Harpuia said:Guys, I think I'm overleveled. :lol I'm in the radio tower, and people are throwing level 20 pokes.
-Bellossom: lvl 30
Scizor: lvl 31
Feraligatr: lvl 32
Crobat: lvl 30
Espeon: lvl 32
Ampharos: lvl 31
HappyBivouac said:Is 42 really high enough for the Elite Four? I somehow remember it being more like 50-55..
I haven't attempted yet, but here's what I've got:
Alakazam 48
Heracross 48
Gengar 46
Lugia 45
Gyarados 42
Meganium 42
Gravijah said:So I think it's normal. Plus aren't you fighting grunts?
HappyBivouac said:Is 42 really high enough for the Elite Four? I somehow remember it being more like 50-55..
I haven't attempted yet, but here's what I've got:
Alakazam 48
Heracross 48
Gengar 46
Lugia 45
Gyarados 42
Meganium 42
Kad5 said:Are Geodudes any good?
Kad5 said:Are Geodudes any good?
Dogenzaka said:I don't even know what to do with Clair. This is the first gym I haven't been able to get past the first trainers easily.
I found a Jynx and a Delibird but since the Dragon's Lair isn't open there's no quick and dirty way to train them....my Dratini's only lvl 13.
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I wish I had a Gabite.
Gravijah said:Seriously: Fuck HMs.
Sixfortyfive said:I'd say at least half of the HMs are actually decent attacking moves for the ques, provided you teach them to the right Pokemon.
Surf and Waterfall are good if you teach them to a special and physical Pokemon, respectively.
Fly is fine because the CPU rarely takes advantage of the start-up turn.
Strength has decent power. Rock Climb does too, though its accuracy can be annoying.
Rock Smash is weak, but its defense-lowering effect has limited use for wall-breaking.
Cut and Whirlpool can fuck off.
Sixfortyfive said:I'd say at least half of the HMs are actually decent attacking moves for the ques, provided you teach them to the right Pokemon.
Surf and Waterfall are good if you teach them to a special and physical Pokemon, respectively.
Fly is fine because the CPU rarely takes advantage of the start-up turn.
Strength has decent power. Rock Climb does too, though its accuracy can be annoying.
Rock Smash is weak, but its defense-lowering effect has limited use for wall-breaking.
Cut and Whirlpool can fuck off.
Sixfortyfive said:What is the easiest way to snag Heart Scales, btw? I might need some for Togekiss in the near future.
Togekiss learns its best moves from the Heart Scale tutor in Blackthorn. Serene Grace + Thunder Wave + Air Slash = opponent's 100% accurate moves now only work 30% of the time.thefil said:I'm curious, as I have a Togetic and just got a Heart Scale from Pokewalker. Why would you need them for Togekiss?
thefil said:I'm curious, as I have a Togetic and just got a Heart Scale from Pokewalker. Why would you need them for Togekiss?
Sixfortyfive said:Only Air Slash and Aura Sphere are particularly useful. The others are physical and pointless on Togekiss.
Sixfortyfive said:Catch Red Gyarados at lv30.
Learn Ice Fang at lv32.
Indeed. I hope they abolish those one day. Except for Surf. That is one amazing move.
The only substantial difference between the two versions are the Pokemon you can catch, and this is less relevant than ever with wi-fi trading.Zertez said:Im sorry if this is a dumb question, but is there any big differences between HeartGold and SoulSilver? I thinking of picking my niece up one of the two, but have no idea the differences between them. Does each version have different pokemen in them, a different story or is it mainly cosmetic? Im sure she would love playing the games, but I dont want to overwhelm her at first. Over the years, Ive noticed they normally release two different version of the games at the same time.
Zertez said:Im sorry if this is a dumb question, but is there any big differences between HeartGold and SoulSilver? I thinking of picking my niece up one of the two, but have no idea the differences between them. Does each version have different pokemen in them, a different story or is it mainly cosmetic? Im sure she would love playing the games, but I dont want to overwhelm her at first. Over the years, Ive noticed they normally release two different version of the games at the same time.
Heart scales fix that in a jiffyDogenzaka said:Just certain Pokemon you can get on one or the other. Also, you can get Lugia lvl 45 in SS, and lvl 70 in HG. You can find Ho-oh at lvl 45 in HG, but lvl 70 in SS. At the higher levels, they are missing a few of their best moves
They release two different versions, and it's really business genius.
- This forces players to play with each other. There's no way to catch all the Pokemon without interacting with someone who has a different game than you.
- Lets players "choose" their game.
- More sales.
Unicorn said:Heart scales fix that in a jiffy
I dont understand some of that, but if I buy one version she doesnt miss out on anything, if she plays with friends who own the other version?Dogenzaka said:Just certain Pokemon you can get on one or the other. Also, you can get Lugia lvl 45 in SS, and lvl 70 in HG. You can find Ho-oh at lvl 45 in HG, but lvl 70 in SS. At the higher levels, they are missing a few of their best moves
They release two different versions, and it's really business genius.
- This forces players to play with each other. There's no way to catch all the Pokemon without interacting with someone who has a different game than you.
- Lets players "choose" their game.
- More sales.
Zertez said:I dont understand some of that, but if I buy one version she doesnt miss out on anything, if she plays with friends who own the other version?
Zertez said:I dont understand some of that, but if I buy one version she doesnt miss out on anything, if she plays with friends who own the other version?
kzn said:Essentially, unless she has no way of using WiFi and/or she has nobody else with whom to trade, either version will lock her out of acquiring some pokemon (like 15 or so at max I think, in either case).
Other than that, there's like one extremely minor sequencing change I know of in the main quest, and thats it.
As far as just buying it for fun, I don't think you can go wrong no matter which you pick.
Dogenzaka said:What? No. The game will not "lock you out" or put a maximum limit of 15 on the number of Pokemon you can catch.
You simply will not be able to catch certain types of Pokemon.
Gravijah said:That's what he said! :lol
Dogenzaka said:Where do I get Heart Scales...??
I remember it with Luvdisc in the third gen....but what am I supposed to do in HGSS D:
Gamer @ Heart said:Im already to the lighthouse and still dont have a fire pokemon. What do you guys recommend? I have a vulpix and thats it right now...
Said it on the last page, but after 2000 steps on beach course of the pokewalker you can start finding heart scales. Douse those patches of grass manDogenzaka said:Vulpix IS a fire Pokemon.....you can also find a Ponyta on the Pokewalker.