Aah, I still remember Fallout 3. Even after a GOTY edition was released, I needed to turn off collision detection on 2 separate vital parts because quest scripting screwed up and their plot doors wouldn't open.
Once in Little Lamplight, I spent an hour looking for a way to continue the main quest in there before realizing something was broken. Charming place, I think you'll all remember
Second time was in Mothership Zeta, I would have been stuck inside that spaceship with no way out of the expansion had I not used the console command.
Exactly. Even just comparing Obsidian's releases to Bethesda's, I'm not sure why Bethesda hasn't earned the same reputation. Skyrim on PS3 anyone? Or just Skyrim in general, I mean I love that game, but not for it's stability and polish.
Hell, that's just comparing Obsidian's games to other similar RPGs. Driveclub? Halo MCC? Broken for MONTHS.
It's a big circlejerk of lazy gaming "journalists" who would rather post clickbait and gamers with selective memory who would rather make meme jokes about Obsidian than objectively consider the quality of their releases.