The tracking issue posts are really piling up here. I go back and forth on the issue, but I think I've settled on returning it for now. If they come out with a fix of some sort wether it be a new camera or some sort of silver bullet type deal I'll jump back in.
I basically am experiencing this the same way I experienced move in that I tried all different solutions then just learned to deal with it. Eventually it became too much of a hassle to even bother. In this case it's obviously worse because the side effect is nausea, and the price is a lot higher.
I also think long term this will be an issue. There are a lot of people who seem to be reaching wits end with it. There have been a few in here and a few in Reddit. The more we get away from the initial excitement the more I think it will settle in for those struggling with tracking. It's a bummerbecause it's been an exciting few days. Playroom vr was a revelation and job simulator legitimately blew my mind, but overall the tracking leaves you wanting more.
I'll chime in as someone who wasn't noticing tracking issues the first few days but is starting to notice them more frequently in my last few play sessions.
-London Heist shooting range: Move controllers spaz out periodically. Having a really hard time finding the sweet spot. Seems like if I'm aiming anywhere other than right down the middle it's completely unreliable. Also getting some weird action where it zooms my view in and out almost like it thinks my head instantaneously moved like 2 feet forward then it pops back. Kinda jarring, super annoying. Things seem to get funky when the Move controllers pass in front of the headset but, honestly, I'm not observant enough in the heat of the moment to catch the issue but, if my guess is right, it really throws a wrench in the whole "you can aim down the sights" aspect. Usually it goes weird and I just get pissed that it's messing up.
- Until Dawn: Similar situation with the occasional zoom in/out like I'm teleporting my head forward and backward. Also, sometimes, the character's wrists cock to the side at like a 30 degree angle, despite how I'm holding the move controllers. Arms straight ahead (and they look pretty much straight ahead in the game), controllers straight ahead, but the wrists are bent about as far as would be humanly possible. To the left every time.
Sports Bar : Don't know if it's supposed to be this way because I couldn't get it to change for anything but this is another game that asks you to stand in a spot and face the direction the feet in the game are pointing. My problem is those feet are always pointing almost 45 degrees to the left of the camera. This doesn't give me much leeway when moving my left controller. It's very hard to avoid blocking it with my body.
Thumper: This was tolerable but I played an extended session last night and, about halfway through my first level, I noticed that my foot was resting on the headset's cord, almost perpendicular so, obviously, I wasn't facing forward anymore. Got out of VR mode, centered everything on the main menu and faced forward, went back into VR mode and it was lined up right but, before too long, I noticed the track incrementally drifting to the left (the 'left' seems to be a theme here. It's almost like it's confusing the right side of the headset for the front or something, I dunno) and, when it finally settled down, I popped off the headset and I was seated at pretty much the same angle as I was the first time around. Centering the view by turning to the front and holding start in game did nothing for me. I also got the periodic zoom in and out thing like in the shooting range and, for shits and gigs, I turned around to have my back face the camera directly and, voila, it centered up just fine. Turned back to the front and... nope.
Going in I was expecting the Move controllers to be a bit spotty so I'm alright with that to an extent. But some of the weird drift issues really mess with the experience. It's just such a hassle to jump in and out to troubleshoot.
I'm certainly not returning it because, all things considered, I'm still in love... I'm just starting to see how these issues might eventually turn me off from picking it up and putting it on and they could DEFINITELY deter sales in the future. I'm certainly going to be wary of games that make heavy use of the Move controllers, or games that require standing and liberal use of the play area. At this point, I feel like those games only "kinda" work.