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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Just spent like 3 hours in Sports Bar VR, game is great fun with friends. I hope they expand it with some more stuff to do. It makes me think how great something like PlayStation Home would be in VR, all the different games and stuff you could do, would have been amazing.

I got "stuck" on the tutorial. Got to part 2/5 where it shows you the circle with footprints in it. I was standing/sitting right above it but couldn't move on to part 3. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


Rez looks so unappealing when I look at a clip or something. But there has to be something there I guess with so many positive impressions. When I get access to a ps4 again it'll be the first demo I try this time.

I've been hearing people rave about Rez since the Dreamcast. I tried it back then, and I tried it again now... I still don't get it.


Dreams in Digital
You can find the same reactions in the Vive topic too. VR has a very high novelty value. Like ridiculously high. What is an unknown quantity is whether after three months the same people will be talking about dust gathering etc. Because as the novelty wears off - and it does - the gaming has to rise to the challenge.
PSVR has really quite a strong software lineup there are a few titles that are almost full games that are very pleasing to seemingly everyone. Vive and Oculus hasn't really had that. I'm curious to know if developers for the PS4 will continue to pump out a VR gem every now and again to keep things fresh and make up for the novelty curve decline.

There are over 50 titles coming out this year alone and by the reactions I'm seeing here, most of them will get played lol. I don't think devs will struggle to justify making more PSVR games, do you?


Are these reaction hyperbolic or is this 'The real deal'? It's a serious question because right now this thread is making it sound like PSVR is the best thing to happen to gaming in ... like ... forever.

Actually, a funny thing happened to me simply because I'm the only person that many of the people on my Facebook friends list know with access to a PSVR. A guy a barely know who owns a gaming website asked me to write a review of the hardware. I've never written a review before. But he wanted some impressions for his site and I guess I was his only option. So, if you're looking for my honest opinion I'll just paste here what I just sent him for his site.

Be kind, it's my first ever review!

VR has arrived, and it’s only taken most of my life to get here. Ever since I was a kid and was introduced to the concept of virtual reality (mostly in books) I’ve been imagining what this day would be like.

You see, a lot of people play games to get a high score, to waste time or to interact with fun gameplay mechanics. Me? I’ve always been introverted. I spend my time day dreaming about more exciting things than can ever happen in reality. I play games for pure unadulterated escapism. Make me someone else, take me somewhere else, let me get away from just being a boring white, male, human on the planet earth. When I play games, I put sense of immersion above all else. And so, it’s been with great anticipation that I’ve waited for the day when virtual reality would come.

Is that day finally here? No… However, it’s a great first step. It’s no holodeck, it’s no “Ready Player One”, but the virtual reality of today is a huge leap in the way we game and the immersion that we can feel while we are playing.

The Playstation VR is Sony’s offering for this modern virtual reality generation. It’s expensive in Canada, but that wasn’t going to stop me. Like I said, I’ve been waiting my whole life for this.

After setting up my unit (which took a little while, there are many, many cords) I decided to check out the included demo disc of 18 games. First, I jumped in to a short demo of EVE: Valkyrie which is a space dog fighting simulator. Immediately upon being deposited in the cockpit of the fighter I took stock of my surroundings. I can tell you, there’s nothing like your first time. Just seeing things in front of you is amazing. You can almost reach out and touch them. With the 3D element of VR it emulates your real eyes enough that you can perceive depth very naturally. Then there’s the ability to get closer and further away from things. You can lean right in physically and put your virtual eyes right up to computer displays in the cockpit. You can lean left and right and look around or over things. Finally, you can turn around and look directly behind you. While normally all you’d see is whatever is behind your couch, now all you see is more of the game world. No matter where you look, you’re in the game.

As my fighter was launched into space, I felt the sensation of a rollercoaster. My stomach felt like it went up into my throat very briefly. It was very convincing. After getting in my first dog fight and chasing down a particularly elusive enemy, I felt myself getting mad. Not a “this game is too hard” mad, more of a “this pilot is really good and he’s making me look bad. I’m totally going to take him down!” mad. It was working. I was immersed. I was a space fighter pilot. When I realized that, I got giddy. Purchase justified. Another notable experience was Batman: Arkham VR. This game uses the Playstation Move controllers to simulate your hands in the virtual space. You can reach out to pick up things and it’s all fairly intuitive. Going down into the Batcave, suiting up and testing out all of Batman’s gadgets, looking at yourself in the mirror. You will believe you’re Batman.

Once you’ve played a game like Batman that has VR “hands” you’ll realize that any VR that let’s you have “hands” is like VRx2. This is the innovation that motion controls were waiting for. I always thought of motion controls like those of the Wii as a gimmick and I still think they were. Back then we would waggle our controllers and the little character on screen would emulate us. It was like controlling a puppet. Now though, we may still be waggling controllers but this time we’re also waggling our own hands. It’s 1 to 1. You move your hand up, down, left, right, in or out and it works the same as in real life. It’s hard to explain but it blows your mind.

The PSVR headset itself is very comfortable. While the Rift and Vive strap to the front of your face and feel like a weight on the front of your head, the PSVR uses a “headband/welder’s mask” design where the weight is evenly distributed around your head and the screen itself is attached to the band, hanging in front of your face rather than strapped to it.

Still, it’s not all roses. The screen resolution on PSVR (and Rift/Vive) isn’t nearly the same as we are used to with our HD TVs. But once the game starts going and the immersion begins you will quickly forget about it. Also, from time to time I’ve gotten tangled in cables but it’s a necessary evil at this time. The tech just isn’t there yet to make these things wireless.

I’m still working my way through all the games and game demos that I have, but so far this experience has been revolutionary in a way that is comparable to the first time I played a 3D platformer such as Mario 64 after playing 8 and 16 bit games my whole life. I think VR is going to give game development the shot in the arm that it’s needed in a while. I believe games have stagnated in the last two generations. Besides better graphics, there isn’t much being done on PS4 and Xbone that couldn’t have been done on PS3 or 360. We get the same genres of game over and over. With VR, this is a new way to interact with the medium of video games, and if developers are creative enough they should be able to bring us completely new and unique experiences unlike anything that could ever be done on a conventional console and television combo.

So while my dream of complete virtual escape isn’t quite here, the PSVR is a great first leap toward that holodeck future that I’ve always dreamed of.


Wow the platformer in Playroom VR is great

Catlateral Damage is $4. The VR mode doesn't work the best with Move and is best played standing up (you have to train yourself to not turn IRL too much). The game itself is well worth $4 so it's worth a shot even if it kinda shows a bit of the limits of PSVR. Still some "wow" factor but you can tell it was designed for room scale instead.

5 hours or so of playtime and I hadn't gotten nauseous at all.

Then I tried the Driveclub VR demo.


Weird, didn't bug me at all. Though I played the real game's first level not the demo if they're different.

First thing to get a twinge out of me is VR World's scavenger odyssey. I got used to it pretty fast though. I imagine this sort of thing's going to vary by person.


Having major problems with blurriness with thinks at depth. I've tried calibrating the eye thing, wiped the lenses, etc. I don't remember it being like this at the demo at Best Buy. I'm really not sure what to do, it's killing me.

You might need glasses. No joke.


Wow the platformer in Playroom VR is great

Weird, didn't bug me at all. Though I played the real game's first level not the demo if they're different.

First thing to get a twinge out of me is VR World's scavenger odyssey. I got used to it pretty fast though. I imagine this sort of thing's going to vary by person.

Yeah, it might have been the drifting that did me in, not sure, but by the end of the race I had to take the visor off and take a break.

I've played a ton of stuff, and nothing else got to me like Driveclub.
Rez looks so unappealing when I look at a clip or something. But there has to be something there I guess with so many positive impressions. When I get access to a ps4 again it'll be the first demo I try this time.

It's really hard to explain. I had no interest in it whatsoever (Looks incredibly boring outside of VR), but when you play it in VR and get into the intense moments, it's an incredible game.


I honestly FORGOT how to even drift in DC so I didn't try that. I'm honestly surprised nothing's made me sick though, closest thing is when stuff looks like it's going to hit my face I flinch. Even when I do it on purpose.

Having major problems with blurriness with thinks at depth. I've tried calibrating the eye thing, wiped the lenses, etc. I don't remember it being like this at the demo at Best Buy. I'm really not sure what to do, it's killing me.

What games? Some games just ARE lower res (driveclub VR has to be). Otherwise, positioning of the headset can make a LOT of difference.

Text in general seems oddly bad though, like in Thumper the visuals are fine, some aliasing but you forget it's there. But the main menu text is rough.


You want a shot at the champ? [NG gif winner July 23]
1 minute into Kitchen and 2 minutes into Until Dawn and I noped out. Anyone who plays this must be crazy, lol.

After enjoying both demos....Oh how I wish I can play P.T in VR mode...damnit Konami, that game was meant to be VR title...
So I finally did get some rocking back and forth with the headset just now in Job Sim.

What's weird is on the intro screen everything is fine but the game is just a bit jittery. Running back to the calibration screen it stops. Unsure what the deal is with that.


Having major problems with blurriness with thinks at depth. I've tried calibrating the eye thing, wiped the lenses, etc. I don't remember it being like this at the demo at Best Buy. I'm really not sure what to do, it's killing me.

I'm sure you've already tried this, but just in case. With the headset on and the screen pulled in, grab the front of the unit on both sides and move it up, down and around until you find the sweet spot where things are at their sharpest. It could just be the devs have used depth of field, or of course the screen is just lowres or the game itself isn't sharp enough.


It's really hard to explain. I had no interest in it whatsoever (Looks incredibly boring outside of VR), but when you play it in VR and get into the intense moments, it's an incredible game.

Some games don't show half as well as they play. Like usually I get a decent idea, but people are like saying Thumper looks totally meh in videos and I (having played myself first) can't even imagine that. But it's common enough they can't just be crazy.


Setting my unit up now and omg. Wires.

PS4 power plug
PS4 Ethernet cable
PS4 camera cable
PS4 to breakout HDMI
Tv to breakout HDMI
PS4 to breakout USB
Breakout to power brick
Power brick to outlet
Breakout hdmi to headset dongle
Breakout display cable to headset dongle
Headset dongle hdmi to headset
Headset dongle display to headset
Headphones to headset

Wires everywhere!

And I'm setting it up in the living room now just to move it to the basement tomorrow. :)

Edit: I must say, this is an expensive device but Sony did NOT skimp on the quality of packaging.


I thought that got delayed?!?!
Wait, what? How?

Magic! No, It's out in the UK, I assume it isn't out everywhere then? You guys are in for a treat, has been my favourite experience next to the playroom vr platformer.

I got "stuck" on the tutorial. Got to part 2/5 where it shows you the circle with footprints in it. I was standing/sitting right above it but couldn't move on to part 3. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

I know exactly the bit because I got stuck there for a couple mins too. You have to aim the line coming from the move controller over the sideways pointing triangle on the right side of that menu, you can press on it and scroll through the rest of the tutorial menus.

Anyone else having issues with the inside fogging up and causing a lot of blurriness?

I kept getting this. My first attempt at using it I fogged up the lenses, then trying to clean them without taking it off I smudged my glasses up. I ended up opening a couple of windows because everything's closed now that it's cold outside, and made sure I breathed forcefully away from the headset while putting it on.
Magic! No, It's out in the UK, I assume it isn't out everywhere then? You guys are in for a treat, has been my favourite experience next to the playroom vr platformer.

I know exactly the bit because I got stuck there for a couple mins too. You have to aim the line coming from the move controller over the sideways pointing triangle on the right side of that menu, you can press on it and scroll through the rest of the tutorial menus.

It is easily my most anticipated game so far due to it's laid back and fun social experience. Sadly, it was pushed off until the 18th in the US.


Dreams in Digital
Actually, a funny thing happened to me simply because I'm the only person that many of the people on my Facebook friends list know with access to a PSVR. A guy a barely know who owns a gaming website asked me to write a review of the hardware. I've never written a review before. But he wanted some impressions for his site and I guess I was his only option. So, if you're looking for my honest opinion I'll just paste here what I just sent him for his site.

Be kind, it's my first ever review!

Thanks for that!


It is easily my most anticipated game so far due to it's laid back and fun social experience. Sadly, it was pushed off until the 18th in the US.

It's totally that too, me and my friend ended up in a public room and people were just playing pool and darts together, or throwing bottles around and playing with stuff. I took a load of videos of us just messing around and having a laugh, if your going to record anything while in a party make sure everyone's got it enabled so party voices can be captured in videos.

I look forward to them expanding it and bringing in more stuff to do and play with. For a game that seemingly started as VR pool it could end up being something much more than that.

If anyone has friends who also are getting the headset I would defiantly get Sportsbar VR, totally worth it, and it's one of the lower priced games too.


One of the first games I tried when I got my PSVR was the Driveclub demo with my T300RS. I was disappointed with the far sighted blurriness but still felt it was fun. Saw the full game on sale so I thought why not, and man, since calibrating the IPD it is SOOOO much better. Granted it is still a bit rough but before I couldn't even see what was in front of me. Now I am completely immersed, drifting around corners and hitting apexes and yelling 'FUCK YOU" when I finally get past the leading car. Holy shit it's good.

As for sickness, the only thing that has made me slightly queasy was Scavenger's Odyssey when you start jumping around. Noped out after the first two jumps and played something else. Might come back to it when I have better VR legs.

Also fuck that Kitchen demo.


You might need glasses. No joke.

I hope not, I've always had great vision and as of 6 months ago the Best Buy demo looked great. I mean low res and all, but it wasn't blurry.

Try adjusting where the helmet is on your face. When I move the screen physically up a little bit on my face it all comes into focus.

Text seems fine in Battlezone, there is some aliasing, but I expected that. But I'm getting screen door effects and anything at a distance is just a blur. I mean Luge looked like crap obviously, but from what I remember at Best Buy Battlezone was still very clear.

I've tried taking off and readjusting it, moving it higher/lower, etc. Wiping the lenses, readjusting the eye settings a couple times (I've tried 63, 65 and 70) and to no avail anything at a distance is still just a blurry mess.
i found my sweet spot, but the area underneath my nose and cheeks doesn't sit flush with the rubberized blind.. anyone have a big light leak from the bottom? any ideas for modifying this thing? also guys, don't forget about the angle it's sitting on your head, i find that putting the back brace further up on the top of the back of my head puts it at a better angle for clarity.

as it stands i can actually make a face that completely seals out light, but 🤓.
It's totally that too, me and my friend ended up in a public room and people were just playing pool and darts together, or throwing bottles around and playing with stuff. I took a load of videos of us just messing around and having a laugh, if your going to record anything while in a party make sure everyone's got it enabled so party voices can be captured in videos.

I look forward to them expanding it and bringing in more stuff to do and play with. For a game that seemingly started as VR pool it could end up being something much more than that.

If anyone has friends who also are getting the headset I would defiantly get Sportsbar VR, totally worth it, and it's one of the lower priced games too.

Can you hear people talking and chatting in public rooms?


i found my sweet spot, but the area underneath my nose and cheeks doesn't sit flush with the rubberized blind.. anyone have a big light leak from the bottom? any ideas for modifying this thing? also guys, don't forget about the angle it's sitting on your head, i find that putting the back brace further up on the top of the back of my head puts it at a better angle for clarity.

as it stands i can actually make a face that completely seals out light, but i look like an idiot. 🤓

I'm lucky I guess. Got mine set up in the basement where I can make my room basically pitch black at any time of day. No light bleed with all the lights out.


In the playroom VR where you're controlling the little guy in a sort of Ratchet and Clank-esque style. How do you get the wind to blow to get the guy off in the distance?


i found my sweet spot, but the area underneath my nose and cheeks doesn't sit flush with the rubberized blind.. anyone have a big light leak from the bottom? any ideas for modifying this thing? also guys, don't forget about the angle it's sitting on your head, i find that putting the back brace further up on the top of the back of my head puts it at a better angle for clarity.

as it stands i can actually make a face that completely seals out light, but ��.

If you move the band on the back of your head up or down once you get it over your eyes and in focus you can get a pretty tight seal. People say put the band under the base of your skull, but for me right on the base of my skull is the sweet spot and I don't have light leak really from the bottom. I get it on the sides from the flaps sometimes though...
So 40 minutes into Batman my head just got to the point where I had to stop. Pain shooting from my eyes to the back of my head. I got confused in the Batcave and I think that's what caused it.

But holy shit what an experience. The crime scene reconstruction felt strangely real in the fight portion, which as a fan of the character is amazing. Hope to finish it tomorrow without the headache. But I'm definitely gonna finish it even if it takes a few days.
In the playroom VR where you're controlling the little guy in a sort of Ratchet and Clank-esque style. How do you get the wind to blow to get the guy off in the distance?

I don't know how to get in it single player but in 2 player mode the person playing on the TV controls a second flying robot who blows wind.


Damn, Thumper is pretty rad. There's going to be some fantastic indie VR games.

My eyes might just be strained at this point of the night. I really hope I can fix this blur tomorrow.


Junior Ace
After watching YouTube or Netflix for a couple minutes I notice the picture has moved to the left and I have to re-center it. What's up with that?


In the playroom VR where you're controlling the little guy in a sort of Ratchet and Clank-esque style. How do you get the wind to blow to get the guy off in the distance?

You will need a 2nd player (social screen) to help you out. He will play as an bto in ufo which can vacuum.


I don't know how to get in it single player but in 2 player mode the person playing on the TV controls a second flying robot who blows wind.

OH shit. So I guess I shall just continue.

Okay guys. What is the game with the most replayability that uses the move controller? I really want more games that use it.
After watching YouTube or Netflix for a couple minutes I notice the picture has moved to the left and I have to re-center it. What's up with that?

This has to be a glitch. I have read about a lot of people experiencing it. I'm experiencing it.
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