My best hunts are on the bus to-from work, yesterday I managed to catch 13 Pokemons and use 6 stops in a ~20min. ride. Plus, as the bus goes through the center of the city it doesn´t go very fast, so I also get around 3km deduced from my eggs.I noticed while coming home on the subway yesterday (I say 'sub'way, but 80% of the ride is above ground, meaning phone signal is fine) that I was getting very consistent monster pops every couple of minutes whenever we stopped at a station, plus every single station has at least one Stop to grab items from. Tempted to experiment with just riding a line back and forth for an hour or two with a podcast, indulge in a form of lazy 'chill at the park' hunting except it's lazy hunting that still spans a broad range of locations.
Conversely, when I try to go out and hunt by foot servers crash and I can´t do shit