Just about everyone I knew playing this game used poke vision. I've actually caught a few pokemon I never had because someone pointed me in the right direction with it. Personally, I'm glad it's gone. The game is more about adventuring, not knowing everything about your map at any moment. Poke vision is really unfair for those trying to play the game only using the tool provided.
They should fix steps though.
Again, how the hell is it unfair to anyone? The Pokemon will still be there if it's caught by someone because of a tracker. And the game isn't a race to catch a Pokemon that spawns. And it doesn't even make levelling unfair since the rarer one don't even spawn that often.
The game is about what the player wants it to be about, if you think it's about adventuring fine, but don't try force your way of playing on everyone else.
Wait, really? Ugh
Only for iOS, it's still in the Android version.