Gold Member
No you're not supposed to insult random people or spout racist stuff, it's a place where people come to be entertained, not annoyed by people being dicks. It's just like any private place like restaurants or night clubs : you can come with your friends and tell them whatever you want. But if you're consistently annoying other customers, you get kicked out.
The underground is where anything goes. You may be a undeground gamer if:
- You are the "human beat box" or "trash-talking chucklehead" (and proud of it).
- You rock with extreme vengeance and other totally intense buzzwords.
- People shout "griefer!" and you say "Yeah, whaddaya want?"
- You take out whole teams online. Including your team.
- You'd rather get revenge than win

Gamer Zones
Gamer Zones are titles that all Xbox Live members on Xbox 360 could choose from to show the community what kind of gamer they are. The feature was available to allXbox Live members (Silver/regular and Gold) on the Xbox 360 's Xbox Guide, more precisely: before the Xbox 360's User Interface was...
Besides, the overarching topic is stupid. Of course it's free speech. Phil is talking about public etiquette. If I can join a party and call someone anything I want then yeah there is free speech. If it's against a ToS/CoC then if I am reported I can have account sanctions placed on me.
Some players (not me) like trash talking and hurling abuse. Who am I to police how they get their motivation/enjoyment? If they want to rage at each other or hurl abuse then power to them. IDGAF. There is a mute button and there is a retreat of private parties.
I have to question how much of an issue this actually is on console though. Very rarely do you get people in public chat now anyway.