Being level 20 sucks. Venonats are suddenly impossible to catch.
I got two Magmars next to each other, CP 337 and 407 at level 7, much higher than what I usually get. Will there be even higher CP mons around at higher levels or should I just waste my stardust on these?
My first 10k was an Eevvee, I swear if this 2nd 10k is another my phone is going in the river
Ok I'm in the mall and there's this gym that some group fighting over, changing team like every minute hahah
Uh, no. They should not have banned them. There was a Pokémon swap glitch going on. If you encountered a Pidgey, the server had a chance on screwing up and that Pokémon could become any other Pokémon, including legendaries. Just randomly. No cheating. Entirely Niantic and the servers fault. Thousands of people encountered this bug, people on NeoGAF were reporting it, however only a few were lucky enough for it to glitch into a legendary.... You don't ban people for not cheating and playing your game normally. Not their fault Niantic screwed up.
Just login and you can see all your info
I'm aware of the glidth but all the Reddit and Noegaf guys never got a legendary, it was random dude who posted his legendary and even posted that screenshot
It's good for that person that Niantic gave him the benefit of doubt, tho.
I went with Instinct myself just because I like yellow.Eh Red is my favorite color but Zapdos is my favorite out the three. It was a hard decision but red just looks better to me as a color.
Rincon Park next to the Ferry Building (the giant Cupid bow and arrow) is actually a Charmander nest.Last week I went to the embarcadero in SF and shot up from 7 Magicarp candies to 231. Next time I'll have my Gyarados for sure.
Also, got like 15 water pokemon that I didn't even see outside of that area, including Golduck, Seaking, Dratini, Tentacool (and cruel) and finally a Slowpoke (my favorite).
It makes me wonder if I have to hang out at a volcano to finally get some Ponyta and Charmanders though.
I wish battles were turn-based with more strategy.
It sounds like in the old field test versions that got data-mined, they had experimented with a stamina system (ala dark souls) and timed-based rounds (a bit like ATB basically) and you could even use items in gym combat. I like the sound of the old system better personally XD
Hrm. I'm a little wary of this. Is there any way I could get my email or password stolen like this?
I'm aware of the glidth but all the Reddit and Noegaf guys never got a legendary, it was random dude who posted his legendary and even posted that screenshot
It's good for that person that Niantic gave him the benefit of doubt, tho.
It's Articuno's Portuguese cousin :3what's an articundo?
I'm aware of the glidth but all the Reddit and Noegaf guys never got a legendary, it was random dude who posted his legendary and even posted that screenshot
It's good for that person that Niantic gave him the benefit of doubt, tho.
Watch the gym on your screen. When the fireworks/lightning starts, wait for the stage to turn white, and drop a Pokemon on there. Yeah, be that guy.
any "easy way" to get stardust?
i have tons of pokèmon in need of training but very little stardust to do so
You're awarded stardust every time you catch or hatch a pokemon and 500 for every gym you have when you collect your defender bonus. That's the only methods I'm aware (do you get any for evolving pokemon? I forgetany "easy way" to get stardust?
i have tons of pokèmon in need of training but very little stardust to do so
Well, from the 4 month old post that Chaos17 mentioned in this previous post:
It sounds like in the old field test versions that got data-mined, they had experimented with a stamina system (ala dark souls) and timed-based rounds (a bit like ATB basically) and you could even use items in gym combat. I like the sound of the old system better personally XD
That said, it does note that it's speculative so they could've just been misunderstanding the energy system and real-time systems: it's hard to say :/
Yeah what we have now is button mashing with little to no strategy. Maybe they didn't want to complicate it.
Pokemon Go Dev 'Revokes' Legendary Pokemon from Trainer Accounts Following Articuno Appearance
They should've banned them!
And why we don't read it directly from Niantics facebook page ? -.-
Edit: seems Tweeter Niantics is alive.
Uh, no. They should not have banned them. There was a Pokémon swap glitch going on. If you encountered a Pidgey, the server had a chance on screwing up and that Pokémon could become any other Pokémon, including legendaries. Just randomly. No cheating. Entirely Niantic and the servers fault. Thousands of people encountered this bug, people on NeoGAF were reporting it, however only a few were lucky enough for it to glitch into a legendary.... You don't ban people for not cheating and playing your game normally. Not their fault Niantic screwed up.
So just to clarify,reddit figured this one out last night. They changed the pokemon "skin" by changing the poked ex registry number, affecting the change client side. Basically, they had an "articuno" but in reality it was a Pidgeot. If they put it in a gym, we would all see a pidgeot. But on there device they see an Articuno. What Niantic did was they removed the pokemon ( it had no movement animations when viewed externally, really easy to see) and now they don't have it. Don't kn9w why people are bashing Niantic
Anyone here that plays with multiple devices? I don't, but I'm considering it just to make gyms easier to take down. =/
So Niantic is now forcing me to Update to 0.31.1, I can't get past the login screen and get the ironic message of "A new version of Pokemon Go is available, do you want to update now?" With the only option being "Ok" which directs me to the App Store. Why even ask if I have no choice? Bye bye good throw bonus and battery saver i guess...
first one I've seen in the wild and thankfully no glitch.
It survived Japan. We'll be fine.They're working on bringing it to Brazil, expect the servers to get destroyed.
Rincon Park next to the Ferry Building (the giant Cupid bow and arrow) is actually a Charmander nest.
Thanks for that, exactly what I've been looking for the past days but I haven't found any up-to-date site.
My first 10k was an Eevvee, I swear if this 2nd 10k is another my phone is going in the river
Wait, it's possible to get a second 10K? Who knew?
Also, I'm five minutes into using a lure and have gotten precisely one Pokemon, a 78 CP ratatta that ran away immediately. They didn't nerf lures now too, did they?
I actually think lured pokemon seem to have a higher flee rate than wild pokemon.
From a comment on the IGN article (haven't researched myself).
It was not the random Pokemon glitch, and Niantic didn't "revoke" it, so much as take the sprite out (maybe? I'm not totally sure how to interpret that part). Again, I haven't followed up on Reddit about it, but that would align with them faking the email.
My first 10k was an Eevvee, I swear if this 2nd 10k is another my phone is going in the river
Google and PTC logins are both down, but the actual game servers are fine. What are they up to now?
Login servers just down. Could be a crash or whatever, doesn't necessarily mean anyone is doing anything.
No sorry man, the email has nothing to do with this. Niantic removed the Pokemon from peoples accounts, if this was merely the spoofing and clientside, niantic could do NOTHING, because it would only be clientside. Nor would they care, that's possible in every game ever.
There was a real articuno and other legendary Pokemon, there was also people faking legendary Pokemon. They don't cancel each other out, both happened.
Wait, it's possible to get a second 10K? Who knew?
Also, I'm five minutes into using a lure and have gotten precisely one Pokemon, a 78 CP ratatta that ran away immediately. They didn't nerf lures now too, did they?
are you sitting in one spot? if so, a pokemon shows up about every 5 minutes. if you go out and walk, its more like 1 minute or so