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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Enjoying every game I've tried. I feel like I'm one of the lucky ones, no motion sickness on anything and put in about six hours today between VR Worlds, Thumper, demos, Batman, Headmaster, EVE: Valkyrie.


Impressions for this are much stronger then I anticipated. I'm on the fence between this and a Vive. The Vive seems more powerful, but the software line up seems more compelling on PSVR. Can anybody with both make a recommendation? Argh.

I have both... the Vive is better but costs more, is more uncomfortable, requires more space, and will be quickly rendered obsolete when Vive 2.0 comes out. PSVR should hopefully have support as long as the PS4/Pro is out.

Its like buying a Corvette/GTR vs a Lamborghini... yeah the Lambo is fucking awesome but for more people the Corvette/GTR makes more sense
VR Worlds Demo.
Pretty disappointed that they only had a shooting range for London Heist and not the car chase that I played at gamestop :\

The car chase is in there. There are 3 options, tutorial, story and shooting range, sounds like you picked range. You want story. I've played the hell out of it working on challenges already.


Looks like Shuhei Yoshida just got his. :)




I haven't got a PSVR but my friend just got one and is having the issue described here:


Basically as soon as the VR headset is turned on, the resolution of the TV drops from 1080p to a really low resolution that he describes as "looking worse than Wii games displayed on a 4K TV".

Anyone come across the issue?

Not sure of the exact model but he has a 60" 4K Samsung 2016 model TV.

This happened to me my first session when I gave the headset to my wife and she went into the demo disc. After that it went back up to 1080p a few minutes later, but then I got the message that the resolution of the tv had changed and I don't know why. I also had an issue where nothing was showing on the TV when my wife or son was playing, but there was sound. Luckily it hasn't happened since and I don't know what caused it...


I just finished playing around with my PSVR and I am blown away. The first game I played was Batman VR and what a revolutionary experience that was! Yes the graphics weren't perfect but the immersion of the experience completely overshadows that fact. All of my friends who I showed it to were amazed I am so happy with my purchase and can't wait to explore more games.


Despite all the wires pretty happy with the way the setup looks, the processing box just looks like a 2nd tv box when the headsets not plugged in.



Apparently it's possible to use the PSVR on the PC. It has to be plugged into the ps4 via USB but it works. Hopefully all the kinks can get worked out cause it would be awesome to play steam VR games in it while downsampling the image for increased clarity.


Awesome, my PC is next to the PS4 behind the cupboard door, so it'd take no work at all to splice them together.

Just cinema mode, but it's a start.


Despite all the wires pretty happy with the way the setup looks, the processing box just looks like a 2nd tv box when the headsets not plugged in.


I wish my setup was as clean as yours. My entertainment center is fighting for space with a Saturn, Genesis/Sega CD/32X combo, 360, PSTV, Wii U along with my PS4 and camera.


Played for 3 hours last night and I'm very impressed.

I couldn't sit through the whole kitchen demo. Good god it's intense! The roller coaster until dawn game was pretty scary too. Horror might be too intense for me in VR.

I'll buy batman later I think.


I was kind of lazy about following the launch, because I didn't preorder and I was expecting a shortage. Then yesterday, I stumbled over it on Amazon and realized it was in stock. Next thing I know i'm going to be playing Driveclub VR on my thrustmaster+wheelstand pro on Saturday. Hope it doesn't make me sick. I got slight nausea from Gear VR, but I know psvr should be much smoother. Probably even moreso on a Pro, and like a fucking lemming i preordered that.
I tried moving my PS4 Camara under the TV instead of its normal position of on top of the TV. I began to get really Wierd shifting, drifting and losing positional tracking of my controllers and headset no matter how I tried to calibrate it.

I then moved it back to the top of the TV, and I got rock solid tracking for both my controllers and Headset throughout the entire London Hest demo.

Shit, I cancelled my pre-order as I wasn't sure there was enough to hook me for the asking price but this thread is making me consider picking one up...

You're a bad influence, GAF!


I was kind of lazy about following the launch, because I didn't preorder and I was expecting a shortage. Then yesterday, I stumbled over it on Amazon and realized it was in stock. Next thing I know i'm going to be playing Driveclub VR on my thrustmaster+wheelstand pro on Saturday. Hope it doesn't make me sick. I got slight nausea from Gear VR, but I know psvr should be much smoother. Probably even moreso on a Pro, and like a fucking lemming i preordered that.

Honestly lower your expectations with Driveclub VR. Was one of my most anticipated games and I'm so disappointed. You have a wheel so maybe you'll get that immersion I didn't get because of the graphics and blurriness. It plays and feels like Driveclub though. Don't Let it be your first PS VR experience would be my advice...
Just a couple of things

I've seen pictures on this thread of the screens being covered with a protective film but I 100 percent didn't have this (just double checked with a torch too and definitely no film). Should I be concerned??

Had zero tracking issues after about 7 hrs play yesterday but late last night when playing Battlezone when I look down at for example the mod menu, or any menu it is jumping through the options really quickly like I am holding up or down continuously.

Anyone else experienced this?


Ok had my first experiences with the PSVR at home... I love it.

First the setting up: it's stupid but the hardest thing to set up was the Camera for me... I had some problems to undestand how to mount that... XD

Ok so demoes tried

Playroom VR: Just tried the one where you are a godzilla chasing robots (played with my girlfriend) and I loved it. Grafic was good, the game was fun and I laughed a lot when I saw my tail turning my head! :D

Job Simulator: The demo freezed the first time, and the second I had some tracking issues with the move , but beside that I loved the interaction with the move controller, it was all incredible immersive and fun. The price is a bit too high considering I'm not sure the final version is without bugs or tracking problems... but it was just fantastic!

Thumper: WOW. It blowed my mind... felt exhaust after a play session... a must buy. Not the kind of VR experience I would expect, but still... wow

Ocean Descent: already tried in the Sony boot, let it try to my girlfriend and she liked it a lot

About the hardware.
Here in italy is starting to getting cold, but I felt a bit hot during gameplay, not a big problem but I think when we are in summer it's like unusable...

So first experience at home was pretty good, can't wait to try more demo... then I will decide which game buy.

Had to use a couple of simple headphones, still waiting to the new ones to arrive.


I tried yesterday only The descent (demo) and Driveclub.

The descent was fun for a first time with VR in general (my mother was astonished too with it).

Driveclub was a mix, disappointed for the graphics (pixelated and blurry) but fun with the controls and inmersion.

It was very easy to set-up and I hadn't any problems with tracking, it was almost perfect for me (but I have to check more demos/games).

I was very sceptic about it but it was fun so I don't regret the purchase.


Batman was absolutley mind blowing for me, so many moments where I felt truly immersed.

Rigs was on another level too, maybe because I picked it up so easily it felt truly special and definitely the most enjoyable for me.

And how weird is it when you see you virtual body swaying and moving in games like eve and rigs! so cool and strange at the same time.

The headset itself is a lovely bit of kit. Very comfortable for long periods of time and I've had no tracking problems as of yet.


No tracking issues either, only problem I have is motion sickness.

I get sick really easily. Barely started the lunge and a few seconds later I had to close the game.


I tried moving my PS4 Camara under the TV instead of its normal position of on top of the TV. I began to get really Wierd shifting, drifting and losing positional tracking of my controllers and headset no matter how I tried to calibrate it.

I then moved it back to the top of the TV, and I got rock solid tracking for both my controllers and Headset throughout the entire London Hest demo.


For London Heist, using the Move controllers with the camera on top worked better for me too.


Ok had my first experiences with the PSVR at home... I love it.

First the setting up: it's stupid but the hardest thing to set up was the Camera for me... I had some problems to undestand how to mount that... XD

Ok so demoes tried

Playroom VR: Just tried the one where you are a godzilla chasing robots (played with my girlfriend) and I loved it. Grafic was good, the game was fun and I laughed a lot when I saw my tail turning my head! :D

Job Simulator: The demo freezed the first time, and the second I had some tracking issues with the move , but beside that I loved the interaction with the move controller, it was all incredible immersive and fun. The price is a bit too high considering I'm not sure the final version is without bugs or tracking problems... but it was just fantastic!

Thumper: WOW. It blowed my mind... felt exhaust after a play session... a must buy. Not the kind of VR experience I would expect, but still... wow

Ocean Descent: already tried in the Sony boot, let it try to my girlfriend and she liked it a lot

About the hardware.
Here in italy is starting to getting cold, but I felt a bit hot during gameplay, not a big problem but I think when we are in summer it's like unusable...

So first experience at home was pretty good, can't wait to try more demo... then I will decide which game buy.

Had to use a couple of simple headphones, still waiting to the new ones to arrive.

Job Simulator is fun, but yeah it should be about $10 cheaper. What's there is well made, there just isn't a lot of it. They were charging $30 for it on PC, too, though, so it's not that surprising.
Has anyone tried sportsbar yet? Eager for some impressions as I can get 2 more games out of


Leaning towards Thumper and Batman but like the idea of sportsbar especially for my non gaming friends to have a blast in
Has anyone tried sportsbar yet? Eager for some impressions as I can get 2 more games out of


Leaning towards Thumper and Batman but like the idea of sportsbar especially for my non gaming friends to have a blast in

You MUST buy Batman. It's amazing. Steiner84 mentioned that SportsBar isn't that great. Seems to have some problems.


How are people playing summer lesson? I have a jpn account, but there's no free demo?

Buy a card at Playasia and purchase the game.

Speaking of Summer Lesson I love the scene in opening where you just sit in her room and she ran off to ask her mom who's this guy in her room lol

Also... Rigs or Battlezone?
Rigs seems more widely praised but Battlezone is having 30% discount in Asia so it's about $35 right now


SO WAYWARD SKY GAF, WAYWARD SKY!! This is the diamond in the rough/hidden gem of the launch line up.

Just finished another play session and I must say after trying the demo for 'Wayward Sky' I thought WOW, went out straight away and purchased it. DID NOT REGRET IT, Its charming as hell.

Basically what you have here is a stylistic adventure/puzzle game (really nice mixture of first and third person) with really good Image Quality which is more than I can say about some of the launch VR experiences. On top of that it has a dynamic camera that warps you around the level and sometimes into first person to pull levers/switches/buttons and so on. It makes for an extremely pleasant experience that didn't invoke any motion sickness. There are also these cool little capsules hidden around the levels you can collect that unlock some cool stuff back at the hub world. I played with the two move controllers and thought it controlled sublime, not sure about how or if it works with a Dualshock sorry. GET ON IT GAF I haven't quite finished it yet but I can already tell you I neeeeeds a sequel to this!

Oh and it has some little set-piece/interactive kind of moments (nothing too grand) but they are cool and help elevate it to something special, also a decent if simple story. As a plus its something the whole family could play and enjoy.
EDIT: Oh and the image is pretty damn good but at certain points and in certain games there's a sorry of fairy dust effect, lol, lots of sparkling pixels. In VR Worlds demo, the first thing I tried it was present in the menu screen and I honestly thought it was supposed to be sparkling bits of dust, but it appeared in different places and in black screen in between experiences. Anyone else got this. It's off in lots of things too though! Weird.

It's the mura effect from the OLED screen (same effect as the Vita has) the black pixels aren't fully turned off so they kind of jump in your face during black fades.

The feeling for me when taking the helmet off, resembles the one i get after an awsome nightly scuba dive. :)

Yeah, weird feeling for me ... like I'd spent time somewhere else other than my house,
How delicate are these things? I'm usually kind of paranoid about things breaking and I accidently put the PSVR on the table a bit harder than I thought. Did it again to see what I did wrong for some reason.


Impressions for this are much stronger then I anticipated. I'm on the fence between this and a Vive. The Vive seems more powerful, but the software line up seems more compelling on PSVR. Can anybody with both make a recommendation? Argh.

Have had Rift and Vive since launch with hundreds of combined hours use, probably put 5 hours into PSVR today. Limited first impression is Vive (and Rift) are light years ahead in tracking, optics, and associated mechanisms. In displays PSVR has less SDE and visible pixel structure (presumably lack of pentile), but the colors are exaggerated, white balance seems off, and it has an overall poorly calibrated look to it (looks a lot like Vita 1000 actually). Vive and Rift both have insanely accurate displays, seemingly dead on ISF calibrations. Comfort and ergonomics I'd give to Rift. PSVR seems to dig the hair at your forehead and hairline into your scalp and causes frequent itching in prolonged sessions. It also has far few adjustment points than Rift, so achieving optimal quality and comfort are going to difficult if not impossible for a lot more facial types. Vive's semi-rigid occipital loop tends to hurt after longer sessions if it's tight, which it needs to be for maximum FOV and to keep it from shifting in all the moving about. Game visuals are the most striking difference. Highly (or even moderately) super sampled Rift and Vive games compared to most of the 10 or so PSVR demos I've tried is like comparing native 1080p to the lowest Sub-HD PS360 titles. PSVR looks like a Vaseline blur filter by comparison. In terms of line up, what the future holds for exclusives is an unknown I can't comment on.
Also... Rigs or Battlezone?
Rigs seems more widely praised but Battlezone is having 30% discount in Asia so it's about $35 right now

Both very different games so depends on your preference. Rigs is more MP focused whereas Battlezone seems to have more meat to SP although I've only scratched the surface of rigs.

Battlezone is a slower game but they are both excellent so my advice is get both!!

If that's not an option might be worth taking advantage of the Battlezone discount though.

For what it's worth, the 1st game I wanna play this morning is Rigs.

I have been no help lol


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
SO WAYWARD SKY GAF, WAYWARD SKY!! This is the diamond in the ruff/hidden gem of the launch line up.

Yeah. I really liked it and it's nice change of pace compared to games like Thumper.

So many good demos.

I wish they were less vague about improvements Pro will bring to PSVR

I'm so impressed with the performance of my PS then I don't think I'll bother with the Pro.


Junior Member
Just got done with my first real play session with my new PSVR headset. A few notes.

-Fuck, this thing is fun. I caught myself grinning more than once trying out the stupidest little games in the Playroom VR.
-Tumble VR is totally worth the $10 price tag. That game is super simple and fun AF. I can see casuals loving this thing.
-Rez Infinite... what can I say? It's bliss. A Dreamcast game is a VR system seller. Who knew?
-The screen is in fact shit, but I don't care. I see the potential here. VR is game changing (pun intended).
-Thumper is everything I thought it would be. Loud, in your face, and a great game I can't wait to try and ace to get on the leaderboard.

I love it. I can't wait to get back from work tomorrow to try out Batman and all the other games I bought.


*snip* PSVR seems to dig the hair at your forehead and hairline into your scalp and causes frequent itching in prolonged sessions.
Put in some pretty epic time with PSVR already (12+ hours) and I can't see in any world how this could be true, sorry
*snip* achieving optimal quality and comfort are going to difficult if not impossible for a lot more facial types. *snip*
again I'm not sure I'd agree with this, my whole family have been using the PSVR without problem


How do i send the pu into standby? It still shows the white light and the fans are running even though everything else is off :/


Both very different games so depends on your preference. Rigs is more MP focused whereas Battlezone seems to have more meat to SP although I've only scratched the surface of rigs.

Battlezone is a slower game but they are both excellent so my advice is get both!!

If that's not an option might be worth taking advantage of the Battlezone discount though.

For what it's worth, the 1st game I wanna play this morning is Rigs.

I have been no help lol
Absolutely, all you did was making me want both

Yeah I think I should grab Battlezone at discount first while getting myself more used to VR. I couldn't survive 10 seconds in Driveclub and it seems some people suffer from nausea as well in Rigs.


Having played PSVR last night round a friends house I enjoyed my time with the system. Until dawn rigs, Job simulator, Rez and all the games on the demo disk where a fun experience but that's all I felt it was, an experience. I could see myself having a laugh playing it with a few friends at a gathering, or something along those lines but that's as far as it goes. I was not sold on the technology. I also found the image quality due to the screens hardware limitations to be almost ps2 like graphically with things off in the distance, which broke immersion for me, this didn't matter so much in the stylised games but drive club looked really rough.

Lucas Sparks

Neo Member
Job Simulator was basically unplayable for me due to not being able to put my hands down without them losing their shit. Is there any guides to this? Also in that game the coffee machine was inside my couch, anyone have that issue with games? Like the play space goes through my couch.

Gahhh. Real bummer cause I want to play JS so baddd
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