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Pics that make you laugh |OT5| Origins

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...Lol. You really can't see why?

Thanks for this. May not have been pictures, but was well enough funny. My Little Pony on the same level as freakin' Looney Tunes. Bahaha.

So you are saying no tv show can hope to reach LT levels of humor and shouldn't even try?
It can't even be 50% as good? LT is not some holy grail. Charlie Chaplin is way funnier.


Junior Member
It's like Looney Tunes. Do Looney Tunes fans get as much vitriol despite the rule 34? Both are kids shows also watched by adults because they enjoy the humor. Why do people act as if it's some sort of disease that must be purged?

There's a difference between just watching a show and enjoying it for what it's worth, and the obsessive kind of fandom that has emerged around MLP. Putting people who enjoy Mario games or Pixar movies in the same basket as people who follow MLP so much that they would identify themselves as 'bronies' is so ridiculous even a brony should recognize it. Vastly different levels of devotion. And in the vast majority of cases bronies nostalgia isn't even a tiny factor in their choice of the hobby.

You're actually beginning to sound a bit too defensive about the whole thing. Have we just been trolled?


That's where you are wrong. The current show, Friendship Is Magic has more in common with Futurama in style and tone than the older series. Why has the brony movement started now and not before? Because they actually made a smart, "meant for everyone" type of show. It's been created by Lauren Faust who worked on stuff like Samurai Jack and Dexter's Laboratory. She even said that she wanted the parents of the little girls to get entertained by the show as well. Again, Mario is far more kiddie than Friendship is Magic (current show)


Not strictly a kids show...

It's not rocket science. Good show = Fan following.

And yet people talk about shonen anime as if it's some deep, philosophical stuff when it's the Japanese equivalent of Ben 10. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

nobody hates you for watching the show, people hate you for being crazy about it.


Sincere thanks for explaining my point better than I could.
Also, I hope by hardcore you mean the ones who cut holes into plushies and not those who just draw fan-art and write fanfics, because c'mon! Every show/game/series has those.
We are no more weird than people who have Klingon Weddings and that's... unusual

Holes/clopping are the extreme end of it but the pony waifu stuff, cosplay and cons all add to this visibility which, while all harmless fun, serves to creep people out and I feel this partly because of the assosiation with young children, specifically girls. Due to the shows target audience that is.
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