to begin with so we are literally condemning an idea.

Jimbo making so many crossgen games on my new shiny ps5 touch me as a final user more tham phil planet domination plans, it is not hard to understand.
You people just want ammo for console wars, i give 2 fucks about console war.
Impossible to realize? How do you know that? I'll tell you what we do know. MS wants it all. Again, if you're fine with that you do you.


Gold Member
I couldn't give 2 shits about Jim Ryan.

You just seem to have your veins popping from your head as a result of current events.
Hardly, i'm just here to discuss, at best i'm playing devil's advocate because like i said in my first post, those email make look M like a bunch of lost puppies.

You can check my post history and see how much punches i pull against microsoft when they do something that actually touch me as a final user like the shitty pc gamepass and xbox app, fucking redfall, fucking starfield etc.

I can see why you could think that but it is because you are probably new and not familiar with my way of posting :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
I have no dog in this race.
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The dev cycle for many western games are way too long, once a dev cycle hits 5+ years the game will usually just feel dated at launch.


Hardly, i'm just here to discuss, at best i'm playing devil's advocate because like i said in my first post, those email make look M like a bunch of lost puppies.

You can check my post history and see how much punches i pull against microsoft when they do something that actually touch me as a final user like the shitty pc gamepass and xbox app, fucking redfall, fucking starfield etc.
Why would I care about your post history?

Just going by the way you defend Spencer and drag the competition into this discussion as if they are exactly like the Spencer we can see in the emails.
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Gold Member
Impossible to realize? How do you know that? I'll tell you what we do know. MS wants it all. Again, if you're fine with that you do you.
Doesn't japan has a rule to not sell big companies to foreigners?

Everytime someone said that M has the money to actually buy sony, there is always this narrative that comes out and it seems very legit.
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Gold Member
Why would I care about your post history?

Just going by the way you defend Spencer and drag the competition into this discussion as if they are exactly like the Spencer we can see in the emails.
It was just to show you that i don't have problem attacking microsoft or their output since someone was saying that i'm a salty m fanboy...


It was just to show you that i don't have problem attacking microsoft or their output since someone was saying that i'm a salty m fanboy...
I was saying you come across as salty, because you do.

Again, just asking for source material, because as a gamer it would be weird to defend their plans and business practices by projecting it onto their competition without any evidence.


advanced basic bitch
Doesn't japan has a rule to not sell big companies to foreigners?

Everytime someone said that M has the money to actually buy sony, there is always this narrative that comes out and it seems very legit.
Possibly? I've heard that too. I thought you mentioned something about money though? In any case. If emails leakis about Sony wanting to buy Nintendo they should be dragged for it too. MS is the only confirmed interested party by their own admission.

EDIT: Sony is a Japanese company themselves. If there are really protections against foreign companies buying that wouldn't apply to them.
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Gold Member
Possibly? I've heard that too. I thought you mentioned something about money though? In any case. If emails leak about Sony wanting to buy Nintendo they should be dragged for it too. MS is the only confirmed interested party by their own admission.
I think the only money i mentioned was related to sony, they don't have enough money to even dream about buying microsoft so OF COURSE you are never gonna hear jimbo say that.

But it is naive to think that a big multimillionaire company would hate to have a monopoly, we are all adults, we all know that if sony could erase M with a thanos finger snap they would do it immediately, we don't have to read emails to know that big companies have no soul or really care for their clients.

I'm honestly done with this, i don't care enough about phil to defend his bullshits, i just felt a bit of emphaty for him after the last weeks :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

I think that japanese law actually exist or we would have halo x uncharted battle royale on gamepass by now :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

(My english is getting progressively worse :lollipop_grinning_sweat: )
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To me it's wild that they would have sensitive conversations like these by e-mails

Surely they know about meetings?

Maybe its a cultural thing, but I've never seen something like this in any of my previous jobs


Nothing that sensitive in this particular email thread, though.

Any other job, if a leak like this came out, they'd be fired on the spot to save face and build positive PR. There's been so much bad coming out of this im surprised Bond wasn't promoted and Phil fired for constant failures and promises he conveyed internally and now exposed externally

You think it’s this email that showed the world Microsoft was light on AAA exclusives in 2022?


Gold Member
I was saying you come across as salty, because you do.

Again, just asking for source material, because as a gamer it would be weird to defend their plans and business practices by projecting it onto their competition without any evidence.
It is just my way of posting dude, i don't care enough about M or phil to get salty in their behalf.
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You think it’s this email that showed the world Microsoft was light on AAA exclusives in 2022?
They haven't had a steady release of games in the same vein as Nintendo and Sony for half a decade or more.....its the content for 2022 and other years that should have gotten him fired.


advanced basic bitch
I think the only money i mentioned was related to sony, they don't have enough money to even dream about buying microsoft so OF COURSE you are never gonna hear jimbo say that.

But it is naive to think that a big multimillionaire company would hate to have a monopoly, we are all adults, we all know that if sony could erase M with a thanos finger snap they would it immediately, we don't have to read emails to know that big companies have no soul or really care for their clients.

I'm honestly done with this, i don't care enough about phil to defend his bullshits, i just felt a bit of emphaty for him after the last weeks :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

I think that japanese law actually exist or we would have halo x uncharted battle royale on gamepass by now :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

(My english is getting progressively worse :lollipop_grinning_sweat: )
Lol. Nobody is claiming Sony has even thought about buying ms. We are talking about Nintendo. Could sony buy nintedo? Maybe. I don't know and neiter do you. We do know MS wants to buy it all.


I think the only money i mentioned was related to sony, they don't have enough money to even dream about buying microsoft so OF COURSE you are never gonna hear jimbo say that.

But it is naive to think that a big multimillionaire company would hate to have a monopoly, we are all adults, we all know that if sony could erase M with a thanos finger snap they would it immediately, we don't have to read emails to know that big companies have no soul or really care for their clients.

I'm honestly done with this, i don't care enough about phil to defend his bullshits, i just felt a bit of emphaty for him after the last weeks :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

I think that japanese law actually exist or we would have halo x uncharted battle royale on gamepass by now :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

(My english is getting progressively worse :lollipop_grinning_sweat: )
Honestly, do you think Spencer deserves empathy, now that it appears he has been actively trying to run the industry into the ground, because he can't compete with the big boys (both Sony and Nintendo)?
Are you talking about me? Why are you so indirect and weird about it?

Like I just said, feel free to create as many threads as you want. I have the ability to easily customize the site for myself in 2 seconds. It's just messy since you try to read the front page and it's all Phil Spencer. But like I literally just said, go for it. It doesn't bother me after I click ignore thread. It's literally gone.
i agree, i miss the good old days when we used to only have 329 new threads about starfield a month before the release :messenger_smirking:


Do i have to provide emails for the recent plus price upgrade or the we believe in generations trickery or when they showed gt7 as a ps5 only game just to become crossgen later or when a journalists asked if gow ragnarock was crossgen and instead of being open and pro-gamers like you people think they are he was more vague than a politician?

You're not seriously equating these things to the proposed takeover of a freaking platform holder, are you?


Gold Member
Honestly, do you think Spencer deserves empathy, now that it appears he has been actively trying to run the industry into the ground, because he can't compete with the big boys (both Sony and Nintendo)?
I felt a bit of empathy after the whole starfield semi-fiasco and these leaks.

They really sound desperate.

And the whole trying to ruin the industry just sound exagerated and melodramatic tbh, they actually didn't ruined jack shit yet.
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