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Pokémon Go |OT 2| Servers...gotta crash 'em all!

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I just thought of a really cool update idea.

What if the gym leader is over level 30, the color of the gym shows more metallic, eg yellow gyms would be shiny gold, red gyms would be shiny ruby, and blue would be shiny sapphire in color.


Yes. But now I'm thinking I should go out and catch meaningless Pokémon in the hope they transform into an Articuno, and wondering if I should update the app for this or not.

This glitch happens on all versions of the app I think. I have the most recent version and a colleague of mine has some old APK. We both caught a Rattata that changed into a Staryu.


This glitch happens on all versions of the app I think. I have the most recent version and a colleague of mine has some old APK. We both caught a Rattata that changed into a Staryu.

Seems like it is happening more frequently though.


Seems like it is happening more frequently though.

Maybe. A friend of mine said it is probably a server side error, where it is changing id's of the pokemon. No idea if that is true because I don't know shit about stuff like that :p
This game basically locks people out of the whole gym part of it if they are not high level from early on. How the heck are you supposed to catch up?

lol I'm at lvl 20 and I'm starting to feel locked out.

Everyone in my area of the city is already 25+ and the gym Pokemon are near 2000+CP

I feel bad for the newbies lol. no chance in hell they could catch up
Playing for around 10 hours a day on average. Walking as much as possible (lost 12kg!), hanging around the city or local hubs, grinding almost every 'Mon, holding onto as many gyms daily as possible (8-10) for that sweet coinage (spent solely on lucky eggs -- I got the bundle of 8 eggs and am now working my way towards the 25 eggs (1250!) to help me into and through my 30s (levels and age!)), saving up tons of evolutions for the double xp, and using some serious inventory management skill.

My one cheat: I do collect stuff while on the bus to and from the city usually daily.

Nice, congrats on losing the weight too. Wish I could take bus to work to poke catch along the way >_<
Was that so hard Niantic?

They really need a bulletin board system built into the app like Clash Royal where the team updates with news and tips and upcoming events and patches and explanation. This is by far their worst trait.

No way in fuck's earth did they just give an Articuno away as an apology. Just no way. If so, it would prove nobody at Niantic really understands the concept of rare Pokemon.

I truly hope this is the pokemon capture switch glitch. And even then, how embarrassing.

One thing is for sure, I feel bad for the folks working 7-day weeks trying to get this game in working order. The stress must be insane. They really launched this game with their pants down.
This game basically locks people out of the whole gym part of it if they are not high level from early on. How the heck are you supposed to catch up?

There's effectively a soft cap once you hit around level 20 which massively slows down how quickly people can progress, so catching up to the average isn't that bad. Plus, taking gyms to supposed to be a cooperative thing. You're supposed to go out with friends or jump in with a group already taking on a gym.
This game basically locks people out of the whole gym part of it if they are not high level from early on. How the heck are you supposed to catch up?

I think they could do a better job of encouraging people on lower levels that they can take on gyms. Yes, you might not beat all 4 (for example) Pokemon, but if you can use your entire team to beat 1, that's still progress to help lower the prestige of the gym, and some EXP. Grind it down like that, the challenger has some advantages. But it's too easy to see massive CP and go 'nope never happening'. It also depends where you're playing I guess - in the middle of the city I'm in, the gyms are changing so frequently it's hard for anyone to 'load' them up with a team of all impossibly high Pokemon - there's always a range.


Personally, I think Gyms need to reset after a while.

Ingress has a system where points slowly lose power over time. They could implement a system where a gym loses X amount of prestige every day if nobody from the same team battles it.
Though due to the popularity this could already be in the game but it has gone unnoticed yet.


Is it me or does the game throw out less Pokemon at you? I don't know if it's because of the latest patch or I'm at lv14

Well you can only ping the servers every 5 seconds, so depending on how fast you're moving, you may be getting less spawns.

I'm pretty sure they haven't changed the amount of actual pokemon spawning though.
Well you can only ping the servers every 5 seconds, so depending on how fast you're moving, you may be getting less spawns.

I'm pretty sure they haven't changed the amount of actual pokemon spawning though.

Other way around for me, I think there are more Pokemon now (well more Pidgeys and stuff...)


Have Niantic mentioned anything about their long term plans for gyms? Something like global and local power control would be cool, you could make %chance for rare pokemon to spawn for controlling teams, say 10% local and 15% global or something, I dunno, probably cause problems but something like this anyhow is what I imagined. Have they said anything at all about where they want this game to head?


Have Niantic mentioned anything about their long term plans for gyms? Something like global and local power control would be cool, you could make %chance for rare pokemon to spawn for controlling teams, say 10% local and 15% global or something, I dunno, probably cause problems but something like this anyhow is what I imagined. Have they said anything at all about where they want this game to head?

We're barely have any communication with them. Internet had to whip them hard to get a little answer on Facebook so don't expect any kind of deatils like you're asking at moment.


Some footage of someone having trouble reaching pokemon, post patch, post level 20 player almost exactly as I have been having. I ran into this issue with an aggressive Hitmonchan and Pidgeot at Disneyland yesterday. Way too far, and way harder to throw balls that actually reach the damn thing. That distance the Pidgeot is seems to be the most troublesome in that footage.

Yeah, I'm getting this quite often too. What the heck have they done? Was it intentional? I'm having trouble getting my balls to throw far enough.


Or hack since people while datamining find all the legendaries.
Niantic should hire me *sigh*
Gonna report this and with some post on Reddit.
Clearly someone has been hacking either unlocked the legendaries or changed the skin of a normal pokemon.

Aaaaaaaaaaah *sigh*

I still think glitch as people have been receiving different Pokemon than the one they caught.


What update version is causing the glitch? I didn't get any updates over the weekend (other than the one that removed the footsteps)


Just got a freaking Charmander from a 2km egg. First time I see it in the game too:


What update version is causing the glitch? I didn't get any updates over the weekend (other than the one that removed the footsteps)
The glitch is in all versions. It's a server-side glitch.


What update version is causing the glitch? I didn't get any updates over the weekend (other than the one that removed the footsteps)

I don't think the update is causing the glitch. It seems to be a server side problem considering me and a colleague have different versions of the game and encountered the same glitch (rattata ---> staryu)




No way he gets hired. He also used the api and data the game already gives you, to create that website. There were countless other versions and scripts on reddit before PokeVision came about.... Plus Niantic probably hates him.

But a smart person would hire him.
It will show community that you're not a dick, you also reconize that you fucked up the order how to fix thing so you hire someone who might be able to do PR+fix your game.

It's a win win situation, community get appeased and dev get a better image.


But a smart person would hire him.
It will show community that you're not a dick, you also reconize that you fucked up the order how to fix thing so you hire someone who might be able to do PR+fix your game.

It's a win win situation, community get appeased and dev get a better image.

They probably want to hire someone with a proven track record for not breaking a companies terms of service... And you know, doing the same thing thousands of other developers did (make Pokemon scanning apps).

There is no way he is good for Niantic, I'm sure he is a great dude, but he is a horrible fit and has shown nothing that would make him a good candidate.


They probably want to hire someone with a proven track record for not breaking a companies terms of service... And you know, doing the same thing thousands of other developers did (make Pokemon scanning apps).

There is no way he is good for Niantic, I'm sure he is a great dude, but he is a horrible fit and has shown nothing that would make him a good candidate.

It's all about public image and at the moment Niantic image is sinking fast.
No way he gets hired. He also used the api and data the game already gives you, to create that website. There were countless other versions and scripts on reddit before PokeVision came about.... Plus Niantic probably hates him.

I used to work at Jagex (the developer of RuneScape), and they hired some people who were hardcore hackers of the game/hosts of unofficial private servers. Blizzard also recently had talks with the host of the vanilla WoW server that they forcibly shut down.

It goes without saying that a business should hire the most knowledgeable person for the job, especially if doing so also removes them as a potential threat/rival.

Though to be honest, the Pokevision dev would serve better as a developer for Niantic, not PR.


I used to work at Jagex (the developer of RuneScape), and they hired some people who were hardcore hackers of the game/hosts of unofficial private servers.

It goes without saying that a business should hire the most knowledgeable person for the job, especially if doing so also removes them as a potential threat/rival.

Yes, but your example makes sense. Those hackers generally know a lot and spend so much time with the game. The Pokevision guy is not some super crazy knowledgeable hacker of the game. He is a regular ol developer that did what many other did. I am merely stating, I don't see anyway he fits the job, above any of the other countless people doing what he did... Yeah no, they need to hire someone with a better resume than "I had a website for two weeks that people used. Based on a super simple way of getting Pokemon info from the games servers, that literally thousands of people were doing with their own apps and websites."

Again. That does not qualify him to be a developer for a huge game or even a PR person. He did not do anything special, he is not a genius, he did not hack the game in some amazing way, he is just a regular old developer.

Anyway ending my argument there ;p
Yes, but your example makes sense. Those hackers generally know a lot and spend so much time with the game. The Pokevision guy is not some super crazy knowledgeable hacker of the game. He is a regular ol developer that did what many other did. I am merely stating, I don't see anyway he fits the job, above any of the other countless people doing what he did... Yeah no, they need to hire someone with a better resume than "I had a website for two weeks that people used. Based on a super simple way of getting Pokemon info from the games servers, that literally thousands of people were doing with their own apps and websites."

Again. That does not qualify him to be a developer for a huge game or even a PR person. He did not do anything special, he is not a genius, he did not hack the game in some amazing way, he is just a regular old developer.

Anyway ending my argument there ;p

I don't really disagree with you there; I was mainly responding to your insinuation that "they probably hate him" is a reason for not hiring him.


So today I caught a Snorlax and Magneton, and hatched a Charmander. Pretty good start to the day!

Also caught a Scyther and such but I got those already.


I'm very disappointed that all the pidgeys and rattata's I'm catching are actually pidgeys and rattata's

haha, but keep at it, now is the time to get out there and really catch as many as possible while there's still a tiny chance of something interesting.
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