Is Pokeadvisor safe? It's interacting with the Niantic servers on my behalf, no? Isn't that against the ToS?
What Niantic is doing with the game should be against the TOS
Is Pokeadvisor safe? It's interacting with the Niantic servers on my behalf, no? Isn't that against the ToS?
Is Pokeadvisor safe? It's interacting with the Niantic servers on my behalf, no? Isn't that against the ToS?
What Niantic is doing with the game should be against the TOS
When are the stats of a hatched Pokemon decided? The moment it hatches or the moment you obtain the egg?
Not sure if this is known, but I just noticed that the eggs count seems to go toward your Pokemon limit. I have 58 Pokemon caught but 69 in my box; the only ones I keep double of is Eevee, and I don't nearly have 11 of them.
When are the stats of a hatched Pokemon decided? The moment it hatches or the moment you obtain the egg?
Went by 40+ PokéStops today.Well, I'm all out of potions. I guess I'm completely locked out of Gym battles for possibly a few weeks now because I do not have enough PokéStops near me to restock and there is no other way to get them.
When are the stats of a hatched Pokemon decided? The moment it hatches or the moment you obtain the egg?
Hmm. Catching does seem a bit easier today. Wonder if they made server side changes
I just whiffed 5 balls on a 154 Pidgey. They grazed right over his head and he dodged a couple... not seeing it myself.Hmm. Catching does seem a bit easier today. Wonder if they made server side changes
Hmm. Catching does seem a bit easier today. Wonder if they made server side changes
Hmm. Catching does seem a bit easier today. Wonder if they made server side changes
Hmm. Catching does seem a bit easier today. Wonder if they made server side changes
I need help guys.
My gf is an ios user and she ran into the reset account issue.
But we have a problem with the suggested fix. Because before we knew this was a normal issue after update, she got to the part in the game where you choose name and a starter.
So we cant get the fix to work in any way. Every time she log in now is now the new lvl 1 account. Has it overwritten the old account ?
Please let us know if u have any solution or answer to our issue
I'm starting to think I'm done with this game. It's not really feasible for me to get Pokeballs from Pokestops, considering you only get one or two at best. And it's not really worth spending money to buy Pokeballs.
I think the last straw was when I went through about 25 Pokeballs trying to catch one Pokemon yesterday. Why would I spend 10 dollars on Pokeballs if I'm only gonna get 4-5 Pokemon out of it. Especially if I need to catch 25 of something to even get it to evolve. They need to tweak something.
I'm getting 6/8 Pokeballs every 4 stops or so and 2/3 every other stop.. I wonder how our experiences can be so different (I am lvl20 btw)
I'm starting to think I'm done with this game. It's not really feasible for me to get Pokeballs from Pokestops, considering you only get one or two at best. And it's not really worth spending money to buy Pokeballs.
I almost bought a Pikachu costume for myself yesterday lol. Thank goodness I didn't.
Anyway, I didn't catch a Pikachu.
It's against the ToS, no one can predict what might happen but use it at your own risk.
Leaderboards? Since when?
GF just caught a 2313 Dragonite. I just got to it in time to see it appear on the map and disappear before I had time to click on it.
Wait for the trading feature, then trade it in the night. Then search a new gf after the inevitable break-up.
I guess threre are some kind of cheats around because I can't understand how many level 34 with near 3K CP in my town.
I guess threre are some kind of cheats around because I can't understand how many level 34 with near 3K CP in my town.
You're welcome.
PSA: If you see anyone near lvl 40 in a gym please report that person because it's almost impossible for legit player to reach that level in month because you kinda need between 1-2 yearrs to get that amount of exp
I guess threre are some kind of cheats around because I can't understand how many level 34 with near 3K CP in my town.
Poke advisor comes up as a phishing site on my security. You guys see that at all?
I've never actually seen a fellow Instinct player spoofing in my area. It's weird, I thought I'd have seen one by now.Instinct players are players who play because they want to play.
We don't care for petty squabbles.
I'm also pretty sure 80% of Instinct players picked Instinct because Zapdos is the OU beast of the three birds.
Just evolved my seel to this guy:
He has the highest IV in my arsenal and had the highest IV pre-evolution.
Surely IV must carry over to IV post-evolutions or have a massive bearing on them?