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Pokémon Go |OT 2| Servers...gotta crash 'em all!

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Working at an art school right next to an art institute is so clutch with this game. I have at least 5 Pokestops and 3 gyms all within a block radius. Too bad all I seem to catch around here are fucking Rattatas


Just caught 3 Clefairy tonight (they are super rare where I currently am). That moonlight effect.

The serves are also running super smoothly tonight.

Clefairy and Eevee are extremely common in my office. They are like Rattatas around here.


This three step bug has really killed the game for me, I've gone from having it opened for hours a day to 30 seconds a day, and that 30 seconds is just to check if the bug is fixed. The Pokemon Go Map Master script is keeping this game on life support, but If this isn't fixed soon I can tell I'll probably be dropping this game.

Plus side, I did lose 4 pounds from just one week of playing this game, so I can say the game had a positive impact on me for the short time I played it.


awesome story. Happy for you and your new friends.

Thank you very much! :')

I love this story! So glad to hear it :) Use this as a catalyst to make some friends for life and become more active.

Absolutely! Now I'm actually thinking on asking for vacations early (I got them until October) Just so I can go to different cities near by and meet more people and get to know more places. This freaking app is inspiring me to become an actual traveler!

I love this. Really shows that the genius of Go is in its social interactions and the ability to bring people together like no other game ever has.

Amen! I have never imagined a game could achieve something like this. I think it definitely surpassed what we saw on the late 90s with the original game boy games. At that time, only kids (most of us, hah) or adults with a Game Boy (wich weren't that many) enjoyed the game. But Pokémon GO! goes beyond that since nowadasy literally every single person now carries a smarthphone and since the app is free and easy to use... BOOM!

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
It's neat to use the Python program to look at different cities and what are common pokemon there. For instance, Vegas strip is flooded with ekans but I haven't seen a single one yet in my city. Growlithes and Mankey also common but I don't have any here either



The Cryptarch's Bane
The servers have been really stable yesterday and today. Very nice.
Server's were nice and stable this morning was able to hit up almost every pokestop without much issue.
I'm gonna tentatively agree... since about 9pm last night I've had a pretty responsive experience. I'm sure it's still nowhere close to being consistently stable for the long run, but I do feel strongly that they are working to improve their infrastructure and doing the best they can to keep up with demand.

I understand that the lack of consistent feedback and apologizing on behalf of the developers creates, for many, the impression that they don't care about the game and want its players to suffer, but I have a different interpretation of events. Lest I be accused of "defending" them I will leave it at that, but yeah.

The 3 print bug is frustrating and I expect them to complete the global rollout before resolving it, since the former is a priority for their investors. Still, had a great session last night using my cycling loop around the stadium with a 15 mile ride and hatched a couple eggs. Only problem is that the bike shop that just repaired my bike seems to have broken the sensor from my bike computer so I couldn't watch my speed. Annoying -_- But oh well.

Hatched a high level Scyther and will probably end up putting candy into him, added Polywhirl and Venonat to the dex. Tragically, I am now back down to 1 incubator total. :'(

Gonna hit the sweet-ass park near my job before lunch is over and stock up and maybe make a few catches. Think I'm too exhausted tonight but I really want to go downtown or to one of the hotspots that keeps getting lured around me before the week is over.


Being in the vicinity of a lure should attract way more Pokemon than it does, especially if you use an incense at the same time. There should be a pokemon every 1-2 minutes imo. Right now it's like every 4-5 minutes. There's a lot of waiting around.


Being in the vicinity of a lure should attract way more Pokemon than it does, especially if you use an incense at the same time. There should be a pokemon every 1-2 minutes imo. Right now it's like every 4-5 minutes. There's a lot of waiting around.

You'd run out of balls in no time


Being in the vicinity of a lure should attract way more Pokemon than it does, especially if you use an incense at the same time. There should be a pokemon every 1-2 minutes imo. Right now it's like every 4-5 minutes. There's a lot of waiting around.

I don't know the stats for lures, but incense will spawn a Pokemon very 5 minutes on average or ever 200m. So sitting still will be that slow with incense.

When I sit at lures, though, it seems faster than 4 to 5 minutes even. Not sure if different places would cause a change there.


Being in the vicinity of a lure should attract way more Pokemon than it does, especially if you use an incense at the same time. There should be a pokemon every 1-2 minutes imo. Right now it's like every 4-5 minutes. There's a lot of waiting around.
That's because the game encouraged you to run or walk, not standing in a same place for 30mins. Try pop incense then run or when you commute), pokemon will pop out every 1 minute

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
god damn abras and pikachus always run even if you give them fruit and use ultra balls ugh come on so close to a alakazam and raichu


The Cryptarch's Bane
Being in the vicinity of a lure should attract way more Pokemon than it does, especially if you use an incense at the same time. There should be a pokemon every 1-2 minutes imo. Right now it's like every 4-5 minutes. There's a lot of waiting around.
Incense is much more effectively used when moving (by design); lures are actually sort of based on "waiting around" in the broadest sense... someone drops one and players descend on a location and hang out in its general vicinity for the duration, catching stuff when it pops and telling others around you if anyone spots something. They're for chillin'. Actually 1 pokemon per minute for 30 minutes sounds pretty intense to me, especially when you consider that the spawn rates for multiple overlapping lured pokestops can already get pretty high.


i thought by better he meant higher tier pokemon, not higher CP. my bad

yeah, CP definitely goes way up

i'd save your dust until you are at least 15. if i could go back i wouldn't use any dust until level 20

don't use battery saver mode. i used to use it but it fucks everything up.

See, that's the thing. It'd been working perfectly until yesterday. I'm not sure what changed.

I kind of have to ues it though. Since I'm still Softbank for now, my phone doesn't have a set carrier per se. So it has it's moments of trying to swap to Tmobile if the signal is stronger for that. My phone already works a bit harder than normal to stay on Sprint. So I try to save where I can on battery life. I guess come December will see if it's worth swapping to a US carrier now we're back here.
Just caught a 1500 CP Snorlax on the bus (highest CP yesterday was 800, now two 1500's today!). I think looking for pokestops and pokemon while on a slow bus through downtown works great.

Cities should advertise "pokemon tours" as an impetus for taking public transportation ha.


Honestly, this is something I am interested in, but my Python knowledge is non-existent unfortunately. Even if I'm not able to get to a Pokemon in time, it would help catalog some of the rarer spawns in town. It does break the game, but with the tracking as broken as it is and the lack of any good spawns in some areas, well... I don't feel too bad right now.

I would like to see a feature sort of like this put in the game. Even if it's more of a Pokedex tells you a general area nearby where the Pokemon might spawn.

If you ever download it you can just do this. I already have it alerting me of any rare Pokemon as an experiment. After line 702 in example.py add:

        # if pokeid == '10':
            # s = ','
            # lat = '%.6f' % poke.Latitude
            # long = '%.6f' % poke.Longitude
            # seq = (pokeid, lat, long)
            # msg = s.join(seq)
            # me = 'from'
            # you = 'to'
            # s = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com',587, timeout=120)
            # s.ehlo()
            # s.starttls
            # s.login('login','passowrd')
            # s.sendmail(me, you, msg)
            # s.close()
            # print 'Email Sent'

Where pokeid is the # in the pokedex. Obviously replace 'from' and 'to' with gmail accounts and 'login' and 'password' with the respective information. So that's set up for anytime it finds a Caterpie. You can make is search a list of Pokemon easily enough. Won't work at work for me due to firewalls but works at home. Remove the block comments as well!

Well that was a productive lunch break :p


Ran like an idiot outside, now covered in sweat to catch this.


My best catch of the day, phew.
First time ever I do that, I never do that even when I forget something to buy for a recepy.
I'm a happy nooby-idiot (=^-ω-^=)

Edit: time to read the guides in the OT!


Ran like an idiot outside, now covered in sweat to catch this.


My best catch of the day, phew.
First time ever I do that, I never do that even when I forget something to buy for a recepy.
I'm a happy nooby-idiot (=^-ω-^=)

Edit: time to read the guides in the OT!
Damn! Good catch, congratulation!


So who should I evolve? There's one with a higher CP, but the one with a lower CP is closer to the max CP. I didn't even know that was possible.



Checked what was around before I went to bed, and got a Kadabra and a Bulbasaur right outside my house lol.

Goodnight PokeGAF!

Must be nice.... Want to know what I have seen at my house?


So who should I evolve? There's one with a higher CP, but the one with a lower CP is closer to the max CP. I didn't even know that was possible.

The 255... Higher CP and he can Power Up more for a higher CP max.
Not sure about legendaries, but there are rumors Gen II will be added by the end of the year.

So, how do you all manage keeping enough Pokeballs to keep going during long trips catching Pokémon?

I mean, my neighborhood has nothing for miles. So, that leaves me with:

- Don't do cardio at the gym, go to the park. (8 or so Pokestops, 3 gyms, and countless Pokémon spawn points)

- Sundays when I help with a church stream at our local campus, I can go hunting / gym fighting during breaks in between services (10 or so Pokestops, 3 gyms, and countless spawn points)

But there's no place I can just park and get Pokeballs every 5 minutes or so, like at my office. There's no stops there either.

So, about twice a week I'll be at the park and I go through basically every Pokeball I have, because in a couple of hours I'll catch around 150 or so Pokémon and the stops are too far apart to really camp out at if I want to maximize my item collection.

It's great exercise, but I'm probably going to spend money on this game to make that big push from 15 or so to 20. Not that I mind, Niantic / Nintendo gave me a great excusre to go out and such with friends, but it's kind of a bummer that I can't seem to find a sustainable loop for this game.

Got to level 12, almost 13. Have about 50 Pokémon to evolve so once I hit 15 I'm hoping to just pop a lucky egg and get to 20.

Just go to your nearest "downtown/city" area and walk like a block, you'll have enough poke balls in no time! That or just keep using the same pokestop, you can re-use it like every ~5 minutes


good hunt for me,thanks to pokèvision,it's not the most immediate way to play,but it made this game playable again

got 4 new pokèmon ,weedle,caterpie (yes,they are rare around here for some reason),exeggute and a pikachu

also catched a BP 1051 Arcanine,appeared out of nowhere in front of me on my way home...it's actually stronger than the arcanine i already had that was evolved from a growlithe


Game has been running pretty perfectly this afternoon for me in the UK.

Lots of new catches thanks to using a lure module for the first time, a couple of gym wins, and lots of Pokestops. Haven't actually managed to get anything with a higher CP than a 512 Hypno I evolved a few days ago yet, though.
Went for a 2 mile walk and it was pretty worthless as far as the game goes. A couple pidgeys and a few rats and nothing new. I'm done with this until they fix the 3 step issue. It's not even fun as it is especially when you get absolutely nothing worth going out for.


So after struggling with having enough pokeballs I went to a city for a few hours and ended up with 428 or something out of 350 items. And well over 250 pokeballs/greatballs.

And some people still don't think this game is inherently flawed in this sense.


I decided to buy $20 worth of Pokecoins. With that, I can buy 200 Pokeballs 3 times. I'm going to make that last. Plan to only use the coins for 200 amt every 2 weeks. And any excess from doing the gyms will be used to get another egg incubator. I get 20 to 30 coins a day currently, so every week or so works out nicely.

Of course, once I hit level 20, I'll stop trying to use so many pokeballs on pidgeys, and I can truely conserve for only the Pokemon I want.


The Pokevision map and python script are legit.

Saw Flareon on map, caught Flareon (after 10 Greatballs/Razz ???CP->599)
Saw Hitmonchan on map, caught Hitmonchan after 1 Greatball (110 CP)

The problem with the python script is that it scans the area for Pokemon at the moment. Spawn windows are anytime on the hour (I think), but they last for 15 minutes at a time, so you need to completely map the area for a for some time if you want to be sure to "completely" map an area

I'm going back to the Hitmonchan in an hour to see if the theory of every hour spawn/nest is right
Jesus christ, you have 44 Pokemon and managed to get a Nidoking?!

He's my favourite and I only have 23 Nidoran candy so far, after 80 Pokemon in my dex, Nidoran too rare here :(

I lucked out and caught it wild.

I find it kinda funny looking at other peoples Pokedexs'

You have pokemon that are really rare to me yet you don't have a Spearow, a pokemon that i see 20+ times a day.

I also don't have Drowzee, which seem to swarm around other people.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Pokevision hit a Dragonair... But it was hanging around open water nearest to a fenced off portion of the dock.

There is no justice, no compassion, no love in this world. Better that I was ignorant and blind to godlessness.


That's because the game encouraged you to run or walk, not standing in a same place for 30mins. Try pop incense then run or when you commute), pokemon will pop out every 1 minute

Lures are designed for you to stay in the same place for 30 mins, so..


these maps are gonna ruin the fun sadly. the game got too big for its own good
No they wont. The game is broken, for me the maps brought the fun back since now I can actually find the Pokemon. Seems like Pokemon only stay spawned for 13 mins, so its not like you can get across town to catch one.


Can't someone modify that script to show the same information as the Nearby tracker does (distance) instead of exact locations? I don't want to use the full map, feels like cheating.


Can't someone modify that script to show the same information as the Nearby tracker does (distance) instead of exact locations? I don't want to use the full map, feels like cheating.
The map isn't accurate. Once in the area you still have to move around a bit.


these maps are gonna ruin the fun sadly. the game got too big for its own good

I'm tinkering with the code because I enjoy it as a hobby. But it's highly unlikely that I actually use it for anything.

Also because it requires a login it must be spoofing GPS to the Niantic servers. I'm guessing they'll figure out a way to block it and ban people.


Can't someone modify that script to show the same information as the Nearby tracker does (distance) instead of exact locations? I don't want to use the full map, feels like cheating.

Pokevision just show what it's near you but site is down now.
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