Curious to see what they use for IV calculation, is giving me different stats on the same Poké's.Pretty sure it is this:
Oh yeah, look at that huge goal post move from the first time I mentioned the exact same thing in a post before you even posted your level 18 screenshot, which is the first time I even noticed your level.Hey dude, you know what? This level 20 stuff stuff and the fact that people said it was even hard before the update past that level
makes me heavily think this has nothing to do with the update at all. You remember that this is not about level 20, but about the update altering catch rates, wasting Pokeballs, and being forced to buy more right?
Things get harder past level 20? Cool. That's fine. I won't contest that. All I said is that my partner, also level 20, has experienced no change due to the update itself.
As soon as I and others started posting that we haven't noticed a difference, the goal posts were moved to "you haven't hit level 20". Fair enough guys, but this wasn't about level 20. It was about the update. And people below level 20 have said they experienced it being harder to catch Pokemon now in the other thread. That would either be coincidence or just bad luck. They're not level 20.
So look, despite the length of your post you really didn't explain anything. You moved the goalposts, made it all about "woe is the level 20+!" and basically didn't do anything beyond that.
Oh, and I'd posted my level here before that post you made earlier. You didn't bring up level 20 then when you should have already known I wasn't at that level. My journal screenshots didn't include my level.
Which pokemon is this? Maybe I don't wanna know since I couldn't find it at all..
Are you calling me out for not remembering a post you made in response to someone that wasn't me prior to this level 20 discussion between us? I wasn't paying attention to your post because I was replying to other people. What a joke. You should have brought it up in your first reply to me instead of dragging this out over multiple posts.Oh yeah, look at that huge goal post move from the first time I mentioned the exact same thing in a post before you even posted your level 18 screenshot.
Nice try though bud.
Which pokemon is this? Maybe I don't wanna know since I couldn't find it at all..
It's definitely Ghastly.Ghastly, looks like
How do I tell if someone's botting a gym? Is that just when a bunch of Pokemon come in every time it's been totally beaten? I'm just wondering if it happened to me last night - my buddy and I had to destroy a gym three times before we could put our Pokemon in.
You got to beat a gym multiple times to take it, each time you beat it, it goes down a level till you break it down and can get in.
Are you calling me out for not remembering a post you made in response to someone that wasn't me prior to this level 20 discussion between us? I wasn't paying attention to your post because I was replying to other people. What a joke. You should have brought it up in your first reply to me instead of dragging this out over multiple posts.
Curious to see what they use for IV calculation, is giving me different stats on the same Poké's.
I completely agree with the post-20 difficulty being amped up. Before these recent updates (version .29), it was obvious to both my and my partner prior to even discussing this online or in-person anywhere else (we primarily played the game outdoors and never consulted any online advice). Things noticeably escape more easily.
The only other additional commentary I have is that adjusting the curve-ball mechanics has definitely made things more difficult for catching monsters that are further away from the camera. Sans Zubats/Golbats, prior to this change, I've been able to catch any other Pokemon at any distance with curve balls; the furthest ones requiring some repeated effort but still possible.
The current mechanic makes the successful curve angle so low, I often hit the edge of the screen, cancelling out my throw completely. This also makes it difficult to get a long enough throw stride for far-off Pokemon, so I'm forced to use a straight throw now for even non-Zubat/Golbat flying types, making me vulnerable to that randomized wind mechanic (which I thankfully haven't seen yet in this recent update).
I can't really comment on recent escape rates as the current state of the game has turned me off from going out to hunt. These last few days, I can't count how many times I've seen totally different monsters pop up from what appears in my nearby list.
We met someone here literally sprinting around the lot looking for the Snorlax silhouette that appeared in the first-position slot on his Nearby list. When we bumped into him again, despite him being soaked in sweat from running every which way, he came up empty. That disappointment is going to resonate.
This, along with other aspects of the game which made it moreappealingaddictive, is a stark contrast to when I first played: I saw a Snorlax silhouette and casually walked down the street, meandering a bit and finally found him. That doesn't exist now.
Anyone else getting close to zero potions from pokestops? I get like 1 potion from every 10 stops. Gym fighting is almost impossible post-update due to this.
Swimming in pokeballs though, despite pokemon being 10x more annoying to catch. Game is very unfun currently..
Anyone else getting close to zero potions from pokestops? I get like 1 potion from every 10 stops. Gym fighting is almost impossible post-update due to this.
Swimming in pokeballs though, despite pokemon being 10x more annoying to catch. Game is very unfun currently..
It literally is in my first reply to you. I literally wrote "come back when you're level 20". What do you think that implies? That I'm at least level 20. I'm not just pulling shit out of my ass, otherwise my whole post makes no sense if I wasn't. And don't get upset, you're the one who brought up moving goal posts. I bring up my original post citing the same issue to show I actually moved nothing. My point was unchanged. You telling me I'm moving goal posts is yet another unnecessary deflection on the real issues people lvl 20 and up are having.
It's okay to be wrong dude. I'd be the first to admit such a thing if it were on my end. Why keep doubling down?
Exact oposite for me lol I need pokeballs asap!
And btw, everything, except the UI, is server controlled, so the updates have nothing to do on item dropping, types of pokemon showing, gym fights balance...
Anyone else getting close to zero potions from pokestops? I get like 1 potion from every 10 stops. Gym fighting is almost impossible post-update due to this.
Swimming in pokeballs though, despite pokemon being 10x more annoying to catch. Game is very unfun currently..
My brother applied for refunds on ios. Lol at this mess.
Having to throw away the pokeballs cos need potions. Having to resort to using revives and letting them faint when attacking gyms and saving potions for when they are removed from gyms.Anyone else getting close to zero potions from pokestops? I get like 1 potion from every 10 stops. Gym fighting is almost impossible post-update due to this.
Swimming in pokeballs though, despite pokemon being 10x more annoying to catch. Game is very unfun currently..
I'm gonna try this next time I try to catch something. My curveballs always hit the Pokemon arouns the top/head area. I wonder if I can just throw it normally and get the bonus too.I feel like the curveball bonus is completely removed from the actual act of throwing a curveball in game. Whenever I manage to curve it, stars exploding and everything, no bonus/acknowledgement when caught. But the random poke balls that go straight at the Pokemon will get the bonus. It's weird.
I'm gonna try this next time I try to catch something. My curveballs always hit the Pokemon arouns the top/head area. I wonder if I can just throw it normally and get the bonus too.
The escape rate is absolutely higher after the update. Pidgeys used to be a no brainer easy catch and I'd collect em all for exp. After the update, they flee and ball break like crazy. Level 27 before and after the update. So something definitely changed.
I use great balls for everything over 300 CP now. They work much much better than the standard pokeball.
The game has never allowed tracking while driving. I imagine people seeing distance gains while doing so have their device to thank for whatever reason. Like gps not calibrated properly.
Yeah, the pokemon do seem to at least jump and do their animations more than before. That much everyone can agree on.
I just want to know what Niantic's reasoning is for removing the EXP bonuses for Nice/Great/Excellent throws. Because other than them wanting to slow the rate in which people are leveling up, I can't see what the point of that is.
I'll be quite curious to see if you can replicate it!
I thought this has always been the standard? I mean, I got lucky like once or twice with higher CP Pokemon and pokeballs but typically have been throwing out great balls at those levels.
"Even though you said a thing, I chose not to believe it because it was snark." That's your rebuttal?"Come back when you're level 20" to me was just elitist gloating. That's how I took it. That's not an explanation, it's a throw away line that sounds like a secret brag. It's snark. You typing that line to me is so different to what you said above. It's not the same in the slightest. Don't make a whole post and have one line and act like because you had that one line the post was magically all about it and I should have magically understood. "Come back when you're level 20" communicates nothing to me. I asked to to explain it for me, then I'd stop bringing it up. You chose not to. You chose to be snarky instead. I didn't see your post replying to someone else. Why didn't you just link me to it or say "look at my poat above" instead? It would have been so much simpler and would have avoided these posts being made.
And that second paragraph really wasn't needed.
Also, now you have other 20+ players disagreeing with you. What now? Are they wrong too?
I'll be quite curious to see if you can replicate it!
I thought this has always been the standard? I mean, I got lucky like once or twice with higher CP Pokemon and pokeballs but typically have been throwing out great balls at those levels.
"Even though you said a thing, I chose not to believe it because it was snark." That's your rebuttal?
Let's say it was actually was snark (it wasn't, you simply need to actually be level 20 and up to notice these issues which is why I said it), and I was bragging. That still implies that I'm at least level 20. Otherwise, you're assuming the "brag" is a lie. Does everything need to be spelled out to you for it to stick?
"Don't make a whole post and have one line and act like because you had that one line the post was magically all about it and I should have magically understood."Like... what? Not only does it not need to be more than one line if you actually took the time to read the post, it's the first line of the post! It frames the entire post and my statements afterward. Do I need to write it over and over? Your rushing so fast to reply and defend this game from so many people, you're brushing over their statements and getting egg on your face for it.
And to your last remark concerning other level 20+ players "disagreeing with me" I'd say they're vastly out numbered with those experiencing the opposite. So while they're not wrong, their experiences are proving to be the exception to most 20+ players.
I think it's 11mph is the old limit, might be higher now. If it was 4mph, no eggs would ever hatch from jogging/running lol.
And, driving in a car will contribute to eggs. Usually slowly. Like used to add like 0.5 KM to an egg for me when going from home to work. Though today it added like 3km for some reason.
I know this is sad but I have started leaving work intentionally during rush hour to get stuck in stop and go traffic. All of my 10km eggs hatch by the time I get home. lol
I was using regular for anything below 500cp and was doing amazing. If they escaped more than once I would move to the Great ball. Unless it was a Pokemon I hadn't captured or one I see rarely I never had to Great ball under 500cp. Now I have Pokemon's under 100cp breaking out of 5+ regular Pokeballs with berries.
Yeah it's just weird how there seems to be a complete reversal for both me and the gf after the update. Sitting on 300+ balls constantly and not nearly enough potions to fight in the 2-3 gyms we want to take. Before yesterday we were always tossing potions and still filling them up fast. Guess it's just RNG.Exact oposite for me lol I need pokeballs asap!
And btw, everything, except the UI, is server controlled, so the updates have nothing to do on item dropping, types of pokemon showing, gym fights balance...
I thought this has always been the standard? I mean, I got lucky like once or twice with higher CP Pokemon and pokeballs but typically have been throwing out great balls at those levels.
Probably a good idea. I'm sick of arguing about it now.At this point, I think I'll just wait until someone eventually datamines the new version to see if they did change the capture rate and the runaway rate.
Then we can bring out the pitchforks.
Get on my level. 141 Drowzee.Just noticed I caught 66 drowzee. I have less weedle than that. Only caught more Rattata and Pidgey.