4 left.
I got plenty of these.
They're also super easy to get in Dream Radar.
4 left.
When Pokemon is 3D, they should have Mareep clouds in the sky.
*last gym spoilers*
I think that was the easiest eighth gym in the series, I mean I go from dragons to water and the level difference between both gyms is minimal, even with the cheese that is charge beaming Magnezone I have to laugh at that lineup, at least Juan had a Kingdra to contend with, here we've got the final showdown against Jellicent, Snivy users must have chuckled at this one. Still the gym itself was nice with good music, the new town has a distinct and pleasant visual style.
Marlon in his shame goes to drown himself post battle, i'll accept not other explanation for his swift bail out.
This new route through Unova has ruined my Golurk plans completely, well at least the plot finally showed up, this new team plasma look even more chump like than G/S Team Rocket, I guess instead of spending money on numerous plans to be foiled throughout the game they've saved up for their flying Koopa Doom Ship.
Hi Folks,
Just wanted to let you know that I am playing Black 2. This is the first Pokemon game I'm playing since Blue! I Played Blue to death. It might be the single biggest cause of me failing high school in the first year. I tried Pokemon Gold, but I thought it was trying to be more complex than needed with all the female/male pokemon etc.
Playing Black 2 is a total blast. The beginning is maybe the best tutorial I have ever seen in a game. Every aspect of the game is introduced naturally and nothing comes forced or too soon.
I am impressed. And I'm loving the game. Despite the User Interface flaws (Do you want to switch pokemon???? Why would the standard option be YES!?!?).
You never know when new players will be coming into the series.
The beginning is maybe the best tutorial I have ever seen in a game. Every aspect of the game is introduced naturally and nothing comes forced or too soon.
I am impressed. And I'm loving the game. Despite the User Interface flaws (Do you want to switch pokemon???? Why would the standard option be YES!?!?).
I am impressed. And I'm loving the game. Despite the User Interface flaws (Do you want to switch pokemon???? Why would the standard option be YES!?!?).
There are tons and tons of little subsystems you don't know about.But that's ok, the basics are well covered and that's all you really need to know to play and enjoy it at a "beginner" level. (And I don't mean that as an insult or anything, I play at that level and I've been playing Pokemon regularly since 1998.
If you press B when asked if you want to switch Pokemon, it'll take it as a "No." Like EvilMario says, you can turn off the prompt all together, but I wouldn't. There will be many times you want to switch Pokemon after your opponent gets knocked out.
Be a man Roto and play without those cheap switches after KOs. Make your team actually be built around resistances that you can switch in. Much more fun than just mowing down teams because you can bring in a counter to anything for free.
Bulbasaur was easy mode.I just read that my choice of Snivy is the most difficult route to take in Black 2. Nice!
I actually choose the grass pokemon because I loved Bulbasaur in Blue. I always thought he was the strongest of the three.
Make it optional. But GF are world leaders in holding out as long as they can in making things convenient.
There are easier ways to get shards...
Play the funfest mission called "Find shards" in entralink.![]()
Yes, you'll really load up. It can sometimes be annoying though, giving you every color you don't need over and over.
True....Tho its either this or dust clouds.
Oh and the "Memory Training" mission gives out 10+ heart scales on Lv.1
*goes into Battle Subway, swept by Drillbur*
What in the actual fuck. Why the fuck is that thing fast?
*goes into Battle Subway, swept by Drillbur*
What in the actual fuck. Why the fuck is that thing fast?
Be a man Roto and play without those cheap switches after KOs. Make your team actually be built around resistances that you can switch in. Much more fun than just mowing down teams because you can bring in a counter to anything for free.
No Sandstorm, it just outsped my entire team of Lucario, Lampent, and Ampharos and one shot all of them with Dig.
So what are the best ways to get your Pokemon to be happy?
I know you shouldn't let them faint, but is there any other method I should be looking out for too? I'm trying to train my Riolu.
So what are the best ways to get your Pokemon to be happy?
I know you shouldn't let them faint, but is there any other method I should be looking out for too? I'm trying to train my Riolu.
Have it first in your party. It'll gain happiness just from you walking around when it's first.
You could just walk around for a while and it'll reach max happiness from that eventually.
So what are the best ways to get your Pokemon to be happy?
I know you shouldn't let them faint, but is there any other method I should be looking out for too? I'm trying to train my Riolu.
So what are the best ways to get your Pokemon to be happy?
I know you shouldn't let them faint, but is there any other method I should be looking out for too? I'm trying to train my Riolu.
What's the recommended time to do Memory Link? I don't really want to do it until I beat the game.
I received some flash back scenes from Memory Link before the Elite 4.. so I'm not sure if you can permanently miss some scenes if you don't link it early. I don't see the harm in linking it ASAP, because it will change the dialogue so that characters mention your BW hero by name.
Unless your BW1 name is the same as your BW2 name, then it becomes hilarious.
I should've redone my file and made my BW1 name "I say" for this purpose.
That's just a false rumor when we understood happiness much less. The position in the party doesn't matter; It'll gain happiness just walking around with you in any slot. Of course, if you're battling with it to up happiness too then of course you probably want it in the lead slot.
I think in HG/SS the 1st slot Pokemon got happiness from walking behind you
Say, you look like that trainer Ike. What? Your name is Ike? Nice to meet you Ike. You remind me of Ike.
All my Pokefiles are named the same.![]()
No, that's just the happiness felt by the player because it was so cool.
No, that's just the happiness felt by the player because it was so cool.
I always wondered why they removed hideouts from Ruby/Saphire. I though they were neat.One feature I can't work out why the got rid of, ok get rid of the pokewalker add on but why this?![]()
All my Pokefiles are named the same.![]()
That's just a false rumor when we understood happiness much less. The position in the party doesn't matter; It'll gain happiness just walking around with you in any slot. Of course, if you're battling with it to up happiness too then of course you probably want it in the lead slot.