ugh just wtf[IMG][/QUOTE]
Is this for real?
Women getting raped on CoD or something or other.jpg[IMG][/QUOTE]
POW - right in the feels.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Fuck, I got something in my eye.
POW - right in the feels.
He went on to become a ninja cyborg with a ninja cyborg dog.
POW - right in the feels.
Yep its fake.They are done by /v/. Here the entiere album.
Yep its fake.They are done by /v/. Here the entiere album.
I do wonder if its real, because she wanted rape in Far Cry 3. More exactly, Men on men rape.
Make me sad.
Yep its fake.They are done by /v/. Here the entiere album. EDIT: Seem like there is too much NSFW stuff, so, just look for the article and you will find the album.
I'll take 2 please.
And yet it doesn't have the funniest ones.]
I have never laughed as loud as I have to this picture in my whole life while at the same time being thoroughly offended by the fact that I'm finding this funny.
... does that make sense? it doesnt get better. English is hard.
I have never laughed as loud as I have to this picture in my whole life while at the same time being thoroughly offended by the fact that I'm finding this funny.
... does that make sense? it doesnt get better. English is hard.
but, feels
It's okay to laugh at offensive stuff as long as you admit you're going to hell for it.
Does this count?
is the joke that penguins are blind?
Is this written in iambic pentameter correctly too? It's hard for me to tell. I think it is. If so, someone spent quite a good amount of time on this.
is the joke that penguins are blind?