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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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If the defence has been weakened, a quick, forceful dive up the middle for a TD sounds likely to succeed.

I worry a premature dive play could out my entire gameplan lol. Feeling optimistic but man its killing me not playing it right now.


Did anyone else try here it lies demo and come away feeling a bit off? I mentioned it earlier but didn't get much of a response. I really liked what I played but I think moving with a control stick and head movement caused the disconnect floaty feeling.

It definetly feels floaty moving around but didn't make me nauseous at all and I played for 3 hours straight ignoring the games instructions to stop and take a break. My wife however lasted less than 5 minutes before feeling pretty severe mototion sickness.

If you can stand it I think the game is great. Had my first screaming at the top of my lungs while ripping the headset off moment.


Ah shucks. Are there any other versions of Move controllers beyond the old ones? Should I buy the moves second hand and the Ps4 camera separately then.

Nope, the Move controllers haven't changed at all. You'll be fine (one of mine is a PS3 bundled one).

Just don't get mixed up and buy the navigator move controller with the analog stick and no light ball. I'm not sure if those are still out there or not.
Just had my first VR experience with Ocean Descent and London Heist. It's really cool and you can see why people say you have to try it to understand it. I was definitely getting a little drift but otherwise it was super stable and fun. Looking forward to more


When I play the Kitchen demo I expected it to be darker but the room seems a lot brighter and loses a lot of its atmosphere. I've tried to turn the headset brightness down but it doesn't help.
Anyone else have this problem?


Well i still have mine sitting here unopened...I bought it with hopes of flipping for $, but in reality that was a trojan horse to get it in the house lol. Been showing my wife demos and today she said she almost wants to say screw it and keep it. Wish me luck bros I'm on the 1 yard line!

play the 'doesn't matter if its opened, I can sell it on for the same price I bought it for' line - gets you to at least demo it


It just reminds me of playing with legos as a kid. I am down on my knees or sitting cross-legged and I am like getting up and moving around and looking down at the tower and all that stuff. It's amazing. It is immersive and adds a new depth to even the simplest games ever.

Minecraft in VR is still one of my most immersive experiences - even back on the DK1 the blocks up close had an uncanny realism to them - you really feel you can reach out and touch them.

I'm so conflicted.

I played it at a colleague for a few hours and was pretty impressed by it, after having my expectations quite down (mostly from cursory reading of headlines in the last 7 days).

So basically I'm quite up on the device itself and the social screen got a lot of laughs in something like Headmaster.

But it's quite a lot of money and I still have so many 2D games and then the other hobbies.
Or reading about how often the Rift is used by dark10x after the initial wow is over.


I think PC VR is having a little drought at the moment - a regular flow of games will certainly help keep your interest. We all (mostly) have backlogs so its difficult to justify extra expenditure - but if you enjoy the technology and seeing games evolving, then its worth the admission price IMO just to see that in action.


I have a receiver where all my consoles and cable box are connected. how would I connect the psvr to the TV and ps4? I only have one hdmi coming from the receiver to the TV, all the consoles and cable boxes are connected directly to the receiver

Your current setup:
PS4 to Receiver

With PSVR:
PS4 to VR Breakout box
VR Breakout box to Receiver

You don't need any extra ports on the TV or receiver. There is 1 in and 2 outs on the breakout box. This way you can still get a regular PS4 signal to your TV and Headset at the same time.

The alternative to this would be to have the main out from your receiver go into the breaker box. This would allow you to play any content in cinematic mode.


Yeah, impressions sound good, but Im going to wait to see if they fix the drift. Seems like most people are having some issues, mostly minor drift, with some getting the more intense tracking swimminess.


Man what a game changer this is. I went in completely cold, having never tried the rift or the vive. My expectations were a little low after the first reviews came out and I was worried I was buying into a gimmick, but all that changed as soon as I fired up that Demo Disc.

It really is one of those things that you can't put into words... the feeling that you are occupying a physical space in the game world is absolutely spot on. I went straight for Driveclub because after hearing all the reviews about how unplayable it is I figured I would go right for the throat.... and I fell in love with it on the spot. Sitting in that cockpit and having everything be 1:1 scale, being able to look around and feel like the center console was even with my thigh where I would expect it to be, and being able to naturally look into the corners like they have tried to simulate in some of the more modern racing games was just incredible.

Yes the world around you IS blurry in that game... I wish the resolution was higher, but it's far from the things the press has said like "you have to squint to see where you are going" or "a total mess." It moves fluidly, plays well, and has amazing feeling of motion throughout. It's also the only game so far that I felt anything even remotely close to VR sickness. The first time I played it I was moving my head around a lot (moving it around, not just rotating) and it did make me dizzy. Took a short break and played other demos with no problems. I have since gone back to Driveclub with my VR Legs on and have had no problems.

Job Simulator is a ton of fun and while VR worlds is reminiscent of the old 3D0 experiences it's really impressive in ways I never expected it to be.... there isn't a lot of meat there but it's a great showcase for the tech, which is what it's supposed to be.

I was going to cancel my order after the reviews came but I am glad I stuck it out because this really is the future. And even though it's early in he VR era and the screen Rez could be higher, this absolutely in every way feels like a polished product and not a prototype. I am having no tracking issues unless I reach way too low in job sim - something illl fix later by moving my coffee table. Time to put the headset back on.


Wow, tried it today, some underwater shit with sharks, didnt know i needed this, going back tomorrow with ma big wallet and hopefuly they still have one for me to bring back home :)


Local Walmart here in Baxter,Mn has psvr in stock. Just a heads up for anyone still trying to get one. They had a few so maybe your local target/Walmart may have some as well.
Glad I had seen some of the GB and other streams to properly set my expectations re: tracking. The Move controllers are almost always jittering around or drifting forward and back, it's very easy for the camera to lose tracking and have your hands occasionally wig out, and there's a good deal of the world itself shifting around momentarily (thankfully I'm not very susceptible to motion sickness).

I expected it to be like this during the day since my play area is right next to a few windows with thin curtains that let in a lot of light (during calibration I simply could not dismiss the "too much light dude" message). I could still play stuff, but I was hoping the tracking would fare better at night, so it was a bummer to find it was practically the same. 5-6ft away from the camera, tried lights on / low lights / no lights, etc.

I think I a lot of the reaction to this depends on experience with the other two headsets. I haven't used them myself but I've watched a ton of people playing stuff over the last year, so my expectations for VR hand tracking are just set higher than the Move setup can realistically match.

Still, the level of general wonkiness is... workable. Frustrating, but not game-breaking. Played through all of Job Simulator last night, and by the end - absurdly fast and easy Platinum, btw - I had adjusted my movements to compensate for the lack of precision and to predict when the tracking might start to wander.

Hoping the software keeps coming. If it does and I don't wind up selling it at some point, I'll be curious to see what the next revision is. It'd be cool if their first step wasn't replacing the headset but instead figuring out new controllers or maybe adding "lighthouses."


VR worlds section where you are playing on the asteroids in the mech( I don't suggest it to anyone). Every other game was fine but that was like a bomb went off in the room. Everyone just packed up and went home lol. Sick as dogs.

That's a shame since I think it's the best game on the disc 2nd only to the Heist.

What gets me sick is free mode in Tomb Raider. Everything else is fine.


Day two of PSVR is even better than the first. Guys you weren't kidding. That Playroom paltformer was amazing! As it started up I said wow out loud to a room of no one. Truly a Mario 64 moment when you realize you just encountered something amazingly new. Truly shatters the idea of what I thought VR could do. We need a full game ASAP

Wayward demo was interesting. Would like to pick it up at some point. But that Until dawn demo was legit. I think I'll need to pick that up. Driveclub demo was pretty good. I can see how people could get motion sickness from it but I was fine.

Then I went back to Rez infinite and did Area 4, 5 and then Area X. Holy shit was that amazing!! I had goosebumps at the end of Area X. It was emotional

I'm so so so glad I got off the fence and dived in. On the outside I didn't know if there'd be enough content for me to enjoy and now I'm overwhelmed with all these cool games and can't get enough. Even if no other VR content came out I still feel it's been worth it.

I can't wait to see where this goes!

I came here to say this but beaten
Area 4 boss fight was simply amazing
Area X is my most beautiful experience on PSVR so far.

I need Rez 2
Just went into options and calibrated the eye position and headset lights..... Everything looks much sharper now, not to mention I've learned over the past two days how to put the headset on just right so everything is as clear as possible. I also gently wipe the lenses each time.


Really really appreciate the amount of free stuff that was released day of PSVR....literally hours of stuff to go over

PSVR Demo disc is easily the best demo disc Ive ever played....the presentation is incredible and a ton of demos.

VR Playroom has a ridiculous amount of polish that you would generally see in a full release

3 Free short films (Ill through Miku in there)

Day and date VR video viewers

very very good sony
Would a game that operated like Puppeteer or the rearrangement of panels in Portal 2 work for simulating locomotion without making you ill?

Like, if in the background, you always had a stable point of reference, but the world was reshaping around it underneath your feet.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately...


OK great, that's what I have. I'm a little afraid tho that my headphones are actually less comfortable than the headset and that will take me out of the experience.

Also how do you guys put the headset away when you're done with it? Disconnect it from PS Goiter and wrap it up somewhere?

I put mine back in the grey box it came in, fear of it getting dusty or damaged otherwise.
I put mine back in the grey box it came in, fear of it getting dusty or damaged otherwise.

Oh that's smart. Maybe that's why they made the box so sturdy and presentable. I wish the cord unplugged directly from the head set in that case so you didn't have to pack it away with trailing wires or unplug it from the splitter every time.
I have a question for Gaf...

I want to get a psvr...but I also want to have that full game experience with it. I do also want to get a ps4 pro...

Is resident evil 7 the first realized full playthrough game with psvr that is coming out? Yes, its a reason enough for me to get the psvr...but the game itself is not coming out for awhile. Should I wait...should I dive in...lol...im at this point where I want to pull the trigger, but my figure just hasnt clicked on the buy now button yet..

Ive never been so conflicted before lol. What AAA games do we know about in the future, or full length type games do we know about that will be coming eventually?

My fear is I buy it now, but then it collects dust for many months...


For many people a none drowsy dramamine works really well. Take it like 20 minutes before gaming. And it doesn't stop you from getting more and more accustomed to VR either which is great.

As for that platformer. Its movement forward without a connection to the game world has caused a lot of complaints your not the first. Just never play the game FATED and you wil be fine lol.,

hey man, are you gonna review PSVR games any time soon?


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I'm starting to get good at putting on the PSVR. Can get it on and in focus in second now. Awesome.

My fear is I buy it now, but then it collects dust for many months...

There is plenty to play on it just now.


Good Art™
Soooo got mine, just been 3 hours with the headset on, tried every demo (from the european disc, DC, Rigs, Battlething...) plus some apps and playroom. Never felt nauseous nor tired. I just removed it and i don't even feel weird or have some mark / physical senstation on my head like i always had with the dk2 after putting it for some time. It's like i basically didn't stay 3 hours in VR.

So comfort = 10/10 amazing

There is ZERO screen door. There is some grain you can see when it's darker, but i couldn't spot any screen door, and it was really obvious in the DK2, with the same resolution.

Now i had a lot of problems of tracking with the Dualshock. I think it's cause teh camera is on a table, and sometimes my hands go below the table. I have to find a better place for it.

Some games like wayward sky have a weird ... retroprjection problem ? Or a camera tracking problem i don't know but when i move my head i can see things being kinda warped. It's really obvious in that game, more than others. Also the controller tracking problem was horrendous in this demo, almost not playable.

Yes i have 2 moves, but .. i'm not sure, do i have to charge them the first time ? i guess. And... I'm worried about that, i need to plug both of them with usb ? Not on ps4 i hope cause there are not free usb available... So yeah i didn't use them for my first time.

Drive Club: No nausea, but i wasn't trying to look everywhere all the time lol. I guess if people do that it must feel nauseous pretty quick, like in a real car. The game feels good, is really playable like that, but.. Yeah it's blurry as fuck, the track in front of you, the landscape. Problem with that in VR, to me, is that it kinda killd the 3D effect. You just have a blurry mess in front of you like if you needed your glases and you forgot them. After playing many demos today i'm pretttty sure DC doesn't have the same resolution as other games... But the framerate seemed nice.

No Nausea in Battlezone nor rigs but i prefered Battlezone for the 2 stick control. I love that and there is zero problem for me in VR with second stick control so this is the most intuitive. Aiming with the head in Rigs felt weird but that kind of game is not really for me control wise. The scale and graphics looked great tho, Battlezone to with some intense action, loved it.

Eve looks amazing but the demo is way too short.
The platformer from playroom is really nice, really cute. But i also had a problem with the controller tracking, different this time. It kinda sliped.. The initial position of the controller was oriented wrongly after some times and i just had to push start and do the quick calibration to reboot it, weird...But it was playable without problem anyway even with that.

The funniest demo.. Tumble and Headmaster lol.

More globally i'm a little disappointed with something. I.. i wasn't really amazed at any of that, like the first time woth the Oculus dk2. It's a shame cause i'm pretty sure the experience is way more confy and better quality, and things are more refined. But hey that OMG moment is not eternal with VR. It'll be there again when there will be a major boost in quality i guess. That's also i think why reviewers are sometimes not selling the purpose of the vr, barely talking about the sense of immersion and all..

But still, i wanted to touch some things, like he robot or the palm trees in playroom, or the little helicopter that shoots at you. I said at loud OMG many times with a smile on my face like when you discover the factory around you in battlezone.

I mean contrary to what people said. The tech is way enough to do amazing things. It's an absolute lie to say PS4 is not enough and not legit for VR. This is WAY enough to do amazing things really. It's all about learning how to optimize things, what works or not. Some of the demo, like DC are clearly forced to VR without much work, and with a game that wasn't a good fit at all (graphic wise), but most games that are optimized are way sharp enough, clear and fluid.

Now i'll have to see what game i'm buying. I would almost be tempted to buy Tumble. Of course i know Rez is amazing but i couldn't try it. Thumer could be too frustrating for me i don't know.. I'll see.

Other minor things:

I'm disappointed with the 360° movies in the dedicated app. NONE of them are stereoscopic... Some have insanely bad quality but some others are good.

Not that much amazing use of binaural for now, but in the sega diva thing it wa nice to be on the stage behind her. You could hear the music from behind, then change clearly when turning your face.
I have a question for Gaf...

I want to get a psvr...but I also want to have that full game experience with it. I do also want to get a ps4 pro...

Is resident evil 7 the first realized full playthrough game with psvr that is coming out? Yes, its a reason enough for me to get the psvr...but the game itself is not coming out for awhile. Should I wait...should I dive in...lol...im at this point where I want to pull the trigger, but my figure just hasnt clicked on the buy now button yet..

Ive never been so conflicted before lol. What AAA games do we know about in the future, or full length type games do we know about that will be coming eventually?

My fear is I buy it now, but then it collects dust for many months...

I suspect RE7 will be a vomit-inducing experience. I know people are excited but I can't imagine it not with all the VR comfort rules it breaks.

Second, unrelated question from the previous page -- anybody have any thoughts on this?

Would a game that operated like Puppeteer or the rearrangement of panels in Portal 2 work for simulating locomotion without making you ill?

Like, if in the background, you always had a stable point of reference, but the world was reshaping around it underneath your feet.

I'd love to be proven wrong though.


I'm surprised that there's zero dizziness with Thumper. Maybe it's the fixed "perspective" of the beetle?

Incredible experience.
For many people a none drowsy dramamine works really well. Take it like 20 minutes before gaming. And it doesn't stop you from getting more and more accustomed to VR either which is great.

As for that platformer. Its movement forward without a connection to the game world has caused a lot of complaints your not the first. Just never play the game FATED and you wil be fine lol.,
Good shout on the Dramamine. However it's not sold in the UK and Ireland. But Bonine should do a similar job.
I'm surprised that there's zero dizziness with Thumper. Maybe it's the fixed "perspective" of the beetle?

Incredible experience.

I think it's gotta be the fixed perspective.

Man, Thumper is cool. It doesn't make me nauseous but it certainly assaults my senses in other ways.
I suspect RE7 will be a vomit-inducing experience. I know people are excited but I can't imagine it not with all the VR comfort rules it breaks.

Second, unrelated question from the previous page -- anybody have any thoughts on this?

I'd love to be proven wrong though.

Im an RPG, Action/adventure, Story based, content driven gamer. Best games ive played lately, are witcher 3, Far Cry Primal, BLoodborne, Dark Souls 3, Uncharted 4. Looking forward to World of FF, FF15, RE7, Horizon, Last Gaurdian...

Are there games like these, or some variation of these, coming to PSVR at some point"?


There is plenty to play on it just now.

Don't forget you can play regular PS4 games with it too.

While there's a loss in image quality, I wanted to play all my games in VR because it felt like I was playing in my own movie theater. Way more interesting than just staring at the monitor on my desktop.


I will be truly amazed if people don't have tracking issues the first time they turn it on. 3 days in I have the camera and everything set nicely and am having little to no issue. First night was pretty bad, but it was due to a light I had on in the room.

In short if you are having tacking issues, spend the time to get everything set ocrrectly and using the vr set up accordingly
Day 3 of PSVR and I haven't even tried the Playroom platformer yet! Today I'm also buying Rez and checking out the rest of the demos.

Has anyone else had the experience of feeling like they've been somewhere--like actually to a different place--when using PSVR? At first I thought it was just novelty and the feeling of having and experiencing something new, but it's more than that; it's like it's tricking my brain into thinking and feeling like I've been someplace I want to go back to.
I have had absolutely 0 tracking issues. The one problem I had was when someone was about 10 ft back from the camera the screen darkened until he moved closer.

Also, Im not sure if anyone has mentioned, but one thing that has blown most peoples mind when I show them stuff, is that during the Heist-when you have the cigar and lighter-if you bring the lit cigar to your face and make and inhale sound the ashes burn, and when you make an exhale sound smoke comes out of your mouth as if you are puffing on it. Its pretty awesome.


I will be truly amazed if people don't have tracking issues the first time they turn it on. 3 days in I have the camera and everything set nicely and am having little to no issue. First night was pretty bad, but it was due to a light I had on in the room.

In short if you are having tacking issues, spend the time to get everything set ocrrectly and using the vr set up accordingly

Also, please make sure to put the PS Camera at approximately eye level when sitting down (I think Sony recommends ~4ft high).

I had the camera positioned below my TV and the tracking was really shitty. I moved it so it was on top, and now it is much better.
So I took myself to Shoreditch in London, to the pop up location Sony had set up with the 19 demo pods. (the whole experience felt like a blast from the past - similar experience going to a out of the way location to try out the Xbox when it launched here!).

Anyway, to preface - my only expereince of VR is Google Cardboard and VR back in the 90s on an arcade machine *yhes, that shows my age!)

I first tried out Battlezone VR, then Batman VR.

I really had no idea what to expect, and I knew it wasnt going to be PC level graphics, or even PS4 - but I was greatly impressed. Battlezone had a real sense of scale, and presence. I was 'there' - I was in a tank, shooting at stuff. The targeting was spot on, and being able to look all around naturally really helped spot things. It was extremely weird seeing the dualshock floating in mid air in front of me, moving 1:1 with the real thing - but it really really helped.
It showed me the potential VR has for changing what could be quite complex controls into something a little simpler and more natural. My demo lasted approx 6 minutes, and after coming 'out' of the VR world, i was a little dizzy - but not queasy.

I went over to play the Batman VR next, and waited a little longer.

This one was with the Move controllers, and standing.

Initially they didnt give me the headphones, and restarted the game, but after I was back in with all the sounds.

Put it this way - my mind was blown - totally blown by the immersion and sense of being there.

In a regular 2d game, a cahracter is framed on the screen, and disconnected with you.

But in VR, I am there, amongst the scenery, with alfred right next to me - I could lean over and see him in more detail, look around etc. THen my hands, althouygh disembodied, where there - I could move them about natuyrally, reach for things - that worked exactly as it would in real life.

I took the key from alfred, bent down to look for the key hole foud it, then iserted and twisted the key - etc etc.on the piano. Played it, then desc3ended to the batcave.

Once again, my mind was blown - the sense of depth, movement, and lighting, it just felt like I was really there putting on the bat costume. Holding the cowel up and examining the baterang, etc, shooting the grappling hook - felt natural .

The whole experience was somthing I will rave about for some time - I cant explain how exciting it was to be so immersed within a game world.

Yes, the gameplay was limited in the demo - just the actions of moving stuff about and so on was novel.

The controller tracking jittered all over the place.which was a bit annoying, and the lack of physical feedback lad to a few odd moments. It would have been far better if the hands were actually 'yours' with full finger tracking too - but I guess that technology is not here yet.

The most important thing though was that total immersion - and I'm sold on it.

Can't afford a VR headset of any type yet - except Google Cardboard (that I got for nothing!) - so I'll be saving up for the future!
Im an RPG, Action/adventure, Story based, content driven gamer. Best games ive played lately, are witcher 3, Far Cry Primal, BLoodborne, Dark Souls 3, Uncharted 4. Looking forward to World of FF, FF15, RE7, Horizon, Last Gaurdian...

Are there games like these, or some variation of these, coming to PSVR at some point"?

They wouldn't work well in VR. The thing about VR is, you can't just copy and paste old flat plane design philosophies to stereoscopic VR and have it be comfortable (let alone enjoyable) to the player. Games need to be tailored for VR or, by chance, be designed in an atypical way that is conducive to the VR experience (Thumper, Rez, etc.).

You would not enjoy playing the Witcher 3 as is in VR with your head just replacing the camera. Trust me.

However, games with that type and bredth of content may eventually come to VR, but they will be designed very differently than what you see today.
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