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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Press - MP1st.com
Impressions from Kitchen, Playroom VR and Wayward Sky?

Go try Kitchen. Seriously, it might be the best showcase PSVR piece for me. I've shown it to like five people, all were blown away and couldn't stop talking about it after. What's most interesting is, if you're just watching the action unfold on the TV, you won't be scared at all. But wearing the headset, it makes everything "pop."

Playroom VR is awesome as well for something that's free. My kid loves playing the sea creature thing and the cat game. :D

Kitchen VR, though, I can't see myself playing the entire game that way. I won't be able to take it.


The mine level on rush of blood is nothing short of amazing, great mix of speed, scale and immersion. I'd be down for some dlc levels now I've played them all. Gotta go back and get those collectibles though.


Just finished about an hour of Thumper.


I'm fine...

My wife asked me why i was playing that stupid game..

Get away woman im concentrat.... arrrghhhhh

F#@k off !!!

I had a smack on the head for that.


Is there a list anywhere of which games use the DS4 and which ones use 1 or 2 Move controllers? I have a Move from way back and I'm debating whether I should get a second one or stick to the single one for now.

I haven't had a ton of time on my PSVR but this matches my impression. It's cleaner in general but on some games you can still discern pixels on some games on PSVR. I also only noticed blur at the edges of PSVR while I thought the Gear was blurrier near the center. Although I think a lot of it is art style; Thumper kind of blew me away at how awesome it looked, but the overall graphics are really simple, it just has a great art style.

PSVR is supposed to blur a bit at the edges to simulate peripheral vision.


Go try Kitchen. Seriously, it might be the best showcase PSVR piece for me. I've shown it to like five people, all were blown away and couldn't stop talking about it after. What's most interesting is, if you're just watching the action unfold on the TV, you won't be scared at all. But wearing the headset, it makes everything "pop."

Playroom VR is awesome as well for something that's free. My kid loves playing the sea creature thing and the cat game. :D

Kitchen VR, though, I can't see myself playing the entire game that way. I won't be able to take it.

Yeah I will deffo try it once I get a PSVR, I have already downloaded it from PSN :) . They're kinda sold out here in Sweden it looks like. But should restock on monday.
Is anyone seeing abberation on writing? Whenever there's just black and white on the screen I'm getting serious red and blue lines above the white, especially bad with only writing on the screen.

I still have to play around to get the fit right it seems. Also is Kitchen very very shimmery to anyone else? I mean I don't notice it once it starts but yeah on the start game screen it looks horrible. No idea if it's just set up or not though.
Battlezone, RIGS, Until Dawn and Driveclub all massively repayable.

Batman and what I've played of the assembly are good but one time things

Vr world's and Playroom seem more like showcases for people trying vr although London Heist is fantastic as a one time playthrough

Varies from game to game, same as always. Obviously the score-chaser or multi-player games like Drive Club, Until Dawn, RIGs or EVE are infinitely replayable until you get sick of them. Stuff like Batman Arkham VR makes its best impression the first time, and after that, there's really only a need to go back to it to show off to friends, or for trophy clean up.

It's pretty much like any game, minus the novelty of the immersion factor. Some games you'll go back to again and again, others you won't. I can't see too many people trying out Ocean Descent over and over again, though the occasional revisit is understandable. On the other hand, if you're the creative type, then the 3D drawing tool in the Harmonix music visualizer can keep you engaged for hours without even noticing.

Thanks guys!

Man I haven't been this jealous since all my friends got an snes and I had to wait lol.

can't wait for a game like skyrim


I'm not playing horror things, fuck them.

Playroom i talked about it, great platformer. I'd like a full game, but had a slight calibration problem with the pad that kept changing it's base orientation. Its a shame most games in playroom are multiplayers. They are really pretty.

Wayward Sky was barely playable due to tracking problems with my cam and the pad.

That's so bizarre. The Wayward Sky demo gave me no tracking problems at all, but I was playing with Moves. I mean, it was near perfect!
Only partly way into the the Playroom platformer and all I can say is if Sony isn't making a full game based on this then they need their heads examined.


That's so bizarre. The Wayward Sky demo gave me no tracking problems at all, but I was playing with Moves. I mean, it was near perfect!

One of my vr hands flipped, and then a little bit later the other did so I just swapped the moves over and they were the correct way round again. It happened because of occlusion.


Is/was fallout 4 being considered for ps vr or was that a vive/PC thing. I cannot remember the news a few months back


Go try Kitchen. Seriously, it might be the best showcase PSVR piece for me. I've shown it to like five people, all were blown away and couldn't stop talking about it after. What's most interesting is, if you're just watching the action unfold on the TV, you won't be scared at all. But wearing the headset, it makes everything "pop."

Gotta admit, I was disappointed. Having heard all the impressions since it was first shown I expected something far more scary. I much prefer horror that draws on the psychological, rush of blood does this when the gun flashlights go out, its way more effective.


Went through a few more demos on the pack in disc:

Rigs - I chose the experienced option and didn't have any trouble motion sickness wise. It was a bit difficult to aim and differentiate team members but I think I could get the hang of it if I had more time with it.

Thumper - This was the most stressful 5 minutes I've had playing a game in a long time. It really beats you.

Ocean Descent - The Shark one wasn't on the disc I guess, but I did really enjoy just looking at the fishes.

Tumble - This was a ton of fun even with just the Dual Shock. Would be better with a move though I imagine. The colored laser part felt so much like a local science museum exhibit.

Headmaster - I love the concept on paper but in the amount of time I had with it couldn't get it dialed in enough to where my shots were predictable.
I have two problems I didn't see mentioned:

1) In cockpit games that render a body, my virtual legs seem to always be pointing a few degrees off to the right. No amount of recalibration seems to fix it.

2) In games like the London Heist, in the shooting section where you open the draws to get the gun and ammo I'm too close to the desk, almost clipping it. The same thing happened in the pub where the ashtray and lighter are on the table, I'm too close to the table. This also happens with Wayward Sky's puzzles that pop up like light the switch ones. I can correct this by leaning forward then holding Options but it still feels a bit off. Batman was fine.

I have fully recalibrated the headset and controllers several times. I get a bit of drift too but not as much as others here do.

NOTE: I sit about 7 to 8 feet away from my TV/camera.

Any advice?


Played danger ball today from VR Worlds. I really liked that, wish it had an online component. It's like 3D pong. Also tried the luge. It was alright, didn't really like how it controls. Gave me butterflies every time I caught air though.

Also the Harmonix VR demo was really cool but not sure how long the novelty would last if I bought it. The drawing section was really cool, and the one with the dance floor was good fun too. Also tried GNOG and I'm not sure what the hell I played. I had to quit on the second scenario cause I couldn't figure out what to do.

Horror is crazy scary, tried the Here They Lie demo and didn't last very long. until dawn, either. Still need to try Kitchen, and I'm also pretty certain Ocean Descent is gonna freak me out. Other than that I've sampled all the demos and tried everything in VR Worlds.

I'm gonna have to start digging into Rigs soon. Really


Thanks guys!

Man I haven't been this jealous since all my friends got an snes and I had to wait lol.

can't wait for a game like skyrim

We might have a long wait for that.

There are definite problems with "traditional" L3/R3 controls that we're used to for navigation in game worlds. Once you're in first person in VR, it just doesn't work very well. I'm very fortunate so far, I've seem to have an iron stomach for this because I've played games like Here They Lie without any discomfort at all, but it's made a lot of people nauseous. As much as people rag on "lame tactics" like teleporting, once you realize it's the difference between having a playable experience and hugging the toilet vomiting your guts out, lame is infinitely preferable.

That's one reason why so many of these launch games like Until Dawn, Here They Lie and even Batman: Arkham VR are shorter gameplay experiences, or, break up their sections into chunks where they advise you to take a break. I'm actually used to the mechanics for Here They Lie now, but my first few sessions playing it, I did feel my stomach fluttering as my brain struggled to reconcile the fact that my inner ear was screaming "YOU'RE STATIONARY!" but my eyes were saying "Dude, we're TOTALLY moving right now." A lot of people can't resolve that, and that's when VR motion sickness kicks in.

I'm fine with all the demos of RIGs, Drive Club and EVE, but I didn't bother to buy the full games for any of those, so I don't know whether I'd get sick as some others have reported once they get full access to different arenas and controller layouts, tracks with hills or complete, sustained freedom in space, so that might make me sick. But I do know Jim Sterling couldn't play Here They Lie at all without getting ill, and while I did get a sensation of "horizontal vertigo" while playing it, I got my VR legs and don't feel that way now.


Played danger ball today from VR Worlds. I really liked that, wish it had an online component. It's like 3D pong. Also tried the luge. It was alright, didn't really like how it controls. Gave me butterflies every time I caught air though.

Also the Harmonix VR demo was really cool but not sure how long the novelty would last if I bought it. The drawing section was really cool, and the one with the dance floor was good fun too. Also tried GNOG and I'm not sure what the hell I played. I had to quit on the second scenario cause I couldn't figure out what to do.

Horror is crazy scary, tried the Here They Lie demo and didn't last very long. until dawn, either. Still need to try Kitchen, and I'm also pretty certain Ocean Descent is gonna freak me out. Other than that I've sampled all the demos and tried everything in VR Worlds.

I'm gonna have to start digging into Rigs soon. Really

Here they lie is the first game to make me sweat, also gave me som butterflies with the movement now and again


Does any of the PS4 RGB full/limited and deep colour settings affect the PSVR screen settings?
I ask because I find the black levels in the Kitchen demo is brighter than it should be.

I'm curious about this too. I'll have to mess with it later if no one chimes in.
I have two problems I didn't see mentioned:

1) In cockpit games that render a body, my virtual legs seem to always be pointing a few degrees off to the right. No amount of recalibration seems to fix it.

2) In games like the London Heist, in the shooting section where you open the draws to get the gun and ammo I'm too close to the desk, almost clipping it. The same thing happened in the pub where the ashtray and lighter are on the table, I'm too close to the table. This also happens with Wayward Sky's puzzles that pop up like light the switch ones. I can correct this by leaning forward then holding Options but it still feels a bit off. Batman was fine.

I have fully recalibrated the headset and controllers several times. I get a bit of drift too but not as much as others here do.

NOTE: I sit about 7 to 8 feet away from my TV/camera.

Any advice?

I know on London Heist, it sounds like it is detecting you close to the camera. That is definitely a game where you can move closer to the camera to get closer to the desk, and move back to get about a step away from it. I have to stand up, lean/step forward to get ammo out of the drawer.

I played that game sitting about as far away from the camera as I could. In my gaming setup, if I sit on the edge of my couch, I can still play the game by standing up, leaning forward, even taking a step forward. If I lean back on my couch against the backrest, it says I am out of range. So I have had the best experience with London Heist playing it from the very rear of the play space.


Well at least now PSVR Porn works, I was actually surprised how good it is.

Huh? There's no 3D support. I tried it and just had both viewpoints wrapped in a sphere (left eye to the left of me, right eye to the right).

I then out of couriosity tried it on my 3dtv but ofcourse the image is all warped which really messed with the 3d effect.


Well at least now PSVR Porn works, I was actually surprised how good it is.

I'm going to assume you downloaded something to a USB stick and then played it back through the media player.

However, are the files just 360 degree viewing, or are they actually 3D?


Here They Lie was too damn scary for me.

I was brave enough for Until Dawn and Kitchen, but Here They Lie...nooooo

You should try the full version of Here They Lie. Yikes. Rattled me a few times and I'm never really scared of horror games but it's a whole different ballgame in VR. Totally unsettling but in a good way.
Lol that ending was pretty amazing in the demo.
I couldn't make it to the end. I admitted defeat when the
dead pigs showed up in the bloody floor
and I didn't know where to go and wasn't interested in investigating haha

You should try the full version of Here They Lie. Yikes. Rattled me a few times and I'm never really scared of horror games but it's a whole different ballgame in VR. Totally unsettling but in a good way.

I just watched some streams of it. I'll definitely keep an eye on this one and pick it up on sale. Seems like a one-time playthrough kind of game.
Im an RPG, Action/adventure, Story based, content driven gamer. Best games ive played lately, are witcher 3, Far Cry Primal, BLoodborne, Dark Souls 3, Uncharted 4. Looking forward to World of FF, FF15, RE7, Horizon, Last Gaurdian...

Are there games like these, or some variation of these, coming to PSVR at some point"?

No reason they can't do awesome third person major games on VR. Uncharted VR would be nuts.

That said no there doesn't seem to be anything big coming out other than RE7. It's a transitional moving game, decks are scared of letting you move in FP because you can get sick.

I feel people will just have to suck it up, we will never get full fledged games if we Are so afraid of letting our games play right. I had played a bunch of FPS on vorpx, it's not the most comfortable but it fine with it. RE7 is what VR needs, a major release.
First of all even with how low grade it looked in VR, the kitchen demo scared the fook outta me!!! I don't think I can play games with scary things so close in my face. It felt like I was in the room with that scary lady and I don't like it!!!!

what's this I'm hearing about eye calibration though? Is there more customization besides just pushing the visor back and forth with the button? I'm still about underwhelmed by the blurriness nothing looks that clean to me.


How is the full game? Length etc

I played for two hours and cleared what I think is one of four worlds.

Keep in mind I was playing very, very slowly and trying to see every little bit of the level from different angles and looking for secrets. My guess is that it's a 3-4 hour game at a normal pace.


Here They Lie was too damn scary for me.

I was brave enough for Until Dawn and Kitchen, but Here They Lie...nooooo

I'm still making my way through this game, but it nails a real sense of dread. Even when nothing's happening, if you take a look at a dark alley or an open doorway in a house, you feel like something terrible is about to happen.

The sound design and the look of the game is also pretty amazing, even though it is blurry. It feels like I'm walking through David Lynch's Eraserhead movie.


Despite telling myself I wouldn't get this since I have an Oculus and Vive I ended up succumbing to the hype. I could only find one of my Move controllers though, will I be missing out of a lot if I don't pick up another one or can the DS4 be used in place of it?


First of all even with how low grade it looked in VR, the kitchen demo scared the fook outta me!!! I don't think I can play games with scary things so close in my face. It felt like I was in the room with that scary lady and I don't like it!!!!

what's this I'm hearing about eye calibration though? Is there more customization besides just pushing the visor back and forth with the button? I'm still about underwhelmed by the blurriness nothing looks that clean to me.

There's a whole other set of calibration options in system settings where you can go to devices I believe measure eye PD and calibrate the lights on the VR by holding it at the camera...


Still loving the system but I finally had a bad experience, Battlezone, the tank was much faster(weightless?)than I expected and I ended up feeling pretty ill.

The game looked amazing so I hope I can build up some kind of resistance.


Incredibly Naive
Despite telling myself I wouldn't get this since I have an Oculus and Vive I ended up succumbing to the hype. I could only find one of my Move controllers though, will I be missing out of a lot if I don't pick up another one or can the DS4 be used in place of it?

If your looking for hand tracking you'll need both. Most games that use move use both.
I'm still making my way through this game, but it nails a real sense of dread. Even when nothing's happening, if you take a look at a dark alley or an open doorway in a house, you feel like something terrible is about to happen.

The sound design and the look of the game is also pretty amazing, even though it is blurry. It feels like I'm walking through David Lynch's Eraserhead movie.

Here They Lie feels like a nightmare to me (in the best of ways).


what's this I'm hearing about eye calibration though? Is there more customization besides just pushing the visor back and forth with the button? I'm still about underwhelmed by the blurriness nothing looks that clean to me.

PS4 system menu -> Devices -> Playstation VR

I went through all the options to be thorough but can't say I noticed anything different after doing it.

My eyes were however 1mm closer together than the default


Good Art™
Hmm ok soo wtf with the move controllers, how am i meant to use them ?

I have the vr headest on one usb, the camera on one other, and the dual shock in the last one.

I just tried and they don't charge via pc usb. No red light. Sooo.. ??? Why nobody tells us the charging dock is not avoidable for the moves... ?


I'm still making my way through this game, but it nails a real sense of dread. Even when nothing's happening, if you take a look at a dark alley or an open doorway in a house, you feel like something terrible is about to happen.

The sound design and the look of the game is also pretty amazing, even though it is blurry. It feels like I'm walking through David Lynch's Eraserhead movie.

What is unsettling for me is the dread it builds in you. It's like you've walked into your own surreal nightmare knowing that someone or something is watching what you're doing the entire time. I am a bit disappointed in the bluriness of it but the world still envelopes you nonetheless.


Hmm ok soo wtf with the move controllers, how am i meant to use them ?

I have the vr headest on one usb, the camera on one other, and the dual shock in the last one.

I just tried and they don't charge via pc usb. No red light. Sooo.. ??? Why nobody tells us the charging dock is not avoidable for the moves... ?

The Move needs its data pins to connect to something to charge, so it won't work with standard wall chargers, but a PC should work. Try using a different port.


Felium Defensor
These user impressions and VR stories...just fantastic!
PSVR doing better than I honestly expected in terms of delivering that VR experience. So glad a bunch of you got to finally taste the beauty that is decent virtual reality. 2nd/3rd iterations will freaking blow minds, hopefully.
If this is indeed the case, this simply looks like an oversight from Sony: Since the VR API has information of the head direction, they could simply re-arrange the sound mixing for stationary sets, with an option. They just need to stop re-positioning sounds around you and process sounds differently for sounds above or below when you tilt your head.
The 3D audio is still not going to work anywhere near as well. It only works with headsets because it's simulating being "recorded" with a special stereo mike(they actually exist), which has the two microphones separated by the same distance as the average humans ears. Even on the best surround set in the world, it's not going to be close.


Hmm ok soo wtf with the move controllers, how am i meant to use them ?

I have the vr headest on one usb, the camera on one other, and the dual shock in the last one.

I just tried and they don't charge via pc usb. No red light. Sooo.. ??? Why nobody tells us the charging dock is not avoidable for the moves... ?

How old are your Move controllers? I had two old ones sitting around from the PS3 days, and one recharged just fine while the the other was dead. Move controller batteries can, apparently, die on you if they're left alone too long, I had to buy a replacement for that controller.


Good Art™
The Move needs its data pins to connect to something to charge, so it won't work with standard wall chargers, but a PC should work. Try using a different port.

Tried different ports on my pc, it blinks 6 times then stops.

How old are your Move controllers? I had two old ones sitting around from the PS3 days, and one recharged just fine while the the other was dead. Move controller batteries can, apparently, die on you if they're left alone too long, I had to buy a replacement for that controller.

I received them today with the PSVR :p

So i have to use the 2 front ports of the ps3 to charge 3 things, while unpluging the headset... that's horrible. Fuck you Sony
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