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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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One thing that gets to me is seeing the controller in game. It rocks back and forth. Not the headset and what you see, but just the controller. Shaking it sometimes helps but not much.

Not like I stare at it constantly in games but the games that do show it tend to be a bit iffy, especially on the demo menu.

Also, finally got the Kitchen demo to work. Scary AF. By only complaint there is the arms and they way they sit on the lap when you raise/lower the controller. It looks funky the way it comes to a dead stop on your legs lol. The sense of presence there was amazing though.
Yeah really cant wait for RE7 now.

SO much VR goodness already,hopefully we see some other stuff at PSX.


One thing that gets to me is seeing the controller in game. It rocks back and forth. Not the headset and what you see, but just the controller. Shaking it sometimes helps but not much.

Not like I stare at it constantly in games but the games that do show it tend to be a bit iffy, especially on the demo menu.

Also, finally got the Kitchen demo to work. Scary AF. By only complaint there is the arms and they way they sit on the lap when you raise/lower the controller. It looks funky the way it comes to a dead stop on your legs lol. The sense of presence there was amazing though.

When you just hear breathing and noises around you it is just the worse. Can't wait for re7. Should update that beginning hour demo with vr compatibility.
Mother of shit, I get home and there's an "attempted delivery" notice by UPS on the door, even though I ordered Thursday night and it said it was arriving Saturday.


*grabs keys and runs out door*
My PSVR order slipped right through my fingers.

I wasn't home to recieve the package, and now I need to wait until the next business day before I can go to the physical UPS store and pick it up, which is Monday :'(


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
This thing is really tough to find around here but I managed to get one just now.


Just spent like 3 hours in Sports Bar VR, game is great fun with friends. I hope they expand it with some more stuff to do. It makes me think how great something like PlayStation Home would be in VR, all the different games and stuff you could do, would have been amazing.
A pleasant surprise for me was Scavenger’s Odyssey in PlayStation VR Worlds. I had no idea what it was about or what to expect and I loved it! It gave me a sense of what a Metroid Prime VR might be like.
I am having a blast with the PSVR, Rez, and Super Hypercube. However, is anyone else's social screen mirrored game play super low resolution, like 480p youtube video stretched to 1080p bad? Also, there was a moment when the social screen cut out and only displayed a black screen when my friend was playing the demo disc. It came back on, but I had to power down the processing unit first. I hope I don't have a bad one because other than that the headset and tracking works pretty well.
About to start Batman. Better seated or standing?
Would be great if we had a list of the games in the already awesome OP and the best way to play them, either standing or sitting.
Could somebody share some Cinema mode impressions? How does it feel to play non vr games in vr?

Honestly. It's a bit if a guilty pleasure to me.

I'm really enjoying it and not st all distracted by the resolution. Looking through the optics kind of reminds me of looking at a projector back in the day.

Wife has been laying next to me playing playing DQ Builders on it for the last hour lol. You can just crash on the couch because it doesn't use camera tracking for this mode.


A pleasant surprise for me was Scavenger’s Odyssey in PlayStation VR Worlds. I had no idea what it was about or what to expect and I loved it! It gave me a sense of what a Metroid Prime VR might be like.
PS VR worlds was surprising to me alot of fun stuff in not bad at all for a pack in.
Well finally got it setup and tried a few games. The platformer playroom vr made me feel real uncomfortable really quick, just moving the character made me feel like I was lurching forward and my head and body didn't agree, too much and I would of thrown up. Shame, I liked the sound of it. The others that currently affect me are Eve: Val (wanted to be a space fighter pilot :( but those barrel rolls...), Rigs (at a certain moment I got really dizzy), and Battlezone wasn't too bad if I took it slowly but I was getting tired when I tried it so putting it down to that.

Bound, Volume and Ocean Descent demo were great though. Invasion is alright as a film but the resolution is drawback here. Allumete is great looking, love the style, but I kept getting audio dropouts constantly for some reason, even after reboot. I don't think I've tried much else, I notice time goes fast in VR. I started using it at 10pm, it's now 01:35am, 3 hours already.

Oh I used the VR star thing media app... it's ok I guess but the resolution is quite low to get much enjoyment from it for which is a little sad, yellowstone tour by NG, can't make out anything, which is a shame, games however I think look pretty good on the headset. I'll be getting the more simple stuff I think and I don't think my epilepsy helps, can't even try Thumper or Rez. Minor personal trials aside, it's great experience really in awe when using it. I do hope the pro helps with some of the media playback though.
Playroom VR is totally amazing!! I got nauseous after an hour of playing, but I was totally blown away. I'm so jealous of people who are able to play VR without problem.
Loving VR so far currently playing the demo games and have purchased

Job Simulator
Here they Lie
Batman Arkham VR
EVE Valkyrie (love this game)
Playstation VR Worlds
Until Dawn RoB

After playing the demo disk i am definitely getting rigs that was amazing so far the only game i havent been able to play for long is here they Lie it makes me feel a little uneasy after about a half hour.


Slept on the Wayward Sky demo. Might be a future purchase for me. It's definitely cute, even if the difficult is probably skewed towards younger or inexperienced gamers.

But I'll say this.... I had ZERO tracking issues while playing the game. I swear my moves didn't even have any jitter. It was quite good.
Someone trying to watch a movie with the PS VR? If so, what about the quality of the picture, it is clean or it's really not enjoyable because of the definition of the screen?


Well finally got it setup and tried a few games. The platformer playroom vr made me feel real uncomfortable really quick, just moving the character made me feel like I was lurching forward and my head and body didn't agree, too much and I would of thrown up. Shame, I liked the sound of it. The others that currently affect me are Eve: Val (wanted to be a space fighter pilot :( but those barrel rolls...), Rigs (at a certain moment I got really dizzy), and Battlezone wasn't too bad if I took it slowly but I was getting tired when I tried it so putting it down to that.

Bound, Volume and Ocean Descent demo were great though. Invasion is alright as a film but the resolution is drawback here. Allumete is great looking, love the style, but I kept getting audio dropouts constantly for some reason, even after reboot. I don't think I've tried much else, I notice time goes fast in VR. I started using it at 10pm, it's now 01:35am, 3 hours already.

Oh I used the VR star thing media app... it's ok I guess but the resolution is quite low to get much enjoyment from it for which is a little sad, yellowstone tour by NG, can't make out anything, which is a shame, games however I think look pretty good on the headset. I'll be getting the more simple stuff I think and I don't think my epilepsy helps, can't even try Thumper or Rez. Minor personal trials aside, it's great experience really in awe when using it. I do hope the pro helps with some of the media playback though.

Try Tumble, Headmaster, and Wayward Sky. Those are nice, chill experiences that shouldn't trigger much in the way of epilepsy or motion sickness.


I hope to see lots of mech games for psvr. Rigs seems like a good start but the cockpit's design is just terrible. I want lots of details you know? I want to feel like i'm really inside a badass mech!

If from software's new armored core is vr compatible, i'm gonna go buy that shit like my life depends on it.

You may need to adjust your camera though.

Totally worth it.
Great thanks!
I don't even do the Super Hero thing but my brother is HUGE into that stuff so I really bought it for him to try out this weekend. Reading the impressions here though I think I'm going to like it.
Btw I'm 45 and he is 49. Video games and comics! Lol


manually enter your iPd if you know it from your optometrist. Might help with the clarity compared to whatever default Sony is using and or the approximation they do using the ps camera.

Silly question but how do you enter it manually? All I can see is to run the image setup and place the crosshairs and it gives you whatever's it says based on that. I don't see a manual entry field?


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Just spent like 3 hours in Sports Bar VR, game is great fun with friends. I hope they expand it with some more stuff to do. It makes me think how great something like PlayStation Home would be in VR, all the different games and stuff you could do, would have been amazing.

I thought that got delayed?!?!


Someone trying to watch a movie with the PS VR? If so, what about the quality of the picture, it is clean or it's really not enjoyable because of the definition of the screen?

It's watchable. So long as you get the headset fit perfectly for a crystal clear view then it's not so bad at all in the middle setting. Fills your view much like sitting in the middle of a cinema does. Yeah it's lower resolution but it's not so low you can't enjoy a film. The PSVR definitely had a better screen and optics than my Gear VR does. The relative lack of screen door effect really helps, generally pictures look quite vibrant and sharp, in terms of being as sharp as they can be. People saying it's complete trash and unusable are using hyperbole or they just have ludicrously high standards.

I also played a 15 lap race of F1 2016 in this as well and... it was actually pretty damn awesome. Felt almost like I was playing it in VR, since it fills your field of view and so the scale of everything is much better than when I play on my paltry 32 inch tv. Yeah you lose pin sharp clarity in the graphics, but again the screen is sharp for the resolution it's at and quite vibrant too. Perfectly playable, and is quite cool just being completely engrossed in your game.
Just spent like 3 hours in Sports Bar VR, game is great fun with friends. I hope they expand it with some more stuff to do. It makes me think how great something like PlayStation Home would be in VR, all the different games and stuff you could do, would have been amazing.

Wait, what? How?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009



rez vr oh my goddddddd

I've never really played VR before EXCEPT for PS VR at the store and OMGGGGGGGGGGG

the only thing I can say is that I felt like I was leaving earth


Rez looks so unappealing when I look at a clip or something. But there has to be something there I guess with so many positive impressions. When I get access to a ps4 again it'll be the first demo I try this time.
Great thanks!
I don't even do the Super Hero thing but my brother is HUGE into that stuff so I really bought it for him to try out this weekend. Reading the impressions here though I think I'm going to like it.
Btw I'm 45 and he is 49. Video games and comics! Lol

It's really cool :)
Standing with the Moves for your hands was totally worth it.





rez vr oh my goddddddd

I've never really played VR before EXCEPT for PS VR at the store and OMGGGGGGGGGGG

the only thing I can say is that I felt like I was leaving earth
Rez VR is legit
I thought Thumper has raised the bar for me in rhythm games but catching the enemies flying towards another direction as well as boss fights in Rez are incredible


Dreams in Digital
Are these reaction hyperbolic or is this 'The real deal'? It's a serious question because right now this thread is making it sound like PSVR is the best thing to happen to gaming in ... like ... forever.


Had my second 2/3 hour stint with PSVR tonight. Good and bad. The bad being my tracking was faulty again. Just gentle head movemeants I'm not actually making and losing my head position when I do any ambitious turning around or whatever. Played in a dark room, then played with various lights on and off, pretty much the same experience every time. Sat the right distance away, middle of the room, nothing that could cause any issues. I just don't know.

I had issues the very first time, fixed it by switching off a lamp and it worked absolutely great last night. Tonight no joy. It wasn't crazy bad but my head was not steady like it should have been, and these small movements out really affect the immersion quite dramatically.



Having major problems with blurriness with thinks at depth. I've tried calibrating the eye thing, wiped the lenses, etc. I don't remember it being like this at the demo at Best Buy. I'm really not sure what to do, it's killing me.
I played a few of the demos last night after the Red Wings game. Had no issues, which was nice. I have a Bass Kicker on my chair, worked well with the space games. Until Dawn made me think of House of 1000 Corpses. I had already bought 100ft Robot Golf and Rez, still deciding other games.


Could somebody share some Cinema mode impressions? How does it feel to play non vr games in vr?

I was pleasantly surprised. You'd think by some people's accounts it is unusable but it's just like being in a pitch black room with a big screen. The quality is totally fine. It's how you navigate the menu too.
First issues with VR came from Batman VR. First off there seems to be no way for me to get playing while sitting to work so I did standing and I was getting glitchy move navigation and also head tracking for the first time. The other games like Rez, Thumper, depths I had no issue.


Has no PEINS
I haven't had any head tracking issues yet but I am constantly distracted by the fog on the lenses. It happens almost immediately when I put the thing on. Also I tend to get, like, hot? I start sweating and crap? I don't know how to fix this aside from trying to get a fan pointed at me when I'm playing or something
Are these reaction hyperbolic or is this 'The real deal'? It's a serious question because right now this thread is making it sound like PSVR is the best thing to happen to gaming in ... like ... forever.

You can find the same reactions in the Vive topic too. VR has a very high novelty value. Like ridiculously high. What is an unknown quantity is whether after three months the same people will be talking about dust gathering etc. Because as the novelty wears off - and it does - the gaming has to rise to the challenge.
PSVR has really quite a strong software lineup there are a few titles that are almost full games that are very pleasing to seemingly everyone. Vive and Oculus hasn't really had that. I'm curious to know if developers for the PS4 will continue to pump out a VR gem every now and again to keep things fresh and make up for the novelty curve decline.


How the heck do you access the Founder's Package in EVE? I thought it was bundled with it but I don't see anything in my inventory. :(

Having major problems with blurriness with thinks at depth. I've tried calibrating the eye thing, wiped the lenses, etc. I don't remember it being like this at the demo at Best Buy. I'm really not sure what to do, it's killing me.

Try adjusting where the helmet is on your face. When I move the screen physically up a little bit on my face it all comes into focus.
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