Now maybe a lot of it has been out of her control, but in recent years all the news I ever hear about regarding Jade Raymond are "Jade Raymond joins/founds _____ studio with ____ publisher", and after either little or nothing to show a few years later, "Jade Raymond leaves ____ studio, founds _____ studio with ____ publisher" and the cycle repeats. Just she just picked doomed projects, or is she part of what dooms them?
Let me remind you since 2010 from the outside looking in:
-2010, moved to Toronto to build a new studio for Ubisoft. They made Splinter Cell Blacklist, which came out in 2013.
It underperformed, and became the last Splinter Cell release to date.
-2015, joined EA and took charge of Visceral games to make a Star Wars game with Hennig AND an original IP.
Both got canned.
Visceral is dead.
-2015, at the same time, also founded Motive, which appears to be a support studio, followed by Star Wars Squadrons.
It wasn't a hit, and came and went without much fanfare.
-2018, left Motive, and in 2019, announced that she'd join Google to be their head at Stadia games and create exclusive content.
Doesn't seem like anything came out of this endeavor. Stadia is pretty much dead.
-2021, founds Haven to create brand new IP for Playstation.
Hmm wonder how this is gonna go.
EDIT: straight from her Wiki page, you can't make this shit up.