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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Here is my review:

PlayStation VR Headset: This headset is so unbelievably comfortable. It just blows my mind. I just spent the last four or more hours playing in VR and not once was I uncomfortable or bothered. The engineering is simply a masterpiece.

EVE Valkyrie: Phenominal experience. In terms of gameplay, it requires skill, but goddamn is it a blast. Is it worth $60? No. It is the perfect $20 experience and they should have priced it at that due to their inclusion of micro transactions. Regardless, It is fucking FUN!

Driveclub VR: Now, this one was interesting. Right from the start, I can tell the graphical fidelity was lowered. Now, I understand that bothered some folks, but to be honest, when you are driving, you are having so much fun that it really doesn't matter. It still looks good and the gameplay is a blast. I didn't get sick once.

Tumbler VR & REZ Infinite: These two blew my fucking mind. I was having such a blast and was completely immersed. The art styles and fantastic gameplay really sold these games for me. Hands down, worth every penny.

Here They Lie: First off, I can definitely see how some would get sick from this game. There are some moments in the demo that hit my stomach, and I am mostly unaffected by motion sickness, so that surprised me. Regardless, I was scared shitless and the experience was so well-made.

RIGS: Absolutely challenging. I didn't like the mix of aiming with the right analog stick and my head. Once I get the hang of it, the game will be wonderful (It's wonderful, regardless).

Resident Evil 7: That demo was a joke. Sit in a chair, have a guy try to break you out, then he gets killed, then you get killed. The End. It's going to be an insane experience, but that demo was a huge disappointment.

This was my short list of games, but I wanted to cover some of the major ones before I went to bed. All in all, I didn't have any Move or headset tracking issues whatsoever. Everything was totally flawless and not once did I have that 'swim' effect or get sick. My only concern is the low resolution, as it creates a slight bluriness to the games. I'm sure once PS4 Pro is out, that will be fixed. Regardless, I am REALLY impressed with what can be achieved on a PlayStation 4.


Thank u, but must it go to the hdmi port on the tv? As I have a device that's connected to the tv that gives me extra HDMI ports as I don't have enough on tv. Can I use that?

that depends on the type of switcher you have. I have a mechanical HDMI switcher, and it works fine. But I've seen some other kinds that cause problems. If you can output your PS4 to the switcher right now and it works, then you'll be fine.

My gut says you'll ultimately be alright, but I can't say for sure.


Alright, so after trying to troubleshoot my tracking problems a bit today, it seems that the camera "stutters" while tracking. This isn't the same thing as jittering, it's almost like lag in a high-latency online game. When I go into the "check your position" diagnostic, the feed will hitch and stutter on occasion and then go back to normal half a second later. I don't think my lighting or anything is affecting this and the games themselves aren't dropping frames or anything. It affects the headset and controller tracking, so I'm thinking its the camera. I hope I didn't get a bum camera in my bundle, but I'm not really sure if this is a known or correctable issues with the PS4 camera even beyond its newfound usage with VR.

Anyone else dealing with this?

Was having issues that sound identical to yours. Realised I had a lamp kinda behind my tv and off to the side. It's a very gentle lamp not giving off any harsh light but for whatever reason it was messing up all my tracking. Switched it off and everything improved to almost perfect levels.

So just double check all your lighting. Still getting some jittery controller tracking and the headset tracking isn't absolutely still when it should be, but it's not that noticeable.


FINALLY got mine... Man Amazing wasn't kidding with this before 8pm BS.

NEVER AGAIN for a day one Hardware will I go this route.

Been here all day, but now I have to step out in a bit. Will just install the demo disco for now. :/


I'm curious as to what is making Drive Club in particular make so many people feel ill. I have a feeling it's learning on reprojection harder than any other game in the launch line up, and that could be why.


No, that's not true. "VR Legs" isn't really a thing. Some people can get used to it and will become less nauseous over time, but most do not. If something makes you feel sick, it's important to not try to power through it or train yourself to withstand it. Doing so can sometimes make you feel even worse. Rather, it's much more important to talk online about what specifically made you sick.

Some people simply cannot stomach the type of locomotion in games like Rigs. It really is a big deal in VR, and it's something you can't expect the end user to put training into over coming, if it's even possible at all.

Myself? I am lucky. I have an iron stomach. I've played 30 FPS games on the DK1 that commit all sorts of VR sins. My stomach never turns. But I've demoed to enough people over the years and seen some awful reactions to know that those locomotion solutions aren't viable widespread. What I advocate is, if at all possible, give the option of such locomotion, but also design your game around teleportation mechanics. Of all types of locomotion solutions out there -- and I've tried dozens and dozens of them over the years -- teleportation is the one that has had the most success limiting VR sickness.

Interesting. I've had 'VR legs' grow for me for sure, with RIGS in particular - first match was a little uncomfortable but I can now play for extended periods after easing myself into it gradually. Critical analysis of this kind of experience is so difficult, as it's almost impossible (if not entirely impossible) to objectify. Different people will simply react differently to it.
that depends on the type of switcher you have. I have a mechanical HDMI switcher, and it works fine. But I've seen some other kinds that cause problems. If you can output your PS4 to the switcher right now and it works, then you'll be fine.

My gut says you'll ultimately be alright, but I can't say for sure.
I go thru a splitter and switch to the TV. Headset is hooked up direct from the box. Will have to switch the HDMI when playing normal games though. The pass thru leaves a lot to be desired in the breakout box.


that depends on the type of switcher you have. I have a mechanical HDMI switcher, and it works fine. But I've seen some other kinds that cause problems. If you can output your PS4 to the switcher right now and it works, then you'll be fine.

My gut says you'll ultimately be alright, but I can't say for sure.
Thanks allot. Ya i have been using it for my ps4 with no issues. Cool, I'll give it a shot, worst case I'll have to switch some stuff around. Thanks allot for taking time to reply. Much appreciated.
My girlfriend got me this as a birthday present, bought batman and until dawn with it. Batman may be the coolest shit I've ever played, no Hyperbole. This thing is a legit batman Simulator. Everything works so well in that game and it looks great also. I only played a level of until dawn but I love how it feels like you're on a roller coaster and I loved watching my girlfriend shit her pants. I'm really damn excited for the future of vr.


My girlfriend got me this as a birthday present, bought batman and until dawn with it. Batman may be the coolest shit I've ever played, no Hyperbole. This thing is a legit batman Simulator. Everything works so well in that game and it looks great also. I only played a level of until dawn but I love how it feels like you're on a roller coaster and I loved watching my girlfriend shit her pants. I'm really damn excited for the future of vr.

sounds like a keeper dude.


Felium Defensor
My girlfriend got me this as a birthday present, bought batman and until dawn with it. Batman may be the coolest shit I've ever played, no Hyperbole. This thing is a legit batman Simulator. Everything works so well in that game and it looks great also. I only played a level of until dawn but I love how it feels like you're on a roller coaster and I loved watching my girlfriend shit her pants. I'm really damn excited for the future of vr.
Keeper fo sho lol. Has she tried The Kitchen demo yet?
I picked up a launch bundle tonight. I'm having fun and this is no doubt cool. That said, this is very much a first gen product and I would have a tough time recommending it to anyone that isn't an enthusiast or has plenty of cash to burn. I have no regrets.

Time to buy rez!


Interesting. I've had 'VR legs' grow for me for sure, with RIGS in particular - first match was a little uncomfortable but I can now play for extended periods after easing myself into it gradually. Critical analysis of this kind of experience is so difficult, as it's almost impossible (if not entirely impossible) to objectify. Different people will simply react differently to it.

That's why I advocate being better safe than sorry. It really is in the best interest of developers to make sure their game can be comfortable for as many people as possible. I've also seen so many posters over the years complain that they don't get sick from these types of locomotions, and that they don't want to feel restrained by a teleportation mechanic. With some work, you can make a single game that is suited to multiple types of locomotion, and that's ultimately what needs to happen. I don't know if a game like rigs could ever truly be possible with teleportation, to tell the truth. But what people seem to like about the game isn't so much the crazy acrobatics, as rather the concept of a VR multiplayer deathmatch environment. Maybe, going forward, we'll realize that our VR game design needs to err more towards the realm of realistically possible for average people, lol.

It's all so new and so up in the air, even after about 4 years of experimentation. At least early on, I really recommend people start off with teleportation games just in case. Batman is a good example of a teleportation mechanic.

Over on the PC side, I would say Budget Cuts is still the template for the ideal VR game, IMO.
I have a hdmi splitter to goes to one of my hdmi inputs that gives me extra hdmi ports. Has anyone used or know if one can be used or if the psvr must be directly into one of the hdmi ports on the tv? Won't be able to try until tmrw but just trying to figure out whether or not I need make an hdmi port free etc.... Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

It's working for me.


Driveclub is not making me ill, but the low detail makes it difficult to pinpoint upcoming turns. I look out pretty far. The driving feel really good, I am imagining I drive better in VR. Thats cool. Now time for another demo.
Got it set up and was able to do a quick run-through.

First, the headset seemed tighter than when I tried it at CES. Pushing the button, stretching it around my head, then letting go seemed to have more than enough pressure without tightening with the knob.

You have to really take time to adjust the scope to hit the sweet spot. In a lot of cases it's just straight up blurry until you mess with it for bit and get a clear shot.

Once it's on the VR depth of perception is very convincing. I fired up the Kitchen demo first and was really creeped out just sitting there without any options.

EVE is also a great demonstration, though flying around and getting kills was a little tough.

I was excited about DriveClub but noticed that the entire demo was 20 percent blurrier than other games. I think the blur and not the motion is what's causing sickness. I don't feel like playing it again and I have an unopened copy of the full game that may go back.

Right now, I'm on the fence. I paid $200 for the launch bundle after credit. I think it'll be great for Resident Evil 7 and I'm most excited about that. But for $500, the lower resolution plus the graphics downgrade for select titles would be a return for me.


I understand that London Heist is basically just cutscenes and on rail shooter segments but holy fuck when I was in the truck with the submachine gun and just shooting and picking up ammo with the other hand... It was fucking awesome!


Driveclub is not making me ill, but the low detail makes it difficult to pinpoint upcoming turns. I look out pretty far.

That's the low resolution! That's precisely what I've been talking about since the DK1! I experienced that way back in the day with iRacing. Racing games simply weren't viable with my DK2, and I've been saying for so long that they'd have a similar problem on PSVR.
* Best VR comfort options of any PSVR game so far - controls/FOV/eject sequence and so on can all be altered to fit your needs.
* Three modes are basically TDM, 3-on-3 football and... well, Powerslam is hard to describe. You need to hit Overdrive (three kills or six pickup collections, or a combination thereof) then jump through the goal in the middle of the map to score. Different tactics to each, meaning different mechs required.
* Loads of different mechs, each with different loadouts and passive abilities - leech health after a kill, run interference on enemy radar, heal nearby allies, explode on death, rear shield, stealth and so on. Each of those perks has one of each mech 'form' - nippy little squishy thing, tanky thing with a ground pound, all-rounder-thing and hover thing. I feel like I may be missing one...
* Head control seems to be the play - it's quick and easy to aim (with most weapons) and looking around for opponents is only necessary (well, teammate callout would work too, I guess) if the other team has a jammer as the radar pings all nearby.
* Lots of downtime (match analysis, results, reports, etc.) but I feel it was seen as needed to provide breaks in the action, which is extremely intense.
* Reminds me a fair bit of Rocket League - simple in theory but with loads of hidden depth and tactics.
* AI is decent, at least once you sack off the idiots you start with and hire people who are actually good. Seems to be tied to both fame level and mechs owned, so buying complementary mechs to those you like seems to be the play to build a decent team early-ish.
* Riding the platform up into the arena at the start of a match is still one of the best experiences in PSVR for me and even after 30-odd matches, it still doesn't get old.
* Commentary is a little too generic to capture the big name player focus of pro sports and loses a little as a result. It's still cool but it doesn't make you feel like a legend like that intro sequence does.

Summary: it's really damn good. Hope that helps, holla if you want to know anything specific - played RIGS more than any of the others in the last week so fairly clued up. Only played Battlezone briefly and wasn't that taken with it. Driveclub IQ is pretty bad but the game and experience are both really good if you can look past that.

Dude thank you! Really appreciate the write-up. I'll definitely want to try it before I buy it.
Finally got home after a stressful day at work. Spent a few minutes getting things plugged up, let my wife take it for a spin 100ft Robot Golf and she LOVED it.
Then I tried the Playroom VR platformer game which was phenomenal. Really great demo, nice and stable.
My buddy came over and started playing RIGS. He loved it, played a few rounds and really got my hype through the roof.
Finally he passed me the headset. After an hour of tweaking control schemes, I found I could barely play a minute without getting nauseous. Hoping it was just one game, I fired up a few others from the demo disc. Things just got worse. I'm heartbroken, but there's no way I can play on this thing. I have a history of getting carsick, so I guess I'm too sensitive to it.
That being said, the hardware is extremely impressive, especially for the price. Looks like I'll be selling mine though :(


Finally got home after a stressful day at work. Spent a few minutes getting things plugged up, let my wife take it for a spin 100ft Robot Golf and she LOVED it.
Then I tried the Playroom VR platformer game which was phenomenal. Really great demo, nice and stable.
My buddy came over and started playing RIGS. He loved it, played a few rounds and really got my hype through the roof.
Finally he passed me the headset. After an hour of tweaking control schemes, I found I could barely play a minute without getting nauseous. Hoping it was just one game, I fired up a few others from the demo disc. Things just got worse. I'm heartbroken, but there's no way I can play on this thing. I have a history of getting carsick, so I guess I'm too sensitive to it.
That being said, the hardware is extremely impressive, especially for the price. Looks like I'll be selling mine though :(

You are precisely the kind of person I'm talking about. Give Batman a try, it uses teleportation. You might find that acceptable. I'd be really interested in hearing your impressions on that game.


Coming from a gearvr.. my jaw dropped the whole time while I'm using this.

Soo good, just finished playing the playroom platforming section. Please Sony make a full blown game like that.

I'm I n love


Used it for 90 minutes or so. Unfortunately seem to be experiencing that relatively common left drift issue (which I probably spent 30 minutes trying to figure out/fix with no success). Hope it's a software thing rather than hardware. Had some tracking issues trying out tumble as well. Other than that, loved it.

Driveclub was definitely rough visually in certain aspects compared to other games but did three races and had no motion sickness, curious to see what the Pro patch does. Going to be buying it anyway due to the discount.

Thumper was great. Definitely getting that now. Not a game I'd usually get near launch, but VR really enhances the experience.


Alright, so after trying to troubleshoot my tracking problems a bit today, it seems that the camera "stutters" while tracking. This isn't the same thing as jittering, it's almost like lag in a high-latency online game. When I go into the "check your position" diagnostic, the feed will hitch and stutter on occasion and then go back to normal half a second later. I don't think my lighting or anything is affecting this and the games themselves aren't dropping frames or anything. It affects the headset and controller tracking, so I'm thinking its the camera. I hope I didn't get a bum camera in my bundle, but I'm not really sure if this is a known or correctable issues with the PS4 camera even beyond its newfound usage with VR.

Anyone else dealing with this?

Never mind. Fixed it. It seemed to be related to starting the PS4 up from Rest Mode. I turned it completely off and back on again and it works fine now. The IT Crowd will never not be right about that one. :p


I spend like 5+ minutes smoking a non existing cigar and inhaling and exhaling fake smoke.. A+

Oddly enough my lungs started giving off coughing signals to my brain or vice versa as if it was a real cigar.. Brains are weird.


Incredibly Naive
I spend like 5+ minutes smoking a non existing cigar and inhaling and exhaling fake smoke.. A+

Oddly enough my lungs started giving off coughing signals to my brain or vice versa as if it was a real cigar.. Brains are weird.

What game?
this is.. cool. i can't seem to get everything perfectly in focus, though. also the cord around my back is gonna take some getting used to. i switched from VR rez back to 1080p rez and it.. well, it looked a lot better.

first impression is this thing is cool.


I still can't seem to fix the drifting I'm getting in Battlezone. After about 15 minutes of play it veers off about 45 degrees.
I have not had issues in games like Superhypercube, London Heist, Batman and Playroom VR. Those have been fine.
Holy shit Driveclub lookss TERRRRIBLE in VR. I felt a little stomach unease as soon as I started driving. No thanks.

I tried Playroom VR and the platformer game was cool but I felt a little queasy playing that. I finished the level and then turned the PS4 off. It gave me a weird stomach feeling.
I bought a stand from the VR headset and the move controllers. I have them plugged in, and the light is still flashing red after about an hour. Is that normal? Are they still charging after this long or is something wrong here?


The platforming game in Playroom VR really goes to show that VR does not need to focus on the first person perspective to be good.

I actually think it's the best demo of VR tech that I've played so far.

It's amazing how that game feels. Like you're Lakitu in SM64.
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