Just finished Rush of Blood. It was an awesome experience and a totally fun game; however, that final level was not fun at all. The tentacle portions were obnoxious as hell. Still, I really enjoyed this one.
Fallout 4 is coming to PSVR???
You know. If sony push supersampled version of these games via PS4 PRO, they may just win themselves a PRO sale from me.
Still haven't really played with my VR to the full extent to get the full impact, but love the hardware. I'm sitting on the couch watching videos while my wife is watching tv and I can also switch over to other games without interrupting. She always got pissed when I left the room to go game, but she's ok with me being there on the headset doing the same. Game changer for that option alone!
I did something similar...
We are able to move the camera up down and all around with it on the tripod. I bought the extension cable which was essential. Having the camera stationary under the TV would not be ideal during the day..there are a million framed pictures behind my couch and give off a ton of reflection from the TV.
Also..I took the picture in the kitchen...the VR is not in the kitchen. Wiseguys.
After trying some demos the past 2 nights without any nausea problems they finally arrived with RIGS today. Man that game really gets to me.
Everyone see the VR game announcement on the PlayStation blog for "Tethered"? Looks like it might be in line to scratch the itch the playroom demo and Wayward Sky have started. Comes out next week.
Personally, I want to see more, but I'm interested by their preview nonetheless.
Trailer https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UCvp3z4ps9w
i think that guy misunderstood Bethesda's e3 press conference. they weren't running those Demos on a PSVR.. i think it was a vive?Fallout 4 is coming to PSVR???
Ok I think I just got a little sick while playing Driveclub, I think it was my fault though.
I stuck my head out the window and was basically driving like this, just because I could:
I own it on GearVr, and it's nothing special. If it is the same game, I'd say pass.Has anyone actually tried Eve: Gunjack? It's $8 for PS+.
Don't know but holy shit is the stick layout awful. Yaw on the right and aim with the left? Right should be pitch/up/down and left should be yaw. I found no way to change it.Anyone know how to access the Founders content in EVE? I couldn't figure out how to change my ship or my pilot or anything. I find the menus a little confusing to be honest.
Is anyone else having issues with Rush of Blood? Midway through a level it often loses tracking and my arms end up not displaying correctly in front of me but rather off to the side. Holding start doesn't fix it either.
I'm over here still getting blown away by the playroom menu. And love the roller coaster in Until Dawn!
Anyone know any good VR games you can play with others locally (besides playroom)?
Batman VR - Tried to do this standing and the tracking sucks balls so far. Both on the Move and the headset. Visually the game looks pretty nice and I might continue on with this seated, but the standing experience leaves a little too much to be desired. Shut it off for now to spare my senses the disorientation.
Batman was my first run with the Move controllers and the best way I can describe their performance is that in the moments when they are working right, they're kind of like Vive controllers stuck in reprojection. Have a feeling I am going to be leaning towards seated / DS4 based VR games for PSVR. If you own a Rift or a Vive and are already keeping your expectations low in this aspect going into PSVR, I'd probably lower them a little further still.
Batman VR - Tried to do this standing and the tracking sucks balls so far. Both on the Move and the headset. Visually the game looks pretty nice and I might continue on with this seated, but the standing experience leaves a little too much to be desired. Shut it off for now to spare my senses the disorientation.
Batman was my first run with the Move controllers and the best way I can describe their performance is that in the moments when they are working right, they're kind of like Vive controllers stuck in reprojection. Have a feeling I am going to be leaning towards seated / DS4 based VR games for PSVR. If you own a Rift or a Vive and are already keeping your expectations low in this aspect going into PSVR, I'd probably lower them a little further still.
Here's a 14 minute gameplay video from playstation access: https://youtu.be/O18W21JYPyM
So is the general consensus "meh" on this? I'm thinking it looks, at the very least, compelling. I would think with gaf love for the Playroom VR platformer and Wayward Sky they would be all over this.
Looks good to me
So is the general consensus "meh" on this? I'm thinking it looks, at the very least, compelling. I would think with gaf love for the Playroom VR platformer and Wayward Sky they would be all over this.
Looks good to me
So is the general consensus "meh" on this? I'm thinking it looks, at the very least, compelling. I would think with gaf love for the Playroom VR platformer and Wayward Sky they would be all over this.
Looks good to me
Ok I think I just got a little sick while playing Driveclub, I think it was my fault though.
I stuck my head out the window and was basically driving like this, just because I could:
So is the general consensus "meh" on this? I'm thinking it looks, at the very least, compelling. I would think with gaf love for the Playroom VR platformer and Wayward Sky they would be all over this.
Looks good to me
I think a demo might help this game immensely. I would've not bought Wayward Sky if it wasn't for a demo.
What?, what is the name?It's already available ;3
Completely agree. I'm just hoping it has a bit more depth, gameplay wise, than the other launch titles. I'm having a blast with everything else regardlessI think a demo might help this game immensely. I would've not bought Wayward Sky if it wasn't for a demo.
I got my PSVR during work today, and got it set up a couple hours ago.
So far I've tried four games:
Rez Infinite - First thing I booted up after getting it hooked together, and it's really just fantastic. Good game to check out the PSVR screens with too; overall the image reminds me a lot of the Vive. Good colors and brightness. Lack of lens artifacts is appreciated here. Only played through the first two stages. Head aiming makes this even more enjoyable in my opinion. Going to savor this one.
Battlezone - Spent only a few minutes in this one. I just wanted to see how it looked and felt mostly. Wasn't bothered by the movement in this one at all. Resolution of the screen hurts a bit here but overall is a decent looking title. Really interested to find a few other people and jump in here co-op.
Thumper - This game is really gorgeous in VR. If you already have a PC VR headset and are thinking you aren't going to get a PSVR, make sure you get this game when it shows up on Steam. First level was pretty easy but I can tell from the thread that it gets crazy. As expected this and Rez are my early favorites.
Batman VR - Tried to do this standing and the tracking sucks balls so far. Both on the Move and the headset. Visually the game looks pretty nice and I might continue on with this seated, but the standing experience leaves a little too much to be desired. Shut it off for now to spare my senses the disorientation.
Batman was my first run with the Move controllers and the best way I can describe their performance is that in the moments when they are working right, they're kind of like Vive controllers stuck in reprojection. Have a feeling I am going to be leaning towards seated / DS4 based VR games for PSVR. If you own a Rift or a Vive and are already keeping your expectations low in this aspect going into PSVR, I'd probably lower them a little further still.
That said, the DS4 based games were all pretty slick and the headset itself when I was parked in my office chair was behaving just fine. Pretty comfortable as others have mentioned, though there is a lot of light bleed on the bottom (way more than with the Rift) that makes you wish you could pull the scope in even further.
Does anyone else have to sit slightly to the left of the camera to get a centered view in Battlezone and Rigs ?
If I sit straight across from the camera then my view in the cockpit is off to the right. Sliding the camera to the right a few inches centers the view.
The weird thing is, if you try Tumble the Move tracking is borderline perfect. Someone said I might have got lucky with it, but I've played it three times and the quality of the tracking was reminiscent of the Vive on that one. Hopefully developers can get the hang of it, as I don't get why it would track so well for one game and so bad for another.
Keep talking and everybody explodes or whatever its called.
Well sad news for me, the contact between my glasses and the PSVR lens last night that scratched my glasses, also scratched the PSVR lens. As unlikely as that sounds, the scratch is in the exact same position as it is on my glasses. And yes, it is totally visible when playing. Since there's no way I'm going to just try to ignore a blurry spot in every game from here on out, I'm returning the bundle to Amazon, which kinda sucks since there aren't more bundles to exchange for and I just have to get a refund. What a disappointing pain in the ass.
If you wear glasses - DO NOT bring the PSVR too close to your face!
Is this a thing you can do in America, just return user-damaged items no questions?
It's a thing that is possible to do, and not illegal to do. Though if the user damage is really obvious than clearly the retailer will tell you to fuck off. Ethically, there's something a little wrong with just returning a product that you accidentally broke....though in this case you might consider the damage to be the result of a design flaw.
I got my PSVR during work today, and got it set up a couple hours ago.
So far I've tried four games:
Rez Infinite - First thing I booted up after getting it hooked together, and it's really just fantastic. Good game to check out the PSVR screens with too; overall the image reminds me a lot of the Vive. Good colors and brightness. Lack of lens artifacts is appreciated here. Only played through the first two stages. Head aiming makes this even more enjoyable in my opinion. Going to savor this one.
Battlezone - Spent only a few minutes in this one. I just wanted to see how it looked and felt mostly. Wasn't bothered by the movement in this one at all. Resolution of the screen hurts a bit here but overall is a decent looking title. Really interested to find a few other people and jump in here co-op.
Thumper - This game is really gorgeous in VR. If you already have a PC VR headset and are thinking you aren't going to get a PSVR, make sure you get this game when it shows up on Steam. First level was pretty easy but I can tell from the thread that it gets crazy. As expected this and Rez are my early favorites.
Batman VR - Tried to do this standing and the tracking sucks balls so far. Both on the Move and the headset. Visually the game looks pretty nice and I might continue on with this seated, but the standing experience leaves a little too much to be desired. Shut it off for now to spare my senses the disorientation.
Batman was my first run with the Move controllers and the best way I can describe their performance is that in the moments when they are working right, they're kind of like Vive controllers stuck in reprojection. Have a feeling I am going to be leaning towards seated / DS4 based VR games for PSVR. If you own a Rift or a Vive and are already keeping your expectations low in this aspect going into PSVR, I'd probably lower them a little further still.
That said, the DS4 based games were all pretty slick and the headset itself when I was parked in my office chair was behaving just fine. Pretty comfortable as others have mentioned, though there is a lot of light bleed on the bottom (way more than with the Rift) that makes you wish you could pull the scope in even further.
It's only that bad for me in that one game if I'm being honest. It does occur in other games but not to that extreme.
Drift occurs with all my headsets to some degree which is why a recenter button exists on Vive, CV1, and Gear VR apps and games. The problem I have is that sometimes recentering does nothing on PSVR and really makes some games unplayable. This really seems like a software issue that Sony should be looking at.
Yeah. I did nothing wrong, there were no product warnings about this situation - hell in that paragraph you have to click through all the time they could have added warnings about wearing glasses and contact with the PSVR lens. Anyway I've been an Amazon Prime user for years and spent a ton of money with them, I'm sure they will process this return no problem.
For me, this is like reliving the PS1 and N64 era of 3D all over again.
The excitement, the new experiences, the jankiness lol.
I don't want to play anything now if it's not in VR.