The platforming game in Playroom VR really goes to show that VR does not need to focus on the first person perspective to be good.
I actually think it's the best demo of VR tech that I've played so far.
It's amazing how that game feels. Like you're Lakitu in SM64.
so besides Rez which I guess doesn't show off the VR very well, what's the first thing i should load up next as an introduction? i have the demo disc and VR Worlds.. probably gonna buy thumper.
I'm charging up the move controllers now.
so besides Rez which I guess doesn't show off the VR very well, what's the first thing i should load up next as an introduction? i have the demo disc and VR Worlds.. probably gonna buy thumper.
I'm charging up the move controllers now.
so besides Rez which I guess doesn't show off the VR very well, what's the first thing i should load up next as an introduction? i have the demo disc and VR Worlds.. probably gonna buy thumper.
I'm charging up the move controllers now.
so besides Rez which I guess doesn't show off the VR very well, what's the first thing i should load up next as an introduction? i have the demo disc and VR Worlds.. probably gonna buy thumper.
I'm charging up the move controllers now.
How long does it take to charge the move controller?
so besides Rez which I guess doesn't show off the VR very well, what's the first thing i should load up next as an introduction? i have the demo disc and VR Worlds.. probably gonna buy thumper.
I'm charging up the move controllers now.
The Kitchen demo was scary as shit, but I was super disappointed that's all it was. I wanted to get an idea of how RE7 would play in the sense of movement and all, but that's basically just a cutscene.
I still almost pissed myself, though. I don't even know if I wanna try Here They Lie after that.
Ok so I took the plunge and I'm a believer. It's really good. Two issues: it says my camera colors are inverted and I can't get the move controllers to work. It says who is using the move controllers and I pop up along with some random person but it seems that I can't get past this screen and keep coming back to it. It says to hit x to continue but pressing that on the move controller does nothing.
Played about the first 20 minutes of RIGS and it fucked me up pretty good. My heads swimming right now. I didn't play far enough in to adjust any options besides head control though so maybe there is a setting that'll improve it for me. (played the Battlezone demo and felt fine)
Do you understand how what I was saying about resolution being just one of many factors to determine the overall image quality?
It's realllly bad.So what's the consensus in here?
So what's the consensus in here?
So what's the consensus in here?
It's realllly bad.
I know I've beat on this drum for a while, but I honestly think the entire horror genre needs a shift to really excel in VR. The kind of stuff that gets made for normal displays just has their stress levels magnified way too much. People think they will enjoy that shit but I promise you the fatigue will win out if they don't start thinking about doing horror design ground up for VR specifically. Like I don't think people are going to enjoy RE7 in VR (even if it didn't give anyone simsickness from the movement), and in particular I expect a large percentage of people who start it in VR will finish it on a television.
If you have the "old" PS4 camera (pre-VR bundle) is there any benefit to replacing it with the one in the bundle box?
So I have one coming, but does vanilla PS4 get the job done? I mean is it better to wait a few weeks for PSPro? Is there any significant benefit to wait?
If you have the "old" PS4 camera (pre-VR bundle) is there any benefit to replacing it with the one in the bundle box?
I thought it was, over 9000 people canceled preorders!That's not the consensus at all.
Wow there's protective plastic on the lenses and I didn't even notice.
Big image
For the new page:
Anyone else have issues starting Playroom VR?
I'm literally stuck right after it has you position the controller in the setup, and unable to start the actual game. It wants you to swipe up on the touch pad, but nothing I do is working. My touch pad works and I've tried two different controllers.
Am I missing something here?