He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Should have expected Dragon Dance, honestly...
Should have expected Dragon Dance, honestly...
Sixfortyfive said:Togetic used Extrasensory. It's supereffective!
Gengar used Shadow Ball. It doesn't affect Togetic...
ryan-ts said:Question, if I breed a couple Pokemon, trade them to someone else and then start my game over and trade them back will I get the EXP boost? I'm thinking about starting my game over and I want to add Scyther and Poliwag from the beginning but don't want them to level up too quickly.
Yes.ryan-ts said:Question, if I breed a couple Pokemon, trade them to someone else and then start my game over and trade them back will I get the EXP boost?
biggyfries said:They will be traded pokemon, as you will have a different trainer ID from them when you restart.
That also means that they wont obey you until you get the needed badges.![]()
Sixfortyfive said:Yes.
It's almost impossible to pass the level limit in HGSS considering that the 1st badge raises the ceiling on your limit and that the entire Johto quest consists of underleveled trainers anyway.
ryan-ts said:Nooooooooooooooooo :lol
Dragona Akehi said:
Dragona Akehi said:I skipped Superior Silver, hopefully it's a new engine and it doesn't run like crap.
EmCeeGramr said:i just told you to not bring up a bunch of pointless stuff that only a manchild would care about and that nobody else would even understand
why did you do it anyway
Give me a few minutes. My FC is at the bottom of the last page.drtomoe123 said:Does anyone wanna have a Wi-Fi battle? No ubers or anything, just standard.
Sixfortyfive said:Give me a few minutes. My FC is at the bottom of the last page.
notsol337 said:p.s I'd like a Munchlax, gaf! >:0
Whenever you get the chance go for it. No benefit to waiting.Blu_LED said:When's a good time to evolve Haunter? As soon as possible, or should I wait?
Sixfortyfive said:Dammit. Too many wrong guesses.
Since they learn the same moves at the same time i decided to evolve to Gengar. Although having Haunter follow you is pretty cool looking.Blu_LED said:When's a good time to evolve Haunter? As soon as possible, or should I wait?
Nayishiki said:I still have your FC in my Pal Pad, I can give you one now.
Sixfortyfive said:I forgot that Tauros was as fast as it is.
I think "oh hey, choice scarf," then glance at its base stats and say "oh shi-"!
While I do think that people are saying crazy shit, like Dogenzaka, Dragona wasn't trolling here. She wanted Kangaskhan evolution, to which everyone said the Cubone thing.Blue_Gecko said:Guys, stay out of the Pokemon: Black & White version speculation thread. It's fucking scary in there. Trolls and shit flying everywhere, even from admins:
Gonna stay in here where everyone is nice and helps each other.
2235 9564 1787Blue_Gecko said:Whenever you get the chance go for it. No benefit to waiting.
I can help evolve your Scyther, Nate. Just give me your friend code. Mine is 5242 4242 3707.
Thanks man.Blue_Gecko said:FUUUUUUUUUUUU-
Sorry I keep posting my old friend code because I forget that I have a new one since I got a new DS (DSi XL). Actual FC = 2321 8564 6625. Waiting in the union room for ya.
Anytime. Gengar rules!nastynate409 said:Thanks man.
Ah okay, misunderstood it than.Jet Grind Radio! said:While I do think that people are saying crazy shit, like Dogenzaka, Dragona wasn't trolling here. She wanted Kangaskhan evolution, to which everyone said the Cubone thing.
sonicspear64 said:Eat shit, Lt. Surge! First, you force me to reteach Cut to a party member to enter your fucking Gym. Next, you fucking use a Raichu with Double Team for lame ass stall tactics?! Never realized what an asshole he was till now.
sonicspear64 said:Eat shit, Lt. Surge! First, you force me to reteach Cut to a party member to enter your fucking Gym. Next, you fucking use a Raichu with Double Team for lame ass stall tactics?! Never realized what an asshole he was till now.
Sixfortyfive said:...
Chuck just appeared out of nowhere to notify me that the path to Kyogre required Surf, Rock Climb, and 8 Kanto badges. Almost that explicitly, too.
For some reason I find this really funny.
EDIT: Cliff Path music is so good. So good.
Oh, I love my togetic. It's a shame only Metronome and Extrasensory are the only attacks that actually do some damage. Did I skip some good attacks? Charm, Sweet Kiss, ES, Metronome is what I've got at lvl 25.jman2050 said:Togetic is well worth training because Togekiss kicks enormous amounts of ass and is well worth the trouble of getting her and its special moves.
Basically just Extrasensory until it learns AncientPower, then evolve it, then teach it Air Slash via tutors. (Unless its ability is Hustle instead of Serene Grace. In that case it may be worthwhile to teach it "never miss" moves like Magical Leaf and Aura Sphere.)MNC said:Oh, I love my togetic. It's a shame only Metronome and Extrasensory are the only attacks that actually do some damage. Did I skip some good attacks? Charm, Sweet Kiss, ES, Metronome is what I've got at lvl 25.
manofmandango said:I'm looking for a Croagunk and a Shelgon. Can anyone hook a brother up? I'm open for requests but I'm not sure I have much of anything amazing..
I'm at work for another 5 hours, but I can send you all the Johto and Kanto starters.Kinitari said:Okay guys. I am getting pretty deep into this. I have been pokemoning it up more and more, but mostly on my pokewalker it feels :lol. I wanna try and catch a dratini now, but no such luck yet!
Also, I want someone to send me some cool baby pokemon while I am still so early on in the game, if any Gaffers wanna spoil me with Ditto's or Charmanders or some shit, please! Help a brotha out. Send me a PM =p.
I have a spare Charmander i can give you (its the only Kanto starter I have), no spare Ditto's though. just let me know.Kinitari said:Okay guys. I am getting pretty deep into this. I have been pokemoning it up more and more, but mostly on my pokewalker it feels :lol. I wanna try and catch a dratini now, but no such luck yet!
Also, I want someone to send me some cool baby pokemon while I am still so early on in the game, if any Gaffers wanna spoil me with Ditto's or Charmanders or some shit, please! Help a brotha out. Send me a PM =p.
Nice! I'd appreciate it, I'd probably throw my roommate a bone too.Jet Grind Radio! said:I'm at work for another 5 hours, but I can send you all the Johto and Kanto starters.
Xeno_Flux2113 said:I have a spare Charmander i can give you (its the only Kanto starter I have), no spare Ditto's though. just let me know.