Just played my first session.
Setup was super quick, no drifting or tracking issues. The most challenging was focusing the image, I wear glasses (I'm short-sighted) and it took a while to get a clear image. The problem is I can see light from the bottom of the headset since I need it pushed a bit upwards on my face to focus stuff, especially text. I measured the IPD and everything too. Might need to fiddle with this a bit more.
Tried Playroom VR (Robots Rescue is AMAZING), Driveclub (not really impressed, after the initial wow moment of stepping into the car), Harmonix (oh my god it's so good!), Ocean Descent and RIGS (love it though I suck pretty bad).
I'm waiting for the Moves to charge now and I'll dive into Rush of Blood a bit later.
All in all, very satisfied, and I'm not feeling any motion sickness whatsoever. My eyes do sting a bit though, because of all the out of focus stuff at the beginning.
I really really love this headset and I'm very glad I took the plunge and bought one for myself. It's really incredible. The lower res definitely doesn't bother me anymore after a few minutes, except for Driveclub. That one's pretty bad.
Until now I bought Thumper, VEV and Harmonix. I probably won't have enough money to spend on more games this month, but I'm thinking about purchasing Rez too when I get the next paycheck.
Has anyone bought Gunjack or does anyone know how it fares?