I've had some time to mess around with a few things in PSVR and figured I'd post my thoughts/experiences so far.
Superhypercube - One of my favorites right now. Bought the full version and really enjoy it. A simple concept, but very challenging puzzle game as more and more cubes get added to your piece. Feels great in VR. The visuals are simple and don't distract; they add to the experience and are pretty cool to see in your peripherals. The headset tracking seems to work perfectly as I'm moving my head back and forth to look past different sides of the cube to best see the shape of the hole
Thumper - Played the demo. This feels fantastic in VR! The rhythm violence description seems fairly accurate as the speed, visuals, and audio through headphones creates an amazing sense of immersion. This game is intense! I've only played it in VR, but I can't imagine playing it any other way. The immense scale of the boss when you reach it at the end of the demo is really impressive. I will be buying the full version of this for sure.
Ocean Descent (Playstation VR Worlds) - I only did the shark dive of Ocean Descent so far, but that was legitimately the most terrifying thing I've experienced in awhile. Before the shark comes along it's just kind of a cool experience while slowly descending and staring at the passing ocean life. But when that shark shows up... things begin to get unnerving quickly. I felt very unsettled and found myself picking my legs up and trying to move back in my seat while tensing up. I know it's not real, but the immersion was fantastic and had me reacting in a way that I did not expect.
Driveclub - Played the demo (with a controller, not a wheel). Not a big fan of this in VR. While I loved the original Driveclub, something about the VR version just doesn't feel right. I think the issue stems from playing this with a controller as the immersion of controlling a car with something other than a wheel just confuses my brain. I felt fine for the most part, but during some turns I could feel my stomach slightly feeling off. Nothing horrible, but I think sitting and playing multiple races would start to bring nausea for me. I'd love to be able to try this out with a racing wheel as I think it would just correct how my brain works and make the game feel a lot better.
EVE Valkyrie - I originally played this at PSX last year and really enjoyed it. I managed to snag a digital copy when Amazon had the $19.99 price error. There are some things I really love about this game. Sitting in a cockpit in VR is really such a cool thing. Looking around the interior and out all the windows just feels badass. As a kid I always dreamed of piloting a spaceship, so it's just really a great feeling to feel like I'm sitting in one. The take off launch is always exciting to me and when you launch out of the carrier and turn your head around to see the scale of all the giant flagships around you, the scale really creates a sense of awe. As for the actual gameplay, it's enjoyable for the most part, but I find when I move the right stick (which controls the roll of the ship), it makes me slightly dizzy. The other ship movement (pitch and yaw) don't seem to bother me whatsoever. So I'm not really sure what it is about the roll movement. I'll definitely play some more and see if that feeling continues or if it's something that I can get used to.
Allumette - FYI, this is free on the PSN store. This is a short maybe 10-15 minute experience where you basically just watch a story play out. It's got a charming look and I found the story touching. It's recommended to play standing up rather than sitting down. You don't have any control other than moving your head as a camera. Kind of feels like watching a stop motion animation up close, which is cool. Though this is the only experience in VR that I've had so far with the camera being a little janky. If I moved my head too much, the camera would sometimes stutter and jerk over to a slightly different position, which could be a little disorienting. This also happened a few times while I was standing completely still. Didn't cause any nausea for me though. Since it's free, I definitely recommend at least checking it out.
I'll post more impressions as I try more stuff.