I might be in the minority here,
And I expect to get a ton of heat for this, but with the new reports of Pokevision, and all other "cheat" trackers.
Yes, I repeat. Cheat trackers, I can finally go back and play this game the way it's intended.
I am sorry everybody, but the entire purpose of Pokemon is 2 go out, randomly have a pokemon come up on screen, and go crazy because you had NO clue at all a (lets say, snorlax) Appeared out of nowhere.
You rush and try to catch it, and eventually do, and it's a big wave of accomplishment.
I have never used any sort of pokemon tracking app, I would go to say that I think that ANYBODY and everybody who HAS used pokemon tracking apps like Poke-vision should have their entire game re-rolled back to when they started using it.
It destroys the competition, and punishes people who wanna find things legit ally.
Let me go even further,
I am in 100% agreement with nintendo on this one, I don't understand how people can sit here, and justify them going place to place, and finding near exact pokemon, it destroys the entire concept of the game.
Gyms are now filled with pokemon that should be extremely rare to find in certain areas, Some I bet found them legit, but most are people who used pokevision, and found them disgracefully.
I expect to be flamed for this, I expect to be hated for this, but I am 100% sure that if people played the game as intended, it would be way more exciting, and fair.
If you catch all 150 using cheats, you did not accomplish anything, you just screwed with the games original purpose, and get zero praise.