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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Loving the thread. Thanks for those who replied to me earlier. More questions for you!

Can you use Cinematic Mode when laying down? How integral is the tracking when it comes to Cinematic Mode?

Are there significant pixelating/dithering in dark or low light gameplay segments?

What is the online community like in games that support it? Anyone have a full match of RIGS w all non-CPU opponents?
Yeah, this was the only game I had time to play yesterday, and I thought it was awesome, but the head turn control scheme made me feel slightly ill for almost 2 hours after playing. Going to try to play a shorter amount today and switch to the right stick controls.

Same here too. Didnt help my unit was doing the left drift and pulse back and forth thing...

Played about an hour or demos ending on Rigs (already bought the game but still in plastic just in case) and instantly felt like i was punched in the gut with the head turning thing... Fuuuuuuuuuuck that noise!

Went back on Destiny and tried to play after and almost puked in my lap lol.


One thing I love, is that the sound is still tracked through my home surround speakers. At least the front and the sides. Behind audio comes out through the front though. I use the home theater for Rez and Thumper cause surround sound doesn't matter that much and the bass is severely lacking in wired headsets compared to a dedicated subwoofer.


First VR experience (besides a few mins with a gear vr a few months ago) last night.


This is mindblowing stuff. I couldn't play for long because it was disconcerting. It felt like when you take a hallucinogen and its starting to kick in. That feeling that something is "off" I am hoping as I play more I will acclimate to it. Similar to 3DS

I played the the Playroom Platformer, Thumper Demo, and a little Rigs.

I am SO impressed.

During the Rigs tutorial when they change to the target range and the whole world just changes around you with such scale. Incredible.

I played with the Silver Wired Headset, and was FULLY immersed.
Loving the thread. Thanks for those who replied to me earlier. More questions for you!

Can you use Cinematic Mode when laying down? How integral is the tracking when it comes to Cinematic Mode?

Are there significant pixelating/dithering in dark or low light gameplay segments?

What is the online community like in games that support it? Anyone have a full match of RIGS w all non-CPU opponents?

In cinema mode the head tracking doesn't appear to use the camera at all, just the gyros. So i tried leaning back and relaxing while using it, in a way that would have fucked me up if I was in actual VR mode, and it worked just fine.

Didnt notice any dithering really, the biggest visual drawback is obv rendering resolution but there's very little else that hurts the look of the games (absolutely not all games - some look really great and you barely notice the lowered resolution).

Dunno about online personally but my friend last night said he had no issues with playing RIGS online.


Pleased to say I seem to have fixed the controller drift issue I had (the same as Giant Bomb's).

I moved the camera to below the tv,turned off the tv (In case of reflection causing an issue) and turned off my room lights and now I get almost zero drift (I'll just have to work out now which of the three things was actually to blame).

Anyone know if you can get a headset extension lead? ..as I could do with a few more feet.


Junior Member
I really like Job Simulator but man I wish that game wasn't $30. I would have bit at $20.

I'm not having any tracking issues at all. The only downside I noticed from the headset is the screen door effect and the obvious resolution issues and the slight blurriness associated with it, but some games handle that better than others. Eve Valkyrie is rough looking with the blurriness and jaggies but Job Simulator and RIGs looked great. *shrug*

I still haven't played all of the demos yet but I think I'm going to pick up a copy of Rush of Blood. I really enjoyed that one. Maybe Batman VR too since that one has no demo and people seem to dig it.


I had a great, great time last night with the demo disk, playroom, and EVE Valkyrie. Looking forward to picking up both Rez and Thumper based on the demos.

Zero tracking issues - everything looked and played great.
Whenever I have tried VR, the screen / lenses fog up and I have to wipe it all the time.

Anyone getting this with the PSVR?

A little, but I just move the visor away a little more, you get some light bleeding in from the sides while you're idling around but you soon forget about it in game.

I've almost impulse bought PSVR at least 5 times in the last 24hrs.

I'd try and get a go on someone else's beforehand, see if it's alright for you because of the lack of sharpness. I bought mine sight unseen with low expectations about the resolution, but luckily it's been great. I'd love it to be sharper but I'll get that from 2nd gen Vive/PSVR.


Forgot to mention, I already own a Vive. So far I'm thinking probably grab if there is a nice bundle or something

Batman will likely be a lot less impressive to you if you have a Vive. The stuff it does is exactly the sort of thing that the Vive is better at. The Move controllers are a bit irritating to use if you've used the Vive ones.


Battlezone is really challenging. And many upgrade systems and other mechanics, really feels like it could keep my attention for a long time.
I'm not OCD, but I want protective films that I can change regularly, still haven't taken off the plastic that comes on them ahah.

Yeah I can relate. My desire to have the best image with no extra screen layers won out over my desire to keep the films on though
That Kitchen demo was something else.. damn

Yeah it was intense. Its amazing how having a
big VR knife pointed at your face
can trick your brain into thinking its really there, it made me back away, really freaky.

RE7 is gonna be awesome in VR but also very hard to play through because of how freaky its going to be.


This is because your HDMI signal is weak. Either use a shorter cable or a fatter one. I had something that sounds very similar, flickering green, blue and red pixels, like a multi-coloured star-scape.

Ah! I'll try swapping my old one. I'm hoping the one that came with the PSVR is fine.
Impressions from a VR Fan and Oculus Rift DK2, Rift CV, and HTC Vive owner:

Setup was easy to get working....BUT.....the tracking was bordering on unusable from about 8ft away and was making me sick. So I did another camera and headset calibration and this time it worked a bit better. I fired up Playroom but the drift was so significant and the camera reset button did almost nothing...Still couldn't play. Finally I moved my camera to a different position and sat closer to the device (about 5 ft) and fired up the Ocean experience in VR Worlds. Finally everything was tracking reasonably well. There is still an annoying drift but it is not as bad as it was. Sony needs to fix this ASAP. Also why does the reset camera button (holding options down) basically do almost nothing?

-Headset is very comfortable, and I would be happy if Oculus and especially HTC went to this design. The only thing I don't like is the extra cord for the headphones. No 3d audio for wireless and no integrated audio is a bit of a bummer. Hate it on the Vive, and hate it here too.

-FOV is fine, Lenses are good, and resolution/SDE are ok. Not quite as good as Rift and Vive for me, but close enough that I am pretty impressed with Sony's effort here.

-VR Words Ocean: Looks nice, great intro experience, but not as impressive as the Blu on HTC.

-Playroom Platformer: Fun, cool, but the camera needs a bit of polish. Its not quite up to Luckys tale standards but its close...they just need to polish the camera movement a bit. It made me a little queasy. For those that liked this game, definitely check out Luckys Tale if you can.

-Battlezone: Was having a blast with this game, until things started getting hectic and I had to move alot more/faster...then started to feel a bit ill, so I turned it off. Bummer.

-DriveClub: Yes, the graphics are downgraded. That didnt bother me...I did a lap or two but after Spinning out started to feel sick and had to turn it off.

-Rigs: A lot of fun, love the deep but simple gameplay. Graphics are great. I loved this game at Pax East and didn't get sick playing it at the show but I had to stop after about 10 minutes last night. Not sure if it was my setup/drift, or a result of struggling with the earlier issues/games taking its toll.

Compared to the Rift or Vive, this was a massively disappointing experience. I can barrel roll in Eve Valkyrie on the Rift for ever and not get sick. Luckys tale also never makes me ill at all. Tracking is also rock solid. The drifting and tracking in this thing is a hot mess. The reset orientation doesn't work. I bought this for the exclusives, and the ability to play with my PS4 friends online. But as of right now Sony has some fixing to do or I might actually return this which is heart breaking for me.


Whenever I have tried VR, the screen / lenses fog up and I have to wipe it all the time.

Anyone getting this with the PSVR?

i got that when i'd first set everything up since i was a bit sweaty after climbing behind my TV, but once i'd cooled off i never got it again. then again, all seated experiences so far. so not exactly getting hot or anything.
Does anyone have an issue with audio cutting out every couple of minutes for about 10 seconds on the TV while playing VR? Audio is fine on the headset headphones. I have the VR hooked up to my TV, which is then hooked up to my receiver via ARC. I have no problems with audio except when I switch cables over to PSVR from my straight HDMI between PS4 and TV (I'm not using an HDMI splitter...I'm talking physical cable swapping so I can use HDR on the PS4).

Played RIGS for a bit over an hour last night, I think. While I'd get a slight uneasy feeling early on, I never once felt nauseous or like I was about to get sick. After about an hour my headset somehow got stuck so that it was centered about 45 degrees to the left of where it should have been. I'm not sure how that happened, but I had kids running around in the room while I was playing, between me and the PS4 Camera. I loved playing RIGS, but I would say it is advisable to play in short bursts at first until you are used to it all, just as Sony suggests.

Outside of that, everything was great. FOV is good, head tracking was solid, and playing the game was responsive, fun, and quite immersive. I'm anxious to try out some of my other games.

My 10 year old son played about 20-30 minutes of the Playroom VR. He loved it and couldn't stop talking about it after he got off to go to bed. He was begging me to play again when I got home from work today. Not once did he complain about feeling sick, nauseous, or uneasy. So I guess YMMV depending on how susceptible you are to motion sickness. He's on the autistic spectrum, and doesn't get dizzy or motion sick very easily - the only time I've been able to make him dizzy was with the extreme spinning I can get going on at the Disney World Teacups ride. So maybe that has something to do with it as far as he's concerned.


Man Batman is the coolest. I finished it earliet. What an experience! So immersive. Got completely lost in the world and it made me jump a couple of times lol

Shame it's short but still well worth the money. Loved it


Played RIGS for a bit over an hour last night, I think. While I'd get a slight uneasy feeling early on, I never once felt nauseous or like I was about to get sick. After about an hour my headset somehow got stuck so that it was centered about 45 degrees to the left of where it should have been. I'm not sure how that happened, but I had kids running around in the room while I was playing, between me and the PS4 Camera. I loved playing RIGS, but I would say it is advisable to play in short bursts at first until you are used to it all, just as Sony says

I played for about the same amount of time - the game is blowing my mind. So much fun - I can't wait to take it online!

Regarding your centering issue - did you try holding the options button down to recalibrate?


Anyone else home screen on the TV screwed up after exiting a game and turning the headset off? Mine isn't full 1080p and the edges are distorted/fuzzy, until I force close the game I was playing in VR.


Now you guys know what us VR nerds have been gushing about and saying "You just need to try it for yourself!" for the last couple years. The tech still has a looong way to go but it finally is crossing a very real threshold where parts of your lower brain are actually being fooled.

People REALLY need to try it themselves before dismissing it as a fad or gimmick. There are some people that it still doesn't quite "work" on yet, but almost guaranteed it will be convincing enough for everyone in another 5-10 years. Even if the software isn't quite there yet either, the tech works too damn well and is too damn cool to fizzle out this time.

Anyways, this thread is making me want to get a PSVR right now even though I told myself I'd hold off for a while (already have all 3 Rift versions, a Vive, and a GearVR so I really need to slow down). But keep up the impressions!


To Wildstar 75 I'd say seriously double check your setup, namely camera positioning and angle and lighting. I had a small light next to my tv I thought shouldn't affect it but it did, it totally broke all the tracking including the headset. Once that lamp was off it worked so much better for me. Maybe something you think shouldn't matter but it might... either that or your headset is faulty!
Anyone else home screen on the TV screwed up after exiting a game and turning the headset off? Mine isn't full 1080p and the edges are distorted/fuzzy, until I force close the game I was playing in VR.

I haven't experienced it myself but sounds like an issue where the UI does not revert back to non-VR mode. What you're seeing is how the tv should look while you're playing with the headset on.

Maybe try exiting the game first, and then turning off the headset.


I haven't experienced it myself but sounds like an issue where the UI does not revert back to non-VR mode. What you're seeing is how the tv should look while you're playing with the headset on.

Maybe try exiting the game first, and then turning off the headset.

Yeah, that is what it looks like. The order shouldn't really matter to me but will try a few different ways tonight.


Yeah lol, it does have a head turn function but they give you the option of using stick..thought I'd try it out. But messing with the turn angle and dead zone settings really gave me that disconnect feeling with the right stick and i had a bad reaction to it. Next time I play Im going straight back to the full head controls

I absolutely cannot handle the head controls at all to turn. It's such a disconnect with my body. I think right now I'm better with stick since my brain is being told that I'm doing the turning with the stick.

It's real odd, but that's the only time Rigs made me sick was the fucking tutorial forcing me to go through the head turning.


Anyone else home screen on the TV screwed up after exiting a game and turning the headset off? Mine isn't full 1080p and the edges are distorted/fuzzy, until I force close the game I was playing in VR.

the game is technically still running even though you've turned the headset off. so you have to close the app for it to go back to normal.
I setup up my unit yesterday but could only handle about ten minutes between trying the Rigs and DCVR demos before I had to stop due to severe nausea. It's really strange because I've been using Gear VR for nearly two months without a single problem. Could there be something wrong with the way I have my room set up that's interfering with tracking and making me sick?
I absolutely cannot handle the head controls at all to turn. It's such a disconnect with my body. I think right now I'm better with stick since my brain is being told that I'm doing the turning with the stick.

It's real odd, but that's the only time Rigs made me sick was the fucking tutorial forcing me to go through the head turning.

Lol I guess its very subjective. The stick control mode really fucked me up but I was fine with head movements.

The game in general takes more out of you than other PSVR experiences though. I think it's fact that the FOV is much lower, it gives you that claustrophobic feeling that does prevent one from playing extended sessions without breaks.
Yeah it's pretty weird how it's always to the left. It appears wide spread enough that Sony should be working on an update (hopefully).

I only get it drifting to the left as well. It's a major problem that needs to be addressed asap. It cant be coincidence as it's happening to loads of people and it's always the left as you've said. Has to be the shitty camera. I noticed that is far too easily moved as it has a stiff cord that can lead to it moving in game with it slightly pulling or pushing the camera.

I'm going to tape that little cheap plastic fucker to my desk and see if that helps... if not IDK what i'm going to do. It's literally making everything unplayable after 15 minutes as i'm forced to look 45° off to the left in everything :/

Thats my ONLY complaint so far. Tracking.. of the headset and controllers. If they fix that everything will be golden.
Here are my impressions of PSVR thus far:

Headset: Yes, it's super comfortable (I'm sure you've never heard that before). Head tracking for me has been incredibly solid, nothing to complain about. Move and DS4 tracking a little less so, but still very impressive! I'm especially impressed by the Move controllers! Not sure why they get so much hate, because they work really well for me a lot of the time and are super accurate (I've never played with the Vive or the Touch controllers though).

Cinematic Mode: Amazing! Being able to lie in bed and watch Netflix on a big screen is literally all I've ever wanted. Again, people blow the quality issue out of proportion; movies are totally watchable on this.

Playroom VR: This was the first thing I played with the headset and I was really impressed by the platformer minigame! It's so much fun and left a giant smile on my face :).

Job Simulator: Holy shit, this might be one of my favorite PSVR games. It's so fun just messing around in the world with your hands!

Rigs: As someone with strong VR legs already, I had a blast playing the tutorial on this. I dialed back all the comfort options for the most immersive experience possible and I love it.

Harmonix Music VR: Again, it's so much better than all the hate it receives! While it is a little shallow, it is worth it for The Easel alone. Being able to draw in a 3D space to your own music is mind-blowing, to say the least. I think this is worth $14.99 believe it or not.

Playstation VR Worlds: I haven't played much of this, but I put my friend in Ocean Decent to see how she would react to the shark. She screamed at the end when the shark bit the door off lol.

Catlateral Damage: It's really silly because your Move controllers turn into giant cat arms and you knock stuff off tables and shelves. It's fun to mess around in for a few minutes.

Eve Valkyrie: This is a cool game. Haven't played much, but I will definitely be returning to it. I felt a little weird doing a constant barrel roll in my ship.

Thumper: Amazing game outside of VR, but in VR..... it will melt your face off. Play the demo right now if you haven't already.

The Brookhaven Experiment: This is the secret killer app of PSVR!!!! Literally no one is talking about it, but holy shit, I can't stop thinking about this game. I screamed (like top of my lungs scream) two times in my first five minutes with the game. It's probably the most immersive VR game I've played yet. Seriously guys, check this one out! It's probably my favorite game that uses the Move controllers as well. By the way, I put my friends through this last night and one of them curled up on the floor screaming. Lol it's really scary!


So the Kitchen demo is absolutely terrifying and awesome at the same time lol I don't know if I'll be able to play horror games on this because fuck that.


the game is technically still running even though you've turned the headset off. so you have to close the app for it to go back to normal.
That is really not user friendly if intentional. I tend to leave games running and just put the PS4 to sleep so I can get in and out of games quickly. It is how the system is designed to be used at a high level.

The PS4 knows it isn't in a game and it knows the headset is off, so it seems a bit silly to me for it not to set the TV display appropriately.
Ok, so I bought it, completely an impulse buy, here are my impressions.

I had never tried PSVR, I went to Best Buy and wanted to, but the lines were too long every time and I never got to try it. I have never tried an Occulus or Vive, and my only VR experiences were with the Gear VR, View Master VR, and I beta test Google Experiences at my school for Google and Google Cardboard. I had $330 credit at Best Buy from switching to Sprint for cell phones. So I really only paid about $100 to jump in, so the entry price was easy for me. They had like 8 of the $399 headsets, but the Bundle was sold out (which we are hearing everywhere). But I had the camera and the move controllers, so I didn't want the bundle anyways!

I am blown away. First and foremost, the image quality was much better than I was expecting just listening to what people here have shared. Even in Cinematic Mode, everything looked much better than I was anticipating. But with the right game, even low quality graphics, still has this presence that you cannot replicate any other way.

The only game I purchased was VR Worlds at the moment, and downloaded every damn demo I could. Here are some of my impressions, and those of my 12 year old daughter. We set it up at about 10pm, all the lights were out except the light coming from the TV. We had zero tracking or drifting issues at all. It felt exactly like you would think it should feel. We were sitting about 5 to 6 feet directly in front of a 55 inch TV, in a kitchen chair, with the camera on the top of the TV.

First Game was the Ocean Encounters/Shark Experience thingy on VR Worlds. We setup the headset using just the initial setup. I sat my daughter down, and just let her go. She was blown away. This is where that whole "Presence of VR" was on full display. My daughter had a smile on her face the whole time. When the shark swam under her cage, she was sitting in a chair and actually lifted her feet up, away from the shark. That is something we have never ever done playing a game with a controller on a normal TV. Very fun and very well done.

Second game we did was the Street Luge. It was my turn, just put the headset on, nothing special in the setup, just let it go. This game had some pretty shitty graphics. Your body on the Luge looks great, its right there in your face, you clothing textures are waving in the wind. That looks cool, but looking down the road, the graphics were super blocky and details were hard to make out. However, the experience and that presence was still there, but this was my least favorite experience. I told my daughter that Sony would demo this with a fan in front of you, blowing wind in your face. My daughter did take a pillow and wave wind in my face while playing, as a joke, and it really did add to the experience. It was just neat, but nothing I will go back for other than trophies.

Next we did Amulette. WOW, this was amazing. Sure it was just an experience, but being able to walk around, look in windows, get close to things, right up to them, and look at them as the story progressed. This was the first experience that I felt really showed what VR can be all about. You aren't even playing a game really, just experiencing it. But both of us where blown away by this. Another example of that "presence" was this part where the sun comes out or there is this really bright light, and my daughter put her hand up in front of the mask to shield the light. I laughed and said "That isn't going to help" and she just laughed and said "I know, but I couldn't help it" Super neat!!

Next, my daughter did the Playroom VR Platformer. She smiled the whole time, and never said a word. I kept saying "What is it like?" And all she would say is "Wow" and "Awesome" which left me very intrigued since you are basically floating above your character while playing. I didn't think this would be a great VR experience, but based on her impressions, and those on these forums, I cannot wait to check it out myself.

Next we did the tour of Rio for the Olympics in the VrVideo app. The quality of the videos aren't great, but man it is really cool to look around while you are in the middle of a street dance, or looking at the monuments in Rio. I mean, you get over the video quality very quick. Cannot wait to try more of these.

Finally, we tried out Until Dawn Rush Of Blood. I played and about 5 minutes in I was like "Nope!" She begged me to keep playing so I did. Damn, when those clown things start coming at you, getting closer and closer, I kid you not, I put my feet up in front of me, laughing historically, like my feet were going to keep them away from me. The graphics aren't anything to write home about, but they are done well enough for this medium to make you feel you are there. That presence, I said "this feels like a theme park ride" and the gun play was also pretty fun but simple. I loved this and will have to pick it up very soon.

Overall, if you can afford it, and are semi curious about this, DO IT! After reading impressions on here, and seeing them online, I was worried about image quality, tracking issues, and I had no issues with those. The quality of the experience really depends on the title and the developers. Knowing how much there is left to try, and even with my very positive initial impressions on these 4 titles or so, I instantly cannot wait for more and more titles to release. This seemed like the easiest way for me to jump into VR, and the most affordable for me since I already had a PS4, didn't have a big enough computer for other options, and had all that credit at Best Buy. I can only see this getting better and better as more titles are released and with PS4Pro releasing shortly.
That's crazy. Thanks for educating me guys. So I'll have an even blurrier experience with a several hundred dollar piece of equipment than a 100 dollar device that I plug my phone into?

can you play games like Rigs on your awesome Gear VR ?


thought so.....


I do know of two. One cancelled because they feared they'd use it for a week and then it'd become a dust collector; the other cancelled because they didn't want to spend the money for both PSVR and PS4 Pro. (It really is a shame that both are coming out so close to each other. Seriously, whose decision was that?!)

As someone who has enjoyed video games for almost his entire 36-year life, but also someone who's skeptical about the 2016 VR headsets' chances of commercial success, it is lovely to read about the very positive experiences folks have had on day one. It definitely seems like most of you have had a great time with it, which means the word of mouth should be positive, which is one critical thing this platform needs.

Another critical need is for developers to deliver a continuous stream of quality software. Day one impressions aren't going to tell us whether that will happen, but they *can* help drive sales numbers, which can help convince devs to work towards that delivery.

Who knows? I didn't think this had a chance long-term, but I don't mind being wrong.

We're not going to know anything for awhile. My roommate has a Vive in my basement and neither of us have touched it in several months. He was fully on the "This is the only way I'll play games from now on" train. I was blown away initially as well. Then I just kind of got over it and got tired of the work/act of wearing the headset. Turns out when I game I don't want 100% immersion most of the time.

As for PSVR, I was close to picking one of these up, because the software lineup seems to be head and shoulders above everything else. It seems like there's no problem getting them now, so I'm just going to wait and see where things sit in six months. If the releases are still coming and continue to be fulfilling games and not just experiences I'll be all in with that and replace one of my PS4's with a PSPro. Otherwise I'll stick to the current gen systems, my PC and an NX when it comes out.

For reference, my experience (I own a DK2, but most of it has been with my roommate's Vive, probably 20-30 hours total) has led me to believe VR has an amazing future, but the gaming side of it isn't going to be all encompassing (I have no desire to wear a headset for more then an hour, not saying everyone is on that train, but it seems to be a common sentiment).

I'm highly, highly anticipating virtual tourism, educational/training stuff and other entertainment and social applications they come up with for these things though. That shit could be world changing in a lot of ways.
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