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PlayStation Network Thread | January 2016


Edit: Got a response for why my thread was locked:
"Your thread was locked because we discourage unsanctioned petitions. You've not broken any rules but a podcast's wish list poll doesn't really merit a thread."

I understand the rules so, while its a shame, we can still push the movement through other sites and social media.

Elsewhere on NeoGAF, users launch an unsolicited petition to Sega so they can allow them to do free advertising. No lock despite multiple mod posts.


I know I could PM them but I'm not risking my Gaf account. I talked with Liam and the VoteVita Twitter and while they were upset, they agreed its best to push the movement elsewhere (other sites, Twitter, ect).
No, I mean that you're not risking your account if you do that via PM instead of here, but anyway, if Liam's fine with it so am I. It's just a weird double standard.


If you see threads like that, point them out to us. Port begging is still against the rules, but I know I sure as hell do not have time to read the forum all day to find it. One of the worst arguments you can present to us is "this thing that's similar happened or is happening, so clearly you condone it there." No, all that means is that we didn't see it. Lack of action is not condoning. If you see something and don't report it, then you don't have a leg to stand on when criticizing what we do here.

Thank you for sharing this with us :).

Anytime I see a port-begging thread on for PS4, PC, X1 or anything, will inform you of what I find.


If you see threads like that, point them out to us. Port begging is still against the rules, but I know I sure as hell do not have time to read the forum all day to find it. One of the worst arguments you can present to us is "this thing that's similar happened or is happening, so clearly you condone it there." No, all that means is that we didn't see it. Lack of action is not condoning. If you see something and don't report it, then you don't have a leg to stand on when criticizing what we do here.
You didn't see the Sega PC ports thread?

But anyway, that's not even my point because I don't care if those threads are open, my perplexity comes from the fact that this a legit "poll" as opposed to just users asking for ports. It's devs and publishers getting back to the planners of this initiative and saying "yes, these have a chance of being localized/ported if you show us that people are interested".
And that's also the reason why you're not seeing big titles up there, it's not a wish list.
Port begging threads shouldn't even be against the rules. From what I've heard in the past, port begging is against the rules in unrelated threads, because it has a high chance of derailing one. A thread made on the premise of a port doesn't fall under that. And why would it, there's nothing inherently wrong in asking for ports.


Port begging threads shouldn't even be against the rules. From what I've heard in the past, port begging is against the rules in unrelated threads, because it has a high chance of derailing one. A thread made on the premise of a port doesn't fall under that. And why would it, there's nothing inherently wrong in asking for ports.

But it is on Gaf, so everyone should respect it. If Vita owners can have threads asking for games coming to the system, there should be one for other systems too.

I agree its a rule I don't agree with but that is the rules sadly.
But it is on Gaf, so everyone should respect it. If Vita owners can have threads asking for games coming to the system, there should be one for other systems too.

I agree its a rule I don't agree with but that is the rules sadly.

No, I was talking about GAF. Port begging is not simply banned on GAF, derailing threads or starting console wars with port begging is.

See this lengthy post


The VoteVita thread was civil and enthusiastic, with most people being very supportive of the campaign and no fighting or arguments. And it was prepared for 6 months after numerous talks with publishers. There is no reason for it to be locked.


Or a 50 page thread petitioning SEGA for PC ports

I guess no one saw it in the two years it was up

No, this is a good point. There's not really a big difference between that thread and the Vita thread, on paper. We're discussing the inconsistency internally now.

With that said, however, I don't think moderation decisions of today should be held to any sort of decisions made 2+ years ago, because a lot of things change over time. I think the general sentiment right now is "we probably should have closed the PC thread back then, but that doesn't mean the Vita one gets to stay open." Consistency is important, but at the same time, our internal reasoning has evolved over time as NeoGAF has grown.


No, this is a good point. There's not really a big difference between that thread and the Vita thread, on paper. We're discussing the inconsistency internally now.

With that said, however, I don't think moderation decisions of today should be held to any sort of decisions made 2+ years ago, because a lot of things change over time. I think the general sentiment right now is "we probably should have closed the PC thread back then, but that doesn't mean the Vita one gets to stay open." Consistency is important, but at the same time, our internal reasoning has evolved over time as NeoGAF has grown.
While I understand this , I find weird most Vita content threads that are locked are found in a matter of hours while other threads like the mentioned one takes days or weeks. Idk. Seems strange as this has happened before several times. In any case my opinion will not change anything because this is not a democracy and you are the ones calling the shots so I'll mention nothing more related to this.

In a more positive subject, I don't know why I have never played a boy and his blob. I might buy the Vita version.
No, this is a good point. There's not really a big difference between that thread and the Vita thread, on paper. We're discussing the inconsistency internally now.

With that said, however, I don't think moderation decisions of today should be held to any sort of decisions made 2+ years ago, because a lot of things change over time. I think the general sentiment right now is "we probably should have closed the PC thread back then, but that doesn't mean the Vita one gets to stay open." Consistency is important, but at the same time, our internal reasoning has evolved over time as NeoGAF has grown.

Yeah I understand that.
Could you explain the reasoning for closing petition threads in general? This seems to be fairly new. I don't see what harm they do, especially when the reception is as positive as in the SEGA Vita petitions. Discussion was civilized with no need for moderation inside the thread as I can see, and the petition isn't just some pie in the sky wishlist.

If anything, the difference on paper to the SEGA thread is that the Vita campaign is more involved with the actual developers and publishers (if you take Liams word for it, which I have no reason to doubt.)


Neo Member
No, this is a good point. There's not really a big difference between that thread and the Vita thread, on paper. We're discussing the inconsistency internally now.

With that said, however, I don't think moderation decisions of today should be held to any sort of decisions made 2+ years ago, because a lot of things change over time. I think the general sentiment right now is "we probably should have closed the PC thread back then, but that doesn't mean the Vita one gets to stay open." Consistency is important, but at the same time, our internal reasoning has evolved over time as NeoGAF has grown.
Isnt this a same kind of petition also?http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=1174830


While I understand this , I find weird most Vita content threads that are locked are found in a matter of hours while other threads like the mentioned one takes days or weeks. Idk. Seems strange as this has happened before several times. In any case my opinion will not change anything because this is not a democracy and you are the ones calling the shots so I'll mention nothing more related to this.

In a more positive subject, I don't know why I have never played a boy and his blob. I might buy the Vita version.

This is called confirmation bias. I'm sure you didn't notice all of the Rise of the Tomb Raider whining threads that were locked, for example, because they didn't negatively impact you. People see what they want to see, and don't see things that aren't important to them. That's the reason why I get tweets from people on a regular basis calling me a fangirl for each of the different platform holders. Nintendo fans only notice when Nintendo threads get locked, Sony fans only notice when Sony threads get locked, etc.


listen to the mad man
Elsewhere on NeoGAF, users launch an unsolicited petition to Sega so they can allow them to do free advertising. No lock despite multiple mod posts.

Hi. There seems to be some confusion, so I thought I would clarify:

In general, it is our stance that people should not post unsolicited petition threads. These are mostly low quality content spam. This has been a stance for the last 12 years on GAF. We have in the past blocked c h a n g e . o r g as a domain to avoid people posting this stuff. Here is an example of a port-begging petition thread from 2004 being locked by a moderator. This is not a come-lately thing. Here are other threads from that era:

A little bit later:

And sorta coming into the more modern era:

Okay, so I think we can start from the basic position that we are generally against unsolicited petitions, especially for port-begging stuff. I think we can agree that this isn't some conspiracy, right?

So now is the thing where, over the years, there have been a few petition threads that have not been locked. As is normally the case, we make a moderation decision and people dig through 12 years of moderation decisions to find a perceived inconsistency in those decisions and then declare "See! You Were Inconsistent!" That's not a great approach for two reasons. First, because -- to the extent that we were inconsistent, the categorical preference across the moderation staff would be to also lock the threads you're talking about, not recognize that petitions are great and suddenly allow this one.

Here are some general guidelines that might help modify our thinking when we look into a given thread:
- If a company solicits feedback, that might make us more likely to allow an outlet for that feedback. I believe we previously had a pretty long "#BuildingTheList" or whatever thread on GAF for that reason.

- In some cases, there have been threads allowed because they sort of reached a critical mass external to us that we basically figure it's not worth trying to stop and people are going to keep reposting it anyway. For example, I believe with Operation Rainfall (which was a quixotic effort to get Nintendo to localize some Japanese-only RPGs to the US for the Wii), we didn't actually have a thread covering it initially, but we let the eventual thread stand because it had popped up so broadly across the internet and as replies in so many different threads here that there really was nothing to do about it.

- In some cases we simply miss threads or don't quite parse that the thread is asking what it's asking. In hindsight, the original SEGA PC ports thread probably should or would have been locked and I don't have a clear explanation of why it wasn't. The one linked is a followup thread that covers Sega's reaction to the petition, their move into announcing PC ports, and ongoing petition efforts--that's something that's a lot more allowable under the first two things I said.

- As far as the content of the petitions go, that would probably be a factor for us. For example, if someone said "I'm trying to get Nintendo's attention because I'm colour-blind and their puzzle game doesn't have a colour-blind mode", we'd probably look on that more positively than something that's more aggro. Something framed in a console war frame, like a lot of the port begging stuff is, is going to be looked at less positively. I'm not going to indulge hypotheticals about where we'd draw the line. It's a judgment call. Often times we look at a thread and try to slot it into our general principles of trying to encourage a variety of interesting content and discourage console war sniping at people.

- I see at some point someone somewhere in this argument linked a multiple year old post where I discussed the nuances of port begging. I stand by that post in that I think there's a distinction between talking about platform at all and in wrecking a discussion about a newly announced game with a console war agenda. There's no doubt that contacting a dev to say "I liked your game and I'd love a portable version of it on the Vita" is a lot more benign than spamming Nintendo to go bankrupt because Bayonetta should NEVER be on inferior Wii Poo. The Yakuza 0 thread linked (which actually might be worth locking) is definitely something closer to the spirit of what we'd consider keeping open for that reason; it's basically an effort to contact a company to have them consider a minor design decision that requires no resources. That's a lot different than "Capcom, Port Street Fighter V to Xbox One". This Vita thread is clearly not that bad, but it still met our standards for being locked. We actually have a lot of threads covering news of independent developers discussing the feedback they've gotten from people about demand from their games on systems including the Vita and we would continue to have those threads. And us locking a thread in no way prevents you from contacting developers or publishers to take their pulse on whether they'd like to bring some of their legacy or current content to Vita.

In this particular case, I think weighing everything this seemed a lot more like our rule than an exception to it. This was the agreement among the 8 or 9 people who discussed the thread earlier before we locked it, most of whom own Vitas.

Well for now on when I see those kind of threads, sending a moderator a PM about it. If they want to lock Vita threads for port begging, cool :). Will send them port-begging threads for PC, PS4, X1 and Wii U threads so that way everything is equal.

This is embarrassing. You're an adult. You change your own clothing and make your own food. Why should I take time out of my day to try to respond and help you understand our reasoning if your stated goal is to take time out of your day to disrupt mine? Show some respect for yourself and others.


No, this is a good point. There's not really a big difference between that thread and the Vita thread, on paper. We're discussing the inconsistency internally now.

With that said, however, I don't think moderation decisions of today should be held to any sort of decisions made 2+ years ago, because a lot of things change over time.
I think the general sentiment right now is "we probably should have closed the PC thread back then, but that doesn't mean the Vita one gets to stay open." Consistency is important, but at the same time, our internal reasoning has evolved over time as NeoGAF has grown.

That excuse doesn't hold much water when that thread has more posts in 2016 than the entire #VoteVita thread.


listen to the mad man
That excuse doesn't hold much water when that thread has more posts in 2016 than the entire #VoteVita thread.

There is no scenario where this is going to end with us unlocking the Vita port thread. So presumably you know this and are posting this because you really want the Sega PC ports thread locked. I did briefly cover the Sega ports thread you're linking in the post I just made--talking about how that thread is actually a second thread, reacting to Sega's reaction to the original petition and their ongoing teasing of PC ports as a priority for them in the near future. Even without my post that went in right before yours, you did know enough to link specific posts, so you can even see that those posts are about Sega's actions and reactions, not about the petition effort. In light of this, do you think this post reads as you trying to help call our attention to a problem we should respond to you, or do you think this post reads as you having profoundly sour grapes?


This is called confirmation bias. I'm sure you didn't notice all of the Rise of the Tomb Raider whining threads that were locked, for example, because they didn't negatively impact you. People see what they want to see, and don't see things that aren't important to them. That's the reason why I get tweets from people on a regular basis calling me a fangirl for each of the different platform holders. Nintendo fans only notice when Nintendo threads get locked, Sony fans only notice when Sony threads get locked, etc.
I do only post in the psn thread and upcoming Vita thread. But I generally lurk in all the important threads , as I find information really accessible and opinions really interesting. You are saying something didn't impact me , when in reallity you don't know what is the things that impacted me about threads locked etc. I guess you can know exactly what I'm thinking. And being this the only opinion I have posted about this type of behavior I can be called a biased user. I think you are just wrong here , at least about me in particular. But. Whatever you like to believe it's OK as I will be not able to change anything.
Hi. There seems to be some confusion, so I thought I would clarify:

Thanks for the long reply. I still don't see why petition threads in general are disallowed. I understand it if it's a simple "please sign here to get Bayonetta on Xbox One thx" on change . org, but that's not the case here.

It's a campaign that has been planned for a long time, with a lot of potential titles and a lot of contacted publishers. It only includes the titles from publishers who have shown interest in the campaign previously. It's not a simple petiton, it's a survery which asks for general purchasing and playing behaviour from Vita owners which could result in some interesting data at least and a new game or two if it's successful.

I see that you said now that the thread will not be unlocked in any case, but I'd still like to know what exactly is the deciding factor to lock this thread, and how not having it improves the overall quality of GAF.


This is embarrassing. You're an adult. You change your own clothing and make your own food. Why should I take time out of my day to try to respond and help you understand our reasoning if your stated goal is to take time out of your day to disrupt mine? Show some respect for yourself and others.

Wow, that was harsh :(.

But I get you point. Will move on from this and leave everyone alone.

Thank you for explaining everything.


listen to the mad man
Thanks for the long reply. I still don't see why petition threads in general are disallowed. I understand it if it's a simply "please sign here to get Bayonetta on Xbox One" on change . org, but that's not the case here.

It's a campaign that has been planned for a long time, with a lot of potential titles and a lot of contacted publishers. It only includes titles form publishers who have shown interest in the campaign previously. It's not a simple petiton, it's a survery which asks for general purchasing and playing behaviour from Vita owners which could result in some interesting data at least and a new game or two if it's successful.

I'm not really sure that there's much more I can give you. I appreciate that there's more care put into this then a random person starting a change.org petition, in light of the fact that it's a pre-existing podcast with an audience and the survey is designed with a little more care. I don't think that really changes that fundamentally this is an unsolicited appeal to port stuff being presented in a loose sense as a petition (i.e. a bridge from people seeking a change to those able to provide the change) In general I think we'd all agree that in light of the fact that it's unsolicited and in light of the specific content highlighted in the thread, this is not something that has a super high chance at success and that largely this is the kind of thing we've discouraged. I'm not going to spend the rest of my afternoon splitting hairs on "could result"--right? As you can see none of this is connected to the platform in question.

I think it's quite possible we would allow a thread that takes the results from a survey and is presented as "Here are the kinds of content Vita gamers would like to buy" or something like that--that's not an endorsement that any such thread would work, it's just in the hypothetical that's getting closer to the kind of threads that we thing contribute to signal rather than noise.

Also I know we have lots of threads about developer experiences with the Vita and Sony's efforts to help bring content to the Vita--notably a search for BuildingTheList finds 8 threads with that in the title including general threads about the initiative, specific requests, responses to Sony's progress, etc. So perhaps that is maybe the more productive outlet here.

Wow, that was harsh :(.

I think people would vouch that I really don't prefer to take that kind of tone, I have no desire to make anyone upset and ruin their day, but I just want to remind you that we are people who: a) voluntarily do this [do not get paid], b) there are very few of us and a lot of posters, c) NeoGAF is one of the largest gaming forums in the world so signal-to-noise ratio problems are very very difficult at this scale. We're human beings. So when people think we're a conspiratorial cabal trying to put them down, and especially when people try to come up with ways to deliberately waste our time to get, uh, revenge at us for some perceived slight, that to me is so totally disrespectful that it's pretty difficult for me to react with anything other than how I did.


I think people would vouch that I really don't prefer to take that kind of tone, I have no desire to make anyone upset and ruin their day, but I just want to remind you that we are people who: a) voluntarily do this [do not get paid], b) there are very few of us and a lot of posters, c) NeoGAF is one of the largest gaming forums in the world so signal-to-noise ratio problems are very very difficult at this scale. We're human beings. So when people think we're a conspiratorial cabal trying to put them down, and especially when people try to come up with ways to deliberately waste our time to get, uh, revenge at us for some perceived slight, that to me is so totally disrespectful that it's pretty difficult for me to react with anything other than how I did.

I guess I had that coming for not being reasonable with my thoughts. Sorry if I wasted your time, annoyed anyone, or upset staff working on NeoGaf.

Will leave everyone alone for now on and be very careful about posting anything on the site.
So i picked up tower of monsters because of the demo. It seems like it will be a blast :D The developers are based in Chile according to wikipedia which is a nice change.
I'm not really sure that there's much more I can give you. I appreciate that there's more care put into this then a random person starting a change.org petition, in light of the fact that it's a pre-existing podcast with an audience and the survey is designed with a little more care. I don't think that really changes that fundamentally this is an unsolicited appeal to port stuff being presented in a loose sense as a petition (i.e. a bridge from people seeking a change to those able to provide the change) In general I think we'd all agree that in light of the fact that it's unsolicited and in light of the specific content highlighted in the thread, this is not something that has a super high chance at success and that largely this is the kind of thing we've discouraged.

Well this is where we disagree, because none of the highlighted content is unrealistic at all.

It's disappointing that even well-organized community efforts like this or the SEGA petition are not wanted on GAF, even though they get a very positive response from members. Calling them noise seems disrespectful.


Well this is where we disagree, because none of the highlighted content is unrealistic at all.

It's disappointing that even well-organized community efforts like this or the SEGA petition are not wanted on GAF, even though they get a very positive response from members. Calling them noise seems disrespectful.
To add onto this, it's not unsolicited, as all of the companies involved were contacted beforehand and gave approval, that's the only reason those games are on the list at all.

Second, none of it is unrealistic, considering the already mentioned company involvement, and 3/4 of the games are already on the Vita, just not localized. Seems the decision to close the thread was made from a position lacking insight on what #VoteVita is actually about.


It's a shame the Vote Vita thread got locked, out of several different threads still going strong.

Are we allowed to talk about the campaign here or the Upcoming Vita thread?


I was wondering why there were no new posts about the VoteVita thread just to find out it was locked. I read the answers here but I also think that it's a shame the thread got locked up. Like many other posters mentioned here, all 4 developers were aware of this poll and will look into to the data received from it.

Did they say anything about how many votes was needed for it or about the deadline of the poll?


I've long learned the Gaf is far from a Demoracy. Just gotta live with it.

Hello guys :).

Been a great time being part of Vita Gaf for the past two years but I decided to take a break from posting on Gaf for a while.

If you guys want to contact me, I will be at the Vita Lounge Forums, Twitter (RK1283) and the like.

Thank you all for everything and have a great day :D!

Thinking of visiting there a little more often myself. I made an account when it first opened up but haven't made use of it.
To add onto this, it's not unsolicited, as all of the companies involved were contacted beforehand and gave approval, that's the only reason those games are on the list at all.

Second, none of it is unrealistic, considering the already mentioned company involvement, and 3/4 of the games are already on the Vita, just not localized. Seems the decision to close the thread was made from a position lacking insight on what #VoteVita is actually about.

Now it's been explained, I'm beginning to understand the situation a bit more, but it really does seem like a web of if x = y then z etc. to allow some things to stay open and others get locked.

I really do think it deserved an explanation in the actual thread rather than just a lock and nothing about it until it was brought up here. Not that I'm here to judge moderation (I know what a ungrateful, pain in the arse job it is from doing it on a much smaller forum than this) but when something doesn't break any rules, then I feel it's just common sense to explain the reason in the thread.

The porting part bothered me the first time I read it too (made me think "if they had removed Freedom Planet, would it have stayed open?") but you'll see in an earlier post he says that Operation Rainfall would've been locked had it not become such a big deal outside of GAF.

Hello guys :).

Been a great time being part of Vita Gaf for the past two years but I decided to take a break from posting on Gaf for a while.

If you guys want to contact me, I will be at the Vita Lounge Forums, Twitter (RK1283) and the like.

Thank you all for everything and have a great day :D!

No offence, but I remember you saying something along these lines a while ago. Not that I want to see you go, but still.


listen to the mad man
To add onto this, it's not unsolicited, as all of the companies involved were contacted beforehand and gave approval, that's the only reason those games are on the list at all.

Second, none of it is unrealistic, considering the already mentioned company involvement, and 3/4 of the games are already on the Vita, just not localized. Seems the decision to close the thread was made from a position lacking insight on what #VoteVita is actually about.

Happy to spend more of my day splitting hairs.

Let me first say that there are many communities online that do less filtering of threads. Reddit.com/r/gaming is one great example. They essentially have no content filter rules, you can post whatever you want. As you can see, the result is a bunch of meme images. That's OK. Some people like that. GAF's approach is different. It has been for a long time. Long before I was a moderator, GAF mods locked more threads and disallowed more avenues of discussion in an effort to try to curate discussion a bit better. This was not because in 2004 people were biased against the Vita in favour of porting old games to Steam. At the time, there was a general policy established to disallow petitions. A reason for this is because many times fans of things hope something will happen, and they use petitions to express themselves, irrespective of if the petition has a chance of working. Some might say "don't be a party pooper", let people do what they want. I remember back in the day people used to forward "chain letters"--first via paper and then via email--which promised if you just kept forwarding the letter, something good would happen. Sometimes it'd be you get money, sometimes you'd have good luck, whatever. And it's true that no harm is done in forwarding those chain letters, except the nuisance of having to put up with chain letters. But I think we can all agree as reasonable people that chain letters are bad and mostly we would rather not have to deal with "noise". It may be the case that the people who really believe in chain letters find it disrespectful to have their efforts characterized as noise. I don't see any way of solving that problem.

So that's our default position. Lock petitions. So if you see a petition thread and it's locked, and you want to know why it was locked, the answer is because it was a petition thread and we lock petition threads, as I explained above. Cool.

Next step is that there might occasionally be something that kinda resembles a petition that doesn't get locked. To make my life easier, and not have to be spending my day further clarifying, the most sensible thing for me to say right now would be "Ah! That was an omission!" and lock those threads. This provides no benefit to the people calling our attention to the threads, who are not doing so because they agree with the rule, but rather because they disagree with the rule and they think "catching" us will somehow make the rule listed above not apply. That's not how it works. We get this all the time. Someone gets banned for saying "Fuck you you fucking idiot", a violation of our rule to not be a jerk to other people, and the first thing most of them do when they appeal their ban is to dig up a list of every post they can find where someone does something that looks insulting and then demand explanations for why those people aren't banned. And typically what happens is that we spend our time investigating these posts and a) some of those people were banned, b) some of the ones who weren't were warned, c) we didn't see some of the posts and would have banned for them, d) the insult is a lot more mild, contextualized, or not an insult at all, e) the person doing the complaining has been banned 8 previous times for insults while the person they're ratting out is an exceptional poster who clearly made a bad post. And so then we typically explain those things. The explanation doesn't work because the truth is the person wasn't complaining that those people weren't banned, they were trying to make work for us as revenge because they didn't agree with their own ban.

Instead of just locking the threads you linked and moving on with my day, I took time to explain stuff. I conceded that at least one of those threads probably should be locked and then brought nuance in to look at some of the other examples. Let's consider these nuances: one was that we'd leave threads open if they were connected to broader news coverage or conversation about the petition rather than a simple appeal to vote. A great example of this is that a few years ago before Deus Ex: Human Revolution was released, a 10 hour press build of the game leaked. Discussion of this pirated leaked copy of the game is not allowed on GAF, in accordance with our rules on piracy (this is your signal to find every post you can over the last 12 years that mentions piracy and was not banned and then call me a hypocrite and demand to be allowed to brag about your pirate collection). However, major news outlets started to cover the leak and even Square Enix's own forums were forced to relent and allow some discussions because it was too much work to stop it otherwise. We eventually allowed discussion. It wasn't because we LOOOOOVE threads about pirated leaked games, it was because that was a reluctant but pragmatic compromise. Along the same lines here is that we've allowed threads about Operation Rainfall, for example. This also applies to the second Sega PC ports thread, which is the one people have linked here in an effort to prove our bias. We do not have an exact line in the sand that uses Google search algorithms to give a score about how much public exposure something has before we relent. Our top scientists are working, unpaid, on doing this.

Another nuance I brought up was that sometimes companies solicit feedback. This apparently is something that requires more explanation. There is a difference between, say, you emailing Nintendo to say "I think F-Zero NX should Be a Launch Title Oh and Mario should be in It It should be Mature for Example Falcon Pucnh should be a Fatality and There Should be Lobbies Like COD Zombies mode!!!" and the customer service rep saying "Thanks for your feedback, we are always happy to hear from fans" and getting a specific, targeted response. There is also a difference between someone responding to feedback in a positive way and someone soliciting the feedback to begin with. In this case, my understanding is that the group organizing the initiative did contact companies and they offered vague affirmation that they like hearing customer feedback. In no way are we claiming that companies are, like, not answering their phones anymore because they're so fed up with hearing from people. What we were referring to with "solicited feedback" is something like Sony saying "We're actively working to bring new content to Vita. What would you like to see?" I mention that as an example because that's actually something that happened and we had threads for it and allowed it. That doesn't mean we're over the moon happy when companies basically do cheap no-content social network marketing to engage fans and it gets posted here. But it does mean that there being some impetus from within the target company for the feedback is part of our consideration. We are not saying that the thread scored 49.99 on the score and if there were 3 more words from Sega in favour of this, the score would be 50.02 and then a bunch of Anti-Vita Mods would be gritting their teeth, inert to stop the thread because the thread locking machine decided it would stay open. We mean that we're human beings and we ask each other "what do you think" and part of what we'd say in response would be that.

Another nuance we brought up was the type of campaign. I gave an example of someone asking about accessibility options in a game. This included something like the Yakuza share button thing. Again, this is not a thing that gives the thread +8 immunity to being locked, it's just something that we think about. We conceded that localization struck us as a less controversial use of an appeal than a port beg. It was apparently an error to do so because you have highlighted that doing so binds us to admit that the thread should have had Bonus Thread Points for the fact that some of the games listed being released on Vita in Japan. It is possible for me to say "It seems like this effort was put together with some care but we don't allow petitions", and I don't think including the nuance of the first half of the sentence undermines my ability to say the second half. The care is obvious--focusing in on specific questions and specific games. That's great.

Even if this was a solicited petition for feedback from the company and it went wildly viral and a million billion hundred trillion people signed it, there's no guarantee the thread would be kept open. We'd still be weighing our general disposition against petitions, and the content of the thread. It is likely that if this petition produced interesting results about the relative popularity of the games featured, or if companies responded to the petitions, or particularly if any of these games announced, a news thread about this process would be left open. I can't guarantee it. Again, the auto moderation robot that makes these decisions without human input is broken, so there's always going to be a judgment call involved.

I see that one of the posters in this thread, who I will remind everyone went out of his way to say that he would deliberately waste moderator time to get revenge because a Vita thread was locked, has since dramatically quit GAF and told people to find him on a Vita-exclusive site. No one on the moderation staff would ever say something like that because GAF is a site where you can talk about every platform and where we do our best to break up console wars. But sometimes people want stuff that GAF is not good at. If you want console wars, there's literally a site called Console Wars. If you want memes, there's /r/gaming. I suspect that VitaLounge probably allows just about anything related to the Vita, and that their standards for rumors or petitions or other types of content are different than ours. If I want help with woodworking, I've gotten better answers on reddit than GAF. My experience is that GAF actually has a pretty large, dedicated Vita community and there's a ton of conversation specifically around Japanese and indie content and homebrew stuff. That's something we're all really happy about. But it's possible there are some Vita related topics we're not great at and so maybe another venue is better for that. There's always a tradeoff. Smaller venues allow for fewer rules and more freedom, but also fewer different perspectives and less exposure to interesting stuff outside your bubble.

I trust that this is enough time spent to make it clear that we're not cackling evil villains trying to ruin everyone's fun? Maybe not. Happy to continue following up.


I see that one of the posters in this thread, who I will remind everyone went out of his way to say that he would deliberately waste moderator time to get revenge because a Vita thread was locked, has since dramatically quit GAF and told people to find him on a Vita-exclusive site. No one on the moderation staff would ever say something like that because GAF is a site where you can talk about every platform and where we do our best to break up console wars. But sometimes people want stuff that GAF is not good at. If you want console wars, there's literally a site called Console Wars. If you want memes, there's /r/gaming. I suspect that VitaLounge probably allows just about anything related to the Vita, and that their standards for rumors or petitions or other types of content are different than ours. If I want help with woodworking, I've gotten better answers on reddit than GAF. My experience is that GAF actually has a pretty large, dedicated Vita community and there's a ton of conversation specifically around Japanese and indie content and homebrew stuff. That's something we're all really happy about. But it's possible there are some Vita related topics we're not great at and so maybe another venue is better for that. There's always a tradeoff. Smaller venues allow for fewer rules and more freedom, but also fewer different perspectives and less exposure to interesting stuff outside your bubble.

Will say this, sorry that I upset you. I got offended when you insulted me and I got carried away.

Will drop the subject and just say the following:

I appreciate the hard work you and the other workers on NeoGaf do. Its a great community and one that I am honored to be a part of. I just don't agree with some of the rules and got upset with your earlier comment towards me.

I hope that we can be on good terms in the future and that you understand why I got so upset in the first place.

Thank you for taking the time to explain yourself and have a good day.


So on an unrelated note I picked up Umvc3 on my vita today and I getting prompted that I can't earn trophies and that if I want to I need to erase the game data. I'm assuming that's because it's used correct?


So on an unrelated note I picked up Umvc3 on my vita today and I getting prompted that I can't earn trophies and that if I want to I need to erase the game data. I'm assuming that's because it's used correct?
Yeah, you need to delete the bubble with the cart inserted.


So on an unrelated note I picked up Umvc3 on my vita today and I getting prompted that I can't earn trophies and that if I want to I need to erase the game data. I'm assuming that's because it's used correct?

Yes. Delete the UMVC3 icon, remove and reinsert the game. That way you can earn trophies.


No, this is a good point. There's not really a big difference between that thread and the Vita thread, on paper. We're discussing the inconsistency internally now.

There is no scenario where this is going to end with us unlocking the Vita port thread.

I don't really care about the votevita thread, but what's the point of discussing something 'internally' if you admittedly have already decided to the point that "there is no scenario" where the thread reopens? Aren't you shutting down your own 'internal debate' before it happens?

In this specific case, it's not some random petition about nothing. It's a far more developed process than most petitions, since contact has already been made with many publishers, it's not some random gaffer petition to get xyz. But whatever. To my mind, the very fact that someone went and did all that gruntwork trying to get games on a platform is newsworthy and discussion worthy in and of itself, even if i have no particular interest in the games that ended up being up for discussion.


listen to the mad man
I don't really care about the votevita thread, but what's the point of discussing something 'internally' if you admittedly have already decided to the point that "there is no scenario" where the thread reopens? Aren't you shutting down your own 'internal debate' before it happens?

Err, she said we were internally discussing what to do about the Sega PC ports thread, which we were at the time (and also investigating the actual order of events with respect to that thread), and then later I replied after that internal conversation was finished and you're quoting me about the Vita thread not being re-opened. You did not quote me about my lengthy discussion of the Sega thread and the conclusion we had provisionally reached about it.

If you think it's important that we talk more about the Sega PC thread I can see who is around and talk to them about it and clarify some more, in case it is unclear what our position about that thread is.


So, Crypt of Necrodancer is not a PS Plus title. Does anyone have an idea what could 2 Vita titles be? Any Vita indie game come up to my mind has already been a Plus title. I really wish 2K delayed the CivRev 2 Plus to add it to Plus february lineup.


So, Crypt of Necrodancer is not a PS Plus title. Does anyone have an idea what could 2 Vita titles be? Any Vita indie game come up to my mind has already been a Plus title. I really wish 2K delayed the CivRev 2 Plus to add it to Plus february lineup.

I could see Not a Hero be the PS4 game but not sure what the Vita game could be.

CivRev 2 being the Plus game for Vita next month wouldn't be a shocker and an older indie or retail game being the PS+ game for the month would be a good idea (maybe Munches Odyssey considering many Vita owners got New N' Tasty already).

So I could see this happening:
-PS4: Not a Hero, PS2 Classic
-PS3: Older Retail Game, Older Indie Game
-PS Vita: CivRev2, Munches OddysseyHD


Going to still be a part of the PSN Community, so sorry about my earlier posts stating I was taking a break from posting on Gaf.
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