Do we know what the highest level is?
I've seen some in the 400's, maybe the 500's, but I'm not positive.
Do we know what the highest level is?
I assumed it was capped at 200, as I think that's when unlocks stop for a character, but then I saw people online over that mark, so I'm assuming the cap is the same as the beta. (which was 999)Do we know what the highest level is?
Kouichi is like 920 with Cole :OI'm over 800.. so I'm wondering if the cap is 1k or does it go beyond that.
999 would make sense.
Speaking of trophies, this seems like an easy game to platinum.
why does everyone play as raiden
why why why
Cuz hes awesome.
I picked raiden as my character when i first knew he was in the game.
Im a huge raiden fan, i dont know why other people pick him.
Kouichi is like 920 with Cole :O
So far I also think that the level 1 supers from Big Daddy and Sir Daniel might be the worst in the game. The AOE of Bid Daddy's is terrible and it comes out in a weird way and sir Daniel's is also shitty to land because it comes out in a weird way. Nariko's level 1 is also pretty terrible because you really have to be sure of the distance but at least the AOE is better than with Big Daddy.
Jak's level 1 is pretty damn shite, too.
PaRappa's Level 1 isn't too good either.So far I also think that the level 1 supers from Big Daddy and Sir Daniel might be the worst in the game. The AOE of Bid Daddy's is terrible and it comes out in a weird way and sir Daniel's is also shitty to land because it comes out in a weird way. Nariko's level 1 is also pretty terrible because you really have to be sure of the distance but at least the AOE is better than with Big Daddy.
Compared to these 3 it's alright. At least it's pretty easy to use and not that different from Cole's.
Yeah same, I was really disappointed with Sir Dan. I love his taunts/intros/outros, and that they captured everything I love about his character in All-Stars, but he feels like a chore to play as to me and doesn't match my playstyle at all.So palying through Arcade I am at least having some kind of fun with most characters but I HATE (!!!) playing as Sir Daniel. So unfun, I even have trouble getting through on Legend. Sad because he was one of the characters I was most looking forward to.
At least I am slowly getting into finding my favorite characters. So far I have 4: Kratos, Dante, Jak and Radec. But Rade might be more of a 2v2 guy for me.
Yeah same, I was really disappointed with Sir Dan. I love his taunts/intros/outros, and that they captured everything I love about his character in All-Stars, but he feels like a chore to play as to me and doesn't match my fighting style at all.
Still can't do shit with Dante. Has anyone found a use for his gun attacks yet?
In case anyone did not receive the pre-order costumes:
This is what they look like, and their Level 3 moves.
Oh and is there anyone else from EU who maybe wants to team up from time to time? I need some 2v2 partners.
Just went on a nice winstreak on 2vs2 with Kouichi. Our Parappa+Good Cole team can do some damage <3. We duid lose one game tho, my soul was crushed :<.
you can get a combo that takes you opponent into a crumble state and then you can unload a whole gun combo while they are going down.
Man, I really want to get good with Dino, but I only know two viable combos. Can anyonepoint me in the direction of some good and simple ones?
My friend (PSN: Whatthehecker11) is pretty good with him. He would advise you to look at the combo tutorial
Kat is broken at the moment apparently.
So I finally took more of a look into the online options. So you can play 2v2 and it even has matchmaking it just isn't ranked. That's not that bad. But it would be cool if they also made a ranked option for 2v2.
I dunno if ya figured it out already but there is ranked 2vs2. Go to the FFA ranked character select and just invite a friend. You can see 2vs2 leaderboards by pressing square in the leaderboard display.
I dunno if ya figured it out already but there is ranked 2vs2. Go to the FFA ranked character select and just invite a friend. You can see 2vs2 leaderboards by pressing square in the leaderboard display.
Mink and I just beat RedSkinsRock lol