Top 3 glitches that NEED to be crushed:
1:Respawn delay. The worst of the worst.
2:Invisible enemy with visible weapons. Rare but the most gamebreaking.
3:Item pickup deny for some players.
Sly is fine as he is imo.
Napalms fix list for better game. Nothing too radical:
Sackboy: lvl 3 allows normal movement after death.
Kratos: chain grab startup delay something like +0,5-1s.
Sweet Tooth: lvl 2 buff. Either cost drop or buff explosion.
Jak: ap gain slightly buffed. Reduce ap cost for lvl 2 slightly. Add range for some moves.
Sir Dan: I honestly dunno. reduce ap cost of lvl 3, slight ap buff for some moves?
Heihachi: probably very hard to fix but make Kuma less stupid on some stages like Franzea and Tower.
Raiden: Slight startup delay on lvl 1 like Kratos chain grab.
Sackboy: agreed. But, I still think his AP needs to be toned down. 25 AP for cake when he needs, what, 100 AP for Level 1? I knock Sackboy has a lot of good moves, I want to encourage the game to reward that, instead of being one-sided like Radec. I just feel his potential is better than what he reliably does now
Kratos: agreed. I'd also add that some of his moves get less priority. The chain grabs lock on just needs to die IMO. Someone suggested making it neutral square too, and I like that idea as well. I think his priority is what really makes him everyone's FFA guy.
Sweet Tooth: I dont think it should be a cost drop, but I think it should be like Sir Dan's 2: initial explosion of Sweet Tooth (maybe in flames) which kills anyone around, and then the rocket attack, which should have a bigger blast radius/insta-detonate option. Also, Id like a buff for his shoulder bash.
Jak: agreed, he needs an all around buff, maybe even bring back some of the freedom he seemed to have in older builds. I want him to be more viable.
Sir Dan: If anyone deserves to have the ease of getting to a level 3 super like Sackboy, it's Sir Dan and Fat Princess. His level 3 needs various buffs, either in length, radius, kill-time, or slow down (like Ratchet's 2). I wouldn't mind some buffing around, and maybe make some moves faster? Dan and Jak are just way too under-repped.
Heihachi: I really think he's fine. Hit confirms into super 1, and Kuma, when released properly, can be a beast. In a FFA, especially. In a 2v2, your partner should be setting you up. Considering his AP gain, he can also get to a super real fast. I actually find Kuma to be quite powerful a majority of the time, though he can absolutely bomb other times. Try to stun an enemy before releasing it
Raiden: He shouldn't be able to move when doing his Super 1, and yeah, maybe a longer delay. Also, his Super 3 shouldn't randomize the boxes IMO. That's just a waste of time and turns people off (his super 3 ends up looking redundant to his super 2)
Ratchet: Delay Super 1 some more, or reduce the length just a bit. He has the most reliable Super 1, making his Super 2 unneeded and more unreliable
Fat Princess: Personally, I think her Super 3 needs to drop cake which she can collect for AP. The super in general is trash, it needs to be a bit more reliable.
Big Daddy: Very slight extension of Super 3, like 2 seconds. Actually, this could be unbalanced, idk.
Sly: I think his Super 2 should receive a slight extension to allow for the possibility of a fourth kill. IMO, his Super 1 is much better than his Super 2 and much more reliable/consistent at getting multi-kills, so most don't bother past this.
Ha, I'm on some website-- two most anticipated characters are Jak and Sir Dan. Too bad they suck the most