Guys, i want some professional opinions on this buff/nerf list i created.
(I hope this isnt too immature or sth)
I do agree Kratos needs some tweaking still. Reducing his super 1 range isn't a bad idea, but I'd take the AP reduction instead. As annoying as Kratos is, it's what makes him unique, but he shouldn't be as easily awarded for it IMO
Wouldn't mind the Parappa buff, only because Raiden's Super 2 is pretty good. I pretty much look at Raiden as the gold standard for these kinds of Super 2's to judge.
Fat Princess is generally fine, I'd tweak her Super 3 a lot. Not sure how successful her Super 2 is, but it's easy to dodge and doesn't last as long as I think it used to. I don't know why I don't see Fat Princess players anymore.
I'm fine with Sweet Tooth, but wouldn't mind a Super 2 buff. Said it many times before, his Super 2 has a superior effect when you aren't guiding the rocket but exploding it in a crowd instantly. He can get three kills in those instances, but remote detonation is the best option IMO, but even then, his Super 1 is gold, and his Super 3, IMO, is the most devastating next to Sackboy's.
Agreed with Sly Cooper, his Super 2 was neutered
Drake is fine.
Mr. Zurkon is fine, making him too powerful at 5 AP may be overkill and he best serves as an annoyance/awesome commentary. I agree with the Super 2, however, that super is incredibly weak and too much time is wasted throwing the time bombs
Wouldn't mind a slight AP buff for Jak here and there, but I've seen devastating Jak players. His Super 2 oddly misses more times than I feel it should, so I wouldn't mind bigger ground range at all.
I feel Big Daddy needs a longer Super 3, or at least even better mobility when jumping, His Super 1 is tricky but his AP gain makes it fine. There are some good corner setups one can achieve with Big Daddy's Super 1. His Super 2 is so easy to see coming, and so very easy to dodge/counter, unlike someone like Raiden who can stun you really fast (compared to Clank who spends way too much time throwing out time bombs). You have to really anticipate the enemy two steps ahead.
Heihachi is fine. He has a very easy Super 1 hit confirm + High AP gain, Kuma is quite good on small maps, and a lot of the time, I see people build up to Super 3 to show off.
Nariko is fine, a lot of the strategy I see with her is building to her devastating Super 3, and there are some good moves to pull off the super 2. Super 1 is iffy, but it's fine. I generally welcome the trickier super 1's as I feel that's how they should be.
Wouldn't mind more Raiden tweaking, my biggest problem with him is that a lot of similar Super 2's fall flat in comparison to his. This is on top of his incredible counter and mobility options. I can deal with Raiden players, but welcome some more tweaks to make Raiden players require more of a challenge to use.
Wouldn't mind slight Sackboy buff, especially for his jam. He's challenging to use, but has the moveset to be quite tricky to catch. Saw an excellent Sackboy player on that SFC gameplay.
Wouldn't mind a Sir Dan level 3 buff, Super 1 is fine as people have become good at setting/anticipating when to pop these. I'd definitely make his Super 3 easier to kill.
I always feel bad for Spike, his supers are too easy to see coming. Wouldn't mind a buff. i've seen great Spike players that just blow their Super 2 because it is that easy to blow. Meaning they either build to Super 3 or rely on Super 1.