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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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is the image the headset gives us 3D? i guess i don't really get it. does it work like the 3DS?

It's 3D but unlike any kind of 3D you're ever seen. It looks like physical objects are beside you. There is just one screen but it has two images on it and the optics feed only one to each eye.
Mother of shit, I get home and there's an "attempted delivery" notice by UPS on the door, even though I ordered Thursday night and it said it was arriving Saturday.


*grabs keys and runs out door*


Have people gotten better results with the camera beping placed above or below their TV?

Ive had mine below, thinking of trying it out withe the camera on top.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Increase? For me it was at max? I considered turning it down!

Yes. Try a cockpit game and you'll really see the depth. Or try watching a video on vrideo and you'll see what 2d in vr looks like
Really? mined was in the center and thats the default.


Have people gotten better results with the camera beping placed above or below their TV?

Ive had mine below, thinking of trying it out withe the camera on top.

Depends on your setup. If you're not having tracking issues leave it alone. Otherwise try it
Have people gotten better results with the camera beping placed above or below their TV?

Ive had mine below, thinking of trying it out withe the camera on top.

I put it above the TV because when I initially had it below the TV (as was suggested) it covered up the Sony logo, which of course drove me insane. I have noticed no difference either way.
D: Flying around in scout mode on Eve Valkyrie is some next level shit. I don't think I've ever been so blown away by a sense of presence in a game like this before. VR is definitely the future of games.
When I put the PS4 in rest mode after playing do I need to turn off the little psvr unit as well or does that go to sleep with the system like I've been assuming? The ps4s sleep light is orange but the little VR box still has the white light...


WOAH! That Wayward Sky Demo! No way this isn't the future of games...

Wasn't that cool? Kinda like that little platformer in the Playroom. So fun just being IN these gameworlds!

As a VR newb I've kinda had my mind blown since I got set up last night. Really dig Arkham and The Heist. Never thought I'd have any "vr sickness" because I have never gotten car or motion sick, but a couple things made me feel quite yucky, the Scavenger's Odyssey in the VR Worlds, once you start jumping around, ugh. Also Driveclub seemed so cool at first, but after the first lap I had to quit and I didn't feel quite right for a good 45 minutes.

But it's hard to tell what will make me feel that way, EVE and Battlezone, as brief as they were, had some mild discomfort but not enough to make me quit. Even RIGS wasn't too bad - though I wonder how longer play sessions would feel, these demos are awful short. Seems that going forward playable demos are going to be super important for PSVR just to gauge comfort level.

Visuals, I knew going in that compromises were made, it kinda reminds me of one of those old projection tvs where everything is kinda soft and blurry-but that feeling of immersion more than makes up for it.

Thankfully almost no tracking issues yet. One time, resetting the PS4 resolved it. No jittery "palsy hands" on my Batman playthrough at all.

Only other negative is that my charging situation is now a nightmare, of course the processing unit takes up one port, so that leaves one open for controllers plus two moves, which of course take a different cord. Guess I'll need a charging port at some point.

But damn, so glad I splurged and preordered this thing. As short as Batman was, for example, just that sense of being there was so incredibly cool. PSVR has really shaken my jaded old ass to the core, this is truly something different.
Can someone elaborate on what the eye calibration thing does in the VR settings? I don't know if it is something I should mess with or not.

D: Flying around in scout mode on Eve Valkyrie is some next level shit. I don't think I've ever been so blown away by a sense of presence in a game like this before. VR is definitely the future of games.

I thought VR was only a fad? :)


Did we ever come to q consensus on old Camera vs new camera? I know they're supposed to be the same but in the early pages ITT there was some speculation that the old ones were better for VR?

Can someone elaborate on what the eye calibration thing does in the VR settings? I don't know if it is something I should mess with or not.

Definitely perform all of those settings. It measures the distance between your eyes (you can do this yourself too) to make the image more clear.


Depends on your setup. If you're not having tracking issues leave it alone. Otherwise try it

No tracking issues, other than a couple of cases where the screen is aligned to my left or right. But I did have a minor bit of the "back and forth" thing Giant Bomb was complaining about.

I tried Batman VR, and it's mostly no problem, but it had a couple of "off" moments, like the belt hovering in front of me, and the calibration forcing me to stick my neck upward even though I was sitting down in front of the camera. Also when I tried standing it said I was out of range.

So I'll try the camera on top and see if that's an improvement.

Also, when doing the eye-tracking part of the setup, do I need to put my face as close as possible, or sit where I would naturally be sitting (a good few feet back)?
Do it man. Alot of people seem to be bypassing it, but it's fucking awesome. And despite the short length of the campaign, is absolutely worth the money. In my humble opinion.

HOLY SHIT, what I got to play through of Batman before dinner was awesome.

I tried Batman VR, and it's mostly no problem, but it had a couple of "off" moments, like the belt hovering in front of me, and the calibration forcing me to stick my neck upward even though I was sitting down in front of the camera. Also when I tried standing it said I was out of range.

So I'll try the camera on top and see if that's an improvement.

The hovering belt when I moved too far back while checking stuff out like a mad man (lol) was the one thing like that for me so I know what you're talking about on that. I didn't really bother me though.

For standing (which is how I played to get the full feel of it with the two Moves) I had to change adjust the camera position because the in the initial calibration after choosing standing I couldn't get it to fit both me in the circle and the headset in the square at the same time, at first I thought it was height but in my case I kept it above the TV but I had to angle the camera down more than I had been.
Definitely perform all of those settings. It measures the distance between your eyes (you can do this yourself too) to make the image more clear.

Ohhh ok. Maybe that is why games were partially blurry for me? For the most part, the games looked nice, but maybe it really is the games and my eyes are just fine. I'll still mess with it to double check. Thanks!!
Just tried the demo at Best Buy. Loved it.

I think it actually sold me on a Rift or a Vive. I scheduled a demo of the Rift at Best Buy.

The only quibble I have is the resolution, which is why I think I'm sold on a Rift or Vive because that should be corrected with those.
Seriously need help with Batman VR
Whats the solution to the puzzle with Robin in the cage

Which puzzle?
the fuses? There is a sheet in robins cell that says A B C each with a number. If you look at the end of the fuses they have numbers on them. Put them in the corresponding hole


D: Flying around in scout mode on Eve Valkyrie is some next level shit. I don't think I've ever been so blown away by a sense of presence in a game like this before. VR is definitely the future of games.

Got a double kill and definitely gave a Will Smith "WOOOOOOOOOO" out loud and had a huge grin on my face. There's an unadulterated joy here (especially in the Playroom) that I honestly haven't experienced outside Nintendo games.

Speaking of Nintendo, NX VR?

Yeah, best system launch lineup in years. I've spent so much money since Thursday :-/

Trying real hard not to buy Batman. Already bought Rez, Thumper, Valkyrie (got the $20 deal) and Gunjack.


Can someone elaborate on what the eye calibration thing does in the VR settings? I don't know if it is something I should mess with or not.

I thought VR was only a fad? :)

changes the distance between the lenses to match your eye spacing which might improve clarity depending on how off it is. If you've ever worn glasses they measure this. You can also do a self-measurement and just input it yourself via the psvr settings versus using the approximation done by the ps camera.


Just tries the demo at Best Buy. Loved it.

I think it actually sold me on a Rift or a Vive. I scheduled a demo of the Rift at Best Buy.

The only quibble I have is the resolution, which is why I think I'm sold on a Rift or Vive because that should be corrected with those.

It's improved, but I wouldn't say corrected. The ability to bump up the render resolution even higher also helps. Definitely try it out first; I think Best Buy is now doing Touch demos instead of the old one too, so you can get a shot at their motion controllers.


I really want to try batman but have concerns about standing experiences after playing Job simulator. The tracking in that is woeful, and I can't really find a place to mount my camera above the Tv as the bezel is too thin and it's the old style camera also.

Any advice?

Posting again. Does anyone have tracking issues with Job Simulator and not Batman?
Buying a clip so I can mount it on the top hopefully it improves the tracking
Just tried the demo at Best Buy. Loved it.

I think it actually sold me on a Rift or a Vive. I scheduled a demo of the Rift at Best Buy.

The only quibble I have is the resolution, which is why I think I'm sold on a Rift or Vive because that should be corrected with those.

Umm the Vive and Rifts resolutions aren't great either. I think the Vive is 1200 versus 1080 for PSVR. Until these things start using 4K screens, resolution will be an issue.
Damn, Arkham VR is...short. I knew coming in that it was supposed to be, but I really didn't expect it to be that short and abrupt. I haven't done any of the bonus stuff, though. It also was pretty blurry compared to a lot of the other stuff I've played it seems.


Okay so does Job Simulator actually have $30 of content? When I played the demo I would have assumed it was a $15 title. But $30?
Posting again. Does anyone have tracking issues with Job Simulator and not Batman?
Buying a clip so I can mount it on the top hopefully it improves the tracking

Unfortunately I'm not much help since I haven't played Job Simulator yet, but I had almost no tracking issues in Batman, even when pulling shit up to my face (wish the writing on some of the letters when you hold them super close to your face could be a little clearer though ofcourse, but some text on machines is much clearer)
is the image the headset gives us 3D? i guess i don't really get it. does it work like the 3DS?

it's 3D in the way we interpret physical space.

Hold your hand 12 inches in front of your face. Close your left eye and look at the position of your hand, then close your right eye to view the position. Your eyes see two different images, and your brain converges them.

The PSVR is a projection of a 3D world in perspective (one projection for each eye), whereas we are observing a 3D world and interpreting it in perspective, so it can fuck up and give you headaches.
It's improved, but I wouldn't say corrected. The ability to bump up the render resolution even higher also helps. Definitely try it out first; I think Best Buy is now doing Touch demos instead of the old one too, so you can get a shot at their motion controllers.

Umm the Vive and Rifts resolutions aren't great either. I think the Vive is 1200 versus 1080 for PSVR. Until these things start using 4K screens, resolution will be an issue.

Thanks for you input.

Definitely feel like you said Wallach that I want to give he Rift a run before going in.

Also hoping that they jitteriness that I experienced in the Arkham VR demo will be corrected by using something other than the Move controllers.


Also hoping that they jitteriness that I experienced in the Arkham VR demo will be corrected by using something other than the Move controllers.

That in my opinion will probably be the biggest benefit, even over the display (especially considering both the Rift and Vive have lens-based artifacts that aren't present in PSVR). Their tracking solutions are way better, and in the case of the motion controllers, worlds better.


Ohhh ok. Maybe that is why games were partially blurry for me? For the most part, the games looked nice, but maybe it really is the games and my eyes are just fine. I'll still mess with it to double check. Thanks!!

No problem. It's not exact, especially if you don't take the picture properly so if you can measure yourself it might work better. Also, once you have the headset seated, go into the main menu, grab the front part and move it around gently until you find a sweet spot. I found I always have to move mine down slightly. Also make sure there isn't still plastic film on the lenses either.

For the eye calibration thing... Does it save the calibration for each individual profile separately?

Yes, per account. So making a guest account for others is recommended.

No tracking issues, other than a couple of cases where the screen is aligned to my left or right.


Also, when doing the eye-tracking part of the setup, do I need to put my face as close as possible, or sit where I would naturally be sitting (a good few feet back)?

If I understand the issue correctly, have you tried holding OPTIONS to recenter?

Yes try to fill the square in screen facing and looking at the camera head on. It's easier if you can have someone help you


WOAH! That Wayward Sky Demo! No way this isn't the future of games...

This was sooooo fucking awesome. The first part on the table is even better to throw shit than job simulator. And the second part where you are close to the figure, holy shit. This is the real deal.
Damn, Arkham VR is...short. I knew coming in that it was supposed to be, but I really didn't expect it to be that short and abrupt. I haven't done any of the bonus stuff, though. It also was pretty blurry compared to a lot of the other stuff I've played it seems.

Interesting, I thought it was quite clear and detailed, especially once out of the Wayne living room, the modeling detail was quite impressive as well lol. :D

What else have you tried that looked comparably better for you, I'm curious to try them eventually just to see which way it goes for me too to get a feel for this with some reference. :)


Could somebody share some Cinema mode impressions? How does it feel to play non vr games in vr?

It's neat, but I wouldn't want to play games this way all the time. I have the screen set to theatre size. Played some GTA with the camera in the closest 3rd person position and got kinda woozy. Was like watching a Bourne movie fight scene in Imax. Zoomed out 3rd person was better though.
Quick question...

The photos you take during playstation playroom vr after each game, where are they saved to? Or is it one of those you need to use the screenshot button to capture it?


manually enter your iPd if you know it from your optometrist. Might help with the clarity compared to whatever default Sony is using and or the approximation they do using the ps camera.
One thing that gets to me is seeing the controller in game. It rocks back and forth. Not the headset and what you see, but just the controller. Shaking it sometimes helps but not much.

Not like I stare at it constantly in games but the games that do show it tend to be a bit iffy, especially on the demo menu.

Also, finally got the Kitchen demo to work. Scary AF. By only complaint there is the arms and they way they sit on the lap when you raise/lower the controller. It looks funky the way it comes to a dead stop on your legs lol. The sense of presence there was amazing though.


Apart from headmaster and playing demos, I'll actually wait for PS4 PRO before buying games and will read reviews if it improves games resolutions.
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