This will be the first time I bench my starter.
The love isn't there anymore. Hoping I can get a good fire type early.
I was literally thinking about doing the same thing. If there is a decent water I will join you.
This will be the first time I bench my starter.
The love isn't there anymore. Hoping I can get a good fire type early.
This will be the first time I bench my starter.
The love isn't there anymore. Hoping I can get a good fire type early.
This will be the first time I bench my starter.
The love isn't there anymore. Hoping I can get a good fire type early.
Tepig is awesome. I don't care what anyone says. I'd never bench my starter.
I don't even have a gameplan right now.
boothisman.gif Unless you just mean non-legal Pokemon.Lack of hacking will be the very best thing about 3DS pokémon.
I can't ever find it in me to bench my starter. I always get so attached.
Benching a starter is pretty heartless.
Benching a starter is pretty heartless.
i benched my what ever snivy evolves into in white.
useless starter. Never going with a grass starter again
Hey hey hey. Don't throw all Grass starters under the Snivy bus. Torterra was a beast.
... No. You won't be able to get a Squirtle at all. Unless you ask someone on a forum to trade for one.
Hey hey hey. Don't throw all Grass starters under the Snivy bus. Torterra was a beast.
I will also bench my starter. Don't want to go with Tepig again, and the 2 other starters are just... bad.
When can I trade pokemon in B/W2? After first gym?
what? fuck dis game
We can conclude that starter Pokemon don't fare very well in the wild.
boothisman.gif Unless you just mean non-legal Pokemon.
Does anyone know if you can nickname the Pokemon you get from the Dream Radar AR game? I see Porygon is available through that and now I'm reconsidering my entire team
You mean like Genesect?I'm tired of Pokémon being spoiled. I want surprises. Lack of hacking and actually added Pokémon in as free DLC instead of keeping them on the carts should help.
You mean like Genesect?
Benching a starter is pretty heartless.
Benching a starter is pretty heartless.
but the girl has sailor moon hair
You mean like Genesect?
what's a La Li Lu Le Lo
I'll buy this day one, but I won't play it until my friend beats the game and gives me the challenge key. I need to find my games case so I can breed eggs of my dream team to use. But if I can't find it...URGH. =(
I love these guys. ;_;
Ahh...and I gotta say, Nate is probably my favourite trainer design out of all of them. I'm not sure why, but I really, really like him.
I thought I was the only one who noticed that.
Didn't see anyone posting some reviews for the games
You haven't noticed me calling her Sailor Leia for the past 3 months? :<
Game Informer said:I openly chalk it up to nostalgia, but when I see Pokémon like Psyduck or Rattata show up in the field, I get excited. Not many of the recent Pokémon inspire the same emotion. Tepig (my choice of starter), Purrloin, Drilbur, and Minccino (who rivals Pikachu in cute factor), all have simple designs that are clearly based in the real world, but most lack the elegant simplicity of Pokémon of the past in favor of being bizarre and slightly terrifying.
Tepig is pretty useless since there are better/just as good options early. Snivy is for true Gs, which not everyone is, so I'll let that slide. But there aren't many water pokemon let alone many better than Samurott so....unless I'm wrong about that.
That is badass. Who drew that?
Checked earlier today. My Target seems to be too competent to sell the game early. And my friend wasn't working today. And the website doesn't list any locations anymore. :cLooks like some Targets are breaking the street date. Go check it out, people.
At least Tepig is the cutest of all the unevolved starters.
Chikorita is the cutest unevolved starter. This is not debatable.