Any roller coaster games on the horizon?
Can't believe Until Dawn is the only one we know of...
Wasn't there one that got delayed as it made people feel ill?
EDIT: Roller Coaster Dreams
Any roller coaster games on the horizon?
Can't believe Until Dawn is the only one we know of...
Still did not unwrap RIGS, demo made me feel sick...want to love this though.
Does the game feel any 'better' regarding motion sickness when you play it more. Tried the demo 7 times and my stomach can't seem to adjust. I was thinking...maybe if I buy the full game and do a decent walkthrough on the controls and options, it will be better...
PSVR sold 50K units in Japan first week.
Seriously Sony. As if repackaging and re-selling a 6-year old accessory and charging extortionate rates for them wasn't BS enough, how the fuck are there no Move controllers in stock anywhere? Complete joke.
Personally, I am feeling less and less nauseous, each time I play RIGS. Going to dial back the comfort settings, soon.
The Vive is 150k worldwide to date give or take and that was released 6 months ago. Just something to think about...
It's the wrong thread, but what is that based on?The Vive is 150k worldwide to date give or take and that was released 6 months ago. Just something to think about...
Still did not unwrap RIGS, demo made me feel sick...want to love this though.
Does the game feel any 'better' regarding motion sickness when you play it more. Tried the demo 7 times and my stomach can't seem to adjust. I was thinking...maybe if I buy the full game and do a decent walkthrough on the controls and options, it will be better...
Seriously Sony. As if repackaging and re-selling a 6-year old accessory and charging extortionate rates for them wasn't BS enough, how the fuck are there no Move controllers in stock anywhere? Complete joke.
Still did not unwrap RIGS, demo made me feel sick...want to love this though.
Does the game feel any 'better' regarding motion sickness when you play it more. Tried the demo 7 times and my stomach can't seem to adjust. I was thinking...maybe if I buy the full game and do a decent walkthrough on the controls and options, it will be better...
How do you guys feel about Scavengers Odyssey and Danger Ball?
Don't see them mentioned too often here.
Ok ok, here's what I need to emphasize not just to you but to EVERYONE considering RIGS but worried about motion sickness. The tutorial in this game is fantastic. It gives you a rundown on everything and how the game controls, but what it doesn't not tell you enough about is how customizable the controls really are.
You have two VR newbie toggles (goggle effect and minimal eject) which I would recommend you keep on until you're ready to turn them off. That stuff is obvious, BUT here's what I think helps the most: turn speed and deadzone and turn angle.
Out of the gate you can choose to turn with the right stick or with your head while always aiming your weapons with your eyes. You're given the option to try both in the tutorial. But AFTER you try both, you're going to be taken outside. When you are outside, mess around with the Turn Speed and Deadzone and find where you are most comfortable. I found that no deadzone works best for me, I like my turn angle to be two notches higher than default and my turn speed to be one notch higher than default.
Definitely take your time setting yourself up, but it's SO worth the time to do so because now I'm playing this game and feeling like I'm in complete control and haven't felt any nausia since.
I like both. Scavenger's Odyssey seriously makes me wish Nintendo were in the VR game and did a Metroid. My only complaint is it's the first game on PSVR that made me a bit queasy, but only when I got to a part with a lot of upside-down action.How do you guys feel about Scavengers Odyssey and Danger Ball?
Don't see them mentioned too often here.
Sony advice to not let anyone under the age of 12 to play with it, hopefully nothing serious happens to them.
Personally, I am feeling less and less nauseous, each time I play RIGS. Going to dial back the comfort settings, soon.
How do you guys feel about Scavengers Odyssey and Danger Ball?
Don't see them mentioned too often here.
It's the wrong thread, but what is that based on?
Vive-exclusive sci-fi shooter Raw Data has become the first virtual reality game to hit $1 million in sales in the space of a month.
Developer Survios made the claim in an interview with Fast Company, and said at least 20 percent of HTC Vive owners have purchased the action title.
I don't know if this helps, but from my experience:
I hated the demo. It controlled awful and the head turning felt WAY too sensitive. But I had already bought the game at launch. Still, I went into the full game more hopeful and it controls WAY better. Probably just better calibration in the beginning. Or something.
I've also learned today that the Job Simulator demo is a PC port, and that the full game is actually better adjusted to support PSVR (being 180 degree focused instead of 360). So I'm starting to wonder about the demos vs the actual games a bit. Not that I'm complaining about having many robust demos to try, but so far my experience with the full products has been much more positive.
EDIT: I should add that I don't get motion sickness. Haven't had it once during PSVR or irl. So in terms of that I do not know how you will feel playing the full copy of rigs.
Ok ok, here's what I need to emphasize not just to you but to EVERYONE considering RIGS but worried about motion sickness. The tutorial in this game is fantastic. It gives you a rundown on everything and how the game controls, but what it doesn't not tell you enough about is how customizable the controls really are.
You have two VR newbie toggles (goggle effect and minimal eject) which I would recommend you keep on until you're ready to turn them off. That stuff is obvious, BUT here's what I think helps the most: turn speed and deadzone and turn angle.
Out of the gate you can choose to turn with the right stick or with your head while always aiming your weapons with your eyes. You're given the option to try both in the tutorial. But AFTER you try both, you're going to be taken outside. When you are outside, mess around with the Turn Speed and Deadzone and find where you are most comfortable. I found that no deadzone works best for me, I like my turn angle to be two notches higher than default and my turn speed to be one notch higher than default.
Definitely take your time setting yourself up, but it's SO worth the time to do so because now I'm playing this game and feeling like I'm in complete control and haven't felt any nausia since.
Scavengers Odyssey leaves me feeling a bit nauseas after a while due to it's artificial locomotion.
For me it would have been a lot more comfortable with instant teleporting.
Thanks so much guys! Good to know that the tutorial is ace.
Slixshot, do you happen to know if you can configure the controls ( turnspeed, deadzone etc. ) in the demo ? Thanks in advance.
I've never felt sick in VR, and I love that sensation of movement, so I think having options would be ideal. I appreciate that some games have similar options, like Rez and Rigs.
What other PSVR games have "sensitivity" options like that?
Join us in our new world.
Oh and I'll reiterate what I said last night:
PLAY RIGS! It's practically all I can think about after having experienced it last night.
How do you guys feel about Scavengers Odyssey and Danger Ball?
Don't see them mentioned too often here.
I only played it once before knowing I wanted the whole thing, but if memory serves me right, you cannot in the demo.
Ah... that cigar bit in The London Heist completely blew my mind!
This really puts it in perspective. Reasonably priced VR is the best for mass market penetration.
Then you have the Steam survey (not polls but automatic system scans) indicating that the ratio of Vive to Oculus Rift CV1 is 2:1. I would think Steam usage/overlap amongst Rift owners is in the great, great majority and that this would be a good percentage indication.You can do the math with how much the game costs and the percentage they revealed that it was about 150k sold when that article hit.
Can we please get a Crime Killer remake for PsVr 😅
have you tried this ?
I can't wait to get home to try this, if it's the magic cure I'll be so fkin happy.
Yep sorry I didn't update here I went to sleep. But yeah it was getting closer is the reason it has no wobble. This is the my thread with updates it's only an effect of moving closer to the camera because the cord isn't as long.
No way, you won't get me. Auto aimed batarangs, no true fighting, etc. Not to mention its super short apparently.
Not glare, thems the lights. Pull back a click.Anyone else has slight glare on the left corner of the left eye and right corner of the right eye? I have the headset completely smashed against my face. I'm assuming I have the thing to close.
Called Sony for the bad headset jitter / wobble. Turned out the VR extension cable is the problem. Once I removed it and hooked the headset directly the wobble was gone. I know I saw a couple of people here having this problem so it might be the same problem. Sony will send me a new one but that mean I will be without it for few days.
If that's your goal, sure.
It never was for the Vive and Rift. They got the ball rolling though (like three feet, but still). for the next challenge @LondonStudioHQ with #PSjobs as a #QA Artist #PlayStationVR #gamesjobs
Go to devices, VR - eye to eye distance and setup your IPD from 70cm away from the camera.
Run through the full VR headset light calibration, and camera calibration in the same section.
Load up the adjust headset position bit with the text on the black background.
Put headset on and tighten 75% of the way
Shut one eye and move the headset in small amounts up, down, left and right, twisting the headset band round on your head too if necessary, until the open eye is in focus.
Shut that eye and do similar for the other eye whilst frequently going back to check the first eye is still in focus.
You should be able to read all the text with no bloom of distortion anywhere when you're done
Finish up tightening the headset on the wheel.
The headset may feel off center on your head, but all you need to worry about is the visual clarity.
Make sure your sat 5ft - 6ft from the camera, and align yourself just left of the left hand lens as you look at the camera (when you show on the screen you should barely be out the box on the left hand side as you look at it.
That's pretty much all i can offer on adjustments to improve viewing / tracking.
EDIT - Also play some playrrom stuff, seriously that shows off the most potential and has some of the cleanest graphics of any VR game.
anyone?Anybody with two pairs of headphones able to test the DS4 headphone port?
I'm curious if you can still get sound out of the headphone jack on the DS4 while using PSVR, because I want to use a Subpac with this.
Okay, I'm totally copying this. Amazon link: sorted out a cool storage solution
It's boring. I also hate the reload mechanic. Just get Until Dawn if you want to shoot stuff.Has anyone tried the shooting gallery in London Heist? How is it?
Called Sony for the bad headset jitter / wobble. Turned out the VR extension cable is the problem. Once I removed it and hooked the headset directly the wobble was gone. I know I saw a couple of people here having this problem so it might be the same problem. Sony will send me a new one but that mean I will be without it for few days.
The problem with that thinking really is though while the Vive and Rift are more advanced, if developers aren't jumping in because the numbers aren't there, then content will suffer as we've already seen with the Vive and Rift. This isn't a competition really, but the more devs jump in the better and we'll only see more of that with the PSVR finally having come out.
The tech doesn't matter if there's no games taking advantage of it.