Enjoying every game I've tried. I feel like I'm one of the lucky ones, no motion sickness on anything and put in about six hours today between VR Worlds, Thumper, demos, Batman, Headmaster, EVE: Valkyrie.
Impressions for this are much stronger then I anticipated. I'm on the fence between this and a Vive. The Vive seems more powerful, but the software line up seems more compelling on PSVR. Can anybody with both make a recommendation? Argh.
VR Worlds Demo.
Pretty disappointed that they only had a shooting range for London Heist and not the car chase that I played at gamestop :\
I haven't got a PSVR but my friend just got one and is having the issue described here:
Basically as soon as the VR headset is turned on, the resolution of the TV drops from 1080p to a really low resolution that he describes as "looking worse than Wii games displayed on a 4K TV".
Anyone come across the issue?
Not sure of the exact model but he has a 60" 4K Samsung 2016 model TV.
Apparently it's possible to use the PSVR on the PC. It has to be plugged into the ps4 via USB but it works. Hopefully all the kinks can get worked out cause it would be awesome to play steam VR games in it while downsampling the image for increased clarity.
Despite all the wires pretty happy with the way the setup looks, the processing box just looks like a 2nd tv box when the headsets not plugged in.
I was kind of lazy about following the launch, because I didn't preorder and I was expecting a shortage. Then yesterday, I stumbled over it on Amazon and realized it was in stock. Next thing I know i'm going to be playing Driveclub VR on my thrustmaster+wheelstand pro on Saturday. Hope it doesn't make me sick. I got slight nausea from Gear VR, but I know psvr should be much smoother. Probably even moreso on a Pro, and like a fucking lemming i preordered that.
I tried moving my PS4 Camara under the TV instead of its normal position of on top of the TV. I began to get really Wierd shifting, drifting and losing positional tracking of my controllers and headset no matter how I tried to calibrate it.
I then moved it back to the top of the TV, and I got rock solid tracking for both my controllers and Headset throughout the entire London Hest demo.
Ok had my first experiences with the PSVR at home... I love it.
First the setting up: it's stupid but the hardest thing to set up was the Camera for me... I had some problems to undestand how to mount that... XD
Ok so demoes tried
Playroom VR: Just tried the one where you are a godzilla chasing robots (played with my girlfriend) and I loved it. Grafic was good, the game was fun and I laughed a lot when I saw my tail turning my head!
Job Simulator: The demo freezed the first time, and the second I had some tracking issues with the move , but beside that I loved the interaction with the move controller, it was all incredible immersive and fun. The price is a bit too high considering I'm not sure the final version is without bugs or tracking problems... but it was just fantastic!
Thumper: WOW. It blowed my mind... felt exhaust after a play session... a must buy. Not the kind of VR experience I would expect, but still... wow
Ocean Descent: already tried in the Sony boot, let it try to my girlfriend and she liked it a lot
About the hardware.
Here in italy is starting to getting cold, but I felt a bit hot during gameplay, not a big problem but I think when we are in summer it's like unusable...
So first experience at home was pretty good, can't wait to try more demo... then I will decide which game buy.
Had to use a couple of simple headphones, still waiting to the new ones to arrive.
What is the difference between Eve Valkyrie and Eve Gunjack?
Has anyone tried sportsbar yet? Eager for some impressions as I can get 2 more games out of
Leaning towards Thumper and Batman but like the idea of sportsbar especially for my non gaming friends to have a blast in
Can Batman be played seated? I can't really do standing with my setup
How are people playing summer lesson? I have a jpn account, but there's no free demo?
EDIT: Oh and the image is pretty damn good but at certain points and in certain games there's a sorry of fairy dust effect, lol, lots of sparkling pixels. In VR Worlds demo, the first thing I tried it was present in the menu screen and I honestly thought it was supposed to be sparkling bits of dust, but it appeared in different places and in black screen in between experiences. Anyone else got this. It's off in lots of things too though! Weird.
The feeling for me when taking the helmet off, resembles the one i get after an awsome nightly scuba dive.![]()
I wish they were less vague about improvements Pro will bring to PSVR
Impressions for this are much stronger then I anticipated. I'm on the fence between this and a Vive. The Vive seems more powerful, but the software line up seems more compelling on PSVR. Can anybody with both make a recommendation? Argh.
Also... Rigs or Battlezone?
Rigs seems more widely praised but Battlezone is having 30% discount in Asia so it's about $35 right now
SO WAYWARD SKY GAF, WAYWARD SKY!! This is the diamond in the ruff/hidden gem of the launch line up.
I wish they were less vague about improvements Pro will bring to PSVR
Put in some pretty epic time with PSVR already (12+ hours) and I can't see in any world how this could be true, sorry*snip* PSVR seems to dig the hair at your forehead and hairline into your scalp and causes frequent itching in prolonged sessions.
again I'm not sure I'd agree with this, my whole family have been using the PSVR without problem*snip* achieving optimal quality and comfort are going to difficult if not impossible for a lot more facial types. *snip*
Absolutely, all you did was making me want bothBoth very different games so depends on your preference. Rigs is more MP focused whereas Battlezone seems to have more meat to SP although I've only scratched the surface of rigs.
Battlezone is a slower game but they are both excellent so my advice is get both!!
If that's not an option might be worth taking advantage of the Battlezone discount though.
For what it's worth, the 1st game I wanna play this morning is Rigs.
I have been no help lol