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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Ok that helps me a bit and it isn't like I will be the only one playing this. Will buy it later. I love Batman way too much even though the last movies soured me lol

and this ties into Arkham Knight quite tightly so you will definitely get more out of the little things like poisoned blood than others.
Anyone else have issues with The Kitchen?

It's the only game I can't get to work. It keeps telling me a VR headset is not found. EVERY other game works flawless. I have zero tracking issues, hell, just zero issues. Was a breeze to set up.

Kitchen is just noping the fuck out.


Played a little more Driveclub but use the behind the car view. That helped a lot and didnt suffer like I did in the cockpit view.

Also played the platformer game on VR playroom, that had me smiling all the way through, it was very Mario like. Hope there's a full version of a similar style in the works.

old camera isn't static though, it does rotate :D But it surely helps if you buy a cheap tv-stand to prop it on top of a flatscreen tv.

I now Love you, thank you! i totally missed this


RIGS players: Can you clarify something for me?

Is there any control option that allows you to horizontally rotate the mech with the right stick, while still controlling "where the weapons aim" with your face?

IMO that'd be the perfect control option.

Yup, put the right stick up to full speed for turning and it's great.


Neo Member
Here are my first impressions.

The experience really is phenomenal. The sense of presence is fantastic, already in the white lobby screen. You really feel you are inside a game world - and it does feel like a game world, rather than real world.

Not sure if I'm being an idiot, but how do you get to that white lobby screen where you can launch games? Last night I just kept going back to the PS home screen and launching games from my VR folder


Can anyone explain the 12 year age limit? I have a 6 year old niece who would love this. Would it be okay for short bursts?

I would imagine short bursts are fine? It's usually strain on the neck and confusing their vision. For what it's worth I let my 4 year old occasionally use the VIve, even though it's hard to tighten it down that small. No more than 5 minutes at a time though.

I'm interested in hearing from anyone who has used PSVR with their children. I'm thinking of picking it up (again... after cancelling my pre-order), but I'd rather not get it if it'll only be usable by me.

My kids are 10 and 4, but it is really only the 10 year old that I'm concerned about. The 4 year old wouldn't pay attention long enough anyways.

The idea behind this is that VR can lead to a disconnect between what your optic nerves detect and what your inner-ear nerves detect (i.e. balance/inertia). Nobody knows if it is harmful to kids or not but the idea is that at this young age kids' brains are still learning to process this information and entangle it. As adults, we've spent our whole lives learning how to relate visual stimuli to our head's sense of momentum and proprioception (and we get motion sickness if it doesn't add up - like from, say, Driveclub VR). A kid doesn't have that, and VR could interfere. They might not get motion sickness and that might mess with how they process the info.

It's just theory but I think caution should be advised.

This is helpful, too:

I'm a Vive owner, not PSVR, but Vive has similar warnings about kids 12 and under and I have usually seen the problems associated with kids and VR fall into one of these three categories.

1) It won't fit them. They may be too small for the headset to sit on their face in the proper place for maximum comfort and visual quality. Make sure the headset is always completely secure, for example, they look down and the headset doesn't appear loose.

2) They may not understand the warnings. This is more of a Vive roomscale thing, but make sure your children understand that they can't simply walk around everywhere and that they need to be careful about hitting things if your space isn't completely clear of other objects. Also smacking the controllers together can be an issue.

3) Their eyes are still developing. I'm trying to find more concrete articles to back this up but this is the main concern. I believe all VR headsets let you adjust the IPD (Interpupillary distance - distance between your pupils) but most of them can't reach the low settings that most children measure at. This could lead to eye strain or weird cross eyed vision when objects get close to the players perspective.

Needless to say, I've still let kids use my Vive. Always monitor it and go over the rules. Ask them if things look weird or if they feel any discomfort once and a while to make sure all is okay.

Although bear in mind it's not just that their eyes are still developing. The important thing is that their brains are still developing. Still learning how to encode/decode the info which comes in from the eyes and inner ear.

So I'm reading that you can view any HDMI source on PS VR, how does it work?
Nice feature.

Somebody a while back said you just plug it into a PC and it works immediately.


Sadly that 60 minute experience is just not worth 20€ for me. Urgh. Or is there more to it?

Edit for other impressions:

- No problems with tracking or anything at all, but I also have the new camera and set it up infront of my with enough space in the living room, without any lights behind the TV or anything else. Having Philips HUE helps a lot I guess.

- 360 3D videos are awesome

- I still don't have a full game, but I am looking at Until Dawn, Batman and RIGS
I mentioned this a few pages back, but for me Batman was the by far the biggest "HOLY SHIT" moment for me yesterday. If it is even the vaguest indication of what is possible in VR, I am all in. Playing with two Move controllers and using my hands to interact with stuff in the Bat Cave absolutely blew my mind. I was laughing like a wild man the whole time I played. There seems to be plenty of collectibles and trophies to earn too, so I can see myself spending a lot more than the alleged 90 minute duration with it. And I can't wait.


To those who have played Batman - I wanted to try it last night but it required further calibration namely moving the camera and getting closer which I wasn't ready for at that moment. Anyway, the game suggests playing it standing but it offers a sitting option, too. I banged up my ankle recently and I don't want to stand around for extended periods of time at the moment and using a crutch isn't practical or Batman like. ;) So have any of you tried playing it while sitting and do you lose much while doing so? If so I'd rather wait a week or two and play it standing up. The first impression is crucial with these short experience games so I don't want to ruin mine.


Do move controllers support vibrations in psvr? I have only tried yesterday shooting range from vr worlds demo with moves and first thing I noticed that there wasn't rumble feedback on fire from controllers...


Calibration right out of the box seems fine. Do the additional device settings actually help a lot more or should I just leave it if the tracking is working pretty good already?


I mentioned this a few pages back, but for me Batman was the by far the biggest "HOLY SHIT" moment for me yesterday. If it is even the vaguest indication of what is possible in VR, I am all in. Playing with two Move controllers and using my hands to interact with stuff in the Bat Cave absolutely blew my mind. I was laughing like a wild man the whole time I played. There seems to be plenty of collectibles and trophies to earn too, so I can see myself spending a lot more than the alleged 90 minute duration with it. And I can't wait.

Tip of the iceberg :) so glad everyone is (or most people are at least) finally getting a grasp of what can make VR so special.

There are quite a few Vive games that provide that level of experience for multiple hours. Like large environments, lots of puzzles, 1:1 tracking for both hands. Some of the best ones (e.g. Budget Cuts) also captures a lot of clever movement - peeking around corners or out of boxes, peering through holes and under things, throwing things as distractions (it's a stealth game mainly), turning around and using your whole body for effective gameplay...

Eventually the bulk of the novelty wears off but you still get the 'this is so crazy' feeling each time you boot up, and games are doing increasingly clever things every month.
Do move controllers support vibrations in psvr? I have only tried yesterday shooting range from vr worlds demo with moves and first thing I noticed that there wasn't rumble feedback on fire from controllers...

Rez vibrated for me with the move controllers although it's super weak vibration.


Alright, I'm dumb. Why do certain demos on the included demo disc not have options to play? Super Hypercube specifically only gave the option to buy, and that's when I had all my controllers on.


Am I the only one that didn't feel anything from The Kitchen demo? First off the shimmering and aliasing was kinda ridiculous. Surely they could have got it looking better? Secondly the scale felt off, the avatar I was felt small and stick thin, and the guy who comes up to you likewise felt kinda small with really narrow limbs, lol. Didn't feel presence and didn't get all that bothered with the knife in my face either.

And Driveclub, while the visuals are really low res I did enjoy just cruising around one of the Japanese town locations in first gear, taking in the sights. Felt close to being in a real car. A Truck Simulator game would be immense.
Am I the only one that didn't feel anything from The Kitchen demo? First off the shimmering and aliasing was kinda ridiculous. Surely they could have got it looking better? Secondly the scale felt off, the avatar I was felt small and stick thin, and the guy who comes up to you likewise felt kinda small with really narrow limbs, lol. Didn't feel presence and didn't get all that bothered with the knife in my face either.

And Driveclub, while the visuals are really low res I did enjoy just cruising around one of the Japanese town locations in first gear, taking in the sights. Felt close to being in a real car. A Truck Simulator game would be immense.

If they announced truck simulator for PSVR I would construct a cannon to fire my wallet full with cash across the planet at the devs.


To those who have played Batman - I wanted to try it last night but it required further calibration namely moving the camera and getting closer which I wasn't ready for at that moment. Anyway, the game suggests playing it standing but it offers a sitting option, too. I banged up my ankle recently and I don't want to stand around for extended periods of time at the moment and using a crutch isn't practical or Batman like. ;) So have any of you tried playing it while sitting and do you lose much while doing so? If so I'd rather wait a week or two and play it standing up. The first impression is crucial with these short experience games so I don't want to ruin mine.

I'd say standing up at the right range is the best way to go. The range of movement you have is actually a bit further than arms length when interacting with stuff, so when I played it seated last night I actually headbutted and punched the arm of my couch reaching too far and looking too closely at things.

Btw the presence in this is fantastic and being able to manipulate stuff is brilliant. There's a little music box you can open and look at the ballerina spinning inside, you can just look up and around it so closely it feels almost real. We REALLY need immersive puzzle and detective games in VR. The gameplay possibilities are endless. Sherlock games could be incredible if you had to just investigate objects and crime scenes and find the clues yourself, even physically manipulate an evidence board to fit the pieces of the investigation together, rather than having to deal with clunky UIs etc. We absolutely need hands on manipulation, none of this floating object to inspect like in Tomb Raider. Makes all the difference.


Alright, I'm dumb. Why do certain demos on the included demo disc not have options to play? Super Hypercube specifically only gave the option to buy, and that's when I had all my controllers on.

The option to play is under the central leaderboard, don't remember if it shows up right away, we had trouble finding it, too last night. It's just press x to play.


Job Simulator was basically unplayable for me due to not being able to put my hands down without them losing their shit. Is there any guides to this? Also in that game the coffee machine was inside my couch, anyone have that issue with games? Like the play space goes through my couch.

Gahhh. Real bummer cause I want to play JS so baddd
Did you calibrate it properly? At anytime you can hold the start button on the move controller and it'll show you where you should be standing. As for hands clipping when you bend down, it all depends on if the camera can see you. Place the camera above the tv or recalibrate the floor and move it up. I had no issues playing js.
Job Simulator was basically unplayable for me due to not being able to put my hands down without them losing their shit. Is there any guides to this? Also in that game the coffee machine was inside my couch, anyone have that issue with games? Like the play space goes through my couch.

Gahhh. Real bummer cause I want to play JS so baddd
A) Stand, don't sit. JS works best standing. I switched from sitting to standing, no issues. The game even tells you to stand in the circle when starting.

B) give yourself more space to play. Literally clear a space around you like you should be doing for VR. It's not just to make sure you don't break your house or injure yourself, it's so you have room to play games where you can move around a bit like JS.
So does anyone have ANY issues running certain games? Like, some games work flawlessly while others don't?

I can start The Kitchen, see the capcom logo, select my language then the game tells me there's no VR headset connected. Literally every game works but Kitchen for me.

I want to say it's not the headset and just a bug when it works in everything BUT.


Neo Member
The only downside is that the experience is aggressively antisocial - you really can't focus on anything else. It's good and bad - on one hand it's relaxing, on the other it's isolating.

Have you tried Playroom VR? Me and my brother played it last night and it's probably our favourite game of the ones we tried. The games in playroom vr is designed to play with friends and we didn't feel antisocial or isolated at all.
OK Gaf need some advice.

Was playing Rigs this morning and I've noticed on the top right of my screen what I can only describe as a couple of dead pixels. Stays on the screen no matter what and now I've seen it I can't unsee it!

I ordered through Amazon UK and ideally would like a replacement unit, especially as mine arrived without the film protector over the lenses.

I don't want to wait ages for a replacement as it's so good!! Can I wait till stock is back in nearer Christmas then log it as a defect? Is this feasible or should I just send back and potentially wait ages to get a replacement??

Any thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated


Hey gaffers, I need someone to help me with this:

I am thinking of buying a PSVR from Europe since I don't know how many months will be necessary to see it available in stores here in Japan (and it will cost me pretty much the same lol). Do you think I will have any problems with the AC adapter? Is it 100/220?

Thanks in advance.
OK Gaf need some advice.

Was playing Rigs this morning and I've noticed on the top right of my screen what I can only describe as a couple of dead pixels. Stays on the screen no matter what and now I've seen it I can't unsee it!

I ordered through Amazon UK and ideally would like a replacement unit, especially as mine arrived without the film protector over the lenses.

I don't want to wait ages for a replacement as it's so good!! Can I wait till stock is back in nearer Christmas then log it as a defect? Is this feasible or should I just send back and potentially wait ages to get a replacement??

Any thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated
Exchange it before the window is up. Don't wait.

Also, what film on the lenses? I checked and mine had none. There were films on the logos and stuff but not on the lenses.


So I'm really interested why do people feel sick when playing VR games. And I know the superficial answer is discrepancy between what the body is feeling vs what your eyes are telling you. But I’m more interested in why is that discrepancy then translated into overall feeling of being sick?
Exchange it before the window is up. Don't wait.

Also, what film on the lenses? I checked and mine had none. There were films on the logos and stuff but not on the lenses.

What is the window duration? Most headsets had the protective film over the lenses too, there's a pic on about page 45 of this thread, but mine didn't which may have contributed to the dead pixels
Exchange it before the window is up. Don't wait.

Also, what film on the lenses? I checked and mine had none. There were films on the logos and stuff but not on the lenses.
It seems like only some batches have film. Probably something they decided to change in mid-production, I wouldn't worry.


Exchange it before the window is up. Don't wait.

Also, what film on the lenses? I checked and mine had none. There were films on the logos and stuff but not on the lenses.

i have heard of people not having the protective film on the lenses. thankfully mine had them. weird QC inconsistency i guess
What is the window duration? Most headsets had the protective film over the lenses too, there's a pic on about page 45 of this thread, but mine didn't which may have contributed to the dead pixels
I wouldn't think film on glass lenses would have any effect on dead pixels for the screen. The screen is completely closed off.

Also, I have no idea what your exchange window is but the sooner you start the request the sooner you will get an exchange unit.

It seems like only some batches have film. Probably something they decided to change in mid-production, I wouldn't worry.

i have heard of people not having the protective film on the lenses. thankfully mine had them. weird QC inconsistency i guess
Aye. The lenses on mine are perfect so I'm not sweating it. I'm going to assume they have some anti-scratch coating like most prescription glasses have. Not worried about it in the slightest. It's not damaged so that's all I care about. Everything else was sealed on the box like it should be.

Dat new tech smell tho.


Hey gaffers, I need someone to help me with this:

I am thinking of buying a PSVR from Europe since I don't know how many months will be necessary to see it available in stores here in Japan (and it will cost me pretty much the same lol). Do you think I will have any problems with the AC adapter? Is it 100/220?

Thanks in advance.

input: 100-240V 1A 50/60 Hz
output: 12V 3A


We downloaded the demo from the EU store and saw 15 different games. I believe the three missing games are Gnog, Harmonix Music VR and Within. I can't remember seeing those titles last night.

BTW the loading times of the demo app sucked.

Now I'm really confused. So I have to download the PSVR Demo app from the store to get the missing game demos? Okay, I guess I can do that.
Just an FYI, EVE Valkyrie is cross platform with Rift and I believe it will eventually be cross platform with Vive as well. There was a good amount of fresh meat last night.
I know I should be glad I got the chance to even test out my headset despite not having a PS4 of my own right now, but man, this just makes the wait till Nov 10th even worse.

Yep. Same here. It's even worse that it's exactly a month from yesterday that the Pro is released. It's going to take forever.
I'm sorry if these questions have been answered already but,

How many demo's do the EU get? The same ones as US?

And do you need the move controllers to play any of the demo's?

Probably will be picking one up either today or tomorrow. Depends on how fast i can find one.


Gold Member
Have you tried Playroom VR? Me and my brother played it last night and it's probably our favourite game of the ones we tried. The games in playroom vr is designed to play with friends and we didn't feel antisocial or isolated at all.

No I haven't, thanks for the heads up - will give it a go today.

Not sure if I'm being an idiot, but how do you get to that white lobby screen where you can launch games? Last night I just kept going back to the PS home screen and launching games from my VR folder

Ah, sorry, I meant demo disc lobby


A friend came over yesterday to check it out. It was really fun to watch each other react to the different experiences.
I really recommend to co-op Playroom VR, it is so good! We played through the robo rescue level. She used the VR unit, I used the TV screen and told her where to look... brilliant!

My boy loved that, being the flying robot with the hoover, making the fans work to operate the machines, inventive social stuff for VR - love it!
Wow, PSVR is incredible. Exactly what I was hoping for.

However, I'm not sure if I have a slightly faulty unit, and would appreciate your thoughts...

The headset fits great, and I can get it in focus etc, and I pull the screen all the way in no problems. What I do have is at the very outer edge of where the lenses are, I can see the lights from display almost refracting off the edge...

It's only really visible when the screen is lighter - almost like my peripheral vision is seeing a light distortion where the lens bends. To be clear, it is not like light bleed you would typically get on the edge of a TV screen - it really is like the lens reflecting the light, and due to the curvature of the lens, it becomes visible and distorted.

I can live with it, but I'm just not sure if it is like this for other people, or I should take it back?


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Wow, PSVR is incredible. Exactly what I was hoping for.

However, I'm not sure if I have a slightly faulty unit, and would appreciate your thoughts...

The headset fits great, and I can get it in focus etc, and I pull the screen all the way in no problems. What I do have is at the very outer edge of where the lenses are, I can see the lights from display almost refracting off the edge...

It's only really visible when the screen is lighter - almost like my peripheral vision is seeing a light distortion where the lens bends. To be clear, it is not like light bleed you would typically get on the edge of a TV screen - it really is like the lens reflecting the light, and due to the curvature of the lens, it becomes visible and distorted.

I can live with it, but I'm just not sure if it is like this for other people, or I should take it back?
Mine is the same, only in bright areas thou
I think it's normal


I just finished Arkham VR and it was one of the best things I've played ever. You felt like Batman and there is just so much stuff to play around with in the Batcave.
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