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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Which game is that? Doesn't Robinson also have a hands climbing segment?

Yes, Robinson has climbing segments as well...and is made by Crytec...The Climb is the cliff climbing game made using the Cryengine...

So both games use the same engine and are visually similar, so it's easy to confuse them since the climbing sections seem to function the same...


Man, all of these pages and games yet the Sony World store I pre-ordered from is taking its sweet time to bring any PS VR stock.
Just noticed that my TV recognizes my PSVR as a separate device under the same HDMI input. Weird. Need to play around with that when I have the chance.


They really need a good return policy, or force every game to have a demo. So far ive been fine with every game, but the rigs demo made me really sick just minutes into playing. No big deal, since i didn't buy the game. Here they lie also made me sick within a few minutes, which i did buy. Im going to try it again, probably tomorrow night but its very likely i wont be able to play that game.

Point being, i really dont know which games are going to make me sick. So i can't avoid a certain type when buying games.

Until dawn didn't bother me one bit, i would have expected that one to get me.


Someone posted images of game boxes a few days ago which had the "pro enhanced" logo. The only game I recall from that was Eagle Flight which should be out next month.

I'm hoping for better aliasing and texture quality. I put part of my headache down to the image quality in Here they lie. The shimmering jaggies are not good.

I really am hoping that is the case and that there is patches for "Pro" version of VR games. I know many are loving the PSVR here, but in some of the posts, while overall very positive, the resolution, textures, jaggies etc, come up and if the PRO can improve all of this, then it will be fantastic.

I hope we here more details soon as to which games will be enhanced and what the plan is going forward...will VR developers have 2 versions of the games on the disk for the pro/non-pro PS4 owners?


I found 3 SKU's at my local walmart. 2 bundles and 1 regular edition. I was tempted to grab one but I ended up passing. $699 CAD is a fuckton of money.
100% this. The ability to transform completely to a different world/environment limited to the artist's imagination is simply beyond exciting. Well done holograms/AR will be amazing no doubt in 38 years but we can get decent VR right now and keep making it much much better in 3, 6, 9+ years time. Proper override of most of our senses.

And I will 100% this from your post. I bought a PSVR and ended up returning it. I fooled myself into thinking it could get me back into gaming, but that ship has probably sailed a long time ago.

But that doesn't mean I'm not excited about the future of VR. I thought the experiences were pretty amazing and I can't wait to see what they can do 5 or 10 years down the road. I live in NC with my wife, the rest of her family lives in California. She misses them and might only see them once a year at most. I'd love for VR to be able to enable her to have social experiences like having dinner virtually with her nephews and nieces.

AR sounds even more exciting to me. But it's probably 20+ years down the road until we can have really powerful devices that can provide a good looking and affordable experiences with it. Until VR can provide those experiences and I can't wait to see what it can do in the next 5-10 years.


Guys I have a question.

I am sitting 2m away in front of my TV and when I look through the headset everything's fine and clear.
when I play in Cinema mode or even when I look at the ps menu the picture is perfect BUT
as soon as I start a VR game (mostly Thumper and Driveclub) the image suddenly jumps a little bit to the left. I haven't changed my position in relation to the TV or camera yet still, I have to look a little bit to left to get the image in the center of my view.
did anyone else encountered this problem?

I tried to google it but haven't found any solutions.

thanks in advance for any help

sorry for quoting myself but did nobody encounter a similar problem?
I've tried many different positions for the camera or myself without any luck


sorry for quoting myself but did nobody encounter a similar problem?
I've tried many different positions for the camera or myself without any luck

Never had the issue sorry but have you tried holding the options button to center the screen after you've launched those games?


I'm finding that the audio from the headphones (plugged in) is way too low,especially in Rez and Thumper. I have it jacked all the way up and its not nearly loud enough.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
sorry for quoting myself but did nobody encounter a similar problem?
I've tried many different positions for the camera or myself without any luck

had something similar happen to me, was playing Until dawn and by half way thru the lvl I was facing almost 90degrees to the right of f my starting spot. Needless to say it couldn't track one of the moves at that point.

tried to recenter it but while it worked in the home screen it didn't translate to the game so I was looking off one of the guys shoulders.

Quit the game and restarted and didn't do it again so assume something just went crazy.
Finally got a chance to hook up my core set today and play around with it. Overall, I am pretty impressed. I didn't get sick of have any issues with the tracking thus far.

So far I have tried:

Shark Attack from VR Worlds - here were moments where I literally felt I was being lowered into the ocean. Looking down and around was pretty amazing for me. Not much outside of just sit and watch... but very cool none the less.

Batman Arkham VR - I found this to be pretty cool as well. I had some trouble moving around and going to the right spot. I felt immersed but when I couldn't move or pick up the key I grew frustrated. This is most likely user error and need to figure out what I was doing wrong.

Playroom Platform Trial - I REALLLLY enjoyed this. I would love a full game like this. Made me dream of a Mario game... Mario Galaxy VR, that would be amazing. For this being a free install with the PSVR, I was very impressed and happy.

Thumper Demo - I think I need to buy this one. Extremely cool and fun. Simple yet crazy. They made some amazing artistic choices with the game. Can't wait to play more.

My one big issue currently is that sitting in my basement in my entertainment chairs... if I lay back in them, I fall out of range with the camera. I don't feel like I'm that far back and don't want to move my chairs every time I VR. Anyone else have issues with sitting too far from the camera?

I'm excited about the future. I'm sure I'm in the honeymoon phase and it will wear off...but this is some cool stuff. I plan to try Eve and Rush of Blood tomorrow...if I can handle it.




Tried the Harmonix demo. Its a shame it takes you through each mode and only gives you a couple of minutes in each.

That paint brush mode... holy Jesus. People slag off the Moves, but when it's working right jesus they're accurate. Painting in 3D space is ridiculously cool, and makes an idiot like me feel pretty damn creative. Dreams in PSVR is an absolute must now, I will spend years in their sculpting things and making animations. It could be incredible.


How does PSVR compare to Gear?

Way better in my experience so far. No screen door, hand tracking, better graphics (AA helps a lot in game like Wayward), runs cooler, I always had heat issues, and way more comfortable. Gear does have the nice wireless aspect though, I played in a swivel chair and would spin around with no wires to worry about.
Is Harmonix Music VR worth the $15? I really want to fuck around in the 3D Paint Tool it has

If you like music, it's a no brainer. I wasn't expecting much after some of the reviews, but they've come up with something really cool. The brush and the beach are two modes I'll spend a lot of time in.


Neo Member
I think people need to stop saying that it's clear VR is "the future of gaming" and start saying that it's clear VR "has a future in gaming."

As someone who has had VR for 5 months and been using it regulary for around a year I agree 100% with this. I spent 6+ hours playing Dragon Quest Builders this morning then switched to some PS VR stuff this afternoon. Best mix. They are totally different things. One doesn't invalidate the other.


Tried the Harmonix demo. Its a shame it takes you through each mode and only gives you a couple of minutes in each.

That paint brush mode... holy Jesus. People slag off the Moves, but when it's working right jesus they're accurate. Painting in 3D space is ridiculously cool, and makes an idiot like me feel pretty damn creative. Dreams in PSVR is an absolute must now, I will spend years in their sculpting things and making animations. It could be incredible.

Is it something like this?



Played first multiplayer mission in EVE (Thanks GAF B/S/T thread!) Valkyrie, had such an OP round (Top of the leaderboard 0 death onslaught) I wanted to record it. Hit share button and it's the first time I bothered to share since the 4.0 update, so of course it has a dialog about share, click OK and... no video share. Apparently the buffer doesn't start until after you finish that first-time (again) eulaesque dialog. FML.

I've resigned myself to buying enough to get the $15 back deal in the PS Store ($100). So far I bought Rigs ($50). I already have VR Worlds from the bundle and the EVE purchase mentioned above. I'm thinking Batman and Thumper, with Rez as an honorable mention? Anything here I should swap out? I believe the promo goes through the end of the month.


Is there a list of VR titles that will be improved by PS4 Pro and what they will be? I'm specifically wondering about Until Dawn: Rush of Blood.

SpeedNut, your list sounds good to me. I picked up Rez, Batman, Until Dawn, Job Simulator. I am also going to get Thumper and probably Eve, Rigs, or Battlezone. I still need to try them as I've been busy playing with what I've got already. They are all so neat in their own way. Rez, blows my mind to finally be inside the game and I'm surprised it doesn't make me feel the slightest bit ill even though it moves fast and changes direction. Batman...man I can't believe how crazy good those character models look in that area where you put the different carts in. Especially the stance where they are staring at you. You almost feel like you should be able to talk to them, so weird.


I think people need to stop saying that it's clear VR is "the future of gaming" and start saying that it's clear VR "has a future in gaming."

I agree with others, I don't always want 100% immersion when I'm playing, nor do I always want to use a headset (I say this having a DK2 and a Vive in my house).

The tech is coming up, and I'm excited for the possibilities in regards to games, but honestly I'm a lot more excited to see what they do outside gaming, there's some real world changing shit there (education, training, virtual tourism, etc).

Sitting in the crowd of a Wimbledon Final? Please tell me that could be a thing one day.


Is it something like this?


YEP! Scaled down and it's slanted towards integration with the music aspect (the "strokes" pulsate with the music, but I think that effect can be toned down), but yeah you paint, in full 3D brush strokes. The Moves are really good for this, you can be really accurate. It's just fun, but in no way is it a fully featured art package or anything. So cool just being able to move in closer to your work, look around it from all angles. the close up stuff is what's most impressive about VR and of course with PSVR the tracking sells it so well.

If you have a PSVR then definitely try the demo, though you have to sit through another mode of the game for a couple of minutes before it takes you to the paint brush thing.


Too many things are aliased like crazy, sadly. Some of the VR apps have text that's almost unreadable. I don't know why the apps are allowing text like that through, they seriously need to fix their font renderer. If that's what you're talking about, that's aliasing, not screen door effect. Screen door effect is when there's black space between the pixels, and the PSVR is very good about that, with only tiny black dots at worst. It does have a definite texture to the screen though, and it's very obvious in very dark scenes, like watching an 8mm movie on a super high gain screen. Regular screen door effect is more obvious in brighter scenes.

Maybe im misunderstanding what SDE is. Everywhere i look there are scanlines like back in the days. Looking dead straight at a text i see it as well, not just on the sides. Im just hoping my unit isn't defective.


I finally took a break from messing around with Playroom VR to try the demo disc that came with my Core bundle. Rush of Blood was way cooler and freakier than I was expecting it to be. I don't know how many times I jumped.


Sitting in the crowd of a Wimbledon Final? Please tell me that could be a thing one day.

With some of the tech that's going to happen, you could actually be standing next to the players and fully able to move around and look from any angle you want. Definitely a few years down the line but it will happen. Stuff like Kinect but on a much larger and more precise scale could record a sports event as a fully rendered 3D scene. I'm sure I've read about companies pursuing this. You could dissect a real life even just as you would a replay in FIFA!

This is early EARLY days, shit is not going to stop getting better and better.
Just tried Until Dawn at a friend's.. Pretty dope experience. The screen is kinda blurry but the game is still pretty immersive.

I'm kinda tempted to pick this up now


No headset has great quality really. Everything sucks and we just accept it bc it's new.
I'm a bit biased when it comes to VR but I'll say this. In terms of resolution, the PSVR feels like a giant 3DS strapped to your face.

But, I don't think this is a bad thing. In fact, I remember a few years ago I took pictures of what the 3DS screen looks like upclose and I still found the visuals impressive.

Yes, there's a lot of aliasing in PSVR, but when you zoom up close to any object or character, it doesn't look bad. Just like with 3DS, there are games were the lighting or character models are very detailed, the resolution doesn't matter.



It may also be because I play handhelds a lot, so when I saw the PSVR's flaw, it just felt like second nature to what I play everyday.
That... doesn't sound good to me and i can spot issues that affect image quality quite easily (much to my chagrin), guess i will wait until i can try one first hand and make my purchasing decision afterwards.
I personally haven't tried pc vr first hand. I have no doubt that it is better but I am more than satisfied with PSVR. I own a pc with enough power and I'm kinda hoping either someone cracks running psvr on pc or that the vive drops in price before I go that route
Thanks for your response man.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Ugh, so frustrated -- I'd had no problems with tracking at all with my set, then tonight I notice the Move is like moving forward and back like an inch in game, and, in fact, the whole world would periodically shudder. In Tumble, the table would move back and forth ... I have no idea how to correct what's going on, since it had been fine.
Same thing happened to me! Tracking was SPOT-ON in the morning, then in the evening I got the same issue you're describing. I think it might be due to three reasons:

- TV is projecting light onto you and it's confusing the camera - this would be far more of an issue during the night with the lights off than it would be during the day. Try turning the TV off, or turning some lights on in the room
- Camera works better during the daytime than in relative darkness? I've no idea if this is really the case, but try turning some lights on.
- I calibrated the lights on the headset. No idea why I did that to be honest as it was pretty much perfect the way it was, but the tracking problems started after this calibration which I also did in the evening. I doubt this is the culprit, but who knows.



That first tip might explain some of the drifting I've experienced, now that I think about it.

I noticed that when I first set it up, the camera's left lens was more centered with the play area and I had no real tracking issues. Then I thought it would be better to have the camera centered exactly and the drifting started. Lesson learned, don't try to fix what was working.


SpeedNut, your list sounds good to me. I picked up Rez, Batman, Until Dawn, Job Simulator. I am also going to get Thumper and probably Eve, Rigs, or Battlezone. I still need to try them as I've been busy playing with what I've got already.

Yeah EVE is fun at the $30 I paid, great value at the $20 when Amazon had that pricing for a little, but it's steep at $60 for what you get.


One thing I noticed today watching my mate play the PSVR, and watching some other people's shared clips on YouTube, is that the social screen really needs to be cropped from further down form what the player sees. My mate was controlling the robot in the platformer game and it was clear there was a whole bunch of stuff going on under where I could see on the screen. I hope that's something they can fix, because sharing videos is less meaningful when the part of the game you're often interacting with most is cropped out.


Good Art™
People crying about the resolution.. Lol if you tried the 2 first Oculus versions... This is actually really good for vr.

Anyway tried some games with the moves. Wayward Sky works wayyyy better with it. But the demo sucks big time. I mean you basically do nothing then it stops. The only actual gameplay was a crappy puzzle. Not sure the demo is good at giving you the need to buy it (even if it directly brings you to the store at the end...)

Bought Rez but a little disappointed (i don't know the game). Ths is of course extra hard. I enter the zone2 boss with full energy and loses everything when he does the yellows stars thing, real quick..... Thankfully i discovered the voyage mode but then you're untouchable.. ? Was it so hard to just have an easy mode lol...

Wanted to play with the move but it's actually better with the DS


People crying about the resolution.. Lol if you tried the 2 first Oculus versions... This is actually really good for vr.

Anyway tried some games with the moves. Wayward Sky works wayyyy better with it.

Bought Rez but a little disappointed (i don't know the game). Ths is of course extra hard. I enter the zone2 boss with full energy and loses everything when he does the yellows stars thing, real quick..... Thankfully i discovered the voyage mode but then you're untouchable.. ? Was it so hard to just have an easy mode lol...

Wanted to play with the move but it's actually better with the DS

Use your head to aim, not the analog stick. Makes the game way easier than it ever was.


Damn, I really wish PSVR dealt with ADS way better than it does. Every time I try to actually line up the sights in Until Dawn or The Heist, it messes up the tracking. Which makes sense, but still, it's pretty damn sweet when it works.

Speaking of which... where are the light gun games at? Where's my Area 51, my Time Crisis, my arcade Swat games? Shooting feels so damn good with the Move controllers. The shooting segments of Until Dawn were awesome. The shooting range is awesome in Heist. I hate to be the "more shooters" guy, but...I want more shooters.

In short, I want WinBack VR. Make it happen Sony.


So, I tried to connect my Sony Pulse headphones wireless but it gave me an error? Does it not work? or does it only work if I connect it to the aux port? won't that affect the virtual surround sound?


What the hell...

I tried using my wireless headphones and it won't let me. Saying they can't be connected while using VR. I just decided to boot up the headset to play some Rocket League without my TV on, I'm fully aware I won't get 3D audio but I thought it was fine to use them for regular audio like you have with everything else on the PS4...

This is kinda annoying, and I don't see why. Plus I was sure it's been said you could use wireless headsets but with the caveat of course that you don't get the binaural audio, what's going on?

EDIT: Haha, post above me, what timing!
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