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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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So is anyone else getting a twinkling lights issue on the screen? It's like individual pixels (and they tend to look slightly green) are randomly lighting up all over the place. It's not persistent all the time, and not in every game demo I've done, but it's there a lot of the time..
Do it man. Alot of people seem to be bypassing it, but it's fucking awesome. And despite the short length of the campaign, is absolutely worth the money. In my humble opinion.

Excellent news, I'm not too worried about the length. :)

My copy already arrived, just need time to unpack and set up my PSVR to hopefully get in a bit of time before bed since the package got here so late, only a little while ago but I have to go out for a bit.
My biggest fear before buying this was potential tracking issues and I am so happy that it has been 100 percent smooth. no tracking issues.

After going through most of the demos last night, today I spent 20 minutes trying to "break" the tracking and recreate the tracking issues giant bomb had.

At first, I tried moving very fast but it didn't affect tracking at all. The worst thing I got was an "out of playing area" warning whenver the camera could no longer see me.

I began messing with the lights in my room and finally managed to create the pulsating movement for the headset: here is how I made it happen: I turned on a halogen lamp targeting the wall behind me. I then leaned back on the couch as much as I could so the headset would be closer to the wall. It was only then in that weird position that I could make it happen.

I then looked at that scene in the calibration view (which shows you a negative image of you and the headset). It was fairly obvious that the brightly lit wall would interfere with the headset lights.

I think this explains giant bombs problems: they are sitting in front of a brightly lit green screen. They also have coloured lights (some in ps move colours) targeting all the walls behind them which is not a smart thing to do.

Anyway, if you happen to experience any pulsating movement: make sure your environment, specially the wall behind you, isn't too bright and that there are not reflective surfaces there:

It will also help if there is some distance between you and the wall behind you. (60 centimeters is good enough in my case).


So when you pull the strap apart from the headset is there any way to lock it all the way extended instead of it trying to retract? Is that normal? I'm not pressing any buttons when it's retracting.

I find putting it on and taking it offf really uncomfortable because of this.

I also wish there was a little fan in this thing that could get some airflow moving through it.


So is anyone else getting a twinkling lights issue on the screen? It's like individual pixels (and they tend to look slightly green) are randomly lighting up all over the place. It's not persistent all the time, and not in every game demo I've done, but it's there a lot of the time..

Vive used to have an issue with this until Valve did some kind of display tweak in a SteamVR update and got rid of it for the most part. Is it predominately in dark scenes?


Vive used to have an issue with this until Valve did some kind of display tweak in a SteamVR update and got rid of it for the most part. Is it predominately in dark scenes?

That's where it's obvious yeah, but when it's present it can still be made out in every scene. Arkham VR seems to have it the whole time. In dark scenes it's very distracting. In the VR Worlds menu I actually thought it was intentional and meant to be dust particles glistening at random, but no it wasn't lol. Yes there's particles there but this is definitely the screen before anyone mentions that.

It's weird it's as if the screen operates in different modes depending on the game and this seems to trigger the effect. Other times it's completely absent. Weird no one else is mentioning it..


The Godzilla thing on JP Psn is a quick little thing to promote the new movie you might appreciate if you have any interest in the franchise. A legit monster disaster game would be amazing.
translation...he was aroused (errr..you were aroused lol)
No dude. Unless you have some voyeuristic fetish there's really not much to it.
It's the way the character is animated and how everything seems so realistically 1:1 scale that can really immerse you. It's kind of freaky when you realize this.
Still this would greatly benefit of a higher resolution and pixel density.


My favorite thing about hanging out in this thread is watching the people who have never tried VR before post their impressions. As in this is their very first taste of VR period.

So many new people who understand now a whole lot better what's been said about VR as a paradigm shift. It's just something new, a very different experience from traditional gaming. I agree, there isn't a big, meaty, killer app VR game on any platform now. But explore the small games that are out there now, and you'll quickly arrive at a vocabulary of VR techniques that you'll recognize. It isn't hard to imagine a bigger budget game coming and putting together all these small moment-to-moment experiences that these early games get right, into a long, meaty experience that defines VR going forward.

I expect something like that to come within the next 2 years.
My only complaint about the headset are the wires coming out of the headset feels thin and cheap which is probably the most important cable. The only one you can't replace.


Wow, I have to say that I'm loving until dawn and Rigs. Haven't tried much else outside VR Worlds. Gonna bust into the demo tomorrow. Loving VR so far.


That's where it's obvious yeah, but when it's present it can still be made out in every scene. Arkham VR seems to have it the whole time. In dark scenes it's very distracting. In the VR Worlds menu I actually thought it was intentional and meant to be dust particles glistening at random, but no it wasn't lol. Yes there's particles there but this is definitely the screen before anyone mentions that.

It's weird it's as if the screen operates in different modes depending on the game and this seems to trigger the effect. Other times it's completely absent. Weird no one else is mentioning it..

No, I've noticed it too. It's not a regular occurrence, and it seems to come in and out very infrequently for me, but I'll notice one or two pixels blinking white/gray/green, but then if I hit the PS button and go back to the home screen or quit out of the current game and load another it'll disappear.

It's pretty rare, but I've noticed it at least twice now over a few hours of gaming.
My favorite thing about hanging out in this thread is watching the people who have never tried VR before post their impressions. As in this is their very first taste of VR period.
I'm really really happy seeing all these positive reviews. It makes me even more optimistic for VR's future.


Not even opening DriveClub after trying the demo. It's fun but simply not worth another $31. The rest of my VR experiences have wowed me, DriveClub feels more or less like a heavily watered down version of the original game. I'll wait on another racer for now.

I own Tumble and Rez, should my #3 be Job Simulator? VR Worlds?


Incredibly Naive
Not even opening DriveClub after trying the demo. It's fun but simply not worth another $31.

I own Tumble and Rez, should my #3 be Job Simulator? VR Worlds?

yeah I think it'll be a tough sell to people who already own DC, just no reason to get the VR version if you're done with it at this point.


I just played the Danganronpa VR demo and wow. I need a I need a full Dannganronpa VR game in my life. Hopefully they can find a way to port 1 and 2 to PSVR


So Rez is amazing in VR. No issues with head aiming, and it lets you take in the scenery too. London Heist is cool but short...awesome that you can grab the gun in midair ala Jason Staham. Luge isn't all that. Scavenger's Odyssey feels like Metroid Prime lite in VR and seems to be the longest of the World games. It may make you slightly nauseous if you do too many grav jumps in a row...still really fun.

Until Dawn:Rush of Blood feels like From Dusk till Dawn bar shoot out on a rollercoaster. It's pretty stressful at times in the demo, but definitely something I want. Haven't tried EVE yet, but Battlezone seems cool. Not the same sense of being there as Scavenger, London, and Rush though. Rigs seems like it could be cool in small online doses.

Anyone played online with voice comm yet? I guess I need to use my pulse in aux cord mode, as in plug straight to headset when I want to use voice comm? I've been using my sennheisers so far.

Edit: Also I really need Job sim, fun stuff. I dunno about Thumper. I really hope Sony gets more prominent 3rd parties making VR exclusive full on games, because this is really making me say this is true next gen. On that note, a bit bummed by some of the jaggies and iq in certain games (drive club and the RE7 kitchen tech demo, which still managed to scare me).


Junior Member
So I hooked everything up and the first thing I gave a shot was VR Worlds Ocean Descent.

Now before I get into this, I want to make it clear that the ocean and giant underwater creatures freak me out in games. This was mostly when I was a kid but even now it makes me kinda nervous. Just one of those phobias I have. Let's just say I won't touch Subnautica.

Anyway, I gave Ocean Descent a shot because I wanted something immersive. I didn't think anything of it since it's just an on-rails experience. If I was watching this on a TV it would just be like watching the Discovery Channel.

I jumped into this and it legit freaked me out. I wasn't even doing the shark portion either. I was just checking out manta rays and jellyfish. It just felt like I was dropping deeper and deeper into the ocean like I was in it. The whole time I was super nervous about the whole experience. I was just waiting for some giant sea creature to come out at me. It isn't like you can just look away from the screen and be back in reality either; you're engulfed in this thing! It was pretty amazing.

Even though I felt like I was having an anxiety attack, I was excited that for once a game could make me feel so immersed. I'm excited to check out an actual horror game in this thing.


I'm really really happy seeing all these positive reviews. It makes me even more optimistic for VR's future.

I even like seeing the negative reviews, because they are especially important. When people talk about games making them sick, for example. I've been one of the most vocal persons on this entire board about how important having multiple comfortable locomotion options is. Some of the games people are saying are making them sick aren't a huge surprise to me.

These are things that will get ironed out as more developers look for feedback and figure out what works and what doesn't. That in particular is why RE7's development has been irksome - they don't seem to have been taking any of the research done by smaller teams into consideration. I understand it takes time for practices to become widespread, but everyone really needs to be paying attention right now. Not just to the good reactions, but especially the bad ones.


time to take my meds
Almost regretting selling my ps4 for 200. I need one to play my psvr... and my friends are like nahhh bro.

The pro is so far away.


Is it possible to disable the motion tracking during cinematic mode? Having the screen constantly move kinda defeats the illusion of watching a giant screen.

I've only seen this happen when you have the screen set to the smallest setting for cinematic mode.


Those of you without tracking issues - does the DS4 get tracked properly too?

Most of the time. I'm chalking it up to camera noise.

Anyone want to weigh in on my DriveClub replacement? I'm in between VR Worlds and Job Simulator. Can't see myself dropping $60 on Battlezone or $30 for Superhypercube yet.
Those of you without tracking issues - does the DS4 get tracked properly too?

Mine was hit or miss. Head tracking was fine though once I spent time to get the camera perfect. Trying the Move controllers tomorrow.

Let my dad try the Kitchen demo and he was amazed at the tech. We both had never tried VR until today so it's a bit of a bonding experience.


Never tried VR before today and it's quite spectacular! Loved the VR Worlds games, especially London Heist. One of my favourite gaming moments ever.

Tumble is great fun, the Playroom is great too.

My only issues so far have been with Rigs and the Odyssey game in Worlds. They both make me pretty queasy, and sweat a lot, which I didn't expect. Rigs actually says to make in smaller doses and gradually play longer sessions. Is this a thing? Can your brain learn to cope with these types of games, or are they just hoping? I'd love to get into Rigs but not if I can only last one match at a time!


So I hooked everything up and the first thing I gave a shot was VR Worlds Ocean Descent.

Now before I get into this, I want to make it clear that the ocean and giant underwater creatures freak me out in games. This was mostly when I was a kid but even now it makes me kinda nervous. Just one of those phobias I have. Let's just say I won't touch Subnautica.

Anyway, I gave Ocean Descent a shot because I wanted something immersive. I didn't think anything of it since it's just an on-rails experience. If I was watching this on a TV it would just be like watching the Discovery Channel.

I jumped into this and it legit freaked me out. I wasn't even doing the shark portion either. I was just checking out manta rays and jellyfish. It just felt like I was dropping deeper and deeper into the ocean like I was in it. The whole time I was super nervous about the whole experience. I was just waiting for some giant sea creature to come out at me. It isn't like you can just look away from the screen and be back in reality either; you're engulfed in this thing! It was pretty amazing.

Even though I felt like I was having an anxiety attack, I was excited that for once a game could make me feel so immersed. I'm excited to check out an actual horror game in this thing.

Fuck yes, it wouldn't be so bad if I could see the sea-bed under the cage somewhere but the bottomless abyss they've suspended us over fucks with me way more than the thought of a shark nearby.


Never tried VR before today and it's quite spectacular! Loved the VR Worlds games, especially London Heist. One of my favourite gaming moments ever.

Tumble is great fun, the Playroom is great too.

My only issues so far have been with Rigs and the Odyssey game in Worlds. They both make me pretty queasy, and sweat a lot, which I didn't expect. Rigs actually says to make in smaller doses and gradually play longer sessions. Is this a thing? Can your brain learn to cope with these types of games, or are they just hoping? I'd love to get into Rigs but not if I can only last one match at a time!

IMO your brain will learn. I had to adjust when playing the original 3ds and something of this nature is a HUGE leap forward.


Alright, so after trying to troubleshoot my tracking problems a bit today, it seems that the camera "stutters" while tracking. This isn't the same thing as jittering, it's almost like lag in a high-latency online game. When I go into the "check your position" diagnostic, the feed will hitch and stutter on occasion and then go back to normal half a second later. I don't think my lighting or anything is affecting this and the games themselves aren't dropping frames or anything. It affects the headset and controller tracking, so I'm thinking its the camera. I hope I didn't get a bum camera in my bundle, but I'm not really sure if this is a known or correctable issues with the PS4 camera even beyond its newfound usage with VR.

Anyone else dealing with this?
So choked my headset arrived well I was at work and no one answered the door the sign for it and the shipping company is an hour away so now I need to leave work early tomorrow to try get there before 6:00 pm.

On the positive side I can download and install everything tonight in preparation for tomorrow
Alright, so after trying to troubleshoot my tracking problems a bit today, it seems that the camera "stutters" while tracking. This isn't the same thing as jittering, it's almost like lag in a high-latency online game. When I go into the "check your position" diagnostic, the feed will hitch and stutter on occasion and then go back to normal half a second later. I don't think my lighting or anything is affecting this and the games themselves aren't dropping frames or anything. It affects the headset and controller tracking, so I'm thinking its the camera. I hope I didn't get a bum camera in my bundle, but I'm not really sure if this is a known or correctable issues with the PS4 camera even beyond its newfound usage with VR.

Anyone else dealing with this?
Never had this problem personally. Have had the camera since launch, and played a lot of the playroom, as well as using it for logging in. I genuinely think your camera is probably a dud. It's supposed to be smooth.


IMO your brain will learn

No, that's not true. "VR Legs" isn't really a thing. Some people can get used to it and will become less nauseous over time, but most do not. If something makes you feel sick, it's important to not try to power through it or train yourself to withstand it. Doing so can sometimes make you feel even worse. Rather, it's much more important to talk online about what specifically made you sick.

Some people simply cannot stomach the type of locomotion in games like Rigs. It really is a big deal in VR, and it's something you can't expect the end user to put training into over coming, if it's even possible at all.

Myself? I am lucky. I have an iron stomach. I've played 30 FPS games on the DK1 that commit all sorts of VR sins. My stomach never turns. But I've demoed to enough people over the years and seen some awful reactions to know that those locomotion solutions aren't viable widespread. What I advocate is, if at all possible, give the option of such locomotion, but also design your game around teleportation mechanics. Of all types of locomotion solutions out there -- and I've tried dozens and dozens of them over the years -- teleportation is the one that has had the most success limiting VR sickness.


I have a hdmi splitter to goes to one of my hdmi inputs that gives me extra hdmi ports. Has anyone used or know if one can be used or if the psvr must be directly into one of the hdmi ports on the tv? Won't be able to try until tmrw but just trying to figure out whether or not I need make an hdmi port free etc.... Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


No, that's not true. "VR Legs" isn't really a thing. Some people can get used to it and will become less nauseous over time, but most do not. If something makes you feel sick, it's important to not try to power through it or train yourself to withstand it. Doing so can sometimes make you feel even worse. Rather, it's much more important to talk online about what specifically made you sick.

Some people simply cannot stomach the type of locomotion in games like Rigs. It really is a big deal in VR, and it's something you can't expect the end user to put training into over coming, if it's even possible at all.

Myself? I am lucky. I have an iron stomach. I've played 30 FPS games on the DK1 that commit all sorts of VR sins. My stomach never turns. But I've demoed to enough people over the years and seen some awful reactions to know that those locomotion solutions aren't viable widespread. What I advocate is, if at all possible, give the option of such locomotion, but also design your game around teleportation mechanics. Of all types of locomotion solutions out there -- and I've tried dozens and dozens of them over the years -- teleportation is the one that has had the most success limiting VR sickness.

I guess it's good I took a break from Scavenger's Odyssey then heh.


Im still having muttering issues but the big problem is when I move my head around/rotate my head there's a weird fisheye/projection/distortion to the tracking that makes it feel really off. Anyone noticing this? The tracking just doesn't feel very accurate. It's especially noticeable in the shark encounter in VR Worlds.

Lights are all off. Headset/face fills entire frame on calibration screen. Backlight on tv is at 1.

Any tips? Is this a limitation of the tech or a software/calibration issue? I know my Vive doesn't do this.


I have a hdmi splitter to goes to one of my hdmi inputs that gives me extra hdmi ports. Has anyone used or know if one can be used or if the psvr must be directly into one of the hdmi ports on the tv? Won't be able to try until tmrw but just trying to figure out whether or not I need make an hdmi port free etc.... Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Your PS4 needs to go to the breakout box, which then goes to the TV, and to the PSVR headset. You need 1 HDMI port on the TV for the PS4 itself (from the breakout box), and that's all.


Your PS4 needs to go to the breakout box, which then goes to the TV, and to the PSVR headset. You need 1 HDMI port on the TV for the PS4 itself (from the breakout box), and that's all.
Thank u, but must it go to the hdmi port on the tv? As I have a device that's connected to the tv that gives me extra HDMI ports as I don't have enough on tv. Can I use that?
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