I'm no expert at this game or fighters (and their balancing) in general but I do like to play them and I personally love this party fighter especially with some perceived issues about how much better some characters are then others..
Sure the game could of had a better singleplayer with final boss improvements and maybe some mini-game events or something, it seems they were a bit pressed for time but the main draw is the multiplayer since it's basically a party fighter and I thought the one guarantee was the balancing but in general it just doesn't feel great. At least at my beginner/intermediate level. It's clear they made some characters more accessible and somewhat faithful to their overpoweredness in their own games (Kratos, Raiden) but also just fan favourites (probably), like Nathon Drake...and the one human girl, Nariko - but as they are quite a lot better the more advanced players seem to really dominate with them. Slow characters don't have too much of a chance either. Can we not have much narrower differences between the characters.. It's the only thing bugging me about online play, apart from when I can't pick up items
Is it not as bad as I'm making out?
Also do we have any word on whether they are adding say 1v1 and 1v1v1? FFA seems to be more fun for me when a player drops at the start..not entirely sure why they didn't add it. -maybe some quicker ways to invite people recently played with in different custom events..
I hope they add in things like that (and also the rematch option someone suggested) in the not too distant future... I know there were redundancies but they still intended on supporting it with dlc, hopefully more than just the one set as well but also more updates (which is what they've been doing up until now to be fair). I'm happy to pay to for any good dlc that expands the game as well as it's one of the funnest games I have on Vita, especially now that I'm finally trying players other than Heihachi.