Driveclub VR gets a lot of flack but I really like it.
So has anyone else been feeling kinda lightheaded in general after playing VR consistently for the first time? Yesterday I was feeling dizzy/nauseous just riding around in the car.
It happened to me the day after my first night with PSVRSo has anyone else been feeling kinda lightheaded in general after playing VR consistently for the first time? Yesterday I was feeling dizzy/nauseous just riding around in the car.
I went to my local Best Buy and got the Accidental Damage plan. It was $70, but it covers the thing for 2 years and isn't a one-shot. It's stories like the above, getting scratches on the lens (which has already happened to me), and the sheer mobility of the device that swayed me. Plus, I think $70 is a whole lot easier to stomach than $400, should something worse happen to the headset.
At the suggestion of folks here, I have ordered an extension cable for the camera, which is set to arrive tomorrow, and am planning to place the camera where my PC is:
This should give me more than enough feet to meet the requirements for both sitting and standing games: I can pull the desk chair back for the former, and I should have enough room to move my arms out for the latter.
The question is which spot on my desk would be ideal for the camera:
I think the spot above the monitor (where the Berserk manga is) would be best: it wouldn't get moved at all, it keeps my monitor free from clutter, and there's a hole in the back of that part of the shelf I can slide the camera cord through.
Thing is, I'm a tall guy, 6'4 as illustrated above. Standing up, my head reaches where the green circle is. I'm wondering then if it's best to keep the camera at chest-level or otherwise. I still think that spot is best, but if anyone feel that directly on top of the monitor is ideal, or some other place, let me know. I want to be done with this so I can finally play the VR games without compromise.
Ah... that cigar bit in The London Heist completely blew my mind!
i was trying to burn the phone with the lighter......i have played on occulus vr before but i never experienced what its like to have a 1 to 1 motion control.....its incredible
Same here! I was trying to set various things on fire with the lighter and lit cigar, Lol.
Guys Batman is incredible!! If that's the kind of stuff we can expect from AAA developers HOLY SHIT!
No way, you won't get me. Auto aimed batarangs, no true fighting, etc. Not to mention its super short apparently.
So I want a great $20 PSVR game.
Already have the $20 games:
- Thumper
- Batman
- Until Dawn
Any suggestions?
Is Sports Bar VR any good?
I'm enjoying TumbleVR immensely.
I haven't seen many impressions of The Assembly.... It keeps getting my attention since it has a small discount and I want something more story driven/ environment exploratory.
I'm enjoying TumbleVR immensely.
I haven't seen many impressions of The Assembly.... It keeps getting my attention since it has a small discount and I want something more story driven/ environment exploratory.
Finished 100% Batman VR, only needed help onand one destructible. Was a joy going through a few more times with a much more close eye on everything, exploring all the bios and Riddler puzzle
Still the best looking VR game I've played so far. Really the best "wow" moment in VR.
Got motion sickness after playing RIGS again. It's so fun but I just can't x.x....
Played Overwatch as well with just the regular screen and I still got motion sickness. I feel like this is going to be a huge problem moving forward with VR.
Cmon Sony, give me Sports Champions VR. I want to play VR bocce ball so damn bad.
I agree. I think it could work, heck they were already halfway there.Cmon Sony, give me Sports Champions VR. I want to play VR bocce ball so damn bad.
Epic beyond human yeah whos batman
im batman
Cmon Sony, give me Sports Champions VR. I want to play VR bocce ball so damn bad.
ugh sports champions was godlike
My bundle didnt include VR Worlds.
Checked each box multiple times down to the foam.
Only.had the demo disc.
Now what?
Alright guys, I decided to officially give in and buy the PSVR. All the impressions are mostly positive and my excitement has steadily increased. What are the must have games? I know that Batman is really short but I can't help it I have to have that one heh.
Alright guys, I decided to officially give in and buy the PSVR. All the impressions are mostly positive and my excitement has steadily increased. What are the must have games? I know that Batman is really short but I can't help it I have to have that one heh.
Alright guys, I decided to officially give in and buy the PSVR. All the impressions are mostly positive and my excitement has steadily increased. What are the must have games? I know that Batman is really short but I can't help it I have to have that one heh.
Goddamn dude. I feel for ya. Yeah if you're getting motion sickness from Overwatch on a static screen, you might just be prone to motion sickness in general.
I would say just try to do the static experiences for now in PSVR and go from there.
Huh for some reason I was under the impression there are no demos. Good to know thanks! Also stupid question but Playroom VR isn't the same as VR Worlds right?Thumper and Rush of Blood get my vote, but before you buy anything make sure you play all the demos to get an idea if they give you any ill effects.
And Playroom VR is a must!
Huh for some reason I was under the impression there are no demos. Good to know thanks! Also stupid question but Playroom VR isn't the same as VR Worlds right?
Playroom VR is separate, free and amazing!Huh for some reason I was under the impression there are no demos. Good to know thanks! Also stupid question but Playroom VR isn't the same as VR Worlds right?
Playing Jobs Simulator and Wayward sky and the wobble is annoying me. The world shift back and forth. Also I never got the the tracking calibration to work. Step 3 seemed to be bugged I align all the lights and they turned white but no progress bar. I hope Sony will address this because I'm really enjoying the tech and the games.