6: Your nearby tracking menu is still able to track that specific Pokemon based on your general direction like before. But I've noticed it's become slightly more random. So you might at times have to rely on a tracking app to help assist here and there but it's not necessary.
It has never worked. It's confirmation bias. The list is random
thats the problem......it used to work
You mean when tracking worked? Because I've tested this since I started playing, which was when tracking broke. It has never worked.
It has never worked. It's confirmation bias. The list is random. I've had two phones in my hand a lot, and the list is not the same on both. Not even close.
You're both right and wrong. There's times were it doesn't work BUT I CAUGHT A FUCKING SCYTHER last night using it. IMO it was 90% accurate if I kept following it's direction.thats the problem......it used to work
now it fucking does nothing at all. It's complete bullshit.
Also.....I think GAF I have over 100 pidgeys lol.....time to use the calculator tonight and waste a good 30 minutes evolving shit.
No thanks... Just fix the original system pls
Anybody notice this since the last patch? Potions seem to be on the rare side
I looted today more potions than pokeball even after staying 1h45 hours between 2 Pokespots *sad* Got less than last time.
Random is random Q_Q
You mean when tracking worked? Because I've tested this since I started playing, which was when tracking broke. It has never worked.
He needs to go inside.So I'm still quite a low level. Sitting at 13 right now. On my way to work I spotted a gym and decided to look at the gym leader.
Level 37 with a 2970 snorlax.... How is this even possible. First time I've seen anyone above 30 and this person is 37?!
I swear I still can't see how pokemon are harder to catch after the patch from my experience. It's been quite the opposite for me. I catch pokemon with red rings with only 1-3 normal pokeballs or 1 greatball.
The only exception was that stupid low level Persian that ran away from me yesterday.
I suppose we'll never know for sure until someone datamines the game again.
Also, pokestops seem normal to me as well.
1 Ratatta
CP 296
9 Poke Balls: 2 missed, 7 broke frees.
Ran away.
1 Bellsprout
CP 527
2 Razzberry 3 Great Balls: 3 broke frees.
Ran away.
1 Weedle
CP 116
4 Poke Balls: 1 missed, 3 broke frees.
Ran away.
This was one after the other. Almost threw my phone in frustration.
GPS Spofing.He needs to go inside.
So I'm still quite a low level. Sitting at 13 right now. On my way to work I spotted a gym and decided to look at the gym leader.
Level 37 with a 2970 snorlax.... How is this even possible. First time I've seen anyone above 30 and this person is 37?!
I'm level 18. I know the majority of people complaining are 20+ I just wanted to point out how the experienced has remained mostly the same (even improved a bit) before and after the update.What level are you out of curiosity?
Because this had been the norm for me too:
I have not been able to catch a Tauros since the update. Ultra balls and razz berry's do absolutely nothing. They constantly run after the first or second attempt. It's pretty annoying. I've been running into 1,000+ CP ones lately and I can't land one.
What level do you start seeing 1000 CP pokemon? Level 20 here and I've only rarely seen ones in the 500's.
Not sure exactly, but you should be close to seeing that yourself. I'm pretty sure I caught a 1000+ CP Seaking and Omastar at 21. I've only encountered 1000+ CP pokemon that don't evolve or if they are in their final form. Tauros, Electabuzz, Magmar and Pinsir are reguarly over 1000+ CP for me. I don't see final forms too often, but when I do they are either depressingly low (my 165 CP Blastoise) or over 1000.What level do you start seeing 1000 CP pokemon? Level 20 here and I've only rarely seen ones in the 500's.
Guys I came across this earlier. It only occurs when switching to the app for about a fraction of a second. It behaves like a bug but appears like some sort of riddle. Can anyone decipher?
What's the point if gym spoofing?. You can only get 100 coins a day if you have 10 gyms at once.
it actually becomes a game within a game to be ready to pick up the items while on the train, you gotta be quick with the flick. I was able to get in like 50 pokestops while on the trains from east LA to Santa Monica.I don't really care how it's meant to be played; I'm stating something that would improve the game for me and break it for no one. I can't reasonably bike to another city, and I'm not endangering myself or others like people who play the game while they drive. It's especially bad because phone games are particularly good for commuters.
1 Ratatta
CP 296
9 Poke Balls: 2 missed, 7 broke frees.
Ran away.
1 Bellsprout
CP 527
2 Razzberry 3 Great Balls: 3 broke frees.
Ran away.
1 Weedle
CP 116
4 Poke Balls: 1 missed, 3 broke frees.
Ran away.
This was one after the other. Almost threw my phone in frustration.
I wasn't going to say anything about this before I had more definitive proof, but in a nut shell , the Pokestop drop rates for anything other than regular pokeballs, revives, and potions have certainly been nerfed. I drive through at least 100 stops a day and certainly notice a lack of any other higher end items. The biggest impact from this change is the lack of hyper and Max potions. I'm having to be much more selective in what gyms I tackle so I don't burn through them all.
Anybody notice this since the last patch? Potions seem to be on the rare side
If you could hit it going past on a train, then people would definitely be trying to hit them as they drive past in a car.
Don't underestimate how fucking stupid some people are. There have been people in this thread admitting to playing the game while driving, even.
it actually becomes a game within a game to be ready to pick up the items while on the train, you gotta be quick with the flick. I was able to get in like 50 pokestops while on the trains from east LA to Santa Monica.
Grrrmakes finding Pokemon in cars and trains unlikely.
And only today I realized that there are some paper thin Pokemon.
1 Ratatta
CP 296
9 Poke Balls: 2 missed, 7 broke frees.
Ran away.
1 Bellsprout
CP 527
2 Razzberry 3 Great Balls: 3 broke frees.
Ran away.
1 Weedle
CP 116
4 Poke Balls: 1 missed, 3 broke frees.
Ran away.
This was one after the other. Almost threw my phone in frustration.