Phil Spencer says he spends ‘zero energy’ on console wars - ‘doesn’t envision’ a time when every Xbox user subscribes to Game Pass


You boys are now dropping the game list, since you know you talk nonsense when it's about cloud infrastructure and the need to have your own datacenters.
Deathloop will come to Xbox next year, we can count it again. Flight Simulator, Psychonauts 2, Gears Tactics ( not a mobile game, idiot) FH5 and Halo Infinite, pretty impressive scores for all of them since the console launch.
If you're not counting Deathloop, why are you counting Psychonauts 2?
Kind of sad if people thought that higher-ups in these companies are out console warring. LOL

That's something that fans do. And it can be both good and bad for the brand. An example of it being bad is Sony with the PC releases, their base had built up such a belief in the importance of titles only be on console that the backlash is a real problem that Sony has to deal with.

As a fan, it's just part of gaming culture. As long as you aren't taking it to seriously, who cares.


Gold Member
Those were the days.

And it hasn't left some soon to be AARP joining peeps till this day.
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Could they? Sony had already paid Bethesda for those agreements and it would have been messy.

Even if they could, that would have been a terrible look, and PR is important to them - hence, interviews like this.
As owners of bethesda, they have the legal rights to cancel it. They will only pay for cancelation.

It would have been a bad BR for their message and gamepass. At the same time, it would be strong message that they aren't going to share bethesda games with anyone. S

Ms still want that bridge for unifying gamers, since that would benefit gamepass massively. Allowing those games on those consoles was a signal to that intent.


I know you like to make yourself feel better to say that. But in the end, MS fucked it up at launch, and Sony was ready from the start without the need to talk bullshit in the media.
You are the one that feels that way.

Everyone and their mothers knows MS fucked up this gen start up. They got criticized heavily last year, and the start of this year.

Its just that these last months, xbox saw big games being released, while Sony didn't get any of their 1st party after ratchet. Because of that, people are applauding MS.

The real battle starts next year, and after that.

Sony has God of war, spiderman, wolverine, hfw, gt7. While xbox has fable, avowed, hellblade 2, and perfect dark. You can add bethesda games there too.

I dont bother with myself on 1st year releases. Its always been that way, since xbox/ps2 release date started.


Your main argument is that game streaming is like Netflix.

Happy Adam Scott GIF by Sky

Aah...see and that's why you still don't get the point. The point is very clear, they all need to rent space for their doesn't matter if it's game streaming or video streaming.

Both technologies are not that different from each other in the basis. But all you trying to push is that only Xbox can release a game streaming service or download service, yet PSNow is there for years with the same technology.

Its popularity itself is not a relevant part here.


Not sure I would use the word blame but maybe you don't use it seriously. Exclusives content/apps has always been a part (not totality) of selling a platform.
Yeah I know it was mostly a response to the idea that Sony has kinda put themselves in this situation regarding the Zenimax purchase because they’ve been shopping around for third party exclusives. Even if it would turn out that MS did this as a response to the recent exclusivity deals by Sony, which I doubt, it didn’t start there. As you say it’s been going on for ages.
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Then start count when it will have a official launch date. for 2/3's a fucking weak list imo with one game still half assed.
Luckily your opinion means nothing, Metacritic says all 80+ games and they are publisher of the year.
Aah...see and that's why you still don't get the point. The point is very clear, they all need to rent space for their doesn't matter if it's game streaming or video streaming.

Both technologies are not that different from each other in the basis. But all you trying to push is that only Xbox can release a game streaming service or download service, yet PSNow is there for years with the same technology.

Its popularity itself is not a relevant part here.
It's relevant if you want to scale it to 2 billion potential customers (Microsoft's plan). There's a reason why Sony isn't really investing anything into PSNow.


Gold Member
Your main argument is that game streaming is like Netflix.

Happy Adam Scott GIF by Sky
And everyone who criticized PSNow and other streaming platforms, decrying streaming as shit because latency and native enthusiasts 144hz 1ms or less reaction times 120hz super shooter triggers, use xCloud as a beacon, uncriticized in their great war console war now.
Alanis Morissette Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

It's almost as if us gamers are fickle and petty childish hypocrites. Almost.
GIF by Entertainment Tonight
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they all need to rent space for their doesn't matter if it's game streaming or video streaming.
Just cause I think you ignore my previous comment. Netflix is kinda of using a different infrastructure. The streaming is off their own infrastructure, the recommendations and processing is off AWS.



Flashless at the Golden Globes
Kind of sad if people thought that higher-ups in these companies are out console warring. LOL

That's something that fans do. And it can be both good and bad for the brand. An example of it being bad is Sony with the PC releases, their base had built up such a belief in the importance of titles only be on console that the backlash is a real problem that Sony has to deal with.

As a fan, it's just part of gaming culture. As long as you aren't taking it to seriously, who cares.
DIdnt Jimbo pounce on Phil's cross gen comments and made his infamous We Believe in Generations comments? I remember this board was on fire for a good 3 months with everyone shitting on Phil Spencer and Microsoft's cross gen strategy until Sony announced Horizon and Miles are cross gen as well. Jim knew exactly wtf he was doing. He unleashed rabid fanboys on Phil.

No one is beneath warring. And like I said in my earlier post, you want these guys to war. If Phil doesnt go to war with Jimbo buying up all bethesda exclusives, we dont have the Zenimax purchase. This aint the 2nd grade where we all sing kumbaya and share our lunch. No, this is high school and only one guy gets to fuck the prom queen.


Gold Member
DIdnt Jimbo pounce on Phil's cross gen comments and made his infamous We Believe in Generations comments?
He also said in that very same sentence that they're also not going to leave behind 100+m PS4 gamers with some content. But that gets conveniently left out like a CNN sound bite in this great war of ours.

You can believe in both at the same time. And both be true.

But hey, everything is black and white, lines in the sand, innit.
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Hard to Kill
Here if you are blind.
Here if you are blind
It is really a simple concept to understand the studio manager manages studios.

Edit I'll even copy paste since either you have trouble understanding or don't want to:"working with Microsoft's European developers and studios such as Lionhead Studios and Rare until 2008, when he became the general manager of Microsoft Studios" you are confusing managing studios and becoming corporate vice president or confusing with "In late March 2014, Satya Nadella announced in a corporate e-mail that Spencer was to "lead the Xbox, Xbox Live, Groove Music and Movies & TV teams, and Microsoft Studios" as part of the Windows and Devices division." when they merged the branches.
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And everyone who criticized PSNow and other streaming platforms, decrying streaming as shit because latency and native enthusiasts 144hz 1ms or less reaction times 120hz super shooter triggers, use xCloud as a beacon, uncriticized in their great war console war now.
Alanis Morissette Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

It's almost as if us gamers are fickle and petty childish hypocrites. Almost.
GIF by Entertainment Tonight
There's no double standard here. While I wouldn't play a twitch shooter over a stream, I'd say roughly 95% of games work perfectly fine with it.

I played GoW 1 and 2 via PSNow and had a lot of fun. It works well, but the question is whether scaling it up makes financial sense for Sony.


Gold Member
There's no double standard here. While I wouldn't play a twitch shooter over a stream, I'd say roughly 95% of games work perfectly fine with it.

I played GoW 1 and 2 via PSNow and had a lot of fun. It works well, but the question is whether scaling it up makes financial sense for Sony.
You sir, and an exception to the rule. Don't pretend it wasn't a great war overall with most double speaking when their favorite brand does it... it wasn't that long ago.

"Fuck streaming loooolololol" went to... "well, wayment... it's not thaaaat bad, and they will do it betterrrrrrrrrr *latency delay in the R key* rrrr"
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Just cause I think you ignore my previous comment. Netflix is kinda of using a different infrastructure. The streaming is off their own infrastructure, the recommendations and processing is off AWS.

And despite only using AWS for processing, they're paying an estimated $25m every month for AWS. Shit's expensive.


No by putting the likes of Forza and Halo on Gamepass which doesn't need an Xbox day one, almost everyone has a mobile or tablet so can play.
but arent, basically all the older forza games not available anymore due to licensing reasons? so this is useless huh


Spencer served as general manager of Microsoft Game Studios EMEA, working with Microsoft's European developers and studios such as Lionhead Studios and Rare until 2008, when he became the general manager of Microsoft Studios, eventually becoming the studio's corporate vice president a year later.[5][6] He has participated in Microsoft's E3 conferences since 2010

General manager, and head of the xbox are 2 different thing.

Head of xbox has the authority to buy studios, and expand the business. Spencer never had that authority.


Hard to Kill
Spencer served as general manager of Microsoft Game Studios EMEA, working with Microsoft's European developers and studios such as Lionhead Studios and Rare until 2008, when he became the general manager of Microsoft Studios, eventually becoming the studio's corporate vice president a year later.[5][6] He has participated in Microsoft's E3 conferences since 2010

General manager, and head of the xbox are 2 different thing.

Head of xbox has the authority to buy studios, and expand the business. Spencer never had that authority.
Really ? So the studio manager is not in charge of buying studio nor managing them?
once again using your own words "These dumbasses never invested in their studios, or buy any new studios to expand their IPs" don't you think that is exactly the role of studio manager or is it just a title and he spent all those years jackin' it in his office?


Luckily your opinion means nothing, Metacritic says all 80+ games and they are publisher of the year.

I remember that Xbox fans didn't care about Metacritics at all? I bet your one of them since you where so fucking butthurt that the launch titles ran better on PS5.

It's relevant if you want to scale it to 2 billion potential customers (Microsoft's plan). There's a reason why Sony isn't really investing anything into PSNow.
The technology is the same and the hard part they did already year ago (STREAMING). Downloading the games from these services is the least hard to do.

Sure there is a reason and they still release games. They offer 1080p streaming, pretty good for this weak service in your eyes. I can't wait when you guys drop some new excuses when PSNow has been changed in the future.

Just cause I think you ignore my previous comment. Netflix is kinda of using a different infrastructure. The streaming is off their own infrastructure, the recommendations and processing is off AWS.

It's about that basic point that they don't need to have their own data centers.

Netflix delivers all of their videos from their own content distribution network and doesn’t use Amazon’s CloudFront CDN for video delivery at all.

That's because they have a technology that they have build in-house. I mean if the new "PSNow" i different and PS has some tech that they want to run themselves, then they can. I mean they can get help from their broadcast part of the company for some of the tech also.

At this point, PS is more then capable to deliver their own big service.

DIdnt Jimbo pounce on Phil's cross gen comments and made his infamous We Believe in Generations comments? I remember this board was on fire for a good 3 months with everyone shitting on Phil Spencer and Microsoft's cross gen strategy until Sony announced Horizon and Miles are cross gen as well. Jim knew exactly wtf he was doing. He unleashed rabid fanboys on Phil.

No one is beneath warring. And like I said in my earlier post, you want these guys to war. If Phil doesnt go to war with Jimbo buying up all bethesda exclusives, we dont have the Zenimax purchase. This aint the 2nd grade where we all sing kumbaya and share our lunch. No, this is high school and only one guy gets to fuck the prom queen.

You can find the quote yourself, it has nothing to do with games in the first place. It had to do with features compared to PS4.
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No one is beneath warring. And like I said in my earlier post, you want these guys to war. If Phil doesnt go to war with Jimbo buying up all bethesda exclusives, we dont have the Zenimax purchase.

I don't consider acquisitions to be console warring. I doubt they were sitting around tables trying to figure out how they could stick it to PS. Much more likely they were discussing the need for day one content on GP and what was the most cost effective way to do that. Thus, they made an acquisition when the opportunity came about. Did Sony trying to get timed exclusivity on most of the titles speed up the timeline, maybe. But I still would think the move was approved due to the positives for MS and not the negatives for a competitor.


Really ? So the studio manager is not in charge of buying studio nor managing them?
once again using your own words "These dumbasses never invested in their studios, or buy any new studios to expand their IPs" don't you think that is exactly the role of studio manager or is it just a title and he spent all those years jackin' it in his office?
That is not how business works. The head of the company needs to approve it. You dont go ahead and buy stuff for the company.


Hard to Kill
That is not how business works. The head of the company needs to approve it. You dont go ahead and buy stuff for the company.
So Phil did all tha he could and was always met with a no?So he couldn't invest in his studios and not buy them ... So he basically did nothing since 2008. Because that is what is implied in your dream scenario.That studio managers are basically not responsible for their studios.
Because if a studio can't be held responsible for the state of his studios then who is?
Maybe, just maybe, you can stop being delusional cheerleading for Phil and acknowmedge that he did a bad job there.

Edit: to give you an example, I once worked at a mcdonalds and one day we ran out of toilet paper.By your logic I blame the CEO.T janitor was ohis best but he was kept from by his manager, hat was kept from by the regional manager, that was kept from by the national manager, that was kept from by the CEO of Mcdonalds. It is either that or maybe just maybe it is because the guy in charge of refilling toilet paper didn't do his fucking job.
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So Phil did all tha he could and was always met with a no?So he couldn't invest in his studios and not buy them ... So he basically did nothing since 2008. Because that is what is implied in your dream scenario.That studio managers are basically not responsible for their studios.
Because if a studio can't be held responsible for the state of his studios then who is?
Maybe, just maybe, you can stop being delusional cheerleading for Phil and acknowmedge that he did a bad job there.

Edit: to give you an example, I once worked at a mcdonalds and one day we ran out of toilet paper.By your logic I blame the CEO.T janitor was ohis best but he was kept from by his manager, hat was kept from by the regional manager, that was kept from by the national manager, that was kept from by the CEO of Mcdonalds. It is either that or maybe just maybe it is because the guy in charge of refilling toilet paper didn't do his fucking job.
You are describing what was wrong with xbox that time. The head studio never bothered doing what phill did after he took over.

Competent head of the company knows how to run the company. Its why post xbox was stong.

The fact that Phill did all these after do matrick, shows how bad Don mismanaged the company.

If phill did bad job like you said, Xbox wouldnt seen the success it has now.


This guy bought an entire publisher.

What a fucking liar lol.
Honestly not only that . He also mentions he think of why x guy can’t play with y guy because he is on different consoles . That’s because your game is exclusive to x and not y.

do not talk about everyone playing together when all your games are exclusive to your platform whatever it was windows or Xbox .
Same goes for Sony and Nintendo but at least these guys don’t come and talk about sharing their games with different consoles . Sony is opening up in a stupid way by charging full price for 4 years old games but still . Not even close to what this guy talk about


ChatGPT 0.001
I've been saying game pass is similar to PS Plus, the marketing is deceiving and don't underestimate how much damage game pass is doing to xbox LIVE, Gold. Who started paid online gaming? Microsoft.


Hard to Kill
You are describing what was wrong with xbox that time. The head studio never bothered doing what phill did after he took over.

Competent head of the company knows how to run the company. Its why post xbox was stong.

The fact that Phill did all these after do matrick, shows how bad Don mismanaged the company.

If phill did bad job like you said, Xbox wouldnt seen the success it has now.
So he isn't accountable for anything then except the good things?
Because I would like to remember that all this is just a theory, a dream scenario that you have in your mind ...Unless you have actual sources confirming that he was kept from doing his job properly?That he was not really in charge of studios, because that's how companies work if a branch or a subsidiary doesn't meet expectation the fault is from the people that manages them directly.If shipping is problematic then the shipping/logistic manager is to blame.


So he isn't accountable for anything then except the good things?
Because I would like to remember that all this is just a theory, a dream scenario that you have in your mind ...Unless you have actual sources confirming that he was kept from doing his job properly?That he was not really in charge of studios, because that's how companies work if a branch or a subsidiary doesn't meet expectation the fault is from the people that manages them directly.If shipping is problematic then the shipping/logistic manager is to blame.
i dont know how dumb can you be.
If you put Don matrick Era to Phil spencer era, you will see day and light.

Again, if you think Phil was doing shit jobs, his management, when he was the head of the company would have done shit. We havent seen that.

maybe take sometime from this website, and take a look at what both of these 2 did.


Riky Riky kingfey kingfey

Quick come with more excuses...

The fact that you need to rely on VRR is the weak part of it. That still means the Xbox games don't run better then on the competitions console.

It's a hardware feature, sucks not every console has it yet.
But "runs" better is a bit of a stretch as does that mean resolution or framerate, either way it's nothing to do with this topic and shows how desperate you are, Halo day has obviously got you shook to the core.


"We’re the only platform shipping games on PC, cloud and console simultaneously," explained Spencer. "Others bring console games to PC years later, not only making people buy their hardware up front but then charging them a second time to play on PC."

-Phil Spencer

Phil is a used cars salesmen through and through.
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"We’re the only platform shipping games on PC, cloud and console simultaneously," explained Spencer. "Others bring console games to PC years later, not only making people buy their hardware up front but then charging them a second time to play on PC."

-Phil Spencer

Phil is a used cars salesmen through and through.
That tongue cheek is something else.

If someone speaks to me like that, He will be able to sell me anything.


It's a hardware feature, sucks not every console has it yet.
But "runs" better is a bit of a stretch as does that mean resolution or framerate, either way it's nothing to do with this topic and shows how desperate you are, Halo day has obviously got you shook to the core.

It's a feature that can't be used if you not have a tv that supports it. I mean do you really think that everyone has a VRR capable tv? Owh yeah..such a stretch when it was very clear on the PS5.

Desperate? You are the one needed to bring the games what makes you sound already a weak and a idiot, because you were never capable to discuss about the cloud part.

Just keep dropping emoijs, that's all you can do after all.


Hard to Kill
i dont know how dumb can you be.
If you put Don matrick Era to Phil spencer era, you will see day and light.

Again, if you think Phil was doing shit jobs, his management, when he was the head of the company would have done shit. We havent seen that.

maybe take sometime from this website, and take a look at what both of these 2 did.
Dumb ? you are the one making up scenarios calling them true while I just consider that if a publisher mismanage his studios the blame should land on the general studio manager.
In a nutshell you make shit up when I use logic ...And between us two, I'm the dumb one...Great it makes sense.I guess that based on how you think you probably need someone in the morning to help ou tie your shoes so I will explain it in terms simple enough for you.
The man responsible for managing studios is not responsible for mismanaged studios because when he is not in charge of studios (it is matt booty now I believe) they get better.That is your point.
I can be a shitty branch manager and the best fucking CEO in the world you know that it is different right ?That the good i'll do tomorrow doesn't erase the shit I can do today.Or maybe you don't understand what is a studio manager's job...And keep up with me because this will be a tough one to follow.
Maybe repeat after me it will help you. A Studio Manager Manages Studios.
Don't worry I'll give you some times to get used to this far fetch'd concept, take all the time you need.
And maybe next time be assured to be solid on your base before insulting someone unless you want to keep being publicly schooled...
Mic drop.
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It's a feature that can't be used if you not have a tv that supports it. I mean do you really think that everyone has a VRR capable tv? Owh yeah..such a stretch when it was very clear on the PS5.

Desperate? You are the one needed to bring the games what makes you sound already a weak and a idiot, because you were never capable to discuss about the cloud part.

Just keep dropping emoijs, that's all you can do after all.
The same as 4k, if you haven't got the TV you can't use it, pretty irrelevant point you make again.
What was clear on PS5? Valhalla and Dirt 5 have better framerate on Xbox but lower resolution on average, some games are the opposite, all are better with VRR.

Talking about games makes me weak and an idiot on a games forum, ok, you are ranting like a child about the MS line up and you didn't even know what Gears Tactics was, how to make yourself look stupid.
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