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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Incredibly Naive
I haven't been keeping up since launch. Is it generally agreed now that VR is a Real Thing that is just going to get better with future iterations?

Can we finally put to rest the debate that this is a gimmick and a fad and the next wiimote? That it's going to be a slow build up to something great, not an instant success? That the technology and developer techniques have to grow, like 3D/polygonal games?

That the potential goes way beyond games, and that it will exist alongside traditional gaming rather than replacing it?

Seriously. It's been exhausting.

To be fair saying that now is as premature as the buyers remorse thread. I love vr so far but I'm still in the honeymoon phase where even just messing with throwing stuff in the wayward sky menu is fun. People were convinced waggle was the future for a long time after Wii came out. Personally I do think it has a place in the future, but it's still likely a ways off until mass market acceptance.


Good Art™
Okay the Playroom platformer

I was okay with Nintendo saying they weren't sure VR was a "fit" with their stuff


BULLSHIT. That and Rez made me NEED Mario or Star Fox.

Right ?
First time i played Vanguard V (i guess Rez plays the same but i didn't try it yet) and some crappy horrible 3d platformer demo with the oculus, i thought. It's IMPOSSIBLE somoene makes Shigeru try this and he doesn't immediately decides to makes games like that.

VR for 3D platformer is a game changer. The scale, the distance, the perspective.. It's actually a BIG gameplay enhancement.


I did that before playing again. Even rehooked everything up. It's the one game that keeps making my body twitch around every know and again.

For the most part the move controllers work for me when you're facing the camera. When I turn and reach down for things is when I lose tracking.


Until Dawn : Rush of Blood scared the BAJEEZUS out of me!

I can't do hour in VR! It's too intense... and that's saying a lot because horror movies are my favorite genre.
Okay the Playroom platformer

I was okay with Nintendo saying they weren't sure VR was a "fit" with their stuff


BULLSHIT. That and Rez made me NEED Mario or Star Fox.

Even the music reminded me of 3D World XD
Sony has a hidden gem here and if they don't have Japan studios to make that platformer into a new IP on it's own, then it's money on the table.
I just tried the RIGS demo, and while it was pretty cool, I don't feel like I got a good sense of the controls/rules. Is there a control guide out there?


For the most part the move controllers work for me when you're facing the camera. When I turn and reach down for things is when I lose tracking.

That's ususally where everything goes bonkers and I think I'm just done with the game. I'm sitting here right now and it feels like I'm bouncing around my room outside of VR. Not a good feeling and it's the only game that did it.

I read on reddit not to go into rest mode. Do a restart power cycle for some of this movement stuff to stop.
If anyone is curious, don't even bother with Job Simulator. The tracking is so bad.

My girls have played this demo no less than 20 times, and it has worked perfectly for them. I mean, they are picking up everything, throwing stuff, knocking stuff around, and they haven't had any tracking issues.

I have shared this before, but since launch, from the initial hookup, my PSVR experience has been near perfect. Tracking has been great. We have only had a few issues of getting to far away from the camera and simply walking to far left and right out of range.

My camera is on top of my TV, 4 feet off the floor, and we sit in a chair that is 76 inches (6 feet 4 inches) away from the Camera.


I was looking at this one and there's absolutely no information about the PS4 version. The vive version is supposed to be good. Are the controls responsive and aiming accurate using the move controllers?

Controls of Brookhaven Experiment are responsive an feel accurate.

There is one thing I don't like about it: You can not attack while turned 180° away from the camera. That's of course because of the way tracking works; if the headset/controllers are completely invisible to the camera then there is only partial tracking data available for the system. So in order to attack enemies behind you, you have to press a button to look backwards (while still facing the PS4 camera in front of you), meaning you can't actually physically turn 180° and then attack. (You can physically turn 180° and look backwards, though.)
No idea if it's the same way when playing Brookhaven on PC using Vive.

This is only a minor complaint, the game is perfectly playable once you unerstand how it works. I suppose the ability to instantly turn backwards using a button is actually an advantage, because it's faster.

Aaron D.

Can we finally put to rest the debate that this is a gimmick and a fad and the next wiimote? That it's going to be a slow build up to something great, not an instant success? That the technology and developer techniques have to grow, like 3D/polygonal games?

That the potential goes way beyond games, and that it will exist alongside traditional gaming rather than replacing it?

Seriously. It's been exhausting.

I think you're asking for an awful lot this early in the game.

One of the major things that separate gimmicks and fads from the real deal is not only the adoption rate, but also the retention rate.

Everyone is in the honeymoon phase with the hardware right now. Go back a year and look at press coverage for Oculus and Vive. You'll see the same sense of wonder and excitement. Fast forward to today and those same outlets just aren't as excited over PS VR 'cause it's nothing new to them, and there's not much out there beyond bite-sized demo-like VR experiences.

I think it's going to take some time to see how all this shakes out. How many pick up PS VR (if it's gonna happen, it's gonna be with the accessibility of PS VR), and how much software is being developed for it 2 years from now.

The tech is amazing for sure. But market success and support is not measured by how good a product is, but rather adoption rates and continued consumer interest.


I just tried the RIGS demo, and while it was pretty cool, I don't feel like I got a good sense of the controls/rules. Is there a control guide out there?

I felt the same way when I played it for the first time, I fired it up again yesterday and I got it much more.

I have to say the feeling when you drop down further than you are anticipating is breathtaking and stomach lurching (in a good way!)
Even the music reminded me of 3D World XD
Sony has a hidden gem here and if they don't have Japan studios to make that platformer into a new IP on it's own, then it's money on the table.

It's charming and I like the little space dudes. I would anticipate a full game with more mechanics.

And Sonic would be glorious.


Having spent a few hours in Driveclub, I have to say, it's a fantastic game, and I absolutely love it in VR. The sense of being in a million dollar car, drifting around corners. My 10 year old self basically cried. Though, I completely understand why some people just cannot play it. Reversing drives my brain insane. Also, I absolutely love how it provides little "your friend got a drift score of [x] on this corner" as you're playing. The Uncharted collection did this sorta thing as well. Such a great little feature.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Had a big long go at a friends tonight. Had tried it at stage shows but in a home setting, the headset is amazingly easy to slip on and off. It decimates the comfort of the Vive and Oculus. Friend didn't have Move controllers though and Sony really need to lower the prices on those or bundle them in. On to the games:

Playroom VR
A gauntlet slap directly to Nintendo's face. The whole thing is dripping in the family friendly charm that Nintendo's stuff exhibits with exceedingly social multiplayer games. Then it goes even further by having an amazing proof of concept 3d platformer also with innovative multiplayer as a victory lap.

I'd pay to see Miyamoto's facial expressions playing it at a trade show or in a back room.

I'd only played the trade tutorial demo of this which had left me non-plussed, but getting to set all the controls to my liking made it a lot better. The areas all the option screens are in are really fucking excellent and immersive and the ejection without masking on is a real experience. Sold on it now.

Veering down the corridors on the Running Man boss was a l a r m i n g. Very strange to be playing a Dreamcast game in VR.

Eve Valkyrie Demo
A big fuck you on how ridiculously short it is all why firing Review Quotes at you on startup. It being the most expensive launch title is hilarious as well. Get in that bargain bin you outrageous bastards.


PES in this thing is actually pretty rad - even with regular games being shut-off like you are makes it that much more immersive. Can't wait until they have a VR mode where you can look around the pitch.
Finally had a go at the playroom platforming game. Wow. Though standing up while playing gave me a wierd sense when moving forward. Like my body was projecting me going forward even though I physically wasnt. It was wierd.
I felt the same way when I played it for the first time, I fired it up again yesterday and I got it much more.

I have to say the feeling when you drop down further than you are anticipating is breathtaking and stomach lurching (in a good way!)
Cool, I'll have to fire it back up later tonight and give it another try.

Also, I noticed a slight HUD jitter while in the mech. Has anyone else experienced this? It's the first game I've tried that I have noticed any jitter. Hopefully there's a way to remedy this.


I haven't been keeping up since launch. Is it generally agreed now that VR is a Real Thing that is just going to get better with future iterations?

Can we finally put to rest the debate that this is a gimmick and a fad and the next wiimote? That it's going to be a slow build up to something great, not an instant success? That the technology and developer techniques have to grow, like 3D/polygonal games?

That the potential goes way beyond games, and that it will exist alongside traditional gaming rather than replacing it?

Seriously. It's been exhausting.

I am loving PSVR. But no. I can't agree with this.

It actually made me realize that hologram gaming is eventually the future. The ability to have this same experience but without goggles is where we need to end up. As much as I love the feeling of VR, I do not like how isolated I feel when playing it.

Gameplay wise, it's the future. But logistically, even lighter weight goggles and headphones are not a practical way to expect me to consume media long term. I give it 10 years before we move onto the next tech.
I am loving PSVR. But no. I can't agree with this.

It actually made me realize that hologram gaming is eventually the future. The ability to have this same experience but without goggles is where we need to end up. As much as I love the feeling of VR, I do not like how isolated I feel when playing it.

The problem with holograms is you'd still be in your home surrounding, right? Personally, I think a major part of VR's appeal is its ability to block out the real-world and transport you to a different one.

Obviously the visors can become much more discreet, though.


I am loving PSVR. But no. I can't agree with this.

It actually made me realize that hologram gaming is eventually the future. The ability to have this same experience but without goggles is where we need to end up. As much as I love the feeling of VR, I do not like how isolated I feel when playing it.

Gameplay wise, it's the future. But it's just not a practical way to expect me to consume media long term (say 10 years out).
Eh holograms?


Has anyone tried the Project Diva VR demo?

It's not my sort of game but I figured I'd try it (as I've tried everything else).

I was very impressed when you zoom in on the character (so she's basically dancing right next to you). Obviously it's a more cartoony style but I felt that visually it was the best representation of a solid human(ish) character I've seen...largely thanks to a superior image quality (I could see fans loving it as you could pretty much dance with the character).

It made me think that more games should focus on close up action as clearly you lose a bunch of detail at distance on VR. Something like Phoenix Wright or a Punch Out style game would be ideal....or first person lightsaber fighting.
It's charming and I like the little space dudes. I would anticipate a full game with more mechanics.

And Sonic would be glorious.

Despite lots of time playing made for VR games across both Rift and Vive, to this day playing Sonic Generations via Tridef3D on a Rift is still one of the most intense experiences I've had in gaming. Took me back to playing the originals as a kid for the first time. And that sense of speed...my god the speed. Exhilarating is an understatement. Sega would do well to make a VR Sonic game, I imagine it'd do pretty well.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
So far played thru all of Job Sim (unlocked the mods). Good game to show off VR, easy to pick up and go. My brother's wife even enjoyed it and she can hardly hold a controller.

Next was Until Dawn.... Almost fell out of my chair in fear! I played the Kitchen Demo thing and it really didn't get me but this game DAM!

Have to take a break between levels and after the 3rd called it quits for the night.

Tried a few other things but taking my time don't want to burn thru it all to fast. Super Hyper Cube is ok but not digging it to much.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I am loving PSVR. But no. I can't agree with this.

It actually made me realize that hologram gaming is eventually the future. The ability to have this same experience but without goggles is where we need to end up. As much as I love the feeling of VR, I do not like how isolated I feel when playing it.

Gameplay wise, it's the future. But logistically, even lighter weight goggles and headphones are not a practical way to expect me to consume media long term. I give it 10 years before we move onto the next tech.

PSVR is the budget VR right now, and thus doesn't have more of the "add-on" expenses quality of life VR will add down the line.

Vive's Tron camera mode and chaperone grid edges do a lot to remove the totally cut off feeling, as well as always showing where the controllers are in the space.

Putting better and better camera eyes into the thing (dual cameras for 3d is the next step) is where it merges AR into the experience and the isolation greatly disappears.


I think people need to stop saying that it's clear VR is "the future of gaming" and start saying that it's clear VR "has a future in gaming."

I agree with others, I don't always want 100% immersion when I'm playing, nor do I always want to use a headset (I say this having a DK2 and a Vive in my house).

The tech is coming up, and I'm excited for the possibilities in regards to games, but honestly I'm a lot more excited to see what they do outside gaming, there's some real world changing shit there (education, training, virtual tourism, etc).


How does this compare to the Vive? And what actual good games are there?

My friend works at Playstation and can get a PSVR for a discount so I can get it from him if I want it.


All of the games on my demo disc are fine but it seems that VR Worlds is off centre to the left a bit. Anyone else have this?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Would a game that operated like Puppeteer or the rearrangement of panels in Portal 2 work for simulating locomotion without making you ill?

Like, if in the background, you always had a stable point of reference, but the world was reshaping around it underneath your feet.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately...

Several of these games already build and/or reshape the world around you and it's not disorienting at all.


Fucking crazy the 3D sound that comes out of stereo headphones with this thing. Its truly excellent and adds a huge amount to the immersion.


Neo Member
Can your glasses scratch the lenses?

Yes. Either by pulling the viewer to close to your face or not being careful with taking the headset off. I got two scratches on mine. Luckily not bad enough to interfere. Assumong it was not there previous. I no longer wear my glasses when playing.


Incredibly Naive
Yeah Robinson is at the top of my list as well. Is there an official date? It's a little further off but I think far point could be a huge hit as well.

So a while back when psvr was still Morpheus some photos leaked of an alien looking planet and caves. Was it confirmed what game that was? I think it may have been far point long before it was announced but I don't remember.


Felium Defensor
The problem with holograms is you'd still be in your home surrounding, right? Personally, I think a major part of VR's appeal is its ability to block out the real-world and transport you to a different one.

Obviously the visors can become much more discreet, though.
100% this. The ability to transform completely to a different world/environment limited to the artist's imagination is simply beyond exciting. Well done holograms/AR will be amazing no doubt in 38 years but we can get decent VR right now and keep making it much much better in 3, 6, 9+ years time. Proper override of most of our senses.
I think people need to stop saying that it's clear VR is "the future of gaming" and start saying that it's clear VR "has a future in gaming."

I agree with others, I don't always want 100% immersion when I'm playing, nor do I always want to use a headset (I say this having a DK2 and a Vive in my house).

The tech is coming up, and I'm excited for the possibilities in regards to games, but honestly I'm a lot more excited to see what they do outside gaming, there's some real world changing shit there (education, training, virtual tourism, etc).

VR is the future of gaming.
However if its this type of VR is yet to be seen.


Ugh, so frustrated -- I'd had no problems with tracking at all with my set, then tonight I notice the Move is like moving forward and back like an inch in game, and, in fact, the whole world would periodically shudder. In Tumble, the table would move back and forth ... I have no idea how to correct what's going on, since it had been fine.


Incredibly Naive
Ugh, so frustrated -- I'd had no problems with tracking at all with my set, then tonight I notice the Move is like moving forward and back like an inch in game, and, in fact, the whole world would periodically shudder. In Tumble, the table would move back and forth ... I have no idea how to correct what's going on, since it had been fine.

Try a full power cycle.
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