Xeno_Flux2113 said:I need a pokemon from the Charmander family to compete in the competition. I already have my Japanese Ditto from Metroid...
Awesome. I will jump online right now. FC 3051 9821 3196Nayishiki said:I can give you a Charmander, I now have like 50 Charmanders. My FC is 3653 2713 6337.
Xeno_Flux2113 said:Awesome. I will jump online right now. FC 3051 9821 3196
Gaming Truth said:Aw man, found it in the washer, definitely FUBARed.
Loved it at first, was catching all kinds of Pokemon. Lately though, Wobbuffet has been complaining that I'm not walking enough and I was growing bitter.
Now, the Pokewalker's broken and I don't know what to do with myself. Get another one or live without it.
This for single player, right?cdyhybrid said:So since I found out that Articuno can't breed (>:|), I need a replacement in my team. Here are the other 5 I'll be using:
Dragonite - Quiet w/ Life Orb
-Draco Meteor
Flygon - Jolly w/ Choice Scarf
-Stone Edge
Houndoom - Naughty w/ Life Orb (Flash Fire ability)
Breloom - Adamant w/ Toxic Orb (Poison Heal ability)
-Focus Punch
-Seed Bomb
-Stone Edge
Aerodactyl - Jolly w/ Focus Sash
-Rock Slide
-Stealth Rock
Any thoughts/critiques?
Actually a ton of legendaries now are available only through the DS games (I think all of them). And rest assured that even if you don't get the event-only legendaries, you'll still get the certificate of getting all the Pokemon (the star on the trainer card).MNC said:The one thing I hate is that alot of legendary pokemon are event, or only to be gotten through trading with GBA games, which is impossible for me. Anyone know of some other methods?
I was looking at serebii.net and apparently celebi, deoxys, and those awesome pokeymans are event only, and they were events for the GBA games, I think.upandaway said:Actually a ton of legendaries now are available only through the DS games (I think all of them). And rest assured that even if you don't get the event-only legendaries, you'll still get the certificate of getting all the Pokemon (the star on the trainer card).
All those had events for the DS too, Deoxys was available at Gamestop a while back.MNC said:I was looking at serebii.net and apparently celebi, deoxys, and those awesome pokeymans are event only, and they were events for the GBA games, I think.
upandaway said:All those had events for the DS too, Deoxys was available at Gamestop a while back.
Also, for sure, Celebi will be available in the future. They made her available in Japan after HGSS came out there, and it unlocked a special thing in the game, so they have to release her here too.
What?! Crap it better not have been through wifi or I missed itupandaway said:They made her available in Japan after HGSS came out there, and it unlocked a special thing in the game, so they have to release her here too.
I don't remember the last time an event happened in the Netherlandsupandaway said:All those had events for the DS too, Deoxys was available at Gamestop a while back.
Also, for sure, Celebi will be available in the future. They made her available in Japan after HGSS came out there, and it unlocked a special thing in the game, so they have to release her here too.
Sorry better stick to the original plan or people will get upset in one way or another.Echoes said:Can I be an exception, for a shiny Shuckle? Because I already have a shiny Charmander
If not, then fuck it, I'm in!
Metroid Killer said:What?! Crap it better not have been through wifi or I missed itI thought Celebi still hadn't been released in Japan..
Yeah. Sorry I didn't make myself clear.Masked Man said:It hasn't yet.It will probably come about as a tie-in with the movie that comes out this summer.
i would like to know this as well.hamchan said:Just wondering, does this game use the GBA slot like D/P so I can transfer pokemon from R/S?
MNC said:I don't remember the last time an event happened in the Netherlands![]()
Able to trade now so that you can get the Ditto? I have to get up early tomorrow which means I'll go to bed in an hour(Lives in Europe)btkadams said:i would like to know this as well.
btkadams said:i would like to know this as well.
nope sorry! i will be out for another 5 hoursMetroid Killer said:Able to trade now so that you can get the Ditto? I have to get up early tomorrow which means I'll go to bed in an hour(Lives in Europe)
My FC 5156 4291 4002
Metroid Killer said:Able to trade now so that you can get the Ditto? I have to get up early tomorrow which means I'll go to bed in an hour(Lives in Europe)
My FC 5156 4291 4002
Anth0ny said:Is there any reason why I have to talk to this fucking guard every time I want to face the Elite 4? I mean, I'm the champion ffs, you don't need to ask "R U RDY?" when I want to rematch them :lol
Ok going in the Union room nowZmart said:Do you have another one???
add me if you have one please <3
Metroid Killer said:Ok going in the Union room now
Wow :lol yeah he's defintely cool! Too much for a Ditto! ;-)Zmart said:thanks!!1 Hoppe you like marmogtar (spelled right?)
There's no way to control abilities outside of RNG tweaking.Echoes said:In breeding, the mother passes down the ability, right?
I have a male Aerodactyl with Pressure. I want a Jolly Aerodactyl with Pressure. I must breed a Ditto (Jolly) holding an Everstone, and hoping the egg will hatch a Jolly Pressure, right? Or must the Aerodactyl be female for a Jolly Pressure?
Uh huh, great. Can I ask for a Jolly Ditto? If you don't mind.Sixfortyfive said:There's no way to control abilities outside of RNG tweaking.
You have a 50/50 shot at Natures with an Everstone, and a 50/50 shot at Abilities always (for those Pokemon who have 2 Abilities). If you collect 5 eggs at once then the odds are you'll have 1 Pokemon with the combination you want.
Wizpig said:Thank you, now I have some English Pokémon in my Italian Pokédex
Did you forget the item for Electabuzz? he didn't evolve.
FC 4984 7134 0994 (I really don't need anything. Eevee is nice, but really, I just wanna help <3)Xeno_Flux2113 said:Anyone available to help me transfer a Gible from Plat to SS? I can repay you with a Charmander or Eevee.
Thanks, I'll jump on now.Echoes said:FC 4984 7134 0994 (I really don't need anything. Eevee is nice, but really, I just wanna help <3)