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PlayStation 5 Pro to Be Powered by Custom Eight Core Zen 2 CPU, 60 CUs RDNA 3 Hybrid at 2500-2800Mhz – Rumor


Let's say for the GPU they did the butterfly thing again where it's basically double what we already have. However, what if they used ALL of the extra die space exclusively for ray tracing hardware. Then let's say the cpu just gets your basic clock/cache bumps.

Do you think there would be value in having a pro console that leaned so heavily into improved ray tracing performance, perhaps making it much more common to see ray tracing included in games? Would this get us to nvidia ampere levels of ray tracing do you think?
Short answer... No.

Some more context...

By no I am talking about its inclusion in games, that inda would just happen naturally, easier for developers. As for reaching Nvidia levels of RT, the funny thing is, AMD doesn't need more RT cores to do that. Or the PS5 doesn't need to invest in double a die space dedicated to RT to achieve that. The reason is that more (or less)RT cores are not the reason RT on RDNA is so bad. The reason is that RDNA isony accelerating lie half the RT process. It's why even intels RT is better.

Once AMD actually accelerates the BVH stuff, then they are on par with Nvidia and Intel.


  1. Please refrain from using starfeild when trying to make a case for CPU limitations. That is a game running on a dated piss poor engine from a studio that is notorious for half-hearted optimizations.

  2. I dont know why people have a habit of doing this, when trying to make a case like your, they point out failures while ignoring success. You talk Cyberpunk and Starfield, but conveniently ignore Spiderman 2 and HFW? Those two games are pretty much the best-looking console games this generation so far, and one of them is an open world game that also has RT. And both of those games have a 60fps mode that's better looking than any mode in the games you mentioned.

    Not saying this to start some sort of vs things, but rather to make a point, the point being, those are examples of what is possible when games are optimized properly for the hardware.

  3. I dont know where this whole compatibility thing came from regarding Zen 2 and Zen 4. X86 simply doesn't work that way. If it runs on zen 2, then it would run on Zen 4 with ease. The Zen core is not the problem, the problem would come down to things like available cache, number of Cores, clock frequency...etc. And those are only issues depending on how specific the coding was. Which unfortunately for consoles, is usually very very very specific.

    But we are getting ahead of ourselves here, Zen 2 has more in common with Zen 4, than Zen 2 had to Jaguar... and yet the whole PS4 game library works on the PS5.

    The reason they are or would likely stick with Zen 2, is simply because they do not need to have Zen 4 in there for what the machine is designed to do. All Zen 2 needs is a cache bump and a clock bump. People need to stop this tech porn nonsense and just remember what a Pro console is actually supposed to do. But if this is somehow too hard to do, let me help... Look at Spiderman 2. It has a fidelity mode that can be unlocked and when it is, it's averaging 40-60fps. A pro console is to ensure that games like those would maintain a locjed 60fps in that mode. And that its performance mode would average 120fps instead of 80fps. That's what the Pro is for.
1. Of course Starfield needs to be included. So are newer UE5 games. Do you expect every developer to optimize? After the shit show that was 2023? WTF is it with excluding actual games people play?
2. Because you will have a LOT more 3rd party games with shit optimization vs 1st party carefully crafted experience. Starfield, Cyberpunk, Jedi, Hogwarts and more are all CPU heavy. Cyberpunk is actually pretty well optimized all things considered CPU side but its heavy. You can't cherry pick couple First Party games knowing full well that that optimization just will not be happening on most 3rd party titles.
3. Yes, hence its even stranger that Sony would stick with Zen 2. That CPU architecture is weaker and we are seeing many issues with quite a few games. Its silly do declare "Sony doesn't need it" when its easily demonstrably that they indeed do for 3rd party support. Most likely this is a cost savings measure plus making their life easier so they don't have to account for nuances.
4. Even considering price I have a hard time believing its THAT much cheaper to manufacture custom Zen 2 on 5nm node vs Zen 4.


Just on paper this should get you 60fps rt modes. Most rt workloads used today, and probably for years to come, are light. Cyberpunk is cited a lot but it's the one big outlier.

If they want to focus especially on rt performance and end up with an outsized uplift compared to raster, that's great but most games are still just going to have some effects sprinkled on to a game that was essentially designed around raster graphics. The rtx series was a long time ago now and rt in most games still doesn't amount to much. Reflections are the only use that really sticks out because screen space reflection is one of the few effects with glaring ugly artifacts. Shadows and light are so nicely faked without rt that it's addition is underwhelming.
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1. Of course Starfield needs to be included. So are newer UE5 games. Do you expect every developer to optimize? After the shit show that was 2023? WTF is it with excluding actual games people play?
I singled out Starfeild, because its first party. First party, is the one area that you typically can guarantee that we see the best optimization any platform has to offer. It didn't do that.
2. Because you will have a LOT more 3rd party games with shit optimization vs 1st party carefully crafted experience. Starfield, Cyberpunk, Jedi, Hogwarts and more are all CPU heavy. Cyberpunk is actually pretty well optimized all things considered CPU side but its heavy. You can't cherry pick couple First Party games knowing full well that that optimization just will not be happening on most 3rd party titles.
You realize that while trying to say PS5pro needs a better CPU, you are instead painting a picture of piss poor optimization so we instead need better CPUs to brute force the issue. And please, the opposite of shit optimization is not a carefully crafted experience. It's simply better optimization.

And that is my case here, its not my business that third parties will usually do not deliver on that front, and it shouldn't be yours either. I singled out the games I did, because those are the standards to which we should be holding developers to. Capcom manages this just fine.

3. Yes, hence its even stranger that Sony would stick with Zen 2. That CPU architecture is weaker and we are seeing many issues with quite a few games. Its silly do declare "Sony doesn't need it" when its easily demonstrably that they indeed do for 3rd party support. Most likely this is a cost savings measure plus making their life easier so they don't have to account for nuances.
Not only are you exaggerating here, you are also deluded. And you dont just get it do you, you really think that the best way to iron out performance issues is to give devs all the power they need? LMAO... the current-gen consoles on the market right now haven't taught you anything? Again, sony doesn't need zen 4. Especially when the base will be the PS5.

You literally will have
scenario A - PS5 game running at 3.7Ghz
scenario B - PS5pro game running at 4.5Ghz with more CPU cache and around 2x GPU.

Even a plagues tale has a 60fps mode... and what are these games that you insist are CPU limited? Because there is a big difference between CPU limitations and poor optimization.
Ps5 pro is for people like me. I'll upgrade straight from PS4 pro and will enjoy the best library ever on day 1 :
1- Demon soul
2- Returnal
3- Cyberpunk 2077
4- Red dead rédemption 2
5- The last of us part 2
6- God of War Ragnarok
7- Spiderman 2
8- Elden rring
9- Street fighter 6
10- Hades
11- Horizon forbidden West
12- Baldur's Gate 3
13- The Quarry
14- Resident evil 4 remake
15- Sackboy a Big aventure

Havn't played anybody those.
So i look forward to ps5 pro.


I singled out Starfeild, because its first party. First party, is the one area that you typically can guarantee that we see the best optimization any platform has to offer. It didn't do that.

You realize that while trying to say PS5pro needs a better CPU, you are instead painting a picture of piss poor optimization so we instead need better CPUs to brute force the issue. And please, the opposite of shit optimization is not a carefully crafted experience. It's simply better optimization.

And that is my case here, its not my business that third parties will usually do not deliver on that front, and it shouldn't be yours either. I singled out the games I did, because those are the standards to which we should be holding developers to. Capcom manages this just fine.

Not only are you exaggerating here, you are also deluded. And you dont just get it do you, you really think that the best way to iron out performance issues is to give devs all the power they need? LMAO... the current-gen consoles on the market right now haven't taught you anything? Again, sony doesn't need zen 4. Especially when the base will be the PS5.

You literally will have
scenario A - PS5 game running at 3.7Ghz
scenario B - PS5pro game running at 4.5Ghz with more CPU cache and around 2x GPU.

Even a plagues tale has a 60fps mode... and what are these games that you insist are CPU limited? Because there is a big difference between CPU limitations and poor optimization.
You are being offensive and obtuse.

1. Yes, Starfield is 1st party, but it illustrates the problem.
2. Most games sold, vast majority of them, are 3rd party. Unless its Nintendo platforms.
3. More processing power allows for console to brute force to an extent through some of the issues.
4. Nobody gives a flying fuck about your optimization rant as can easily be seen by almost every 3rd party game (with some exceptions) to be terribly optimized.
5. Newer CPU architecture allows for IPC improvement vs just clock speed which is quite important considering pure multi-threaded performance some games display.
6. You are the delusional one here, but feel free to keep going at your asshattery. Again, simple clock speeds won't help as Zen 2 has fairly poor (by modern standards) IPC performance. Plague Tales' 60 FPS mode is one small example amongst the sea of purely optimized recent games that are affected by CPU performance.
7. Putting you on ignore list.


No Money Confused Travolta GIF


°Temp. member
Ps5 pro is for people like me. I'll upgrade straight from PS4 pro and will enjoy the best library ever on day 1 :
1- Demon soul
2- Returnal
3- Cyberpunk 2077
4- Red dead rédemption 2
5- The last of us part 2
6- God of War Ragnarok
7- Spiderman 2
8- Elden rring
9- Street fighter 6
10- Hades
11- Horizon forbidden West
12- Baldur's Gate 3
13- The Quarry
14- Resident evil 4 remake
15- Sackboy a Big aventure

Havn't played anybody those.
So i look forward to ps5 pro.
Those might not all get Pro patches, and even if they do you may have to wait a while after the Pro launches.


SpiderMan 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 would not need patches. PS5 Pro's boost mode would improve those games.

Would be nice to have improved RT effects in those games. I mean all you would have in Cyberpunk 2077 is a locked 60 and maybe somewhat higher resolutions within the current DRS range. I would definitely want more than that.
The 5700XT was a $400 card launching around a year before the PS5, the PS5 beat it at $500. The 7800XT is a $500 card launching around a year before the PS5 Pro, at $599-$699 the PS5 Pro can beat it. They are still using an old CPU to save money and they don't have to make a profit on hardware like GPU manufacturers. The 7800XT isn't a very expensive card, it can be matched in a premium console this time next year.
I’d say the fact they aren’t improving the cpu yet this could be 699 is kind of a joke. These specs would be fine if the console was 499-549
Pretty underwhelming specs if true. Granted this comes from the same guy that said PS5 would have secret sauce RDNA3 features so take it with a grain of salt.

A 8-core Zen4c would be ideal for a refreshed console, you'd get ~40% higher perf at similar clocks and it's probably smaller in size than node-shrunk Zen2 would be. GPU is also probably worse than the Navi 32 copypaste job one would expect because of the wonky shader configuration and limited VRAM bandwidth

PS4 Pro was pretty underwhelming as a Pro console and this would be a smaller jump than that.
These specs aren’t bad if it’s 499-549 but they are really bad if it’s 699. If it’s 600 or more it will be pretty unacceptable to not upgrade the cpu


I’d say the fact they aren’t improving the cpu yet this could be 699 is kind of a joke. These specs would be fine if the console was 499-549
Don't go by his quoted prices.. this is a console and consoles use custom parts.
I strongly doubt it's higher than $599.
Don't be surprised if this is 500. They are building with efficiency in BOM now. The key parts will always be the most expensive but they also are manufacturing the same as well. And it won't be coming out for another year. That ain't today.
500 to at most 549 is the only thing acceptable. 600+ (let alone the rumored 699) is only acceptable if they upgrade the cpu. I also think it’s disappointing this seems to be rdna 3 and not 4
Don't go by his quoted prices.. this is a console and consoles use custom parts.
I strongly doubt it's higher than $599.
I don’t believe in quotes I’m just basing it on the slim pricing. I hope these specs are wrong either way no cpu upgrade and what seems to be not full rdna 4 is very disappointing. We will have had zen 5 for almost a year (or a full year) when this comes out late next year-2025
Very disappointing on the cpu side if true.
It’s pretty unacceptable on the cpu side if the console really is gonna be 600-700 (and that’s discless) maybe these specs mean they are pricing it at most at 549 and posssibly 499 if the slim drops in price next year
Pretty underwhelming specs if true. Granted this comes from the same guy that said PS5 would have secret sauce RDNA3 features so take it with a grain of salt.

A 8-core Zen4c would be ideal for a refreshed console, you'd get ~40% higher perf at similar clocks and it's probably smaller in size than node-shrunk Zen2 would be. GPU is also probably worse than the Navi 32 copypaste job one would expect because of the wonky shader configuration and limited VRAM bandwidth

PS4 Pro was pretty underwhelming as a Pro console and this would be a smaller jump than that.
Forget zen 4 zen 5 will be almost a year old when this comes out (or could even be a full year old if this gets pushed to 2025) these specs are absolutely unacceptable considering the rumored price
Sounds about right.

Very similar to the approach with the PS4 pro.

Same CPU as the base, just upclocked.
GPU and RAM gets big upgrade.

Will probably skip this upgrade this time as PS5 performance is fine.
The ram doesn’t look like it’s getting upgrade only the gpu and unlike the pro this will be quite a bit more expensive than the base model so these specs aren’t acceptable


The ram doesn’t look like it’s getting upgrade only the gpu and unlike the pro this will be quite a bit more expensive than the base model so these specs aren’t acceptable
I mean, it's $100 more than the base version. Seems like a fair upgrade to me.
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Nothing wrong with that CPU, it's fully what I expected it to be anyway. I can't help but feel that people want a better CPU simply because its well.. better, but not really thinking about what they're supposed to do with it.

First off, all the current Zen 2 CPU needs, is an upclock, and more cache. Thats it. It's lije we are forgetting that all the PS5pro has to do, is run gams at a max of 120fps. MAX. And probably only needs to reliably achieve that at 1080p-1440p at best. When doing native 2160p or even FSR`ed 1440p up rezzed to 2160p, the target would be 60fps. You do not need a much better CPU to do that.

It's not like the PS5 Pro is going for 240hz or something.

And remember, the base is the PS5, so whatever the Pro is, it's running PS5 code first and foremost.

And then there is the RT, if the PS5pro is doing with RT what I hope Sony and AMD are finally going to do, the PS5pro would have ~4x the RT performance compared to the PS5 OG.
Are you forgetting rt needs a good cpu and your wrong several games like Jedi survivor and Spider-Man in it’s unlocked modes are more cpu limited. We wanted a better cpu to not bottleneck the gpu and also cause this thing is gonna be pretty expensive so it’s pretty unacceptable to cheap out on the cpu (though I actually hear using an equivalent zen 4 or even zen 5 is cheaper than sticking with zen 2 and up locking cause of die space)
I mean, it's $100 more than the base version. Seems like a fair upgrade to me.
It doesn’t this upgrade makes sense if it’s the same price as the base model originally was so 499 or at most 549 600 let alone more we thought meant they would upgrade the entire system. Again going by these specs the ONLY thing that’s really getting amped is the gpu and nothing else that alone is not worth 100+ more


These specs aren’t bad if it’s 499-549 but they are really bad if it’s 699. If it’s 600 or more it will be pretty unacceptable to not upgrade the cpu
The CPU is just fine for what he PS5pro is.
500 to at most 549 is the only thing acceptable. 600+ (let alone the rumored 699) is only acceptable if they upgrade the cpu. I also think it’s disappointing this seems to be rdna 3 and not 4
The CPU is just fine for what the PS5pro is.

It's not RDNA3/RDNA4... its based on RDNA3, which means architecturally it would be similar, but it will have things in it that are not in RDNA3, maybe from RDNA4 or even not in RDNA4. That is how these things go, it would be presumptuous to think otherwise, and besides, it's not the sorta thing any of these leakers would know.
The ram doesn’t look like it’s getting upgrade only the gpu and unlike the pro this will be quite a bit more expensive than the base model so these specs aren’t acceptable
Its been upgraded, maybe not in amount, but its been upgraded where it matters most. In speed. Which means more bandwidth. And I say maybe not amount only because the PS4pro didn't necessarily upgrade the amount of RAM, though they added some more DDR3 RAM.
Are you forgetting rt needs a good cpu and your wrong several games like Jedi survivor and Spider-Man in it’s unlocked modes are more cpu limited. We wanted a better cpu to not bottleneck the gpu and also cause this thing is gonna be pretty expensive so it’s pretty unacceptable to cheap out on the cpu (though I actually hear using an equivalent zen 4 or even zen 5 is cheaper than sticking with zen 2 and up locking cause of die space)
If someone listens to you complain about the CPU, one would think the PS5 is currently being completely crippled by some subpar CPU. However, that couldn't be further from the truth. Th CPU is fine, and a coc boost, and more cache, would be more than enough of an upgrade for it. This nonsense about better CPU is just that, nonsense... and I dont mean that as an insult, just stating facts. The PS5 is based on the Zen 2 3700x. Just clocked lower and with less cache. This is how that chip performs when running games like cyberpunk and AC valhala. At 720p so tehGPU cant be the bottle necj.

It manages to run all the tested games at well over 120fps. This brings me bacj to what I have been saying about what the PS5pro is, a console that is to run games at at most, 120fps, and that when running games at that framerate would likely do so at a rez of 1080p or at best 1440p, that CPU with a higher clocj and more cache.. is more than enough for what its expected to do.

There is no need to have a better CPU than that in there if they would never need to utilize it. This i not saying that I won't tae a better CPU if they put one in, just saying, I don't see the sense in it. If for some reason it could be cheaper for them to put in a better CPU (though I dont see how that works), then by all means,lt them do it.

And I ignored the stuff you said about Spiderman and co because its not true.
I don't understand why people are so bummed that it will likely just be a boosted Zen 2 core. It makes sense for BC purposes. Also, Zen 2 at 4Ghz in a PS5 Pro in 2024 is still vastly better than the Jaguar core was in 2016 for the PS4 Pro.

Most of the FPS dips have been GPU bound on PS5, not CPU.

PS5 Pro is going to give us a nice improvement for games with unlocked modes. Games that hover between 40 - 50fps should hit 60fps no problem.

Spider Man 2's unlocked 40fps mode gonna be sick on PS5 Pro.
Because this is an upwards of 600 console possibly 700 so cheaping on the cpu is obscene also rt requires cpu
The CPU is just fine for what he PS5pro is.

The CPU is just fine for what the PS5pro is.

It's not RDNA3/RDNA4... its based on RDNA3, which means architecturally it would be similar, but it will have things in it that are not in RDNA3, maybe from RDNA4 or even not in RDNA4. That is how these things go, it would be presumptuous to think otherwise, and besides, it's not the sorta thing any of these leakers would know.

Its been upgraded, maybe not in amount, but its been upgraded where it matters most. In speed. Which means more bandwidth. And I say maybe not amount only because the PS4pro didn't necessarily upgrade the amount of RAM, though they added some more DDR3 RAM.

If someone listens to you complain about the CPU, one would think the PS5 is currently being completely crippled by some subpar CPU. However, that couldn't be further from the truth. Th CPU is fine, and a coc boost, and more cache, would be more than enough of an upgrade for it. This nonsense about better CPU is just that, nonsense... and I dont mean that as an insult, just stating facts. The PS5 is based on the Zen 2 3700x. Just clocked lower and with less cache. This is how that chip performs when running games like cyberpunk and AC valhala. At 720p so tehGPU cant be the bottle necj.

It manages to run all the tested games at well over 120fps. This brings me bacj to what I have been saying about what the PS5pro is, a console that is to run games at at most, 120fps, and that when running games at that framerate would likely do so at a rez of 1080p or at best 1440p, that CPU with a higher clocj and more cache.. is more than enough for what its expected to do.

There is no need to have a better CPU than that in there if they would never need to utilize it. This i not saying that I won't tae a better CPU if they put one in, just saying, I don't see the sense in it. If for some reason it could be cheaper for them to put in a better CPU (though I dont see how that works), then by all means,lt them do it.

And I ignored the stuff you said about Spiderman and co because its not true.
None of those games were benched with rt
More like $699 and $799

There will most certainly be a “pro” model. The margins are so much higher and it helps drive sales for people who have yet to purchase a console, are VR enthusiasts, or simply want an upgrade.

I understand for wanting a move to next-gen given these consoles were underpowered from day 1, but enjoy the current gen. It’s going to be years before we see a PS6.
It’s crazy you think these specs justify a 699 price at all there is no cpu upgrade
No. They are going up, because unlike previous generation, where price of components went down during console generation, price of components now remains stagnant or is going up which was driven by chip shortage during 2021 and now it is driven by inflation.
So it is basically foolish to expect that current PS5 will go down in price during this gen. And it is foolish to expect PS5 Pro for anything less then 600 for Digital Edition. That console will have
- smaller node (probably) with bigger chip (way higher price)
- more RAM (higher price)
- bigger chasis (higher price)
- bigger cooling requirements (higher price)

Also. There is no reason for Sony to price PS5 Pro competitively. It will be premium product for premium price. There is no competition since Microsoft will probably not make Series X Pro. If you can't afford "premium" product, you can buy base PS5.
I would hope that them pricing it at a premium means everything is getting upgraded and not just the gpu. I hope this is sporting rdna 4 and zen 4 or even zen 5 maybe amp the memory to 20gb and then I think it’s justified to charge 700
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I don't get people and this excessively negative attitude towards things.

What is the point? Here, this is the best PS5 we can make in 2020 at $500. But hey, tech moves forward, so in 2024, this is the best PS5 we can make for $599. It's more expensive because you don't need it, and as such we don't have to sell it at a loss. Your OG PS5 works just fine. But if you want to get the absolute best gaming experience you can get on a PS5, this is it.

What better reason do they need for that? Companies sell whole new more expensive products with the only difference being that one has more storage space than the other, or one has a few more cores than the other, or a little more RAM than the other, and that is perfectly okay. But when a console does it, it needs some sort of justification.

You know what I find most disturbing about your type of mindset... so you would be okay, getting an OG PS5 at say $400, but willing to pay $500 for it, the same damn thing, if they told you that it has double the storage space and comes in a new color, but if they told you to pay $100 more so all the games you play on it, runs at higher framerates and higher rez.... its a problem????

For now...

But yeah, you're spot on.
Why is the rumor rdna 3 and not 4?
Still don't believe this. Especially rdna3 wouldn't make any sense as parts of the PS5 GPU CUs are internally differently structured which might cause some "incompatibilities" with newer CUs and we saw with PS4 pro how Sony handled compatibility.
I don't mean this in any bad manor, but this alone sounds to risky.

Also this would be a 500€ GPU (7800xt like) in a stationary console. How much should than the console cost?

Main problem I see for the current gen is memory bandwidth. So thus might get also a big cost factor.

Also what should a pro console be for? 4k? Than Sony marketing must degrade the PS5 as fullhd console, that would not be good from a marketing standpoint.
There were good reasons for the PS4 pro back than (because of the rise of 4k TVs) but bowi don't see anything that this could be useful.
It should actually be based on rdna 4 cause 3 would be super disappointing especially if this is really gonna be over 600 discless
People complaining about 700€/$ for a "pro" model, dont seem to understand what a pro model actually is. The PS5 is NOT the PS4. The PS5 is still a very capable device. The ps4 was already very budget level hardware when the Pro released.
This will give an OPTION for buyers that want more and/or just have the money to buy something more powerfull.

As for me, day 1. Need another ps5 anyway. My only one sits at the Home theatre. Need one for the living room. Gonna wait for the Pro to buy it :)
Im actually cool with spending 700 on a pro as long as the specs are better than this leak. Hope for a cpu and actual memory upgrades. And while the leaked gpu is fine enough it would be weird to use rdna 3 instead of 4 so I hope that’s wrong as well. I hope they use zen 5 and increase memory to 20gb then we are talking with a 700 price tag
I have a hard time discerning between graphical effects like RT without Digital Foundry pointing them out, so I think in the case of PS5 Pro I won't be purchasing this time. The PS4 Pro was good in that we had 1080p to 4K upscaled but the basic PS5 looks and performs well enough for my weary eyes. I'd rather spend the money on getting a new Alienware box.
I actually would recommend skipping the pro if the leaked specs are true I hope they are wrong. If the specs are better than this though I would jump
None of what you said, is why this could be hard to believe. None at all.

eg... the PS5 GPU is based on a 40CU 6700xt, a $500 GPU. That didn't stop such a GPU from being in the PS5 did it? And mind you, the PS5 APU has a CPU in it too, along with a wider bus than even that $500 GPU had, 256bit vs 192bit.

The absolute worst thing you can do is look at GPU pricing and use that to extrapolate on what a console may cost. When you see a GPU retailing for $500, just have it in mind that it probably costs AMD/Nvidia... around $300 to make that GPU.

Memory bandwidth also isn't an issue, again, I think people forget what these consoles are designed to do.

As for the rest, you said...ah well, beginning to feel like a broken record.
The gpu is actually a little weird that it still seems to be rdna 3 and not 4 so I hope that’s wrong. I really hope the part of the cpu and ram are wrong as well
I'd like you all to remember how we got the PS5 specs.
It wasn't leaked, it came directly from Sony in Road to PS5.
RGT wasn't even close to leaking anything.

As for Kepler_L2, I'll like to believe he's keeping his sources safe. He hasn't confirm it's exactly Zen2, just Zen4c wasn't ready on time.

This isn't confirmation either, he's just stating the obvious.

Also, we must remember this.

So going by Kepler_L2, it's 60/60CU with 3 Shader Engines.
So either Sony will use the full chip, which is highly unlikely or disable some for yields. 54/60CUs makes more sense than RGT.

7800xt chip is what the PS5 Pro is likely based on and we know it has 60CUs max.

Can you confirm if this can be rdna 4 instead of 3 I really hope it’s not 3
Yeah but that fucking zen 2 and 16gb of memory are ruining the show.

This is as medicore as PS4 to PS4 pro or even worse. It's less than double the power of PS5 GPU.
Yeah really really hope the leak is wrong we have to remember this is gonna be at least 600 (possibly 700) and not 500 and the gpu upgrade is not big enough to justify that price in context that nothing else is really getting upgraded. I hope this is based on rdna 4 instead of 3 and hopefully they actually up the cpu (zen 5 will be almost a year old when this releases)
I was about to comment this

Redgamingtech is a joke

Don't fall for it folks. The guy has a worst track record than Moore's law is dead and that is saying something.
I also hope he’s wrong these specs are really disappointing especially if this thing is gonna be 6-700$ and discless at that


Yeah really really hope the leak is wrong we have to remember this is gonna be at least 600 (possibly 700) and not 500 and the gpu upgrade is not big enough to justify that price in context that nothing else is really getting upgraded. I hope this is based on rdna 4 instead of 3 and hopefully they actually up the cpu (zen 5 will be almost a year old when this releases)
Did you... Just make 11 posts in a row? Lmao.

But you're being unreasonable. RDNA 4 and Zen 5 don't even exist yet and Zen 5 won't be "Almost a year old." when the pro is supposed to come out. It'll be 6 months at most, probably less.
I never understood why people felt it would be zen 3 or 4. Boosted zen 2 always seemed the most probable especially since Sony uses less hardware abstraction (as I understand it).

regardless of the reason it still sounds like a nice performance boost.
I was hoping for zen 5 if anything and we were hoping it would be upgraded because of the premium price
Did you... Just make 11 posts in a row? Lmao.

But you're being unreasonable. RDNA 4 and Zen 5 don't even exist yet and Zen 5 won't be "Almost a year old." when the pro is supposed to come out. It'll be 6 months at most, probably less.
Zen 5 is rumored for January-February 2024 and rdna 4 is rumored for October 2024 so it will be a month old when this console releases
You missed the point. The point is that we have algorithms in place to enhance lower resolution. People are spending a lot of money to play games at sub-native resolution and the algorithms are good enough to fill in the gap. Now I know there are issues with FSR, but 1080p with modern AA/algorithms is not 1080p on PS4 in 2015. So a game dropping to 1080p or even lower is not what it used to be. We don't need to run games at native resolution anymore, in fact it's kind of a waste in many instances. So going from some subnative resolution to some slightly higher subnative resolution, what are we talking about here.

Look, if Digital Foundry tells you that the game dips to 1020p for a split second and that makes you so perturbed that you want to spend $600 on another console to "fix" it, even though the technology and algorithms are so designed so that you don't even notice in-game, and even though you're n ot going to get that many more pixels out of it, then I don't even know what to say. Digital Foundry has wrecked your brain and you've lost the plot.

I'm totally for upgraded consoles when they can offer an upgraded, better experience. I hope if Sony moves ahead with PS5 Pro they have a plan in place for that.
I think people are more interested in a pro for frame rates and more rt than higher resolution
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